
SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 1:HOW THE CAMEL GOT HIS HUMPSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKT L O: Ability to comprehend passage; Learn value indicated ; Speak short sentencesACTIVITY IRead the following fable and answer the questions as given below:Kharanakhara was a lion who ruled over a certain part of a jungle.??One day, he could not prey upon a single animal after wandering around the jungle in search of food. It was almost sunset, and the lion started returning in spite of being very hungry.??On his way, he saw a big cave, and thought to himself, "It is for sure that some animal must be living in this big cave. Such a nice cave cannot be un-inhabitated. At sunset, whatever animal lives here is bound to return. I shall hide inside the cave and wait for my dinner to arrive."??The cave was the home to a jackal, who arrived a while after the lion had hidden himself inside. While entering he noticed the footprints of the lion leading into the cave, but could not find any footprint coming out.??He thought, "If a lion is indeed entered, I will be dead as soon as I enter. But, how can I be sure? There is no reason for me to stay away from my home if there is no lion inside. I must find out a way to confirm if the lion is still inside."??The jackal thought of a plan, and standing in front of the cave, began to shout, "Hello Cave! Hello Cave! Can I come inside?"??For some moment, he waited in silence and shouted again, "Hello Cave! Have you forgotten our understanding of all these years? I always wait for your reply before I enter. Why are you silent today? I shall then go to some other cave if you do not reply."??On hearing this, the lion thought, "The cave must reply to the jackal when he returns at sunset. It is because I am inside that the cave is not replying today. I must invite on behalf of the cave, or the jackal will go away."??So, the lion replied from inside the cave, "Hello Jackal, you may enter. It is safe inside."??The reply was even more frightening due to the echo from the walls of the cave. The jackal at once knew that the lion was waiting for him to enter and make a meal out of him. He ran off, as fast as he could and saved himself.??The wise indeed say:Use your tactics to protect yourself from destruction.Multiple choice questionsThe Lion started back asHe got the foodIt was getting darkHe wanted better food in darkThe cave was the home of theLionJackalHyenaThe lion replied to the Jackal because He thought cave had a habit of replyingHe was scared of the JackalHe wanted the eat the JackalAnswer the following questions orally in one sentence only :Why did the lion hide into the cave ?How the Jackal did made the Lion to speak?What is the message given the story ?T L O: Improve vocabulary ; Learn spellingsACTIVITY IIMatch the following words with their best possible meanings:SNOWORDMEANING1WANDERINGTO MAKE SURE2HIDDENMOVE HERE AND THERE3CONFIRMFEARFUL4FRIGHTENINGUNSEENT L O: Ability to recall spelling ; learn spellingACTIVITY IIIFILL IN THE BLANKS TO SPELL THE WORDS CORRECTLY:1. I ___H A B I ___ A T __ D :________________2. U _ D_R S __ A N D __ N __ :_______________3. F O __G O __ T __ N: _________________4. B E H__ L __ :______________________T L O: Learn subject verb agreement; Able to form correct sentencesACTIVITY IVRearrange the following sentences in a meaningful order and say it aloud:1.CAVE / LION/ INTO/ THE / HID / THE 2. CALLED / OUTSIDE / THE / FROM / JACKAL/ OUTSIDE3. LION/ A/ FRIGHTENING/ THE / VOICE/ IN / REPLIEDWe knew that solar system has nine planets, but did you know a surprising fact about our planet – EARTH? Our planet EARTH is the only planet that is not named after a GOD! Every other planet in the solar system represents a GOD.Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus.T L O: Ability to classify types of booksACTIVITY VRead the words given in the box and look at the pictures given below: Classify the pictures with the types of stories given the box. FABLE ; PARABLE ; SCIENTIFIC FICTION ; MYTHOLOGOCAL ; SOCIAL ; CARTOON 410273578105 T L O: Ability to comprehend passage; Learn value indicated ; Speak short sentencesACTIVITY VI Read the given poem with correct pronunciation and discuss the meaning of the poem with your friends!DON’T QUIT!When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,When the funds are low and the debts are high,And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,When care is pressing you down a bit,Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.Life is queer with its twists and turns,As every one of us sometimes learns,And many a failure turns about,When he might have won had he stuck it out;Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–You may succeed with another blow.Often the goal is nearer than,It seems to a faint and faltering man,Often the struggler has given up,When he might have captured the victor’s cup,And he learned too late when the night slipped down,How close he was to the golden crown.Success is failure turned inside out–The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,And you never can tell how close you are,It may be near when it seems so far,So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit–It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.T L O: Reading for funWhat is a ghost’s favorite dish?Ice-Scream!Where did ghosts love to swim?The Dead sea!How can you identify a ghost’s mom and dad?They are transparents!Where did Mummy ghost take her baby ghost?To the Day‘scare’!Why don’t we see a bat alone?Because bats always like to hang out with their friends!ACTIVITY VII T L O: Spoken SkillACTIVITYVIIICan you say something about these pictures?1. __________________________-2. ___________ 3. ________ 4. _________________Most of the kids love to carry these keys. What are those keys?Answer: Cookies!SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 2:CHILDREN AT WORKSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKT L O: Ability to comprehend passage; Learn value indicated ; Speak short sentencesACTIVITY ILook at the following pictures and answer the questions ORALLY as given below:TRUE AND FALSE QUESTIONS: The paragraph is about Child Labour. TRUE / FALSEChild Labour is a social evil. TRUE / FALSEChildren up to fourteen years of age must go to school. TRUE / FALSET L O: Improve vocabulary ; Learn spellingsACTIVITY IIMatch the following words with their best possible meanings:SNOWORDMEANING1LIBERTYONE WHO WORKS UNDER OTHERS2EXPLOITATIONTHE ACTION OR FACT OF TREATING SOMEONE UNFAIRLY IN ORDER TO BENEFIT FROM THEIR WORK3SLAVERELATED TO HOME4DOMESTICFREEDOMT L O: know about Words often confusedACTIVITY IIIadvice – an opinion or suggestion (noun)advise – to tell somebody what to do (verb) access- a way a reaching a place, a right to use somethingexcess – more than necessary accept – to take what is offered except – not including affect – to change or make a difference toeffect – a result; to bring about a result aisle – a passage between rows of seatsisle – an island all together – all in one place, all at oncealtogether – completely, on the whole T L O: Ability to reason out ; Learn classifying thingsACTIVITY IVEncircle the odd one out : 1. Socks Slippers Sandals Gloves Shoes2.Optician Doctor Nurse Vet Surgeon3.Van Bus Bicycle Lorry CarWrite any one sentence related to the picture: :____________________________ : ____________________________ : _____________________________ T L O: Short sentences construction; Picture reading ACTIVITY VT L O: Developing curiosity Alexander Graham BellDid you know; the inventor of telephone, Alexander Graham Bell never made a call to his wife or mother. Why? They both were deaf!Fake FlamingosDid you know; the number of fake flamingos in the world is almost double of real flamingos.BerryDid you know that Banana is actually a berry, but Strawberry is not!PenguinsACTIVITY VIT L O: Analytical reasoning; word powerACTIVITY VII Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid.The remaining 55 letters spell a secret message.SEARCH THESE WORDS !!ADDICTIVEBAKINGBARSBITTERSWEETBROWNIESCAKESCANDYCHIPSCHOCOLATIERSCOCOA CONFECTIONERYCOOKIESCREAM PIECUPCAKEDARKDECADENTDELICIOUSDESSERTDRINKS FILLINGFONDUEFOODFUDGEICE CREAMICINGINGREDIENTMILKMOUSSE PUDDINGSEMISWEETSUGARSWISSSYRUPTREATTRUFFLESUNSWEETENEDWHITE Ants Never Sleep!Did you know, the ants never sleep! There are more than 1 million ants in the world for every human being! Just imagine, how many ants survive in the world!Butterflies!Did you know butterflies have two eyes, which contain thousand lenses! Surprisingly, they can see only red, yellow and green colours!Elephants Can’t Jump!Have you ever seen an elephant jump? Elephants cannot jump! In addition, it is the only mammal that cannot jump!T L O: Self awareness; Reading habitACTIVITY VIII Read it out aloud!HOW UNIQUE ARE YOU REALLY?Think what a remarkable, unduplicatable, and miraculous thing it is to be you! Of all the people who have come and gone on the earth, since the beginning of time, not ONE of them is like YOU!No one who has ever lived or is to come has had your combination of abilities, talents, appearance, friends, acquaintances, burdens, sorrows and opportunities.No one’s hair grows exactly the way yours does. No one’s finger prints are like yours. No one has the same combination of secret inside jokes and family expressions that you know.The few people who laugh at all the same things you do, don’t sneeze the way you do. No one prays about exactly the same concerns as you do. No one is loved by the same combination of people that love you – NO ONE!No one before, no one to come. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE!Enjoy that uniqueness. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You weren’t meant to be like someone else. You do not have to lie to conceal the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.You were meant to be different. Nowhere ever in all of history will the same things be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now.If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap in history, something missing from the plan for humankind.Treasure your uniqueness. It is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it!No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person.No one can be cheerful and lighthearted and joyous in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole unique impact of you to another human being.Share your uniqueness. Let it be free to flow out among your family and friends and people you meet in the rush and clutter of living wherever you are. That gift of yourself was given you to enjoy and share. Give yourself away!See it! Receive it! Let it tickle you! Let it inform you and nudge you and inspire you! YOU ARE UNIQUE!? ? ? ??T L O: Spoken skill; picture readingACTIVITY IXSpeak out two sentences about the given pictures:1. 6. 7. 8. 9. SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 3:THE SELFISH GIANTSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKACTIVITY 1T L O:: Listen attentively; Comprehend a small story; Correlate proverb Listen and read the following story and answer the questions as given below:Once upon a time, there was a selfish man. He liked everything to be his own. He could not share his belongings with anyone, not even his friends or the poor. One day, the man lost thirty gold coins. He went to his friend’s house and told him how he lost his gold coins. His friend was a kind man. As his friend’s daughter was coming from an errand she found thirty gold coins. When she arrived home, she told her father what she had found. The girl’s father told her that the gold coins belong to his friend and he sent for him. When the selfish man arrived, he told him how his daughter had found his thirty gold coins and handed then to him. After counting the gold coins the man said that ten of them was missing and had been taken by the girl as he had forty gold coins. He further commented that he will recover the remaining amount from him. But the girl’s father refused. The man left the gold coins and went to the court and informed the judge there about what had taken place between him and the girl’s father. The judge sent for the girl and her father and when they arrived asked the girl how many gold coins did she find. She replied thirty gold coins. The Judge that asked the selfish man how many gold coins did he lose and he answered forty gold coins. The judge then told the man that the gold coins did not belong to him because the girl found thirty and not forty as he claimed to have lost and then told the girl to take the gold coins and that if anybody is looking for them he will send for the girl. The judge told the man that if anybody reports that they have found forty gold coins he will send for him. It was then that the man confessed that he lied and that he lost thirty gold coins but the judge did not listen to him. This story teaches us to be always honest as dishonest never pays.Fill in the blanks using one appropriate word/ phrase:The selfish man lost _______________________________.The gold coins were found by _______________________.The selfish man told the judge that he found : ________________.Which proverb can be used to define the theme of the story:TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NONE A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEEDHONESTY IS THE BEST POLICYT L O:: Develop understanding of subject-verb agreementACTIVITY: IIFill in the blanks using correct form of the words given in the brackets:The selfish man ________________ [tell] his friend about his lost coins.The little girl ________________ [ find] thirty gold coins.The judge __________________[ understand ] the selfish man’s lie.T L O:: Develop thinking skill; Develop positive values; speak short sentencesACTIVITY: IIIWhat kind of friendship would you like to have and why? Write three sentences about your idea of friendship and read them aloud to the class: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________T L O:: Able to arrange letter ; learn spelling of wordsACTIVITY: IVBelow are some jumbled words. Arrange the letter and form a meaningful word:1. R C R O E V E2.S F O C F E N S3. S O H N E TT L O:: Develop positive values; Learn classificationACTIVITY: VBelow given are the sentences which display good habits and bad habits. Before a good habit , write POSITIVE , before a bad habit, write NEGATIVE:Telling a lie :__________________Taking care of others:___________Greediness :________________Kindness :_________________Honesty :__________________T L O:: Able to search words in every direction; Develop concentration; learn word meaningsACTIVITY: VIPUPPYOEFOATYFUKFMTXWALPOXZEATIQDMXTADPOLEDWVTZVNJRDQWGKJHNGTCDRYLPUGFCDESXEWAYHJKLBSPIDELNVGLJNYAEQASZFVLHJVFIPMFGJASGBNKITTXWBDCUBWAPLTNPGADPYGFVNMDREZLADGNILREDIPSLHBCFNRSILZQSPAGFFOALFXHGDEGAXIRRUHVHCRAYFICRPEYINCUGSQCNICKWORD SEARCHPUPPY FOAL SPIDERLING KITTEN CHICK TADPOLECALF FRY LAMB PIGLET FAWN CUBT L O:: Picture Reading; Writing short sentencesACTIVITY: VII Look at the above pictures and write a short paragraph based upon it:Use the given guidelines:It is evening time. The atmosphere is ______________________ [ cloud/cloudy] . It is ____________________ [raining / rainy] heavily. _____________________________ [ Buses/ cars]are moving slow. People _____________________[crossed/ crossing] road carrying _________________________ [ umbrella/books] to protect themselves from rain. Most of the people are ________________________ [indoors/outdoors]. T L O:: Picture Reading; Writing short sentencesACTIVITY: VIII Look at the following picture and describe the scene of a railway platform. Take help from the clues given:Can you identify a porter in the picture?Can you identify a ticket checker?Can you see the people sitting in the train?Can you see a man who has got down from the train?Can you see some people sitting on the bench waiting for their train?TLO: Being Aware Of PrepositionsACTIVITY 1X"At", "in" or "on"? Fill in the correct word.1. Did you learn something school?2. Don't put all your eggs one basket.3. Eric is studying the university.4. I live 12 Columbus Street.5. Is John still bed?6. I've read it a book.7. James met us the door.8. Janet is home right now.9. I was stuck that traffic jam for hours!10. She fell asleep the armchair.11. Let's take the bus Columbus Street.12. Look, the water!13. There were no clouds the sky.14. Matthew was work when I called.15. Megan will be the office from nine to four.SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 4:THE TREASURE WITHINSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKT L O:: Listen attentively; Comprehend a small story; Correlate proverb ACTIVITY : IRead the following passage and answer the questions given below : Answer the given questions orally :What kind of words the poet wants to speak?What do the inner voices do the poet?Which lines shows that the poet is hopeful?T L O::Learn values; Learn to use appropriate wordsACTIVITY : IIEncircle the appropriate choice given:One should always be hopeless/ hopeful.Negative/Positive thinking is important in life.Faith and confidence are needed/not needed in life.T L O::Learn use of modals; Learn to make correct sentencesACTIVITY : IIIChoose the correct answer (mustn't or needn't):Nancy ______________________go to bed early; tomorrow is her day off.You______________________ smoke on buses. It's forbidden.You _____________________do it now; you can finish it later.Students _________________use their mobile phones during the lessons.You ___________________buy any meat.There is plenty of it in the fridge.You _____________________bring a suim suit. I can lend you one.It's a secret. You ___________________tell anybody.You __________________do the washing up; we have a dishwasher.Youreally ___________________be late again.T L O::Learn correct spellings ; Learn words and meaningsACTIVITY : IVThe letters of the words below are jumbled. Figure out what the word is and write in the blank provided:1. KIDN: ________________ 2. RSUT: __________________3. RSHAK: ________________ 4. LEPSE: __________________5. DURM: _________________ 6. LSKCI:__________________7. PASO: __________________ 8. HDIS: __________________9. TWIREN: _________________ 10. EEDR: ________________HINTS:CONSIDERATE AND GENTLE 2. ORANGE COATING ON IRON SURFACE3. A BIG FISH WITH AFIN ON ITS BACK 4. WE DO THIS AT NIGHT5. A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT THAT KEEPS THE BEAT 6. SMOOTH OR GLOSSY7. A SUBSTANCE USED FOR WASHING 8. A CONTAINER FOR SERVING FOOD9. THE COLD SEASON BETWEEN FALL AND SPRING 10. AN ANIMAL WITH ANTLERSANSWERS:1. KIND 2. RUST 3. SHARK 4. SLEEP 5. DRUM Digital WorldWe live in a digital world with computers and smart phones. Reading habits shifted from newspapers and magazines to computer. Did you know that the speed of reading is 25% slower than a book? Yes, you cannot read faster when compared to reading from the paper.6. SLICK 7. SOAP 8. DISH 9. WINTER 10. DEERT L O::Word attack; Ability to focus ; ACTIVITY : VWORD SEARCHNOJDWGIRBGODEEFOBHPLGPLLPALFNJLODYGWEFWFWLLZOIIIUKJFITZSMNIQLSHRHHYSAFFTCIIBSSLWOBRPXPWCSDZABLSNXUFCANS:CHILD KISS FLAPWISH FEED FISH TRIP FLOPT L O::Learn subject verb agreement ; Form meaningful sentencesACTIVITY : VILook at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. (a)Enthusiasm/nothing/great/without/achieved/ever/is (b)Excellence/desire/enthusiasm/average/changes/what/and/are/to (c)Enthusiasm/in our lives/to do/helps us/this is/what(d)feared by / snakes are / in our / worshipped / and / many / country (e). of the / are venomous / only / 300 out / species / 2700 known (f) which is / yellow liquid / water / snake venom / 90% / is aT L O::Learn subject verb agreement ; Form meaningful sentencesACTIVITY : VIIIDescribe an evening after you come back from the school.You may use the words and phrases given the box:Take lunch ; rest awhile ; get up ; get fresh: drink milk; go out; cycling ; play with friends; come home; complete homework; do self study; take help from parents; take dinner; brush teeth; go to bedBegin like this:I return from the school at ________ p.m Then I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________T L O::Learn subject verb agreement ; Form meaningful sentencesACTIVITY : VIIIWhich is the scene described here?Of a railway platformOf a swimming poolOf a vegetable marketWhat is the old lady doing?Selling vegetablesSinging songsSleepingWhat are few people doing?Walking on the roadPurchasing vegetablesSimply talkingAnswer the following questions in one sentence:Which fruit do you love the most?Which vegetables can you see in the picture?Who is sitting on a stool?Popular Apple Proverbs and Sayings Apple of an eye! A pear tree cannot bear an apple. An apple a day keep the doctor’s away. Your neighbor’s apple is sweeter than yours. Eat an apple before bed and make your doctor beg for bread. The city that is named after apple the New York and it is called ‘The Big Apple!’Match the correct complements from Table B with the subjects and linking verbs from Table A. Use the pictures in Table A to help.Table A: Subjects and linking verbs1. The mother and her little baby seem2. That garbage smells3. In the evening, Geoff becomes 4. The boy looks5. Peter is Table B: Complementsa. sad.b. very happy!c. a farmer.d. terrible.e. tired.Use the prepositions from the table to complete the sentences below. The object of the preposition is in bold.tobetweenonforinto1. Ted threw a party _____ his best friend.2.The tourist carried his bags _____ the hotel.3. Lily is afraid to step _____ the ice.4.He kicked his computer monitor _____ a big trash can.5.Penny has to sit _____ her brothers.Look at each picture and the bold words?above it.Make a sentence to describe the picture using these words.Note that there is more than one correct answer for each picture!There is a list of suggested answers at the end of this page.For example:Dog, happyAnswer:"The dog is happy."OR"The dog seems happy."(Or any other similar answer.)Man, books, manyAnswer:"The man has many books."OR"This man holds many books."(Or any other similar answer.)Vocabulary Worksheet A:1) Man, surprised2) Cake, candle3) Woman, ball4) Lady, crying5) People, clappingSUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 5:PRINCESS SEPTEMBERSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKACTIVITY 1T L O:: Listen attentively; Appreciate poem ; Learn rhyming wordsRead and listen to the given poem and answer the questions given below:Don’t ever underestimate the powerOf simple acts of kindnessIt won a frail old lady named Mother TeresaThe Nobel Prize for peace’s progress It armed a monk named Dalai LamaThe support to fight for the freedom of a nationAnd it immortalized a young Lady DianaIn the pages of history, truly inspirationalThe lesson to be learntFrom the life stories of these peopleIs that the power of kindness is so strongThat it can even build cities from rubbleName the people mentioned in the poem for their kindness.Name two more people you have read about regarding their kindness.Find the opposites of the following words from the given poem:Overestimate b) strongT L O::Ability to speak short sentences ; Learn values ; ACTIVITY : IIBelow given are some acts of kindness. Write any five sentences about the acts of kindness you would like to do with others and what you expect from others too.T L O:: Listen attentively; Appreciate poem ; Learn rhyming wordsACTIVITY : IIIRead out loud the given poem :Do a kind favour todaySay a few sympathetic words to someoneShow a humble gesture right awayBe proud of a modest act you have doneShow empathy in each and every actionIntegrate kindness in everything you doMake humility a core part of your life’s celebrationOne day it will all come back to youT L O:Appreciatevalues and imbibe; Make short sentences related to the contextACTIVITY: IVBelow given is a list of kind acts. Add five more acts to the list and read out loud to the Class:Say good morning to your teacher, principal, school officials and classmates.?Give someone a compliment at least once every day.Donate your unwanted toys and books to the children in need.Write a thank you note to your teacher, your coach, a firefighter, your mentor or someone who has influenced you in a positive way.Clean up the area around your school or a local park, picking up trash and putting it in the garbage can. ?You can also help your teacher clean up the classroom.T L O:Using ConnectorsACTIVITY: VFill in the blanks with the words given below. Use each sentence connector only once.whereverfinallyhoweverin spite ofalthoughas ifunless sincedespiteso as not to1.The dog eats the food hungrily ______ it has been starved for months.2.______ all good things must come to an end.3.All the students have been miserable ______ Mrs. Tan left the school.4.Always stand up for yourself ______ lose your integrity.5.Her baby remains as skinny as ever ______ the vitamins and expensive food.6.Agatha won't go out with you ______ you promise to pay for the lunch.7.Do remember to keep in contact ______ you are.8.______ he is sick, he still continues working.9.______ tough he appears to be, he still loses to the short man.10.The plane managed to land ______ the heavy rain, thunder and lightning.Answers1.The dog eats the food hungrily as if it has been starved for months.2.Finally all good things must come to an end.3.All the students have been miserable since Mrs. Tan left the school.4.Always stand up for yourself so as not to lose your integrity.5.Her baby remains as skinny as ever despite / in spite of the vitamins and expensive food.6.Agatha won't go out with you unless you promise to pay for the lunch.7.Do remember to keep in contact wherever you are.8.Although he is sick, he still continues working.9.However tough he appears to be, he still loses to the short man.10.The plane managed to land in spite of / despite the heavy rain, thunder and lightning.Alphabet - The first thing that everyone learns. The term alphabet is derived from Greek - Alpha and Beta. The first two letters of Greek becomes the alphabet that covers all the 26 letters in EnglishThis is quite an amazing fact about English. Around 90 percent of everything that is written in English (Except the typical medical terms) uses only 1000 common words in English. T L O:Picture ReadingACTIVITY: VILook at the above pictures and write a short paragraph based upon it:Use words from the box:Houses ; carrying ; holding ; pouring ; bathing ; reading ; waashingUse the given guidelines:It is the scene of a village. The ____________________________ mud. A lady is ____________________ on her head. A lady is ______________________________a baby on her waist. A lady is ____________________ water into a pot. A man is _____________________ from the water of handpump. Few stray _______________ are strolling on the street. Two kids _____________________. A woman is ________________________utensils. T L O:Picture ReadingACTIVITY: VIIDescribe the picture in your own words using short sentences and your imgination:SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 6:THE FIGHTSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKACTIVITY 1T L O:: Listen attentively; Appreciate poem ; Learn rhyming wordsRead the given poem and answer the questions given below:Stand tall oh mighty oak, for all the world to see,your strength and undying beauty forever amazes me.Though storm clouds hover above you,your branches span the sky,in search of the radiant sunlight youcount on to survive.When the winds are high and restless andyou lose a limb or two,it only makes you stronger, wecould learn so much from you.Though generations have come and goneand brought about such change,quietly you've watched them all yet stillremained the same.I only pray God give to me the strength he'sgiven you,to face each day with hope, whetherskies are black or blue,Life on earth is truly a giftevery moment we must treasure,it's the simple things we take for grantedthat become our ultimate pleasures.Answer the following questions orally in one sentence only :What surprises the writer?What can be the possible meaning of losing limb ?What is the prayer of the poet?There are few words of hope, belief and kindness given below. Add five words on your own to the series :Sympathy ; Goodness : Politeness ; Courtesy; __________________; ________________; __________________;_________________;__________________.T L O::Word attack ; learn using appropriate connectors ACTIVITY : IIChoose the correct answer using : who, whom, which or whose: He bought all the tools?____________________ are required to fix his old car.This is the doctor??_________________helped Sara recover from her illness.This is the girl?__________________?which??he fell in love with in Madrid. She managed to pass the exam in spite of all the difficulties,?________________didn't surprise people who knew her.These are the kids?________________parents are abroad.Give me the plate ______________is on the table.I don't know?______________did it.The criminals, two of ___________________managed to escape, broke into a bank downtown.I know the candidate?________________I am going to support in the next elections. This is the book ________________ I had kept safe since so long.T L O::Word attack ; learn using appropriate connectors ACTIVITY : IIIWORD SEARCHT L O::Word attack ; learn difference between use of words as noun and verb ACTIVITY : IVChoose the appropriate word (affect or effect):The government's new economic policy had a noticeable?__________________ on households.Falling on his head had a bad?_______________ on his cognitive abilities.Her illness will undoubtedly?________________ her productivity at work.Flowers ______________my mood and make me feel happy.The?_______________ of flowers on my mood is incredible.High cholesterol can??___________________ the heart.Researchers are concerned with _____________of caffeine on the nervous system.I think that the _____________ of high prices will be detrimental to the economy.Regular physical exercises can have positive?_________ on the immune system.SSmoking cigarrettes always?___________ the lungs.T L O::Word attack ; learn using appropriate connectors ACTIVITY : VHelping others is a noble task. Below are given few examples. Write five sentences how would you like to help others.__________________________________________________________--________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________T L O::Sentence construction; Imagination ACTIVITY : VI EX. DESCRIBE THE JOURNEY FROM YOUR SCHOOL TO HOME USING THE PICTURE CLUES:Most commonly used alphabet is ‘E’Most commonly used Vowel is ‘E’Most commonly used consonant is ‘R’How many words you can tell ending with ‘GRY’? Only TWO! - ANGRY and HUNGRYName the longest word that doesn’t contain the repetition of any alphabet! – UNCOPYRIGHTABLET L O::Word attack ; learn using appropriate connectors ACTIVITY : VII Read this poem loudly and share the message with your friends :I HAVE A DREAMBy Michael SageI have a dream, it’s about the past,Where anger and hurt, no longer lastI have a dream, where there is no hate,For that is the day, I can no longer wait.I have a dream, it’s about today,It’s about the things, we do and we say,I have a dream, it’s about what’s in our mind,Where we consciously try, to be thoughtful and kind.I have a dream, it’s about tomorrow,Filled with happiness, where there is no sorrow,I have a dream, it’s to do with peace,Where love and joy, will never cease.I have a dream, that the things that I dream,Are about reality, and not just a dream,I pray to “ GOD ”, that my dreams may come true,I pray this for everyone, but especially for you!!T L O::Word attack ; learn using appropriate connectors ACTIVITY : VIII Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form. Some verbs are stative verbs and some are dynamic verbs. Use the simple present or present progressive tense.1. Actually, that (sound) wonderful.2. We (cook) right now.3. I (promise) to be back soon.4. Frank and his wife (disagree) on this matter.5. He (own) several large companies.6. you (hear) Richard's voice now?7. you (study) at the moment?8. I (mean) to hurt you.9. you (mind) taking out the garbage?10. I seriously (doubt) it.11. you (recognize) this painting now?12. He (appear) a bit snobbish.13. She (not wash) the dishes now.14. it really (matter) now?15. Right now it seems (seem) cold outside.16. I (suppose) we could do that, too.17. Janet (not realize) how much he loves her.18. this dog (belong) to you?19. It (rain) right now.20. I (not know) the right answer right now.SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 7:THE OPEN WINDOWSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKT L O : Learn conversation; Write dialogues ; make short sentencesACTIVITY ILook at the following pictures and fill in the blanks with a single line conversation. LITTLE BOY: ____________________________________________MAN: ________________________________________________BOY :________________________________________________________________LITTLE GIRL:__________________________________________________________________KITTEN :_______________________________________________________________T L O : Learn correct spellings ; Find errors in sentencesACTIVITY IIIn the passage given below, there is one error in every line. Find out and write both correct and incorrect words in the space provided: INCORRECT CORRECTOwls spends most of their time in the a) ___________ _________dark and has an acute sense of b)___________ _________hearing. They can detect there prey just c)___________ _________by hear them move in the complete darkness. d)___________ __________Owls have two ears, one on neither side e)__________ __________of a head. They also have f)___________ __________a dish like structure at the head. g)___________ _________T L O : Learn focus; Find words ; Classify thingsACTIVITY IIIWORD SEARCHT L O : Learn correct use of words; Able to identify difference between wordsACTIVITY IVChoose the appropriate word (advice or advise) :I??____________________ you to exercise regularly.He is always ready to offer??_________________?. She??________________?him to wake up early.What do you?_____________ me to do?He is always ready to take my?___________________?? ?? ?Can you?______________ me on which car to buy?You should listen to your father’s??________________.The doctor ________________ Sue to give up smoking.I need your ______________ on what to wear for my job interview.He is the best person to ask for?_______________ on cars. .T L O : Learn conversation; Write dialogues ; make short sentencesACTIVITY VComplete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the present simple or past simple. One has been done for you:1?I don't like (not like) the food in the school cafeteria because our cook (1)?______________ (not be) very good. But I usually eat there.2?Yesterday we (2)_________________?(not eat) there because the cook had a disaster!3?At about 10.00, the fire bell rang and we (3)?_______________(leave) the building.4?Of course, we wanted to leave class, but we (4)?______________(not want) to have a fire in the school.5?When we got outside, we (5)?______________(see) a lot of smoke coming from the school kitchen.6?We (6)?___________(wait) for a few minutes?7?and then the cook (7)______________?(come) out and talked to the principal.8?The principal (8)________?(shout) at the cook. I think she was fed up with him.9?Fortunately, it wasn't a big fire, and soon, we (9)__________?(go) back to class, but we didn't eat in the canteen yesterday.10?In fact, now I (10)?_______________(not want) to eat there again!Ostriches are one of the fastest running animals; they happen to run faster than horses. Houseflies have an extremely short lifespan of 14 days. While they are alive, they always hum in the ‘F’ key. Although they belong to the same family, snow leopards are different from lions and tigers when it comes to roaring. Snow leopards cannot roar because of their under-developed vocal cords. Bats are the only mammals that possess the ability to fly. Everybody knows that kangaroos hop to move from one place to the other. However, very few know that they use their tail in order to hop. T L O : Learn conversation; Write dialogues ; make short sentencesACTIVITYVIRead the following poem loudly :God The ArtistBy Angela MorganGod, when you thought of a pine tree,How did you think of a star?How did you dream of the Milky WayTo guide us from afar.How did you think of a clean brown poolWhere flecks of shadows are?God, when you thought of a cobweb,How did you think of dew?How did you know a spider's houseHad shingles bright and new?How did you know the human folkWould love them like they do?God, when you patterned a bird song,Flung on a silver string,How did you know the ecstasyThat crystal call would bring?How did you think of a bubbling throatAnd a darling speckled wing?God, when you chiseled a raindrop,How did you think of a stem,Bearing a lovely satin leafTo hold the tiny gem?How did you know a million dropsWould deck the morning's hem?Why did you mate the moonlit nightWith the honeysuckle vines?How did you know Madeira bloomDistilled ecstatic wines?How did you weave the velvet diskWhere tangled perfumes are?God, when you thought of a pine tree,How did you think of a star?SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 8:JALEBISSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKT L O : Ability to comprehend a story ;Learn use of adjectivesACTIVITY IRead the given story and listen to its audio version and answer the questions that are given below:Once upon a time all the spirits set about building two palaces; a palace of truth, and a palace of lies.?Every time a child told the truth, a brick was created for the palace of truth. The spirits of truth would then take it and add it to the growing walls.In just the same way was the palace of lies built.?Each brick was created when a child told a lie. Both palaces were impressive - the best in the world - and each group of spirits worked hard to try to make sure that their own palace was the best. So much so that the lying spirits,?who were much more tricky and deceitful, sent a group of spirits to the world to get children to tell more and more lies. These spirits were successful, and started getting many more bricks. As a result,?their palace became bigger and more spectacular.But one day, something strange happened in the palace of lies. One of the bricks turned into a cardboard box. A little later another brick turned into sand,?and then another turned into glass, and smashed. And so, little by little, it became clear that whenever a lie was discovered,?the brick that it had created changed its form, was crushed, and finally disappeared. In this way,?the palace of lies became weaker and weaker, and in the end it completely fell to pieces.At this, everyone, including the lying spirits,?understood that you cannot use lies for anything. They are never what they appear to be, and so you never know what they will turn into.Answer the questions orally in one sentence only:Which two palaces were built by the spirits?How would each palace grow?Which spirits were cunning and wicked?Find out any two adjectives from the second paragraph and speak out. _______________; ____________T L O : Learn use of appropriate words; Learn the difference between wordsACTIVITY IIChoose the appropriate word (accept or except) : Please,?______________________our apologies.They??_________________ American Credit Cards in this restaurant.They invited all their friends?______________ Alice who was on a trip to Africa.Leila would do anything?_____________ take care of her little brother.Don't worry! They will??_______________ our offer.They??_____________ children from this offer.All the children went to the game?______________ Amy.He couldn't?_____________the job.He was so furious that he wouldn't??_______________anything from her.I had the same problems, _______________that I was younger than you.T L O : Learn use of appropriate phrasal wordsACTIVITY IIIFill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs from the list: Turn down – get on well with – come across- pass out? –? ?1. I _____________?an old friend while I was walking down the street the other day.2. She ._____________.. when she heard of her father's death.3. The company will certainly _____________ your application if you don’t have the required qualifications.?4. All Leila's colleagues respect her because she _____________ everybody.If there are 50 students in a class then it is a certainty that at least two will share the same birthday? A number is divisible by three if the sum of its digits is divisible by three (3)? Among all shapes with the same area circle has the shortest perimeter? The smallest ten prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, and 29? The number Pi (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle) cannot be expressed as a fraction, making it an irrational number? It never repeats and never ends when written as a decimal. Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between the angles of triangles and their sides? Pythagoras, the famous Greek mathematician had used little rocks to represent numbers, when working out mathematical equations? Hence, the name Calculus was born, which in Greek means pebbles. T L O : Comprehend pictures; Learn valuesACTIVITY IVFrom the given pictures, identify good habits and bad habits. For good habit. Write POSITIVE in the blank, for bad habit, write NEGATIVE in the blank. _________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ _____________________________T L O : Poem appreciation; awareness of the planetACTIVITY VRead the poem and try to find the underlying message. Discuss with your friends.A Light Exists In SpringBy Emily DickinsonA Light exists in SpringNot present on the YearAt any other period --When March is scarcely hereA Color stands abroadOn Solitary FieldsThat Science cannot overtakeBut Human Nature feels.It waits upon the Lawn,It shows the furthest TreeUpon the furthest Slope you knowIt almost speaks to you.Then as Horizons stepOr Noons report awayWithout the Formula of soundIt passes and we stay --A quality of lossAffecting our ContentAs Trade had suddenly encroachedUpon a Sacrament.How many ducks would there be, if you saw two ducks in front of two ducks, two ducks between two ducks, and two ducks behind two ducks?Answer: 4 ducks-because they are in a row !!SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL : B-2 CLASS VIII LESSON 9: THE COMETSKILL FOCUSSEDTARGET LEARNING OUTCOME SUGGESTED STRATEGIESREADING LISTENINGVOCABULARYSPELLINGSPEAKINGWRITINGAWARENESSABLE TO COMPREHEND;LISTEN WITH ATTENTION ; IMPROVE VOCABULARY; LEARN SPELLING ; ABLE TO SPEAK SHORT SENTENCES; IMPROVE HANDWRITINGINDIVIDUAL TASKTEAM TASKT L O : Make short sentences; Develop imagination ; ACTIVITY ILook at the following pictures. They show meeting of Raju and an alien. Compose a story based upon the pictures. Begin the story like this: One day Raju was returning from the school when he saw behind the tree, there was______________________________________T L O : General awareness ; Raise curiosity ACTIVITY IIWrite the correct answer from these multiple choice questions :Question 1.We live on a __________ called Earth.MOONSTARPLANETQuestion 2.__________ is the largest planet in the solar system.SATURNJUPITERMERCURYQuestion 3.There are __________ planets in our solar system:SEVENNINEEIGHTQuestion 4.__________ is the closest planet to the sun.MERCURYVENUSEARTHQuestion 5.__________ is the farthest planet from the sun.NEPTUNEJUPITERURANUST L O : General awareness ; Raise curiosity ACTIVITY IIIBelow given is a Planet Quiz. Try to find the answers of as many as possible:1. Now that Pluto is no longer included, how many planets are there in the Solar System?2. What is the smallest planet in the Solar System?3. What is the largest planet in the Solar System?4. What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?5. The sixth planet from the Sun features an extensive ring system, what is the name of this planet?6. The chemical element uranium was named after what planet?7. What planet in the solar system is farthest from the Sun?8. What is the second smallest planet in the solar system?9. What planet is closest in size to Earth?10. The moon Titan orbits what planet?Planet Quiz Answers1. 82. Mercury3. Jupiter4. Venus5. Saturn6. Uranus7. Neptune8. Mars9. Venus10. SaturnT L O : General awareness ; Raise curiosity ACTIVITY IVWrite TRUE/ FALSE in the blanks for the facts provided :Astronauts weigh the same on other planets as?they do on Earth. (True/ False)Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. (True/ False)The surface of Earth is mostly land. (True/False)Astronauts have landed on Mars. (False/True)There are no planets beyond our solar system.?(False/True)T L O : General awareness ; Raise curiosity ACTIVITY VWORD SEARCHAIUBKJZYRTMGKCXXVOXSIPYJETGTEEAYQMERWTTTTNEIHUSLRLVWNBHZWRURFVTARIECAQUIBFFTOYQAENAFESUXSTIWPTHNYRMOMHWACRYSGEJMRROGORKUSBFOYXNHXALUHMCTOASQIQPMESREVINUYSSHUTTLEETENALPMNUADIORETSAMHGMWDOUZRFMASTARQSATURNOSSKMURILGTAROETEMNUFAVUANDSXCANSWERS”: ASTEROIDASTRONAUTASTRONOMYCOMETGALAXYGRAVITYMARSMERCURYMETEORMOONNEPTUNEORBITPLANETSATURNSHUTTLESTARSUNTELESCOPEUNIVERSEVENUST L O : Infer headlines ; make short sentences ACTIVITY VIReading the titles given below, predict the news and speak it out:1. KARNAM MALLESHWARI WINS BRONZE IN OLYMPICS Clues: _______________________ is an Indian sportswoman. She went to play in _____________________. She won __________________ medal.2. NASA SENT ANOTHER SPACESHIP FROM USA TO MARSClues: ________________, the Satellite launching Centre , has ____________ another __________________ to ____________ from ________________.3. 50% SALE ON GARMENTS TILL FRIDAY ON EIDClues: There will be a ______________ of _____________ on ___________ till __________on the occasion of ______________.T L O : Learn subject verb agreementACTIVITY VIIRe-arrange these words phrases to make meaningful sentences.E.g. since times immemorial/have been respected/teachers.Techers have been respected since times immemorial.(a)a special / child’s life / in every / teachers hold / place(b)for his or her / it is they / in the society / who prepare / life / the child(c) progressive society / teachers are / of a sound / one of the / and / main pillarsAssuming that a pizza which has a radius of [z], and a height [a]. In which case, it will have a volume of [Pi × z × z × a]. This is because the area of a circle is Pi multiplied by [z] squared, multiplied by the height [a] to get the total volume – There you are Area = Pizza! The number 5 is pronounced as 'Ha' in Thai language. Hence, 555 is also used by some as slang for [HaHaHa]. T L O : LEARN SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY VIIIUse the parts of sentences below to complete the sentences about each picture.a) gossiping about people he knows.b) keeping me company all the time.c) to win the prize for the best story.d) to get a very good grade from her teacher.e) to sell four more cars by tomorrow.f) needing to go to the grocery store on her way home.g) to tell people how much weight he can lift.h) spending even one day away from them.i) celebrating until the weekend so that she could be with her family.j) to make eggs and pancakes for them.1.Peter is a car salesman, and it is the end of the month. He needs ___________2.Phil wrote a very good story for the contest. He deserves __________3.Maggie's birthday was last week, but she postponed _______4.Karen talks about other people a lot, but George dislikes ___________5.Liam is preparing a surprise breakfast for his family. He decided __________6.I love my dog! He is wonderful and loyal. I appreciate him ___________7.Helen loves her family. She cannot imagine ___________8.Lilith worked very hard on her class project. She intended ___________9.Ned works out a lot. He never hesitates __________10.Francine is a bit late. Oh, I remember now she mentioned ____________T L O : LEARN PRONOUNS ACTIVITY IXComplete the sentences under each picture by choosing the correct pronoun.1.Look at all these wonderful books! I borrowed _________ from the library last week.a) itb) himc) theyd) them2.Flynn has a new tractor. __________ works very well.a) sheb) itc) theyd) we3.Quentin is an excellent athlete. Everyone likes to play with _________.a) themb) himc) hed) her4.Pauline and Vernon play tennis together. Sometimes _________ fight about the result of the game.a) sheb) hec) wed) they5.Bernadette loves adventure stories. __________ reads all the time.a) sheb) itc) theyd) the6.Keith is very organized. __________ writes everything down on his calendar.a) itb) hec) theyd) we7.Wow, Jim! __________ make excellent pizza!a) heb) itc) youd) she8.This is a picture of my singing group. _________ sing together every Thursday.a) theyb) wec) hed) us9.Phyllis is very intelligent and professional. Everyone respects _________.a) herb) himc) themd) us10.Don had lots of papers in his hands, but he dropped _________.a) usb) itc) himd) themT L O : LEARN SENTENCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY XMatch the sentences below with the sentences under each picture so that they make sense together to describe the picture.a) She has a lot of work, but I have none.b) Everything seems so strange and different!c) I will get you another.d) Others do not always arrive on time.e) I have enough already!f) Some are red, some are yellow, and some are brown.g) No one told me about it!h) Somebody broke it!i) There is nothing in the refrigerator.j) I will lend you one.1.Gina is very punctual. __________2.You do not have good book to read? I have lots of books! __________3.Joyce is very busy. ___________4.I do not want any more papers to carry! __________5.Where is all the food? __________6.Is there a meeting today? __________7.I cannot get used to this new city! __________8.In the fall, the leaves turn different colors. ___________9.What happened to this chair? __________10.Are you still hungry after eating that apple? ___________Sentence CompletionA word is missing in each sentence. Below the sentence is a word with the part of speech in parentheses. Write the complete sentence with this word in the correct place.1.Gerald is running his pajamas.in (preposition)___________________________________________2.Elaine reads books.interesting (adjective)___________________________________________3.Betty a really terrible gift.received (verb)___________________________________________4.?She is the rugby player on her team.best (adjective)___________________________________________5.She knows a lot cutting hair.about (preposition)___________________________________________6.Her scooter is new, she really likes it.and (conjunction)___________________________________________7.Milton?is going to history class.his (pronoun)?___________________________________________8.He does not really like the tie I gave him.Christmas (adjective)___________________________________________9.Will you work in your garden?tomorrow (adverb)___________________________________________10.Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, he always wears a helmet.so (conjunction)Read and answer the questions given below:Brian is a very silly, funny student. What he loves most is to make people laugh. All his friends love his jokes, and even the teachers think he is very funny. Brian knows that comedy is what he likes best.When he hears about the school's talent show, he decides to sign up so that he can share his comedy from the stage. He has never done real stand-up comedy before, and he is very excited. But when some of the students find out he will participate, they laugh at him. Brian thinks it does not feel very good when someone laughs at you in a mean way!"You are not funny," the students tell him. "You will do a terrible job. No one will like what you do!"Brian cannot understand why they are being so unkind to him. For a moment, he thinks about telling the talent show organizers he will not participate. But then he remembers how much his friends and teachers like his jokes. He does not know why these other students are being so negative, but he decides to go ahead and prepare his comedy routine for the talent show.Brian decides to do a great job at the talent show to prove to the mean students that they are wrong. Everyone loves his routine, and he wins first prize! Even so, the same students tell Brian he is dumb and that he will never be a successful comedian. Brian just shakes his head and wonders what their problem is. He does not understand, but he realizes that it has nothing to do with him. He happily continues to work towards his goal.As the years go on, Brian meets more people like that. Luckily, they are the minority, and as he works hard to become a comedian, most of the people he meets encourage him and help him to become even funnier. He gets more and more opportunities to perform, and he is even invited to appear on television and act in movies.His fans thank him for making them laugh, and they tell him that his comedy makes them feel better when they are sad. He likes to tell funny stories in his acts about how hard he had to work and overcome the silly, nasty things people said to him along the way. He never listened to them, and now he is a big comedy star! He followed his heart to flourish and prosper doing what he loves the most. And he really thinks he chose the best career in the world. He never feels stressed like those negative people, and he laughs all day long! ?And now, practice:Grammar?Questions1. As the years go ________, Brian meets more people like that.a) ofb) inc) ond) at2. His comedy makes them feel ________ when they are sad.a) betterb) gooderc) bestd) goodest3. He ________ know why these other students are being so negative.a) do notb) did notc) not doesd) not doVocabulary Questions1. What does "flourish" mean?a) to grow well and be healthyb) to be very successfulc) to do very well in lifed) all of the above 2. What does "prosper" mean?a) to succeed at an activityb) to make a lot of moneyc) to become strong, active, and healthyd) all of the above3. What does "encourage" mean?a) to explain how to do somethingb) to make someone more confident and determinedc) to try something newd) to have an ideaExercisesComprehension Questions1. What is Brian's favorite thing to do? 2. How did Brian decide to deal with the negative comments?3. In your opinion, why is it important to flourish and prosper? ................

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