College and Other Post-Secondary Training

The Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) has many policies and procedures in place to help us provide services for people with disabilities.

From time to time, it is necessary to update these policies and procedures. Please read the following document, College and Other Post-Secondary Training. We have added information regarding Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTP). Nothing else in the policy has been altered.

If you have any comments about the CTP addition, please e-mail them to OVR at RA-LIOVR-STAKEHOLDER@listserv.

If you prefer, you can mail written comments to:

Pamela Brauchli

c/o Office of Vocational Rehabilitation 1521 N. 6th Street

Harrisburg, PA 17102

All comments are due by February 22, 2016.

Thank you.



Items in asterisks/color coded red indicate new language. Items in asterisks/color coded blue indicate old language which will be deleted.


**This is old language.**12-200.10** **This is new language.**A new number will be assigned in the 200 series.


College and Other Post-Secondary Training

STATE BOARD APPROVAL DATE: **This is old language.**December 13, 2012**


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Staff Office of Legal Counsel Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation Pennsylvania State Rehabilitation Council Client Assistance Program Statewide Independent Living Council Advisory Council for People who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing Advisory Committee for the Blind of Pennsylvania External Stakeholder List

EFFECTIVE DATE: **This is old language.**December 13, 2012** **This is new language.**This will be the date of the State Board meeting. Students starting school prior to the Fall semester of 2013 are covered by memorandum 12-200.02 College and Other Post-Secondary Training, dated April 9, 2012. Students starting school during or after the Fall semester of 2013 will be covered by the following policy.

IMPORTANT CHANGES: 1) Reduce maximum to community college rates for general education for the first two years of full time study, or equivalent credits, as defined by the educational institution. The rate will be in effect for a full academic year for all students. 2) Reduce OVR funded books and supplies to $500 per year. 3) Students who require disability specific services can obtain this in PA through community colleges or SSHE schools due to our MOU's with these institutions. Therefore, paying full tuition for specialized schools is unnecessary. 4) **This is new language.**Addendum Funding Comprehensive Transition Programs for individuals participating in college certificate programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.**

RESULTING ACTION: Discontinue using Numbered Memo 12-200.02 for new students in the Fall Semester of 2013.

AUTHORING AUTHORITY: Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended; 34 CFR, Section 361.42; Rehabilitation Act of 1988, Section 682.10.


Russell Goddard

717-831-0336 Copies of this numbered memorandum are available upon request.

All materials provided, produced and published by OVR will be made available in the appropriate alternative format when necessary and/or upon request.


Overview Training services provided by OVR are a means to achieving a vocational objective agreed upon by the customer and counselor. Training is funded according to OVR policy, regardless of where the service is provided. OVR prefers training be provided at in-state facilities, but customers may choose training out-of-state at their own additional expense. Out of state training may be provided up to the OVR maximum payment as defined by this policy. All training programs offered within the Commonwealth must be approved by the Department of Education. Before providing training at an out-of-state facility, the VR counselor needs to verify with that state's vocational rehabilitation agency that the school is approved for use by that agency as well as by that state's accrediting body similar to Pennsylvania's Department of Education. Also, all training programs must be approved for PELL/PHEAA grants provided they qualify according to their program length; e.g., they must grant an associate's Degree for a PHEAA grant or must be a certain number of hours in length in order to be eligible for a PELL grant. However, there are programs to which OVR can sponsor customers that would not meet the above criteria; e.g., a truck driver training program. Typically, these programs are not of sufficient length for students to receive PELL/PHEAA grants.

The State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation approves all cost maximum formulas for customers who are receiving training. The Board has previously approved use of the Congressional Methodology to determine payment calculations for college training:

College/University training includes any program offered by an accredited college or university that results in the awarding of an associate's, bachelor's, master's, doctoral, law, or medical degree.

Business, Trade, and Technical (BTT) training includes any program offered in facilities approved by the Department of Education (business and trade) or Department of State (cosmetology and barber) that results in the awarding of a certificate, diploma, or associate degree. It includes courses offered by vocational schools, hospitals and other approved training providers. The Pennsylvania Directory of Private Licensed and Registered Schools is another key resource. Programs at colleges that don't result in a degree should be considered BTT. **This is new language.**[ [See Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) Addendum. CTPs will follow the BTT guidelines.]**

Nontraditional training includes correspondence, distance learning/online, or other non-traditional methods of training. It should be used only after studying other options and concluding it is the best alternative.

COLLEGE TRAINING It is the policy of the State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide for the reasonable financial support of customers in their attendance at colleges and universities.

Under this policy, costs allowable for consideration of support include tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board (see room and board section for standards) and transportation.

Approved Costs OVR Administration will be responsible for determining individual yearly adjustments and setting the maximum amounts based upon this policy.

Non-SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries/Recipients Recognizing that there may be uncovered costs in certain cases, this policy establishes a maximum contribution from OVR per academic year for all customers who (1) are not recipients/beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI); and, (2) are enrolled in an Associate or more advanced degree program.

The maximum contribution for non-SSA customers is the average rate for community colleges. This amount will be


evaluated annually and may be adjusted by OVR.

SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries/Recipients This policy also establishes a maximum tuition for OVR per academic year for all customers who are

1. recipients/beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI); and,

2. enrolled in an Associate or more advanced degree program.

The maximum tuition will equal the average tuition charged by Pennsylvania community colleges. This information can be found on . OVR will determine the average tuition rate yearly. This maximum tuition amount applies to all students who have not completed two years of full time study, or equivalent credits, as defined by the educational institution.

Upon completion of the first two years of full time study, or equivalent credits, as defined by the educational institution, the average State System of Higher Education (SSHE) rates will apply.

BTT Maximum Contribution The Business Trade and Technical (BTT) School Contribution will be $5,500.00. This amount will be evaluated annually and may be adjusted by OVR.

Room and Board For a student who has not completed 2 years of full time study, or equivalent credits, as defined by the educational institution, Room and Board amounts will be included in the formula if there is not a community college within 50 miles of the customer's permanent residence.

Books and Supplies Books and supplies will be added into the formula at a rate of $500 per year.

Exceptions 1. For a student who has completed 2 years of full time study, or equivalent credits, as defined by the educational institution and is taking a major course of study leading to the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) goal that is not available at a university in the SSHE system, the student costs for tuition, fees, books and supplies ($500 yearly maximum), room and board or actual transportation costs, from the least expensive school of three reviewed offering that major, will be used. Use the costs of the least expensive school of the three reviewed rather than the SSHE Cost to compare with the Net Cost on the OVR169. Check the website: for a listing of the programs offered at SSHE universities and also check state- related schools when determining the least expensive school. 2. Students who require disability specific services can obtain this in PA through community colleges or SSHE schools due to our MOU's with these institutions. Therefore, paying full tuition for specialized schools is unnecessary. In the rare instance that disability-related services are not available at a PA school, the waiver process should be used to approve payment for the additional fees necessary for services at a school that can provide these services. 3. Waiver Authority - District Administrators have waiver authority of the policy after a detailed review of a customer's financial situation. The waiver must be documented in the Commonwealth Workforce Development System (CWDS).



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