

Health education seeks to provide learning experiences and guidance relevant to the needs, concerns, interests, and aspirations that arise from the human psycho social development. It is intended to help young people develop positive attitudes, values, goals, and behaviors based on sound knowledge. Through lecture, class activities, projects, trips and guest speakers’; health class will hopefully show you many perspectives on a variety of topics.

During this one semester graduation requirement course, students will: comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention; demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services; demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health-related risks; analyze the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health; demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health; demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision making skills to enhance health; and demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

This class is required for graduation so it is not to be taken lightly. The information in this class may one day save your life.

Subject areas that you will learn:


a. Development of the physical (fitness and nutrition), mental and spiritual being

b. Self –esteem

c. Stress

d. Coping strategies

e. Eating Disorders

f. Teen violence

g. Suicide

h. Self-Injury

i. Personal values and goals


a. Male and female reproductive anatomy

b. Puberty

c. Abstinence

d. Birth control methods

e. Consequences and responsibilities of sexual activity

f. Sexual orientation

g. Relationships

1. Respect and Responsibility

2. Dating Violence

3. Sexual Harassment

4. Sexual Assault

5. Legal Issues

6. Parenting (Reality Works parenting simulation project)


a. Sexually transmitted diseases/infections

b. Viral and bacterial


a. Introduction to drugs/ definitions etc (ex: stimulant and depressant)

b. Information on nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs

c. Prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery information

d. Social skills, problem solving, decision making

e. Chemical dependency

f. Legal issues

g. Refusal skills, conflict resolution, sober living and activities, assistance

h. Mrs. Alvarado: Guest facilitator

i. Quackeries (advertising tricks and how they affect youth)

Materials needed

1. 1 marble journal: This will serve as a notebook and journal. By the semesters end it should be filled!

2. 1 folder with pockets. I love handing out worksheets, articles etc. You will need to keep them all.

3. Pens & pencils (more than 1 is always a good idea)

4. Printed copies of notes (on laptop works as well in class)

5. 1 Green Index card, 1 Yellow Index card both labeled with your name

The following is a break down of how grades are earned:

1. Participation in class-Journal assignments, proper classroom behavior, attendance, and active listening. You can’t do well if you are not here!

2. 3 unexcused tardy = 1 absence

3. 10 total absences = possible denial of credit

4. Projects (1 per quarter) = 2 test grades per project.

5. Class work/Participation: Daily activities/Peer Responses/Journals

6. Homework (10 per quarter) 10 point per assignment = 1 Test.

(Considered a participation grade for each quarter.)

7. Written assessments: Any exam that is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to see me to make up the exam. All make up exams must be completed within 2 school days from the test date. If the test is given on a Friday the student must make it up the following Monday.

8. Journals: Depending on the quarter and material taught you may be writing anywhere from 10-20 entries per qtr, with a point value ranging from 5-10 points per entry. All together they will equal1 test as well as a participation grade.

9. THE FINAL EXAM…You better study!

10. Pre and Post health class assessment. A completed exam counts as a full credit homework grade.

11. Final average = 1st qtr grade doubled + 2nd qtr grade doubled + final exam grade divided by 5. Or 3rd qtr doubled + 4th qtr doubled + final exam divided by 5.

12. Grades: Total grades of each quarter are calculated by total points earned divided by total points available for that quarter.

This class is one that deals with everyday topics that affect everyone at one time or another. I love to hear your input/ideas on topics that we could expand on and discuss. Health is always changing so the information is always changing. Keep in mind that this class is run best on trust and compassion. Remember what you put into life is what you get out of it. I do not fail students and I do not give A’s to students. YOU EARN THE GRADES! We always welcome family input and encourage you to discuss these topics with your families. Thank you very much. Have a healthy and happy year. - Mr. Perlman

Reality works®

Parental Consent Form

Dear Parent(s):

In order to provide students with a realistic idea of the demands of parenting, your child, will be participating in a parenting simulation project as part of the health curriculum at Hendrick Hudson High School. This project involves caring for the life like, electronic parenting manikin for a period of 24-48 hours. The manikin cries, coos, burps, and needs its diaper changed periodically throughout the day and night. You child will be responsible for providing proper care as if this were a real baby. The manikin should be with them at all times, except in the case of an emergency, when a realistic baby sitter can be utilized.

In order for this project to be a positive learning experience for your child, we ask that you support in helping to monitor student participation while they are at home. Your insistence that they alone care for their manikin will help impress upon them the tremendous demands that a baby places on a parent’s time, energy, and lifestyle changes that occur.

We are fortunate enough to have been able to purchase these interactive parenting manikins. With proper care, they should last many years. Your child will be responsible for any damage that occurs as a result of abusive handling or for the loss of the manikin. This includes but is not limited to all excess items that come with the manikin. Including but not limited to, car seats with sensors, all clothing with their sensors, diapers with sensors, diaper bag, bracelet sensors, and bottles with their caps. Each manikin comes at a cost of $950.00. Your child will be responsible for this amount of money if damage (including vandalism) or loss of the manikin or any items related to the simulation occurs. If another student or person who the manikin has not been issued to damages the manikin while in the care of your child that will be handled by school administrators.

I am aware that many students have extra curricular activities and jobs. This is one of the areas that will be affected if a young person does in fact have child at this age. Your child may also lose sleep due to the crying of the baby at night. As most parents would agree that this is a reality of parenting. Your child may be tired the following day. They are still responsible for work in all other classes. This is to not be used as an excuse for homework not being completed or exams being missed.

If you do not wish to have your child participate in the parenting simulation an alternative assignment will be given to your child. However, I encourage you to work with me and your child to make this a positive and educational experience that it has proven to be in the past.




I have read this entire class syllabus with my son/daughter and fully understand the requirements and objectives of this class.

_________________________ ________________________

(Parent/Guardian) Print name Parent/guardian signature

As a student in Mr. Perlman’s health class at Hendrick Hudson High School, I have read this class syllabus with my parents/guardian. I fully understand the requirements and objectives of this class.

_________________________ _______________________

(Student) Print name Student signature

Baby consent form:

Thank you for your support during this valuable parenting simulation project. Feel free to contact me regarding any questions with the Reality Works Baby Simulation Project at 914-257-5800 etx: 6867. Please sign and return the bottom portion of this page for your child to be able to receive the parenting simulation manikin.

I give my child, __________________________ (print child’s name) Permission to participate in the interactive parenting simulation using the Reality Works ® baby. I understand that my child is financially responsible for any damage due to abusive handling, vandalism or for the loss of the manikin as well as any damage/loss to the manikin’s clothing, diaper bag as well as ALL other items included with this simulation. I also have read and fully understand the obligations referred to in the above form labeled: “REALITY WORKS PARENT CONSENT FORM”

___________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Health Period__________


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