Question bank1) Clozapine contains which of the following moiety?(a) Flourobutyrophenone(b) Dibenzodiazepine(c) Dibenzoxazepin (d)Diphenylbutylpipperidine 2) Drugs acting on Nigrostriatal pathways lead to(a) Antipsychotic effects (b) EPS (c) Anti-cholinergic side effects (d) None of above3) Z-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-methylaminocyclohexanone is IUPAC name for(a) Donezepil (b) Meprobamate (c) Ketamine (d) Chlorphenesin4.Adrenocortical suppression is seen with(a) Etomidate(b) Propofol(c) Ketamine(d) IsofluraneAs per D&C Act and Rules, the GMP is included under Schedule ………a) Wb) Gc) Md) PWhich component is used to control intensity of radiation in UV instruments?a) Monochromatorb) Occluderc) slitsd) ChopperDiluent used for formulation of pellets by Spheronization method is……….a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Starchd) PVPWhich test is used to determine the wetting angle?a) Dew point testb) Draves test c) Cloud point testd) Kraft testThe superdisintegrant used in tablet formulation is……………..a) Sodium starch glycolate b) Starchc) PVP d) Mg-aluminium silicateZ-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-methylaminocyclohexanone is IUPAC name fora) Donezepil b) Meprobamate c) Ketamine (d) ChlorphenesinInstrumentDescriptionP) Manesty dry cota1) Layered tabletsQ) Versa Press2) Compression coated tabletsR) Differential manomer3) Homogenization of emulsionS) Ultra-sonifier4) Determine aggregation of suspensiona) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-4,S-3 c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Which solvent is used as a binder in the formulation of compression coated tablets?a) Acetoneb) Aquacoat c) Isopropyl alcohol d) None of the aboveNitric oxide act by which of the following mediator?a) cGMPb) cAMPc) ATPd) None of the aboveGlucose and galactose are……………..?a) C2 epimersb) C4 epimers c) α-anomers d) β-anomersWhich of the following is/are 5-HT2A antagonist(s)?a) Ketanserineb) Pizotifenc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following antiepileptic drug acts by inhibiting GABA uptake?a) Vigabatrineb) Tiagabinec) Gabapentined) LamotrigineWhich of the following drug is used to treat ‘jet-lag’ condition?a) Melaninb) Melatoninc) Both a & bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is ultra short acting Benzodiazepines?a) Chlordizepoxideb) Midazolamc) Nitrazepamd) AlprazolamWhich of the following amino acids is/are produce ketone bodies?a) Leucineb) Lysinec) Both A & B d) Alanine Which of the following enzyme is rate-limiting in urea cycle?a) CPS-Ib) CPS-IIc) Arginased) HydrolasesWhich of the following is not an excitatory amino acid transmitter?a) Glutamateb) Aspartatec) Glycined) HomocysteateWhich of the following drug causes methaemogloninaemia?a) Levodopab) Tolcaponec) Prilocained) ArticaineClozapine contains which of the following moiety?a) Flourobutyrophenoneb) Dibenzodiazepinec) Dibenzoxazepin d)Diphenylbutylpipperidine Drugs acting on Nigrostriatal pathways lead toa) Antipsychotic effects b) EPS c) Anti-cholinergic side effects d) None of aboveχ max of O-chloro benzaldehyde is…..a) 265b) 250 c) 272 d) 275Adrenocortical suppression is seen witha) Etomidateb) Propofolc) Ketamined) IsofluraneAll water soluble vitamins excreted through urine and are not stored in body except…. a) Vitamin B6 b) Vitamin B12c) Vitamin C d) NiacinWhich of the following test is used to detect lactic acid?a) Uffelmann test b) karpus test c) Fuji korai test d) Biuret testWhat is the synonym of SGPT?a) ASTb) ALT c) ALP d) ASPHyperuricemia is associated with abnormal metaboliam of……….?a) Pyrimidine b) Purine c) Riboflavin d) AllWhich of the following vitamin has antioxidant action?a) Vitamin Hb) Vitamin E c) Vitamin D d) Vitamin FThe term REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION means……………..?a) DNA to RNAb) RNA to DNA c) RNA to Protein d) Protein to RNAWhich of the following unsaturated fatty acid is used for prostaglandin synthesis?a) Arachidonic acidb) Capric Acid c) Linoleic acid d) AllA 6.40* 10-5 M solution had an absorbance of 0.847 in a 1cm cell at 255 nm. Then molar absorptivity is…..a) 13234b) 150c) 1400d) 1324Nitric oxide act by which of the following mediator?a) cGMPb) cAMPc) ATPd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is/are 5-HT2A antagonist(s)?a) Ketanserineb) Pizotifenc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following antiepileptic drug acts by inhibiting GABA uptake?a) Vigabatrineb) Tiagabinec) Gabapentined) LamotrigineWhich of the following drug is used to treat ‘jet-lag’ condition?a) Melaninb) Melatoninc) Both a & bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is ultra short acting Benzodiazepines?a) Chlordizepoxideb) Midazolamc) Nitrazepamd) AlprazolamWhich of the following is not an excitatory amino acid transmitter?a) Glutamateb) Aspartatec) Glycined) HomocysteateWhich of the following drug causes methaemogloninaemia?a) Levodopab) Tolcaponec) Prilocained) ArticaineHLB system is used to classify........................a) Surfactantsb) Preservativesc) Antioxidantsd) Sequestering agents The micro-organism for the assay of tetracycline is……………………….a) Micrococcus luteusb) E.colic) Pseudomonas aeruginosad) S. aureusWhich test is used for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis?a) Wasserman test b) Schick testc) Widal testd) None of the aboveIn tablet compression machine the component guiding the movement of punches is ………………..a) Hopperb) Die tablec) Cam tracksd) TurretsChemically Bentonite is.....................................a) Magnesium aluminium silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Alumino silicated) All of the aboveThe most commonly used abbreviation BCS stands for………………………………….a) Bovine cervical systemb) Benign Carcinogenic symptomc) Biopharmaceutics classification systemd) Bio-clinical systemThe drug used in the treatment of Swine Flu (Tamiflu Tablets) by Roche Company is…………………..a) Abacavirb) Lamivudinec) Oseltamivird) TenofovirWetting angle of 180? indicates……………………….a) No wettingb) Slight wetting c) Floatingd) Complete wettingThe term “Freely soluble” means………………………a) < 1 partb) 1 – 10 partsc) 30 – 100 partsd) > 10000 partsRat holling phenomena relates with………………..a) Poor flow of granules b) Maintaining the granule flowc) Filling of capsulesd) Increasing the granular flowWhich of the following test(s) is/are utilize for detection of Pilocarpine?a) Helch’s colour testb) Ekkert’s colour testc) Both A and Bd) None of the above Which of the following test is utilized for detection of quinine?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-Morrin testc) Frohde’s testd) Kedde’s reactionQuantitative color estimation is done by………………………....a) Calorimetric measurementb) Micro-reflectance photometerc) Psychrometryd) All of the aboveDescriptionRelated toP) Crystal growth1) GriffinQ) pH scale2) SorensenR) HLB scale3) DLVO theoryS) Interparticular force4) Ostwald ripeninga) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3 b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2Wave theory for EMR was given by………..a) Newton b) De-Brogliec) Max Planckd) LambertWhich of the following is not the unit of Frequency?a) Keyserb) Cycle/sec c) Hertzd) FrenselWhich of the following EMR is used in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy?a) Radio wavesb) Radar wavesc) Micro wavesd) Cosmic raysAscending order for transitions based on energy requirement is…a) Π → Π* < n → σ*< n → Π* < σ → σ*b) n → Π* < Π → Π* < n → σ* < σ → σ*c) σ → σ*< Π → Π* < n → σ*< n → Π* d) Π → Π* <σ → σ* < n → Π* < n → σ*n → Π* transition in Nonpolar solvent shows ………….a) Hypsochromic shiftb) Bathochromic shift c) Hypochromic shiftd) None of the aboveFind the λ max of….a) 358 nmb) 319 nmc) 363 nmd) 314 nmWhich of the following drug contains pyrimidine and pyrrolidine alkaloids?a) Withaniab) Cocac) Tobaccod) None of the above Which of the following is also known as “Egyptian Henbane”?a) Daturab) Cocac) Hyoscyamusd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug contains quinoline alkaloids?a) Ergotb) Withaniac) Cinchonad) RauwolfiaWhich of the following is/are the known as water clearing nut?a) S. nuxblandab) S. potatorumc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug(s) contains proto alkaloids?a) Ephedrab) Colchicumc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is Mayer’s reagent used for alkaloid testing?a) KI + Bismuth nitrateb) KI in dilute Iodine solutionc) Saturated solution of picric acidd) Potassium mercuric iodideWhich of the following test is used for xanthine alkaloids?a) Vitali-Morrin testb) Thaleoquin testc) Murexide testd) Frohde’s testWhich colour is observed when Papaverine + HCl + Potassium Ferricyanide are treated together?a) Emerald greenb) Lemon yellowc) Purpled) Violet Which of the following is Van Urk’s reagent? a) p-methyl amino benzaldehydeb) p-dimethyl amino benzaldehydec) p-ethyl amino benzaldehyded) o-methyl amino benzaldehydeWhich of the following tests are used for detection of sterols and Triterpenes?a) Liberman-Burchard Testb) Halphen’s testc) Badouin’s testd) EthambutolWhich of the following receptor is from Type-2 receptor family?a) GABAAb) GABAB c) NMDAd) AMPAWhich of the following is 5-HT1A receptor agonist?a) Buspironeb) Bicucullinec) Zolpidemd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is the side effect of Levodopa?a) Dyskinesiab) On-Off effectc) BothA and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is the mechanism action of the strychnine?a) Antagonize GABA b) Antagonize glutamatec) Antagonize glycined) None of the aboveWhich of the following test is used for detection of quinoline alkaloid?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-Morrin testc) Van-urk’s testd) Mayer’s testWhich of the following drug is from Loganiaceae family?a) Sennab) Nux-vomicac) Vincad) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug contains Saponin glycoside?a) Dioscoreab) Ginsengc) BothA and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following variety is the Indian Senega?a) Polygala senegab) Polygala chinensisc) Polygala albad) None of the aboveWhich of the following is the specific test for an alkaloid?a) Dragendorffb) Wagnerc) Murexided) Hager Which of the following is the pyridine-pyrrolidine alkaloid containing drug?a) Lobeliab) Belladonac) Ipecacd) ErgotWhich of the following drugs contains the diacytic stomata?a) Digitalisb) Daturac) Vasakad) BelladonaWhich of the following leaf drug possess an isobilateral leaf?a) Sennab) Belladonac) Hyoscyamusd) VasakaFrom the dissolution view point, which dosage form is the least absorbed with time?a) Solutionb) Suspensionc) Uncoated tabletsd) Coated tabletsICH stands for …….…………………..…a) Indian Council on Healthcare systemb) Institute for controlling Health Hazardsc) International Conference on Harmonizationd) International Committee on HarmonizationPowdered Glass test is not used for which USP Glass?a) Type Ib) Type IIc) Type IIId) All of the aboveThe preferred method for sterilization for mineral oil injections is………………………..a) Autoclaveb) Filtrationc) Gas sterilizationd) Dry heatCombiflam tablet is a combination drug product of …………………….P) ParacetamolQ) AspirinR) IbuprofenS) Diclofenac sodiuma) PQb) PRc) PSd) RSThe weight variation problem in tablets may be caused due to……………………..a) Change in die fillb) Large proportion of finesc) Differing densitiesd) All of the aboveWhich of the following diluent causes tablet softening upon storage?a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Mannitold) DCPPharmaceutical excipients are intended for following purposes except……………………a) Pharmacological activityb) Pharmaceutical stability c) Physical solubility d) Chemical compatibilityThe thickness of implantable tablet should not be more than……………………..a) 2 mmb) 4 mmc) 8 mmd) 10 mmA process designed to kill some or all of the micro-organisms to a harmless level is known as…….……a) Disinfectionb) Sterilizationc) Lyophilizationd) VentilationThe diagnostic test used for Brucellosis disease is………………a) Elex test b) Ducrey test c) Weil felix test d) Coombs testIn the microbial assay of bacitracin, the test organism used is ……………….…..a) Staphylococcus aureusb) Bacillus pumilus c) Staphylococcus epidermidisd) Micrococcus luteusWhat is an acceptable range for a tablet to pass friability test?a) 0.5-1.5%b) 02.-1%c) 0.5-1%d) 1-2%Schedule: “Requirement & guideline on Clinical trials for import and manufacture of new drugs.” a) Sch. Db) Sch. Kc) Sch. Vd) Sch. YThe HPMC (commonly known as Hypromellose) is used in formulations as ……………..a) Coating agentb) Tablet binderc) Sustained release polymerd) All of the aboveIn the process of sugar coating of tablets the colorants are added in one of the following steps?a) Syrup coatingb) Sub coating c) Polishingd) Seal coatingStandards for mechanical contraceptives are given in...............a) Schedule V b) Schedule Nc) Schedule U d) Schedule ROpaque color concentrate for film coating is known as ………….a) Opacoatb) Opaspray c) Opalux d) OpadryWhich of the following is not a function of a plasticizer?a) To improve flexibility of coatingb) To provide pH independent release c) To reduce the risk of film cracking d) To improve adhesion of filmWhich tablets require special care for storage in a hermetically sealed packaging?a) Implant tabletsb) Effervescent tablets c) Chewable tablets d) All of the aboveWhich of the following drug contains Rubiaceous stomata?a) Senna b) Cocac) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug contains glandular trichomes?a) Male fernb) Vasakac) Nux vomicad) CannabisIdioblasts of crystal layer of calcium oxalate are a diagnostic feature of …………………….a) Hyoscyamus niger leavesb) Deadly nightshade leaves c) Cinchona barkd) Senna leavesWhich of the following herbal drug is used as respiratory stimulant in the treatment of asthma?a) Hyoscyamusb) Duboisiac) Cocad) LobeliaAtropine on hydrolysis with Barium Hydroxide gives……………………………….a) Tropanol and Tropic acidb) Scopine and Tropic acidb) Ecgonine and Benzoic acidd) Benzyl ecgonine and MethanolWhich of the following is/are known as water clearing nut?a) S. nuxblandab) S. potatorumc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following test is used for xanthine alkaloids?a) Vitali-Morrin testb) Thaleoquin testc) Murexide testd) Frohde’s testWhich of the following test is utilized for detection of quinine?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-Morrin testc) Frohde’s testd) Kedde’s reactionWhich of the following is the Coumarin glycoside?a) Quassinb) picrosidec) prunasind) khellinRauwolfia alkaloid belongs to the class of………………………..a) Quinolineb) Isoquinolinec) Piperidined) IndoleWhich of the following is controlling DARK ADAPTATION TIME? a) Retinolb) Retinalc) Rhodopsind) Retinoic acid Which of the following vitamins is/are widely used in mouth ulcer?a) Folic acidb) Vitamin B12 c) Both A an Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is an Antineuritic vitamin?a) Vitamin B5b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin B7d) Vitamin B1Which of the following is an active form of vitamin B6?a) Pyridoxinb) Pyridoxaminec) Pyridoxal phosphated) PyridoxalWhich of the following amino acid is frequently bound at active site of enzymes?a) Lysineb) Alaninec) Valined) SerineWhich of the following enzyme is specific biomarker for liver & skeletal muscle?a) LDH1b) LDH2c) LDH3d) LDH5Which of the following coenzyme is required in phospholipid synthesis? a) CDPb) ATP c) PLP d) SAM Which of the following enzyme is controlling used uric acid level?a) MAOb) Xanthine oxidase c) PABAd) None of the aboveWave theory for EMR was given by………..a) Newton b) De Brogliec) Max Planckd) LambertWhich of the following is not the unit of Frequency?a) Keyserb) Cycle/sec c) Hertzd) FrenselWhich of the following EMR is used in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy?a) Radiowavesb) Radarwavesc) Microwavesd) Cosmic raysAscending order for transitions based on energy requirement is…a) Π → Π* < n → σ*< n → Π* < σ → σ*b) n → Π* < Π → Π* < n → σ* < σ → σ*c) σ → σ*< Π → Π* < n → σ*< n → Π* d) Π → Π* <σ → σ* < n → Π* < n → σ*n → Π* transition in Nonpolar solvent shows …a) Hypsochromic shiftb) Bathochromic shift c) Hypochromic shiftd) None of aboveHLB system is used to classify........................a) Surfactantsb) Preservativesc) Antioxidantsd) Sequestering agents The micro-organism for the assay of tetracycline is……………………….a) Micrococcus luteusb) E.colic) Pseudomonas aeruginosad) S. aureusWhich test is used for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis?a) Wasserman test b) Schick testc) Widal testd) None of the aboveIn tablet compression machine the component guiding the movement of punches isa) Hopperb) Die tablec) Cam tracksd) TurretsDescriptionRelated toP) Crystal growth1) GriffinQ) pH scale2) SorensenR) HLB scale3) DLVO theoryS) Interparticular force4) Ostwald ripeninga) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3 b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2Chemically Bentonite is.....................................a) Magnesium aluminium silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Alumino silicated) All of the aboveThe most commonly used abbreviation BCS stands for………………………………….a) Bovine cervical systemb) Benign Carcinogenic symptomc) Biopharmaceutics classification systemd) Bio-clinical systemThe drug used in the treatment of Swine Flu (Tamiflu Tablets) by Roche Company is…………………..a) Abacavirb) Lamivudinec) Oseltamivird) TenofovirWetting angle of 180? indicates……………………….a) No wettingb) Slight wetting c) Floatingd) Complete wettingThe term “Freely soluble” means………………………a) < 1 partb) 1 – 10 partsc) 30 – 100 partsd) > 10000 partsRat holling phenomena relates with………………..(a) Poor flow of granules (b) Maintaining the granule flow(c) Filling of capsules(d) Increasing the granular flowQuantitative color estimation is done by………………………....a) Calorimetric measurementb) Micro-reflectance photometerc) Psychrometryd) All of the aboveWhich of the following is controlling DARK ADAPTATION TIME? a) Retinol b) Retinalc) Rhodopsin d) Retinoic acid Which of the following vitamins is/are widely used in mouth ulcer?a) Folic acid b) Vitamin B12 c) Bothd) NoneWhich of the following is an Antineuritic vitamin?a) B5b) C c) B7d) B1Which of the following is an active form of vitamin B6?a) Pyridoxin b) Pyridoxamine c) Pyridoxal phosphated) PyridoxalWhich of the following amino acid is frequently bound at active site of enzymes?a) Lysine b) Alanine c) Valined) SerineWhich of the following enzyme is specific biomarker for liver & skeletal muscle?a) LDH1 b) LDH2 c) LDH3 d) LDH5Which of the following coenzyme is required in phospholipid synthesis? a) CDP b) ATP c) PLP d) SAM Which of the following enzyme is controlling used uric acid level?a) MAO b) Xanthine oxidase c) PABAd) NoneWhich of the following drug contains Rubiaceous stomata?a) Senna b) cocac) both a and b d) noneWhich of the following drug contains glandular trichomes?a) Male fernb) vasakac) nux vomicad) cannabisIdioblasts of crystal layer of calcium oxalate are a diagnostic feature of:a) Hyoscyamus niger leavesb) Deadly nightshade leavesc) Cinchona barkd) Senna leavesWhich of the following herbal drug is used as respiratory stimulant in the treatment of asthma?a) Hyoscyamusb) Duboisiac) Cocad) LobeliaAtropine on hydrolysis with Barium Hydroxide givesa) Tropanol and Tropic acidb) Scopine and Tropic acidb) Ecgonine and Benzoic acidd) Benzyl ecgonine and MethanolWhich of the following is/are the known as water clearing nut?a) S. nuxblandab) S. potatorumc) Both a & bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following test is used for xanthine alkaloids?a) Vitali-Morrin testb) Thaleoquin testc) Murexide testd) Frohde’s testWhich of the following test is utilized for detection of quinine?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-Morrin testc) Frohde’s testd) Kedde’s reactionWhich of the following is the coumarin glycoside?a) Quassinb) picrosidec) prunasind) khellinRauwolfia alkaloid belongs to the class of:a) Quinolineb) isoquinolinec) piperidined) indoleWhich of the following receptor is from Type-2 receptor family?a) GABAAb) GABAB c) NMDAd) AMPAWhich of the following is 5-HT1A receptor agonist?a) Buspironeb) Bicucullinec) Zolpidemd) noneWhich of the following is the side effect of Levodopa?a) dyskinesiab) On-Off effectc) Bothd) none Which of the following is the mechanism action of the strychnine?a) antagonise GABAb) antagonise glutamate c) antagonise glycined) noneCognosyWhich of the following test is used for detection of quinoline alkaloid?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-morin testc) Van-urk’s testd) Mayer’s testWhich of the following drug is from Loganiaceae family?a) Sennab) Nux-vomicac) Vincad) noneWhich of the following drug contains saponin glycoside?a) Dioscoreab) Ginsengc) Bothd) noneWhich of the following is the Indian senega?a) Polygala senegab) Polygala chinensisc) Polygala albad) noneWhich of the following is the non-specific test for alkaloid?a) Dragendorffb) Wagnerc) Murexided) Hager Which of the following is the pyridine-pyrollidine alkaloid containing drug?a) Lobeliab) Belladonac) Ipecacd) Ergot7) Which of the following drugs contains the diacytic stomata?a) Digitalisb) Daturac) Vasakad) Belladona8) Which of the following leaf drug is isobilateral leaf?a) Sennab) Belladonac) Hyoscyamusd) VasakaHLB system is used to classify........................a) Surfactantsb) Preservativesc) Antioxidantsd) Sequestering agents The micro-organism for the assay of tetracycline is……………………….a) Micrococcus luteusb) E.colic) Pseudomonas aeruginosad) S. aureusWhich test is used for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis?a) Wasserman test b) Schick testc) Widal testd) None of the aboveIn tablet compression machine the component guiding the movement of punches is ………………..a) Hopperb) Die tablec) Cam tracksd) TurretsChemically Bentonite is.....................................a) Magnesium aluminium silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Alumino silicated) None of the aboveThe most commonly used abbreviation BCS stands for………………………………….a) Bovine cervical systemb) Benign Carcinogenic symptomc) Biopharmaceutics classification systemd) Bio-clinical systemThe drug used in the treatment of Swine Flu (Tamiflu Tablets) by Roche Company is…………………..a) Abacavirb) Lamivudinec) Oseltamivird) TenofovirWetting angle of 180? indicates……………………….a) No wettingb) Slight wetting c) Floatingd) Complete wettingThe term “Freely soluble” means………………………a) < 1 partb) 1 – 10 partsc) 30 – 100 partsd) > 10000 partsRat holling phenomena relates with………………..a) Poor flow of granules b) Maintaining the granule flowc) Filling of capsulesd) Increasing the granular flowQuantitative color estimation is done by………………………....a) Calorimetric measurementb) Micro-reflectance photometerc) Psychrometryd) All of the aboveDescriptionRelated toP) Crystal growth1) GriffinQ) pH scale2) SorensenR) HLB scale3) DLVO theoryS) Interparticular force4) Ostwald ripeninga) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3 b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2From the dissolution view point, which dosage form is the least absorbed with time?a) Solutionb) Suspensionc) Uncoated tabletsd) Coated tabletsICH stands for …….…………………..…(a) Indian Council on Healthcare system(b) Institute for controlling Health Hazards(c) International Conference on Harmonization(d) International Committee on HarmonizationPowdered Glass test is not used for which USP Glass?(a) Type I(b) Type II(c) Type III(d) All of the aboveThe preferred method for sterilization for mineral oil injections is………………………..a) Autoclaveb) Filtrationc) Gas sterilizationd) Dry heatCombiflam tablet is a combination drug product of …………………….P) ParacetamolQ) AspirinR) IbuprofenS) Diclofenac sodiuma) PQb) PRc) PSd) RSThe weight variation problem in tablets may be caused due to……………………..a) Change in die fillb) Large proportion of finesc) Differing densitiesd) All of the aboveWhich of the following diluent causes tablet softening upon storage?a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Mannitold) DCPPharmaceutical excipients are intended for following purposes except …………………………a) Pharmacological activityb) Pharmaceutical stabilityc) Physical solubilityd) Chemical compatibilityThe thickness of implantable tablet should not be more than……………………..a) 2 mmb) 4 mmc) 8 mmd) 10 mmA process designed to kill living micro-organisms to a harmless level is known as…….……………a) Disinfectionb) Sterilizationc) Lyophilizationd) VentilationThe diagnostic test used for Brucellosis disease isa) Elex test b) Ducrey test c) Weil felix test d) Coombs testIn the microbial assay of bacitracin, the test organism used is ………..a) Staphylococcus aureusb) Bacillus pumilus c) Staphylococcus epidermidisd) Micrococcus luteusWhat is an acceptable range for a tablet to pass friability test?a) 0.5-1.5%b) 02.-1%c) 0.5-1%d) 1-2%Schedule: “Requirement & guideline on Clinical trials for import and manufacture of new drugs.” (a) Sch. D(b) Sch. K(c) Sch. V(d) Sch. YThe HPMC (commonly known as Hypromellose) is used in formulations as ……………..a) Coating agentb) Tablet binderc) Sustained release polymerd) All of the aboveIn the process of sugar coating of tablets the colorants are added in one of the following steps?a) Syrup coatingb) Sub coating c) Polishing d) Seal coatingStandards for mechanical contraceptives are given in...............a) Schedule V b) Schedule Nc) Schedule U d) Schedule ROpaque color concentrate for film coating is known as ………….a) Opacoatb) Opaspray c) Opalux d) OpadryWhich of the following is not a function of a plasticizer?a) To improve flexibility of coatingb) To provide pH independent release c) To reduce the risk of film cracking d) To improve adhesion of filmWhich tablets require special care for storage in a hermetically sealed packaging?a) Implant tabletsb) Effervescent tablets c) Chewable tablets d) All of the above(1) Which of the following is neurohormone?a. Neuropeptide-Yb. Vasoactive Intestinal Peptidec. Oxytocind. Dopamine(2)Which of the following 5HT-receptors are involved in platelet aggregation?a. 5-HT1Ab. 5-HT1Bc. 5-HT2Ad. 5-HT2B(3) Which of the following is COMT inhibitor and used to treat Parkinsonism?a. Bromocriptineb. Entacaponec. Lisurided. Pramipexole(4)Which of the following local anaesthetic causes methaemoglobinaemia?a. Articaineb. Prilocainec. Levobupivacained. Ropivacaine(5)Which of the following are D2 class receptor agonist & used to treat parkinsonism?a. Ropiniroleb. Pramipexolec. Both d. none -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pharmacognosy1) Which of the following drug contains C-glycosides?a. Cochinealb. sennac. Rhubarbd. None2.) Which of the following is cyanogenetic glycoside?a. amygdalinb.prunasinc. both d. None3.) Which of the following drug contains Isothiocyanate glycoside?a. Thevetiab. Brahmic. Black mustardd. None4.) Which of the following drugs gives positive Borntrager’s test?a. Sennab. Ginsengc. Gokhrud. Thevetia5.) Which of the following drug contains S-glycosides?a. Rheinb. Hypericinc. Sinigrind. Carminic acid6.) Which of the following drug contains abnormal vascular bundles?a. Sennab. Rhubarbc. Aloed. Thevetia7.) Which of the following is known as St. John’s wort?a. Aloinb. barbaloinc. Hypericumd. Carminic acid8.) Which of the following drug contains unicellular, conical, warty trichomes?a. Rhubarbb. Sennac. Digitalisd. Stophanthus Which of the following is a negative modulator of benzodiazepinesα – carbolineB. β – carboline γ - carbolineD. δ – carbolineMeprobamate is used as:Sedative-hypnoticAnti-anxiety agentIn absence seizureAll of aboveBuspiron – an anti anxiety agent is5-HT1a agonist5-HT1a antagonist5-HT1b agonist5-HT1b antagonistWhich of the general anesthetic is used as an emulsion form Etomidate PropofolKetamineHalothaneIUPAC name of halazepam is5-Chloro -1,3-dihydro-5-phenyl-1(2,2,2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one7-Chloro -1,3-dihydro-6-phenyl-1(2,2,2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-3-one7-Chloro -1,3-dihydro-5-phenyl-1(2,2,2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one5-Chloro -1,3-dihydro-6-phenyl-1(2,2,2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-3-oneIn tablet compression machine the component guiding the movement of the punches is calleda) Hopperb) Die table c) Cam tracks d) TurretsDry heat sterilization cannot be used for ……………..a) Oilsb) Powdersc) Surgical dressingd) Metal instrumentsQuantitative color estimation is done by...a) Calorimetric measurementb) Micro-reflectance photometerc) Psychrometryd) All of the aboveAs per D&C Act and Rules, the GMP is included under Schedule ………a) Wb) Gc) Md) PPasteurization method for sterilization of milk is carried out at ……………a) 62.8 ?C for 30 min. b) 68.2 ?C for 30 min. c) 121 ?C for 30 min. d) 60 ?C for 1 hr.Diluent used for Spheronization method is……….a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Starchd) PVPWhat is the working principle of action of Hammer mill?a) Attritionb) Impactc) Both A and Bd) PressureWhich derivative of Vitamin B1 gives fluorescence in visible region?a) Thiochromeb) Thiaminec) Pyrithiamined) OxythiamineThe coenzyme not involved in hydrogen transfera) FMNb) FADc) NADP+d) FH4Rat holling phenomena relates with………………..(a) Poor flow of granules (b) Maintaining the granule flow(c) Filling of capsules(d) Increasing the granular flowStorage conditionDescriptionP) Cold storage1) Any temp. not greater than 8?CQ) Cool storage2) Any temp. between 8-25?C R) Warm storage3) Any temp. between 30-40?CS) Excessive heat4) Any temp. above 40?C(a) P1,Q2,R3,S4 (b) P2,Q1,R4,S3 (c) P2,Q1,R3,S4 (d) P1,Q3,R2,S4AntibioticTest organismP) Bleomycin1) Mycobacterium smegmatisQ) Chloramphenicol2) E.coliR) Rifampicin3) B. subtilisS) Chlortetracyclineine4) S. aureusa) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-4,R-1,S-2 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4Excipient (Trade Name)Purpose P) Avicel1) DiluentQ) Aspartame2) SweetnerR) Ac-di-sol3) SuperdisintegrantS) Aerosil4) Glidanta) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-4,R-1,S-2 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4The phenomenon of increasing solubility of non-polar molecules by addition of a water miscible solvent in which the drug has good solubility is called ………..a) Complexation b) Co-solvencyc) Solubilizationd) HydrotrophyThe biological indicator for moist heat sterilization is ………P) Clostridium sporogenes Q) Chromobacter prodigism R) B. coagulans S) B. subtilisa) P, Q b) P, Rc) R, Sd) Q, SThe official dissolution test apparatus contains cylindrical vessel and the lower edge of the blade is positioned from inside bottom of the vessel ata) 20±2 mm b) 25±2 mmc) 18±2 mmd) 25±0.5 mmThe “Soluble” term means ………………..a) <1 parts b) 1-10 partsc) 10-30 parts d) 30-100 partsVesicular systems formed by a mixture of cholesterol & non-ionic surfactant are known as ………………a) Liposomesb) Microcapsulesc) Neosomes d) NanospheresReaction of lactose with amines is known as ………………….a) Hydrolysisb) Lactolysationc) Maillard reactiond) All of the aboveThe diagnostic test for “Diphtheria” is ………………a) Kahn testb) Coombs test c) Dick testd) Schick testThe term “Veegum” stands for ………………a) Alumino silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Magnesium aluminium silicated) All of the aboveWhich test is used to determine the wetting angle?a) Dew point testb) Draves test c) Cloud point testd) Kraft testThe test organism used in microbiological assay of antibiotic Polymyxin B is …………………a) Pseudomonas aeruginosab) Bordetella bronchiseptica c) Staphylococcus aureusd) Micrococcus luteusTaste sensationRecommended flavourP) Salty1) RaspberryQ) Bitter2) ButterscotchR) Sweet3) ChocolateS) Sour4) Vanillaa) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 c) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 d) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1The superdisintegrant used in tablet formulation isa) Sodium starch glycolate b) Starch c) PVP d) Mg-aluminium silicateWhich evaluation parameter(s) is/are considered for floating tablets? a) Lag time b) Floating time c) Hardness d) All of the aboveWhich term is adopted by USP for Fast dissolving tablets?a) Orodispersible tabletsb) Mouth dissolving tablets c) Melt-In-Mouth Tablets d) Orally disintegrating tabletsIn the microbial assay of bacitracin, the test organism used is ………..a) Staphylococcus aureusb) Bacillus pumilus c) Staphylococcus epidermidisd) Micrococcus luteusList of drugs that are exempted from certain provision under manufacture are described under the schedule ….a) C b) D c) E d) KThe diagnostic test used for Brucellosis disease isa) Elex test b) Ducrey test c) Weil felix test d) Coombs testWhich UV wavelength (in nm) gives maximum bactericidal effect for sterilization purpose?a) 220 b) 253.7 c) 265 d) 320InstrumentDescriptionP) Manesty dry cota1) Layered tabletsQ) Versa Press2) Compression coated tabletsR) Differential manomer3) Homogenization of emulsionS) Ultra-sonifier4) Determine aggregation of suspensiona) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-4,S-3 c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Type of millNot used forP) Hammer mill1) Solid materialsQ) Revolving mill2) Soft materialsR) Cutter mill3) Abrasive materialS) Colloid mill4) Friable material a) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2 b) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Which solvent is used as a binder in the formulation of compression coated tablets?a) Acetoneb) Aquacoat c) Isopropyl alcohol d) None of the aboveThe micronized form of drug is absorbed faster because it’s …………………. is increased.a) Surface areab) viscosity c) friability d) All of the aboveNucleoside refers to………………….a) Base + Sugarb) Base + Phosphatec) Base onlyd) None of the aboveCarbohydrates containing more than 4 % protein are known as ……..a) Glycoproteinb) Mucoproteinc) Metalloproteind) Lipoprotein.Invert Sugar is prepared from …..a) Dextroseb) Sucrosec) Inulind) None of the aboveMaximum amount of flavoring oil that can be added to granulation is ………….a) 0.1-0.3%b) 0.5-0.75% c) 1-2% d) 2-5%Which number carbon differentiates α and β forms (i.e. anomers) of D-glucose?a) C4b) C3 c) C1d) C2Homopolysaccharides have general formula …………..a) (C6H10O5)nb) (C6H12O4)n c) (C6H10O6)nd) (C6H10O4)nWhich of the following is nonapeptide?a) Kallidin b) Bradykinin c) Substance P d) GastrinWhich of the following is/are an essential Fatty Acid(s)?a) Linoleic Acid b) Linolenic Acid c) Arachidonic Acid d) All of the above The functionally active form of Vitamin D is…a) Cholecalciferolb) Ergocalciferolc) Dehydrocholesterold) CalcitriolType of coatingCoating materialsP) Sealing1) HPMCQ) Subcoating2) Carnauba waxR) Polishing3) GelatinS) Film coating4) Shellaca) P-4,Q-3,R-2,S-1 b) P-4,Q-2,R-3,S-1 c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3 d) P-1,Q-3,R-2,S-4Controlled porosity Osmotic pumps possess delivery orifice preferably produced by ……………..a) Laser b) Microdillc) Modified punchesd) None of the aboveA pediatric patient requires quicker onset of action of a low dose bitter drug that is having high first pass metabolism. Suggest the most suitable dosage form for effective treatment with patient compliance? a) Sugar coated tabletsb) Transdermal patches c) Orodispersible tabletsd) Enteric coated tabletsWhich test is used to check the purity of butter containing good conc. of volatile fatty acid?a) Reichert-Meissl No.b) Acid No. c) Iodine No. d) Ash valueEdman’s Reagent is chemically …………………a) Phenyl isothiopropionate b) Phenyl isothiocyanatec) Phenyl isopropylbuty rate d) Phenyl Butylpropionate.Which of following is present in collagen?a) 5-Hydroxy proline b) 4-Hydroxy lysine c) 5-Hydroxy lysine d) 3-Hydroxy prolineWhich of the following enzymes requires chloride ions as activators?a) Lipaseb) Amylasec) Trypsind) Chemotrypsin) Which of the following drug should not be given with torsemide?a) Bleomycin b) Dactinomycin c) Mitomycin d) Neomycin2) Which of the following drug is given with fenofibrate to prevent Coronary Heart Disease?a) Pravastatin b) Rosuvastatin c) Simvastatatin d) Cerivastatin3) Which of the following β-blocker is used to treat angina?a) Atenolol b) Nadolol c) Betoxalol d) Nebivolol4) Which of the following route(s) of administration is used for Epoetin-β?a) I.M.b) I.V.c) S.C.d) Both B and C5) Which of the following anti-platelet drug is PDE inhibitor?a) Dipyridamol b) Disopyramide c) Tirofiban d) Abciximabbiochem question:1) What is the last product of the glycolysis in anaerobic medium? a) Pyruvate b) lactate c) citrate d) oxaloacetate2) HMP pathway is also known as…….a) Pentose phosphate pathway b) Hexose phosphate pathway c) Phosphate pathway d) Cori’s cycle3) Pompe’s deficiency is caused due to deficiency of ………………..a) Acid maltase b) Glycogen sythatase c) Hexokinase d) Acid lactaseThe ?-opioid receptors are involved in the following pharmacological effects except ………….a) Analgesiab) Euphoriac) Dysphoriad) Respiratory depressionWhich of the following is/are the endogenous opioids(s)?a) Endorphinsb) Dynorphinsc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following amino acid is a precursor for Serotonin (5-HT)?a) Tyrosineb) Tyraminec) Tryptophand) TaurineWhich of the following drug is used to treat ‘jet-lag’ condition?a) Melaninb) Melatoninc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is not a pharmacological effect of morphine?a) Diarrhoeab) Pin point pupilc) CNS depressiond) Respiratory depressionWhich of the following is an ultra short acting Benzodiazepine?a) Chlordizepoxideb) Midazolamc) Nitrazepamd) AlprazolamWhich of the following herbal drug is used as respiratory stimulant in the treatment of asthma?a) Hyoscyamusb) Duboisiac) Cocad) LobeliaSalicin, a phenolic glucoside, on hydrolysis yields ……..…………a) Salicylic acid + glucoseb) Salicyl alcohol + glucosec) Phenol + glucosed) Salicyl aldehyde + glucoseAtropine on hydrolysis with Barium Hydroxide gives ……………..a) Tropanol and Tropic acidb) Ecgonine and Benzoic acidc) Scopine and Tropic acidd) Benzyl Ecgonine and MethanolC-17 α-β unsaturated lactone ring is a common feature in …………………..a) Digitalis and squill glycosidesb) Digitalis and Senna glycosides c) Digitalis and Strophanthus glycosidesd) Digitalis and amygdalinC3-O-glycoside digitoxin is used for ……………a) Cardiac actionb) CNS actionc) Hypotensive actiond) Liver actionIdioblast of crystal layer of calcium oxalate is a diagnostic feature of ……………..a) Hyoscyamus niger leaves b) Cinchona bark c) Deadly nightshade leavesd) Senna leavesWhich of the following method is used to extract Citrus oils?a) Hydrodistillationb) Enfleurage methodc) Ecuelle methodd) None of the above Which of the following drug(s) contain Phenolic ether volatile oil?a) Aniseb) Nutmegc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveHow many no. of Isoprene units are present in sesquiterpenes?a) 1 b) 2c) 3d) 4Which of the following is the main chemical constituent of the Eucalyptus oil?a) geraniolb) cineolec) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is/are the substitute(s) of Caraway?a) Cuminum cyminumb) Anethum sowac) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveCologyWhich of the following penicillins are effective against P. aeruginosa infection?a) Oxacillinb) Naficillinc) Methicillind) TicarcillinWhich of the following is 4th generation Cephalosporins?a) Cephazolinc) Cefaclorb) Cefclidined) CefiximeWhich of the following drug is used to treat Lyme’ disease?a) Sulphasalazinec) Clarithromycinb) Azlocillind) ClofazimineWhich of the following tetracycline is effective against N. meningitidis infection? a) Rolitetracyclinec) Minocyclineb) Demeclocyclined) DoxycyclineWhich of the following anti TB dug causes pyridoxine deficiency?a) Isoniazidc) Pyrazinamideb) Cycloserined) Ethambutol.what is the function of peroxisome?a)bimerization b)mutarotation c)oxidation d)glycation2)which of the following acid is formed on oxidation of -CHO group of sugars?a)glucoronic acid b)gluconic acid c)sacchric acid d)mucic acid3.which of the following deficiency cause Phrynoderma or toad skin?a)essential fatty acid b)non essential fatty acid c)proteins d)all4)which of the following lipid posses antihyperlipidemic action?a)phospholipid b)triglyceride c)glycolipid d)sitosterol5)Proteins are polymer of …… a) L-α-aminoacidb) D-α-aminoacidc) L-β-aminoacid d) L-λ-aminoacid6)what is the principle Reverse sequencing method detecting amino acid sequence?a)enzymatic method b)chemical method c)chemical-DNA method d)HPLC7)Uric acid is chemically………?a)2,6-dioxypurine b)2,6,8-trioxypurine c )6-oxypurine d)6,8-dioxypurine8)which of the following enzymes used for detecting glucose in urine?A)glucose peroxidase b)glucose oxidase c)glucose transferase d)both a & bWhich of the following is the example of Neuromodulator? a) Nor-adrenalineb) Achc) Vasoactive Inyestinal Peptide (VIP)d) Oxytocin2)Which of the following is the 5-HT2A anatagonist?a) Ketanserineb) Pizotifenc) bothd) none3) Which of the following COMT inhibitor causes Hepatotoxicity as its side effects?a) Entacaponeb) Tolcaponec) bothd) none4) Which of the following antiepileptic drug acts by inhibiting GABA uptake?a) Vigabatrineb) Tiagabinec) Gabapentined) LamotrigineSolvent which can be used in PMR spectroscopy is……. a) Chloroform b) Carbon tetrachloride c) Acetone d) MethanolCompounds listed below contain σ. N and π electron…. P) AcetaldehydeQ) ButadieneR) FormaldehydeS) Benzenea) PSb) QRc) PRd) QSχ max of p-hydroxy benzaldehyde is…..a) 265b) 250 c) 272 d) 275How many peaks are observed for Isopropanol in PMR?a) 4 b) 3 c) 2d) 5n → π* in polar solvent shows……a) Hyperchromic shiftb) Bathochromic shift c) Hypsochromic shiftd) None 106 mg of compound A (dissolved in 100 ml ethanol) in a 1 cm long cell has a χ max 295 nm and absorbance is 0.28. Then the value of A1% 1cm is…..a) 2.64b) 264c) 190d) 640Rotation of e- around proton generates a secondary magnetic field which may oppose the applied magnetic field. The proton is said to be…..a) Deshielded b) H-Bonded c) Shifted d) ShieldedCompoundC=0 stretching IR Freq.(cm-1) P) C=O stretching1) 1420Q) C-O bending in Phenol2) 3600R) O-H stretching3) 1715S) O-Hbending4) 1230a) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-4, R-2,S-1 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4The mechanism of the digitalis is…………a) ↑ end diastolic volumeb) ↓ end diastolic volumec) ↓ myocardial contractiond) AllWhich of the following drug is a long acting nitrate used in CHD?a) Nitroglycerine b) Amyl nitratec) Isosorbide 5-mononitrated) Nitrous oxideWhich of the following drug cause decrease in GFR?a) Hydralazine b) Orlistatc) Rimonabant d)EnalaprilatWhich of the following drug should not be given with Sotalol?a) Probucol b) Furosemidec) Icatibant d) BosentanWhich vitamin’s coenzyme must be required for transamination of Amino acids?a) VitaminB5b) VitaminB6c) VitaminB12 d) VitaminB3Disposal of ammonia in mammals is by………a) NH4b) Urea c) Uric Acid d) NH4ClWhich of the following is/are example(s) of ketone bodies?a) Alcohol b) Acetone c) Acetoacetate d) Both A and C Which of the following enzyme cause phosphorylation of glucose in Glycolysis?a) Glucokinaseb) Pyruvate kinasec) PFK d) AllWhich of the following vitamin is known as anti-dermatitis factor?a) VitaminB6b) VitaminB12c) VitaminB3d) Pantothenic acid Melatonin is synthesized from……………. a) Tyrosineb) Valinec) Tryptophand) SerineWhich arm of the t-RNA is responsible for recognition of triplet codon of m-RNA?a) D-arm b) T?C armc) Anticodon arm d) Variable armWhich of the coenzyme donates sulfate for synthesis of mucopolysaccharides?a) Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfateb) UDPc) CDPd) ATPWhich of the Non-α-amino acid is intermediate in synthesis of porphyrin?a) α-Alanineb) δ-Aminolevulinic acid c) Taurine d) ornithineWhich of the following is a central molecule for Glycolysis, Glycogenesis, Gluconeogenesis?a) Fructoseb) Glucose-6-phosphatec) Fructose-6-phosphated) GlycogenBile acid is synthesized from……………a) Choline b) Phosphatidic acid c) Cholesterol d) Triacylglycerol Elastin & Keratin are……………..…a) Scleroproteinb) Simple protein c) conjugated protein d) All of the aboveChemical shift can be expressed in……. a) δ b) ppmc) Hz d) All of aboveIf the % transmittance is 50% then Absorbance will be…. a) 0.5b) 1.301c) 1.0d) 2.01χ max of O-chloro benzaldehyde is…..a) 265b) 250 c) 272 d) 275How many peaks are observed for Dimethyl etherl in PMR?a) 4 b) 3 c) 2d) 1π →π* in polar solvent shows……a) Hypochromic shiftb) Bathochromic shift c) Hypsochromic shiftd) None A 6.40* 10-5 M solution had an absorbance of 0.847 in a 1cm cell at 255 nm. Then molar absorptivity is…..a) 13234b) 150c) 1400d) 1324Precession frequency of 13C is of how many times that of 1H…..a) 4 b) 1/2 c) 2 d) 1/4Which of the following can not be used as IR detector?a) hermocouple b) Golay pneumatic detector c) Globar d) BolometerWhich of the following gene is responsible for Obesity?a) obs geneb) obe genec) ob gened) obg gene Which of the following enzyme responsible for transport & elimination of cholesterol from body?a) Lysine transferaseb) Lecithine-cholesterol acyl transferase c) CETPd) AcylaseWhich of the following enzyme cause Gaucher’s disease?a) β-glucosidase b) α-galactosidasec) ceramidase d) β-galactosidase Which of the following is an active form of methionine?a)s-adenosyl methionine b) S-adenosyl cystine c) Meth- methionine d) S-formyl methionineWhich of the Vitamin is known as Antisterility Vitamin?a) Vitamin E b) Vitamin D c) Vitamin K d) Vitamin BHow many NET ATP synthesized in aerobic condition in Glycolysis?a) 8 b) 6 c) 10 d) 12Which of the following is/are specific biomarker for diagnosis of CVS disease?a) LDH2b) CPK2 c) LDH1 d) Both B & C Which of the following cholesterol is GOOD CHOLESTEROL’?a) HDL b) LDL c) TG d) NONEWhich of the Following drug is/are Non depolarizing competitive antagonist?a) Rocuroniumb) Mecamylaminec) Suxamethoniumd) Both A & B Which of the drug used in treatment of multiple sclerosis ?a) Tolazolineb) Tizobifenc) Tizanidined) dimapritWhich of the following is an antidote of Atropine?a) Physostigmine b) Carisopradolc) Azimilide d) fibirtan Which of the following drug given with Quinidine to prevent its indirect effect?a) Verapamil b) Cardinolidesc) Bisoprolol d) AllWhich of the drug is Fibrinogen site inhibitor?a) Tirofiban b) Ticlopidine c) Dipyridamol d) AspirinWhich of the following is a GM_CSF?a) Lenograstim b) Filgrastim c) PEGfilgrastim d) MolgramostinTetracyclines are drug of choice for ………..Typhoid fever(b) whooping cough(c) Both a and b (d) None of the aboveWhich derivative of CPcol is more active than CPcol?2-NHCOCH3(b) 2-NHCOCHF2(c) 2-NHCOCF3 (d) 2-NHCF3Clarithromycin is drug of choice for………………….Legionella infection(b) Atypical pneumonia(c) Lyme`s disease (d) Whooping coughImipenam binds to ………………….PBP-1(b) PBP-2(c) PBP-3(d) PBP-4to6Which Amino acid directly participates in synthesis of Heme….a) Methionine b) Aspartatec) Glycined) TryptophanNo. of Heme present in Myoglobin is……………..a) 1b) 2 c) 3d) 4Which of the following element of ETC possesses isoprenoid units?a) Coenzyme Qb) Cytochromec) Cytochrome bd) Non-HemeSuperoxide is converted to H2O2 by…a) Peroxidaseb) Catalasec) Superoxide dismutased) Glutathion peroxidaseBSP (Bromosulphthalein) is used to access the function of…a) Liver b) Kidneyc) Heart d)MuscleGonadotropin releasing hormone is….a) Nonapeptideb) Decapeptidec) Polypeptide d) OctapeptideMost active mineralocorticoid hormone is …………….a) Cortisol b) Aldosteronec) ADHd) EpinephrineIn Hemolytic Jaundice, Van den Bergh reaction is….a) Direct positiveb) Indirect positive c) Biphasicd) None of aboveWhich of the following drug generally given with Diclofenac after orthopedic surgery?a) Vecuroniumb) Derifenacinc) Chlormezanoned) Suxamethonium Which of the following drug produce depolarization & persistent depolarization?a) Gallamine b) Trimetaphan c) Nicotined) DoxacuriumWhich of the following is an Anionic site Anticholinestearase used in treatment of Glaucoma?a) Distigmine b) Malathionec) Ecothiopate d) Physostigmine Which of the following receptor located on circular muscle of eye?a)NM Receptorb) M3 Receptor c) M1 Receptor d) NN ReceptorWhich of the following drug is/are used in poisoning of irreversible Anticholinestearase ?a) Atropine b) Pralidoxime c) Neostigmine d) Both a & bWhich of the following sugar is an important metabolite in HMP shunt pathway?a) D-Ribuloseb) Xylulosec) Ribosed) Xylose Which of the following lipid cause diabetes in Hyperlipidemia?a) HDL b) LDL c) Phospholipidd) Triacylglycerol Which of the following protein structure contain two or more segment of peptide chains?a) Primaryb) Secondryc) Tertiary d) Quaternary Histones are associated with eukaryotic DNA leads to formation of……….a) Chromosomeb) Nucleotide c) Nucleosomes d) ZygoteWhich of the following statement is true for Un-competative enzyme inhibiton ?a) Inhibitor binds to E+S Complex b) Inhibitor binds to ES Complex c) Inhibitor binds to E+P Complex d) Inhibitor binds to E+S Complex & ES complexWhat is calcitriol?a) Vitamin b) Hormone c) Prohormone d) AllWhich of the following assay is based on immunochemical reaction of antigen & antibody?a) ELISAb) RIAc) LUMINEXd) COLORIMETRY Which of the following is an Anti-oxidant Enzyme?a) Catalase b) Tocopherols c) Hydroperoxidased) Aspartate Growth hormone (GH) mediate bone mineralization through………..?a) GRFb) IGF-Ic) hCG d) Somatostatin Which of the following commonest amino acid is found in protein?a) Alanineb) Tryptophan c) Tyrosine d) GlycineWhich of the following drug combinations are highly susceptible to Nephrotoxicity?a) Enalapril+Hydrochlorthiazideb) Losartan+Hydrochlorthiazidec) Atenolol+Hydrochlorthiazided) Amlodipine+HydrochlorthiazideA patient 40-45 year age, suffering from heart failure & hypertension, which of the following is first choice drug prescribed by physician?a) Digoxinb) Irbesartan c) Spironolactoned) TorasemideWhich of the following drug is both L & T type Calcium channel blocker?a) Nimodipineb) Mibefradil c) Verapamil d) Ethosuximide Which of the following drug is specific B2 receptor Antagonist?a) Betaxolol b) Salbutamol c) Ritodrined) ButoxamineWhich of the following drugs is/are Potasium channel openers?a) Nicorandilb) Pinacidil c) both a & b d) NebivololDesmopressin is selective………………..a) V2 Agonist b) V2 Antagonist c) V1 Agonist d) V1 Antagonist Which of the following is Heparin Antagonist?a) Pergolideb) Protaminec) Methoxamine d) Roxin Which of the following drug is PPAR α receptor Activator?a) Tolbutamideb) Gemfibrozil c) Rosiglitazone d) MuraglitazarWhich of the Following antihypertensive drug is producing Rebound Hypertension?a) Hexamethoniumb) Clonidinec) Metoprolold) Prazosin Which of the following drug is non-depolarising NM blocker?a) Mephensinb) Decamethoniumc) Baclofend) MivacuriumWhich of the following is controlling DARK ADAPTATION TIME? a) Retinol b) Retinalc) Rhodopsin d) Retinoic acid Which of the following sugar is required for nucleic synthesis?a) Ribose b) Galactosec) Fructose d) VerbascoseWhich of the following is an unsaturated fatty acid?a) Myristic acid b) Oleic acid c) Valeric acid d) Lignoceric acidWhich of the following amino acid is containing specific functional group DISULFIDE?a) Cysteine b) Cystine c) Methionine d) LeucineWhich of the following test is used to detect albuminuria?a) Heat coagulation b) Soliwanoff’s c) Millons d ALLWhich of the following specific reaction is used to identify the increase in serum bilirubin?a) Van den berghb) Fouchet’s testc) Gmelin test d) AllWhich of the following test used to assess the completeness of vagotomy?a) Hollander’s testb) BUN c) Sulmen’s testd) Histamine testWhich of the following amino acid is precursor for thyroid hormone synthesis?a) Phenyl alanineb) Tyrosine c) Glycine d) ThreonineWhich of the following is an end product of β-oxidation?a) Acetyl CoA b) Aceyl CoA c) Palmitated) Oleic acidWhich of the following enzyme deficiency cause Lactic acidosis?a) Pyruvate dehydrogenaseb) Lactate dehydrogenase c) 2, 3-BPG d) HexokinaseAldosterone is secreted from……?a) Zona glomerulosab) Zona reticularisc) Zona fasciculata d) ALL Which of the following enzyme is responsible for formation of tRNA?a) RNA polymerase Ib) RNA polymerase IIc) RNA polymerase III d) Polymerase Which of the following codons signaling during foetus development causes progeria?a) UAGb) UUA c) AUU d) CUGWhich of the following is an end product of purine metabolism in humans?a) Ureab) Uric acidc) Xanthined) Ammonia Which of the following immunoglobin is mostly responsible for humoral immunity?a) IgAb) IgDc) IgMd) IgGMetabolism of carbamezapine occurs via …………..(a) Epoxide formation at (E) cis stilbene double bond(b) Epoxane formation at (Z) cis stilbene double bond(c) Epoxide formation at (Z) cis stilbene double bond(d) Epoxane formation at (E) cis stilbene double bondGabapentin acts by inhibiting ………..GABANa+ channelsCa+2 channelsGlutamate Clozapine contains which of the following moiety?FluorobutyrophenoneDibenzodiazepineDibenzoxazepineDiphenylbutylpiperidineTherapeutically used Amphetamine is ……………..(S) + isomer(S) – isomer(R) + isomer(R) – isomerSPEED? is intravenous salt of ………………….AmphetamineBenzphetamineMethamphetaminePhentermineAnxiolytic effect of benzodiaziapines is mediated via ………………α1 subunitα2 subunitα3 subunitα4 subunitAntipsychotic drug causes gynaecomastia as a side effect which is due to ……………… a) ↑ in prolactin levelb) ↓ in prolactin levelc) ↑ in dopamined) ↓ in dopamine(2) Which of the following drug(s) causes Agranulocytosis?a) Olanzapineb) Clozapinec) Both A and Bd) None of the above(3) Which of the following is side effect of Phenytoin?a) Gum hyperplasiab) Hirsutismc) Both A and Bd) None of the above(4) Which of the following drug is used to treat absence seizure?a) Trimethadioneb) Ethosuximidec) Both A and Bd) None of the above(5) Antiepileptic DrugMechanism of action1) VigabatrinP) NMDA antagonist2) FelbamateQ) GABA transaminase inhibitor3) TiagabineR) Ca2+ channel inhibitor4) GabapentinS) GABA reuptake inhibitora) 1-S, 2-R, 3-Q, 4-Pb) 1-Q, 2-P, 3-S, 4-R c) 1-Q, 2-S, 3-R, 4-Pd) 1-S, 2-Q, 3-R, 4-PCOGNOSY(1) Which of the following is triterpenoidal Saponin glycoside?a) Strophanthidin b) Glycyrrhizinec) Barbaloind) Amygdalin(2) With Ammonium Vanadate and sulphuric acid, strychnine gives which colour?a) Purpleb) Orangec) Blued) Yellow(3) Which of the following drug is Egyptian henbane?a) H. reticulatesb) H. aureusc) H. albusd) H. muticus(4) Which of the following drug(s) contains Coumarin glycosides?a) Psoraleab) Ammi visnagac) Both A and Bd) None of the above(5) Which of the following test is used to detect ergot alkaloids?a) Thaleoquin testb) Van Urk’s testc) Kedde’s reactiond) Schoutenten’s reaction(6) Which of the following drug belongs to Araliaceae family?a) Glycyrrhizab) Ginsengc) Senegad) SarsaparillaWhich of the following organism culture is used for detection of mutagenicity?a) S.pyogenus b) S.typhimuriumc) B.subtilisd) ALLWhich of the following ACE inhibitor is producing heavy protenuria?a) Captopril b) Ramiprilc) Lisinoprild) EnalaprilWhich of the following H1 – receptor antagonist is used in treatment of vestibular disorders?a) Cinnarizineb) Cyclizine c) Dexamethasone d) AlterelolWhich of the following drug is “mast-cell stabilizer”?a) Loratidine b) Ropinirol c) T3d) ChromoglicateWhich of the following is mechanism for TACROLIMUS?a) IL-12 inhibitorb) IL-1 inhibitorc) IL-2 inhibitord) IL-4 inhibitorWhich of the following sulfonamide causes reversible decrease in sperm count?a) Sulfadiazine b) Sulfasalazine c) Sulfadoxine d) DapsoneWhich of the following drug is HMG-Co A reductase inhibitor?a) Atorvastatinb) Gemfibrozil c) Niacind) ALLWhich of the following drug is administerd by intrathecal route in treatment of childhood leukaemia?a) Mianserineb) Clopidogrel c) Methtrexate d) Ticlopidine Which of the following cell-cycle phase is responsible for DNA synthesis?a) S-phaseb) G-phase c) M-phase d) G2 -phaseWhich of the following progesterone derivative is widely used in oral-contraceptive pill?a) Levonogestrelb) Mestranolc) Estranold) Genistain Which of the following test is used for detection of ketone bodies?a) Rothera’s testb) Biuret’s testc) Seliwanoff’s testd) Milon’s testThe intrinsic White injury factor is……a) Biotin b) Lipoic acidc) Vitamin C d) NiacinThe coding unit of the DNA is called as…..?a) Intron b) Cistronc) Exon d) PrionInduced fit theory was given by………….?a) Fischer b) Koshland c) Griffin d) MichaliesWhich of the following disease is autoimmune disorder?a) Rhematoid arthritis b) Grave’s diseasec) Addision disease d) ObesityNiemann-pick disease is due to the deficiency of…….?a) Glucokinase b) Sphingomylinase c) Fructo kinase d) PFK-IIMaltose is composed of……?a) Glucose+Glucoseb) Glucose+Lactosec) Glucose+Galactose d) Glucose+FructoseWhich of the following enzyme is elevated in prostate cancer?a) Alkaline phosphate b) Acid phosphatec) ASTd) ALTWhich of the following antibody is secreted in mother’s milk?a) IgAb) IgD c) IgE d) IgM Creatinine clearance is used to assess……………….a) Renal function b) Gastric fuction c) Liver functiond) ALLXanthine is characterized by…………..?a) Murexide testb) FeCl3 Reaction c) Ammonia test d) Meconic Acid testWhich of the following drug is dopamine-β-hydroxydase inhibitor?a) Disulfiramb) Diazoxidec) Baclofen d) OlmisartanUrea cycle involved in …………..?a) Protein metabolismb) Carbohydrate metabolismc) Lipid metabolism d) None Which of the following glucocorticoids is used in replacement therapy?a) Betamethasoneb)Beclomethasone c) Hydrocortisone d) NoneWhich of the following diuretic drug is containing pteridine ring?a) Triamtereneb) Amiloridec) Bendrothiazided) FurosemideWhich component is responsible for developing the proper pressure within the aerosol system? a) Actuatorb) Propellantc) Valved) ContainerInadequate spreading of the coating solution before drying causes which tablet coating defect?a) Orange peelingb) Blisteringc) Crackingd) BloomingWhich of the following statements about lambda carrageenan (Viscarin) is/are true? a) Lambda carrageenan is a non-gelling polymer among different carrageenan grades b) It can be used as a sustained release tablet matrix agentc) Carrageenan is the hydrocolloid obtained by extraction with water from Sea weed (Class Rhodophyceae)d) All of the above The shelf life (t90) of zero order reaction is calculated as…………………a) 0.1Co / kb) Co / 2kc) 0.105 / kd) 0.693 / kFor restricted retail sale of drugs apply in form No. _____________a) 19b) 19-Ac) 19-Cd) 19-AAFlocculated suspensions exhibit ________________ type of flow.a) Dilatantb) Newtonianc) Plasticd) PseudoplasticPolyplasdone used as a superdisintegrant is the trade name of __________________a) Crosslinked NaCMCb) Crosslinked PVPc) Crosslinked Starch d) Microcrystalline celluloseWhich equation describes the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet?a) Fick’s lawb) Henderson-Hassalbache c) Noyes Whitneyd) Michaelis-MentenThe dose to be given for Intramuscular route of administration is ………………….a) 0.01-0.2 mlb) 2-4 mlc) less than 20 mld) 500 ml or moreWhich is a common reaction of reducing sugars (lactose) with amines resulting into unstable products?a) Hydrolysisb) Lactolysationc) Maillard reactiond) OxidationThe phenomenon of increasing solubility of non-polar molecules by addition of a water miscible solvent in which the drug has good solubility is called ………..a) Complexation b) Co-solvencyc) Solubilizationd) HydrotrophyPasteurization method for sterilization of milk is carried out at ……………a) 62.8 ?C for 30 min. b) 60 ?C for 1 hrc) 121 ?C for 30 min.d) 68.2 ?C for 30 min.The biological indicator for moist heat sterilization is ………P) Clostridium sporogenes Q) Chromobacter prodigism R) B. coagulamS) B. subtilisa) P, Q b) P, Rc) R, Sd) Q, SIn BCS, Class III drugs are ______________________a) Low solubility and high permeabilityb) High solubility and low permeabilityc) Low solubility and low permeabilityd) High solubility and high permeabilityConsidering the WHO stability guidance for packaging, the Zone I indicate the condition as……………a) Temperateb) Subtropical with possible high humidityc) Hot/Dryd) Hot/HumidNameDescriptionP) Sorensen1) pH scaleQ) Dalla Valle2) MicromeriticsR) Zanasi3) Tablet coatingS) Wurster4) Capsule filling machinea) P1 Q2 R3 S4 b) P1 Q2 R4 S3c) P2 Q1 R4 S3 d) P1 Q3 R2 S4ScheduleDescriptionP) Schedule M1) Requirements of manufacturing premisesQ) Schedule O2) Standards for disinfectant fluidsR) Schedule R3) Standards for mechanical contraceptivesS) Schedule V4) Standards for patent or proprietary medicines a) P1 Q2 R3 S4 b) P1 Q2 R4 S3 c) P2 Q1 R4 S3d) P1 Q3 R2 S4Type of millNot used forP) Hammer mill1) Solid materialsQ) Revolving mill2) Soft materialsR) Cutter mill3) Abrasive materialS) Colloid mill4) Friable material a) P1 Q3 R4 S2 b) P2 Q3 R4 S1c) P3 Q2 R4 S1d) P2 Q3 R1 S4Industrial dryerPharmaceutical applicationsP) Drum dryer1) Antibiotic solutionQ) Fluidized bed dryer2) Tablet granulesR) Spray dryer3) GelatinS) Freeze dryer (lyophilizer)4) Suspension of kaolina) P1 Q3 R4 S2b) P4 Q2 R3 S1c) P4 Q2 R1 S3d) P3 Q2 R4 S1 One of the following statements for Transdermal drug delivery system is not true?a) Suitable for drugs with low o/w partition coefficientb) Useful for prolonged duration of actionc) Provides rapid drug absorption by penetration enhancersd) Franz diffusion cell is used for In-vitro release testing of TDDSA teratogenic action is:a) Toxic action on the liverb) Negative action on the fetus causing fetal malformationc) Toxic action on blood systemd) Toxic action on kidneysWhich one of the following local anesthetics is an ester of benzoic acid?a) Lidocaineb) Procainec) Ropivacained) Cocaine Which of the following hypnotic agents is a positive allosteric modulator of GABAA receptor function?a) Zaleplonb) Flurazepamc) Zolpidemd) All of the above Dose-related adverse effect caused by phenytoin is:a) Physical and psychological dependenceb) Exacerbated grand mal epilepsy c) Gingival hyperplasia d) Extrapyramidal symptomsWhich of the following statements is correct?a) MAO-A metabolizes dopamine; MAO-B metabolizes serotoninb) MAO-A metabolizes norepinephrine and dopamine; MAO-B metabolizes serotoninc) MAO-A metabolizes norepinephrine and serotonin; MAO-B metabolizes dopamine d) MAO-A metabolizes dopamine; MAO-B metabolizes norepinephrine and serotoninFor which of the following conditions could aspirin be used prophylactically?a) Noncardiogenic pulmonary edemab) Peptic ulcersc) Thromboembolismd) Metabolic acidosisTick the antibiotic for cancer chemotherapy:a) Cytarabineb) Doxorubicinc) Gentamycind) EtoposideTick the drug which belongs to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors:a) Zidovudineb) Vidarabinec) Nevirapine d) GancyclovirMechanism of Izoniazid action is:a) Inhibition of protein synthesisb) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis c) Inhibition of RNA synthesisd) Inhibition of ADP synthesisTachyphylaxis is:a) A drug interaction between two similar types of drugsb) Very rapidly developing tolerance c) An increase in responsiveness to a drug after taking it for days or weeks.d) None of the aboveCocaine is used the officinal medicine.a) narcoticb) emeticc) sedatived) local anaestheticChoose the right test for identification of anthraquinones.a) Marquis testb) Froehde testc) Liebermann-Burchard testd) Borntr?eger testWhat is Opium?a) Latex exudate of the unriped incised capsules after air dried.b) Dried wateric extract of the riped capsules.c) Dried alcoholic extract of the unriped capsules.d) Concentrated alcoholic extract of the poppy straw.The common base skeleton of physiologically active ergoline alkaloids is:a) isolysergic acid.b) clavorubine.c) lysergic acid.d) 2-phenylbenzopyraneWhich of the following alkaloids derived from lysine?a) emetinb) chelidoninc) cinchonidind) lobelinCodeine is:a) monomethyl ether of morphine.b) amide of apomorphine.c) acetyl derivative of morphine.d) dimethyl ether of papaverine.Which of the following vegetable drugs has the highest caffeine content?a) Mate foliumb) Theae foliumc) Guaranad) Coffeae semenWhich of the followings is true for inulin?a) arabinb) pectinc) galaktaned) fructosaneWhich of the following plant constituents can be characterized by reversible complexation with proteins?a) alkaloidsb) saponinsc) tanninsd) mucilagesWhat type of compound is arbutin used in urological infections?a) flavonoid glycosideb) phenolic glycosidec) furanocoumarind) iridoid glycosidePilocarpin the alkaloid of Jaborandi folium has.................... .a) antagonist effect of atropineb) agonist effect of atropinc) sedative effectd) diuretic activityWhich is the right reagent for identification of Ergot alkaloids?a) van Urkb) Fehling I and IIc) iron-III-chlorided) phloroglucinol in HClWhich of the following drug contains saponin glycoside?a) Dioscoreab) Ginsengc) Bothd) noneWhich of the following test is used for detection of quinoline alkaloid?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-morin testc) Van-urk’s testd) Mayer’s test Which of the following drugs contains the diacytic stomata?a) Digitalisb) Daturac) Vasakad) BelladonaWhich component is responsible for developing the proper pressure within the aerosol system? a) Actuatorb) Propellantc) Valved) ContainerInadequate spreading of the coating solution before drying causes which tablet coating defect?a) Orange peelingb) Blisteringc) Crackingd) BloomingWhich of the following statements about lambda carrageenan (Viscarin) is/are true? Lambda carrageenan is a non-gelling polymer among different carrageenan grades It can be used as a sustained release tablet matrix agentCarrageenan is the hydrocolloid obtained by extraction with water from Sea weed (Class Rhodophyceae)All of the aboveThe shelf life (t90) of zero order reaction is calculated as…………………a) 0.1Co / kb) Co / 2kc) 0.105 / kd) 0.693 / kFor restricted retail sale of drugs apply in form No. _____________a) 19b) 19-Ac) 19-Cd) 19-AAFlocculated suspensions exhibit ________________ type of flow.a) Dilatantb) Newtonianc) Plasticd) PseudoplasticPolyplasdone used as a superdisintegrant is the trade name of __________________a) Crosslinked NaCMCb) Crosslinked PVPc) Crosslinked Starch d) Microcrystalline celluloseRemoval of a single electron from a molecule results in the formation ofa) Fragment ion b) Metastable ionc) Molecular ion d) Rearrangement ionWhich equation describes the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet?a) Fick’s lawb) Henderson-Hassalbache c) Noyes Whitneyd) Michaelis-MentenThe dose to be given for Intramuscular route of administration is ………………….a) 0.01-0.2 mlb) 2-4 mlc) less than 20 mld) 500 ml or moreWhich is a common reaction of reducing sugars (lactose) with amines resulting into unstable products?a) Hydrolysisb) Lactolysationc) Maillard reactiond) OxidationThe phenomenon of increasing solubility of non-polar molecules by addition of a water miscible solvent in which the drug has good solubility is called ……….. a) Complexation b) Co-solvencyc) Solubilizationd) HydrotrophyPasteurization method for sterilization of milk is carried out at ……………a) 62.8 ?C for 30 min. b) 60 ?C for 1 hrc) 121 ?C for 30 min.d) 68.2 ?C for 30 min.A solvent used in NMR studies isa) chloroform b) acetonec) carbontetrachloride d) methanol The biological indicator for moist heat sterilization is ………P) Clostridium sporogenes Q) Chromobacter prodigism R) B. coagulamS) B. subtilisa) P, Q b) P, Rc) R, Sd) Q, SIn BCS, Class III drugs are ______________________a) Low solubility and high permeabilityb) High solubility and low permeabilityc) Low solubility and low permeabilityd) High solubility and high permeabilityConsidering the WHO stability guidance for packaging, the Zone I indicate the condition as……………a) Temperateb) Subtropical with possible high humidityc) Hot/Dryd) Hot/HumidConductivity cells are made up of a) two silver rods b) two parallel sheets of platinum c) glass membrane with Ag/AgCI d) Sb-Sb203NameDescriptionP) Sorensen1) pH scaleQ) Dalla Valle2) MicromeriticsR) Zanasi3) Tablet coatingS) Wurster4) Capsule filling machinea) P1 Q2 R3 S4 b) P1 Q2 R4 S3c) P2 Q1 R4 S3 d) P1 Q3 R2 S4ScheduleDescriptionP) Schedule M1) Requirements of manufacturing premisesQ) Schedule O2) Standards for disinfectant fluidsR) Schedule R3) Standards for mechanical contraceptivesS) Schedule V4) Standards for patent or proprietary medicines a) P1 Q2 R3 S4 b) P1 Q2 R4 S3 c) P2 Q1 R4 S3d) P1 Q3 R2 S4Type of millNot used forP) Hammer mill1) Solid materialsQ) Revolving mill2) Soft materialsR) Cutter mill3) Abrasive materialS) Colloid mill4) Friable material a) P1 Q3 R4 S2 b) P2 Q3 R4 S1c) P3 Q2 R4 S1d) P2 Q3 R1 S4Industrial dryerPharmaceutical applicationsP) Drum dryer1) Antibiotic solutionQ) Fluidized bed dryer2) Tablet granulesR) Spray dryer3) GelatinS) Freeze dryer (lyophilizer)4) Suspension of kaolina) P1 Q3 R4 S2b) P4 Q2 R3 S1c) P4 Q2 R1 S3d) P3 Q2 R4 S1 IR Detectors CompositionP) Thermocouple1) Oxides of Mn, CO and NiQ) Pyroelectric Detector 2) Bi-SbR) Golay cells 3) XenonS) Thermistor 4) Triglycine sulphatea) P4 Q2 R3 S1 b) P3 Q1 R4 S2c) P1 Q3 R2 S4 d) P2 Q4 R3 S1Technique Source of RadiationP) Visible spectrophotometry 1) R Source transmitterQ) IR spectrophotometry 2) Xenon lampR) NMR spectrophotometry 3) Tungsten lampS) Fluorescence spectrophotometry 4) Nernst glowera) P2 Q4 R3 S1 b) P3 Q2 R1 S4c) P3 Q4 R1 S2 d) P4 Q1 R3 S2EquationApplicationP) Nernst equation 1) Potential Q) Ilkovic equation 2) IR spectroscopyR) Kaulrauch law3) Diffusion current S) Hooke’s law4) Conductance a) P1 Q3 R4 S2 b) P3 Q2 R1 S4c) P3 Q4 R1 S2 d) P4 Q1 R3 S2How many gms of a drug should be used in preparing 500 ml of a 1 : 2500 solution? a) 0.2 b) 0.02 c) 0.4d) 1.25The pyroelectric detector converts electromagnetic radiation into a) electrical signalb) fluorescencec) electronsd) visible lightThe method of expressing magnetic field strength isa) cycles/sec b) pulses/sec c) debye units d) gaussA conductance cell is calibrated by using a solution of known conductivity, i.e., usually a solution ofa) NaCl b) HgCl c) KCl d) NaSOA mixture of Hydrochloric acid and acetic acid can be titrated satisfactorily byPotentiometryb) Conductometryc) amperometryd) SpectrophotometryAn amperometric titrations which one of the following is kept constant? a) Current b) Resistancec) Voltage Appliedd) ConductanceEnergy absorbed in U.V. region produces changes in a) rotational energy b) vibrational energy c) electronic energy d) the three energy levels Molecular formula C4H8O2 : NMR values 1.21δ (3H) triplet; 1.83 δ (3H) singlet; 4.03 δ (2H) quartetThen possible structure isCH3COOCH2CH3 b) CH3OCOCH2CH3c) CH3CH2CH2COOHd) None of aboveOne of the following statements for Transdermal drug delivery system is not true?Suitable for drugs with low o/w partition coefficientUseful for prolonged duration of actionProvides rapid drug absorption by penetration enhancersFranz diffusion cell is used for In-vitro release testing of TDDSA teratogenic action is:Toxic action on the liverNegative action on the fetus causing fetal malformationToxic action on blood systemToxic action on kidneysWhich one of the following local anesthetics is an ester of benzoic acid?a) Lidocaineb) Procainec) Ropivacained) Cocaine Which of the following hypnotic agents is a positive allosteric modulator of GABAα receptor function?a) Zaleplonb) Flurazepamc) Zolpidemd) All of the above Dose-related adverse effect caused by phenytoin is:a) Physical and psychological dependenceb) Exacerbated grand mal epilepsy c) Gingival hyperplasia d) Extrapyramidal symptomsWhich of the following statements is correct?MAO-A metabolizes dopamine; MAO-B metabolizes serotoninMAO-A metabolizes norepinephrine and dopamine; MAO-B metabolizes serotoninMAO-A metabolizes norepinephrine and serotonin; MAO-B metabolizes dopamine MAO-A metabolizes dopamine; MAO-B metabolizes norepinephrine and serotoninFor which of the following conditions could aspirin be used prophylactically?a) Noncardiogenic pulmonary edemab) Peptic ulcersc) Thromboembolismd) Metabolic acidosisAntibiotic for cancer chemotherapy is:a) Cytarabineb) Doxorubicinc) Gentamycind) EtoposideDrug which belongs to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors:a) Zidovudineb) Vidarabinec) Nevirapine d) GancyclovirMechanism of Izoniazid action is:a) Inhibition of protein synthesisb) Inhibition of mycolic acids synthesis c) Inhibition of RNA synthesisd) Inhibition of ADP synthesisTachyphylaxis is:A drug interaction between two similar types of drugsVery rapidly developing tolerance An increase in responsiveness to a drug after taking it for days or weeks.None of the aboveThe common base skeleton of physiologically active ergoline alkaloids is:a) isolysergic acid.b) clavorubine.c) lysergic acid.d) 2-phenylbenzopyraneWhich of the following alkaloids derived from lysine?a) emetinb) chelidoninc) cinchonidind) lobelinCocaine is used the officinal medicine.a) narcoticb) emeticc) sedatived) local anaestheticChoose the right test for identification of anthraquinones.a) Marquis testb) Froehde testc) Liebermann-Burchard testd) Borntr?eger testWhat is Opium?Latex exudate of the unriped incised capsules after air dried.Dried wateric extract of the riped capsules.Dried alcoholic extract of the unriped capsules.Concentrated alcoholic extract of the poppy straw.Codeine is:a) monomethyl ether of morphine.b) amide of apomorphine.c) acetyl derivative of morphine.d) dimethyl ether of papaverine.Which of the following vegetable drugs has the highest caffeine content?a) Mate foliumb) Theae foliumc) Guaranad) Coffeae semenWhich of the followings is true for inulin?a) arabinb) pectinc) galaktaned) fructosaneWhich of the following plant constituents can be characterized by reversible complexation with proteins?a) alkaloidsb) saponinsc) tanninsd) mucilagesWhat type of compound is arbutin used in urological infections?a) flavonoid glycosideb) phenolic glycosidec) furanocoumarind) iridoid glycosidePilocarpin the alkaloid of Jaborandi folium has.................... .a) antagonist effect of atropineb) agonist effect of atropinc) sedative effectd) diuretic activityWhich is the right reagent for identification of Ergot alkaloids?a) van Urkb) Fehling I and IIc) iron-III-chlorided) phloroglucinol in HClWhich of the following drug contains saponin glycoside?a) Dioscoreab) Ginsengc) Bothd) noneWhich of the following test is used for detection of quinoline alkaloid?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-morin testc) Van-urk’s testd) Mayer’s testWhich of the following drugs contains the diacytic stomata?a) Digitalisb) Daturac) Vasakad) BelladonaBenzoczine is-a) Methyl-p-aminobenzoate b) Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate c) ethyl-p-chlorobenzoate d) None of the aboveChoose the correct statement about estrogen-Ring-D is benzenoid & -OH grp at C-17 is phenolicRing-A is quinonoid & -OH grp at C-3 is alcoholicRing-A is benzenoid & -OH grp at C-3 is phenolicRing-D is quinonoid & -OH grp at C-17 is alcoholicPenicilline on hydrolysis with alkali givesa) Penicilloic acidb) Penaldic acidc) Penicillic acidd) PenicillamineNaltriben contains which of the following ring?a) Furanb) Pyrrolec) Thiophened) PyridineMacrolide antibiotics exert their action by(a) Inhibiting transcription (b) Alternating the genetic code(c) Terminating protein synthesis prematurely (d) Post translational modificationWhich of the following gives positive ferric chloride test?(a) Morphine (b) Codeine (c) Thebaine (d) None of the aboveIsoxazole ring can be found in which of the following?(a) Nitrofurantoin(b) Primidone(c) Mebendazole(d) CloxacillinWhich of the following is pseudo-irreversible in nature-(a) Tacrine (b) Donezepil(c) Rivastigmine (d) GalanthamineThe ultrashort acting barbiturates have brief duration of action due toHigh degree of binding to plasma proteinsLow lipid solubility resulting in a minimal concentration in brainMetabolism is slow in liverRapid rate of redistribution from the brain due to its high liposolublityMatch the followingGROUP-AGROUP-BA. DacarbazineP. PteridineB. ProcarbazineQ. QuinoneC. Mitomycin-CR. HydrazineD. MethotrexateS. Imidazole(a) AP BQ CR DS (b) AQ BR CS DP (c) AS BQ CR DP (d) AS BR CQ DPInadequate activity of which enzyme will lead to Grey baby syndromeGlucuronyl esterase (b) Glucuronyl transferase (c) Glucuronyl reductase (d) Glucuronyl synthetaseZ-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-methylaminocyclohexanone is IUPAC name for(a) Donezepil (b) Meprobamate (c) Ketamine (d) ChlorphenesinMetabolism of carbamezapine occurs viaEpoxide formation at (E) cis stilbene double bondEpoxane formation at (z) cis stilbene double bondEpoxide formation at (z) cis stilbene double bondEpoxane formation at (E) cis stilbene double bondSPEED? is intravenous salt of(a) Amphetamine(b) Benzphetamine(c) Methamphetamine(d) Phentermine9α-flouro-11β,17α,21-trihydroxy-16β-methylpregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione is IUPAC name of(a) Triamcinolone(b) Cortisone(c) Beclomethasone(d) BetamethasoneWhich of the following organism culture is used for detection of mutagenicity?a) S.pyogenus b) S.typhimuriumc) B.subtilisd) ALLWhich of the following ACE inhibitor is producing heavy protenuria?a) Captopril b) Ramiprilc) Lisinoprild) EnalaprilWhich of the following H1 – receptor antagonist is used in treatment of vestibular disorders?a) Cinnarizineb) Cyclizine c) Dexamethasone d) AlterelolWhich of the following drug is “mast-cell stabilizer”?a) Loratidine b) Ropinirol c) T3d) ChromoglicateWhich of the following is mechanism for TACROLIMUS?a) IL-12 inhibitorb) IL-1 inhibitorc) IL-2 inhibitord) IL-4 inhibitorWhich of the following sulfonamide causes reversible decrease in sperm count?a) Sulfadiazine b) Sulfasalazine c) Sulfadoxine d) DapsoneWhich of the following drug is HMG-Co A reductase inhibitor?a) Atorvastatinb) Gemfibrozil c) Niacind) ALLWhich of the following drug is administerd by intrathecal route in treatment of childhood leukaemia?a) Mianserineb) Clopidogrel c) Methtrexate d) TiclopidineWhich of the following cell-cycle phase is responsible for DNA synthesis?a) S-phaseb) G-phase c) M-phase d) G2 -phaseWhich of the following progesterone derivative is widely used in oral-contraceptive pill?a) Levonogestrelb) Mestranolc) Estranold) GenistainWhich of the following test is used for detection of ketone bodies?a) Rothera’s testb) Biuret’s testc) Seliwanoff’s testd) Milon’s testThe intrinsic White injury factor is……a) Biotin b) Lipoic acidc) Vitamin C d) NiacinThe coding unit of the DNA is called as…..?a) Intron b) Cistronc) Exon d) PrionInduced fit theory was given by………….?a) Fischer b) Koshland c) Griffin d) MichaliesWhich of the following disease is autoimmune disorder?a) Rhematoid arthritis b) Grave’s diseasec) Addision disease d) ObesityNiemann-pick disease is due to the deficiency of…….?a) Glucokinase b) Sphingomylinase c) Fructo kinase d) PFK-IIMaltose is composed of……?a) Glucose+Glucoseb) Glucose+Lactosec) Glucose+Galactose d) Glucose+FructoseWhich of the following enzyme is elevated in prostate cancer?a) Alkaline phosphate b) Acid phosphatec) ASTd) ALTWhich of the following antibody is secreted in mother’s milk?a) IgAb) IgD c) IgE d) IgMCreatinine clearance is used to assess……………….a) Renal function b) Gastric fuction c) Liver functiond) ALLXanthine is characterized by…………..?a) Murexide testb) FeCl3 Reaction c) Ammonia test d) Meconic Acid testWhich of the following drug is dopamine-β-hydroxydase inhibitor?a) Disulfiramb) Diazoxidec) Baclofen d) OlmisartanUrea cycle involved in …………..?a) Protein metabolismb) Carbohydrate metabolismc) Lipid metabolism d) None Which of the following glucocorticoids is used in replacement therapy?a) Betamethasoneb)Beclomethasone c) Hydrocortisone d) NoneWhich of the following diuretic drug is containing pteridine ring?a) Triamtereneb) Amiloridec) Bendrothiazided) FurosemideIn a compound there are seen (m) & (m+2) peak of almost equal intensity. It may contain following halogen… a) Iodineb) Chlorinec) Fluorined) Bromine The ion exchange resins have been extensively used in tablet formulation for …………………a) Sustained release b) Taste masking c) Disintegration d) All of the aboveSPEED? is intravenous salt of ………………….a) Amphetamineb) Benzphetaminec) Methamphetamined) PhentermineAnxiolytic effect of benzodiazepines is mediated via ………………a) α1 subunitb) α2 subunitc) α3 subunitd) α4 subunitWith Ammonium Vanadate and sulphuric acid, strychnine gives which colour?a) Purpleb) Orangec) Blued) YellowWhich of the following drug belongs to Araliaceae family?a) Glycyrrhizab) Ginsengc) Senegad) SarsaparillaWhich of the following drug is Egyptian henbane?a) H. reticulatesb) H. aureusc) H. albusd) H. muticusWhich of the following lipid possess antihyperlipidemic action?a) Phospholipid b) Triglyceride c) Glycolipid d) SitosterolProteins are polymer of ………….a) L-α-aminoacidb) D-α-aminoacidc) L-β-aminoacid d) L-λ-aminoacidOpaque color concentrate for film coating is known as ………….a) Opacoatb) Opaspray c) Opalux d) OpadryGabapentin acts by inhibiting ………..a) GABAb) Na+ channelsc) Ca+2 channelsd) Glutamate DEVICEDESCRIPTIONP) Kern Injector1) Compression of waxy substancesQ) Precompresion stations2) Implant tablets R) Fette machines3) Compression of difficult granulationsS) Chilosonator4) For dry granulationa) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1 b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4 d) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4Which of these capsules consists of an animal shell composition?a) HPMC capsulesb) Pullulan capsules c) Ocean caps d) Starch capsulesAntipsychotic drug causes gynaecomastia as a side effect which is due to ………………a) ↑ in prolactin levelb) ↓ in prolactin levelc) ↑ in dopamined) ↓ in dopamineWhich of the following drug(s) causes Agranulocytosis?a) Olanzapineb) Clozapinec) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is side effect of Phenytoin?a) Gum hyperplasiab) Hirsutismc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug is used to treat absence seizure?a) Trimethadioneb) Ethosuximidec) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following test is used to detect ergot alkaloids?a) Thaleoquin testb) Van Urk’s testc) Kedde’s reactiond) Schoutenten’s reactionWhich of the following drug(s) contains Coumarin glycosides?a) Psoraleab) Ammi visnagac) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveAntiepileptic DrugMechanism of action1) VigabatrinP) NMDA antagonist2) FelbamateQ) GABA transaminase inhibitor3) TiagabineR) Ca2+ channel inhibitor4) GabapentinS) GABA reuptake inhibitora) 1-S, 2-R, 3-Q, 4-Pb) 1-Q, 2-P, 3-S, 4-R c) 1-Q, 2-S, 3-R, 4-Pd) 1-S, 2-Q, 3-R, 4-PWhich of these is not a characteristic of semipermeable membrane?a) Sufficient wet strengthb) Biocompatibility c) Good solute permeabilityd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is triterpenoidal Saponin glycoside?a) Strophanthidin b) Glycyrrhizinec) Barbaloind) AmygdalinMetabolism of carbamazepine occurs via …………..a) Epoxide formation at (E) cis stilbene double bondb) Epoxane formation at (Z) cis stilbene double bondc) Epoxide formation at (Z) cis stilbene double bondd) Epoxane formation at (E) cis stilbene double bondClozapine contains which of the following moiety?a) Fluorobutyrophenoneb) Dibenzodiazepinec) Dibenzoxazepined) DiphenylbutylpiperidineTherapeutically used Amphetamine is ……………..a) (S) + isomerb) (S) – isomerc) (R) + isomerd) (R) – isomerWhat is the function of peroxisome?a) Bimerization b) Mutarotation c) Oxidation d) GlycationWhich of the following acid is formed on oxidation of - CHO group of sugars?a) Glucoronic acid b) Gluconic acid c) Saccharic acid d) Mucic acidWhich of the following deficiency cause Phrynoderma or toad skin?a) Essential fatty acid b) Non-essential fatty acid c) Proteins d) All of the aboveWhat is the principle Reverse sequencing method detecting amino acid sequence?a) Enzymatic methodb) Chemical method c) Chemical-DNA method d) HPLCUric acid is chemically?a) 2,6-dioxypurineb) 2,6,8-trioxypurinec) 6-oxypurine d) 6,8-dioxypurineWhich of the following enzymes used for detecting glucose in urine?A) Glucose peroxidase b) Glucose oxidase c) Glucose transferase d) Both A and BBioflavanoids are known as….a) Vitamin H b) Vitamin L c) Vitamin P d) Vitamin AWhich of the following is an Antineuritic vitamin?a) Vitamin B5 b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin B7 d) Vitamin B1 Which of the following is neurohormone?a) Neuropeptide-Y b) Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide c) Oxytocind) DopamineWhich of the following 5HT-receptors are involved in platelet aggregation?a) 5-HT1Ab) 5-HT1Bc) 5-HT2Ad) 5-HT2BWhich of the following is COMT inhibitor and used to treat Parkinsonism?a) Bromocriptineb) Entacaponec) Lisurided) PramipexoleWhich of the following local anaesthetic causes methaemoglobinaemia?a) Articaineb) Prilocainec) Levobupivacained) RopivacaineWhich of the following are D2 class receptor agonist and used to treat Parkinsonism?a) Ropiniroleb) Pramipexolec) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug contains C-glycosides?a) Cochinealb) Sennac) Rhubarbd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is a Cyanogenetic glycoside?a) Amygdalinb) Prunasinc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug contains Isothiocyanate glycoside?a) Thevetiab) Brahmic) Black mustardd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug gives positive Borntrager’s test?a) Sennab) Ginsengc) Gokhrud) ThevetiaWhich of the following drug contains S-glycosides?a) Rheinb) Hypericinc) Sinigrind) Carminic acidWhich of the following drug contains abnormal vascular bundles?a) Sennab) Rhubarbc) Aloed) ThevetiaWhich of the following is known as St. John’s wort?a) Aloinb) Barbaloinsc) Hypericumd) Carminic acidWhich of the following drug contains unicellular, conical, warty trichomes?a) Rhubarbb) Sennac) Digitalisd) Stophanthus Which of the following is a negative modulator of benzodiazepines?a) α – carbolineb) β – carbolinec) γ - carbolined) δ – carboline Meprobamate is used as ……………..a) Sedative-hypnotic b) Anti-anxiety agentc) In absence seizure d) All of the aboveBuspiron – an anti anxiety agent is ………………….a) 5-HT1a agonistb) 5-HT1a antagonistc) 5-HT1b agonistd) 5-HT1b antagonistWhich of the general anesthetic is used as an emulsion form?a) Etomidate b) Propofolc) Ketamined) HalothaneIUPAC name of halazepam isa) 5-Chloro -1, 3-dihydro-5-phenyl-1(2, 2, 2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-2-oneb) 7-Chloro -1, 3-dihydro-6-phenyl-1(2, 2, 2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-3-onec) 7-Chloro -1, 3-dihydro-5-phenyl-1(2, 2, 2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-2-oned) 5-Chloro -1, 3-dihydro-6-phenyl-1(2, 2, 2-triflouroethyl)-2H-1, 4-benzodiazepin-3-oneWhich of the following sugar deficiency cause diarrhoea and flatulence?a) Maltose b) Sucrose c) Xylose d) LactoseWhich of the following is an unbranched water soluble polysaccharide?a) Amylaseb) Amylopectin c) Heparin d) HyaluronidaseWhich of the following cyclic fatty acid is used in treatment of leprosy?a) Ricinoleic acid b) Sesame oil c) Chaulmoogra oil d) All of the aboveWhich of the following phosphogyceride possess antigenic property?a) Cephalin b) Plasmalogen c) Cardiolipin d) SphingosideWhich of the following is true for an amino acid lysine?a) Ketogenic b) glycogenic c) Essential amino acid d) Both A and CWhich of the following test used for imidazole ring containing amino acid?a) Sakaguchi reaction b) Zak’s test c) Pauly’s test d) Millons testWhich of the following form of DNA is a right handed helix?a) Z b) A c) B d) EWhat is the synonym for transfer RNA?a) Irregular RNA b) regular RNA c) polymer RNA d) soluble RNA Which of the following vitamin deficiency is caused by Isoniazid?a) Pyridoxine b) Niacin c) Biotin d) Pantothenic acidWhich of the following vitamin(s) is/are widely used in mouth ulcer?a) Vitamin B-complex b) Folic acid c) Both A and B d) None of the above What is the last product of the glycolysis in anaerobic medium? a) Pyruvate b) lactate c) citrate d) oxaloacetateWhich component is responsible for developing the proper pressure within the aerosol system? a) Actuatorb) Propellantc) Valved) ContainerWhich of the following drug should not be given with torsemide?a) Bleomycin b) Dactinomycin c) Mitomycin d) NeomycinWhich of the following drug is given with fenofibrate to prevent Coronary Heart Disease?a) Pravastatin b) Rosuvastatin c) Simvastatatin d) CerivastatinWhich of the following is the side effect of Levodopa?a) dyskinesiab) On-Off effectc) Both A and Bd) None Which of the following test is used for detection of quinoline alkaloid?a) Thaleoquin testb) Vitali-morin testc) Van-urk’s testd) Mayer’s testWhich of the following β-blocker is used to treat angina?a) Atenolol b) Nadolol c) Betoxalol d) NebivololWhich of the following drug belongs to Loganiaceae family?a) Sennab) Nux-vomicac) Vincad) NoneWhich of the following route(s) of administration is used for Epoetin-β?a) I.M.b) I.V.c) S.C.d) Both B and CWhich of the following is the pyridine-pyrrolidone alkaloid containing drug?a) Lobeliab) Belladonac) Ipecacd) ErgotWhich of the following anti-platelet drug is PDE inhibitor?a) Dipyridamol b) Disopyramide c) Tirofiban d) AbciximabPompe’s deficiency is caused due to deficiency of ………………..a) Acid maltase b) Glycogen sythatase c) Hexokinase d) Acid lactaseHMP pathway is also known as…….a) Pentose phosphate pathway b) Hexose phosphate pathway c) Phosphate pathway d) Cori’s cycleDrug of choice for primary dysmenorrhea is …………………a) Aspirin b) Phenylbutazonec) Mefenamic acid d) IndomethacinTherapeutically used naltrindole is a ………………a) OP1 antagonist b) OP2 antagonistc) OP3 antagonistd) Sigma antagonistDrug used in Gilles de la taurette is …………….a) Pimozide b) Resperidonec) Molindone d) ClozapineModafinil acts via which mechanism?a) α1-NE agonist b) α1-NE antagonist c) β1-NE agonistd) β2-NE antagonistDrugs acting on Nigro-striatal pathway leads to ………………a) Antipsychotic effectsb) EPS c) Anti-cholinergic side effects d) NoneWhich of the following receptor belongs to the Type-2 receptor family?a) GABAAb) GABAB c) NMDAd) AMPAWhich of the following is the mechanism action of the strychnine?a) GABA antagonistb) glutamate antagonistc) glycine antagonistd) NoneWhich of the following is 5-HT1A receptor agonist?a) Gepironeb) Bicucullinec) Zolpidemd) NoneSpina bifida is the teratogenic side effect of which of the following anti epileptic drug? a) Vigabatrinb) Sodium valproatec) Lamotrigined) Felbamate Which of the following is the non-specific test for alkaloid?a) Dragendorffb) Wagnerc) Murexided) Hager Which of the following drug contains Saponin glycoside?a) Dioscoreab) Ginsengc) Both A and Bd) NoneWhich of the following is the Indian Senega?a) Polygala senegab) Polygala chinensisc) Polygala albad) NoneThe IUPAC name of naproxen is …………….a) (S)-2-(6-ethoxy-2-napthyl)-acetic acid b) (S)-2-(6-methoxy-2-napthyl)-acetic acid c) (S)-2-(6-ethoxy-2-napthyl)-propionic acid d) (S)-2-(6-methoxy-2-napthyl)-propionic acidThe ultra-short acting barbiturates have brief duration of action due to ……………..a) High degree of binding to plasma proteinsb) Low lipid solubility resulting in a minimal concentration in brainc) Metabolism is slow in liverd) Rapid rate of redistribution from the brain due to its high liposolublityDrugRing SystemA. MeloxicamP. Indene ringB. SulindacQ. Imidazole ringC. MaclobemideR. Morpholon ringD. EtomidateS. Thiazole ringa) AP BQ CR DS b) AS BP CR DQ c) AR BS CP DQ d) AQ BR CS DPThe temp. at which the vapors of the test liquid (aerosol product) ignite is known as ………a) Flash extensionb) Flash pointc) Flash projectiond) Flame pointIn the cold filling process the propellant is kept at what temp. prior to adding into container?a) -20° to -40°Fb) -20° to -40°Cc) 0° to 20°Fd) 30° to 40°CWhich of the following tablets does not require diluents in its formulation?a) Bilayered tablets b) Floating tablets c) Implantable tabletsd) Sublingual tabletsDisposal of ammonia in mammals is by……………..a) NH4b) Urea c) Uric Acidd) NH4ClWhich of the following is an example of Neuromodulator?a) Nor-adrenalineb) Achc) Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)d) OxytocinWhich of the following is/are 5-HT2A antagonist(s)?a) Ketanserineb) Pizotifenc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug cause decrease in GFR?a) Hydralazine b) Orlistatc) Rimonabant d)EnalaprilatWhich of the following drug should not be given with Sotalol?a) Probucol b) Furosemidec) Icatibant d) BosentanExcessive use of lubricant leads to increase in disintegration time due to …………….a) Hydrophobicity b) Hydrophilicityc) Pickingd) MottlingMaillard reaction is due to interaction of carbohydrate with …………….a) Chloramphenicolb) Aspirin c) Isoniazidd) ParacetamolWhich of the following COMT inhibitor causes Hepatotoxicity as its side effects?a) Entacaponeb) Tolcaponec) BothA and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following antiepileptic drug acts by inhibiting GABA uptake?a) Vigabatrineb) Tiagabinec) Gabapentined) LamotrigineThe mechanism of the digitalis is…………a) ↑ end diastolic volumeb) ↓ end diastolic volumec) ↓ myocardial contractiond) All aboveWhich of the following drug is a long acting nitrate used in CHD?a) Nitroglycerine b) Amyl nitratec) Isosorbide 5-mononitrate d) Nitrous oxideWhich vitamin’s coenzyme must be required for transamination of Amino acids?a) VitaminB5b) VitaminB6c) VitaminB12 d) VitaminB3Which of the following is/are example(s) of ketone bodies?a) Alcohol b) Acetone c) Acetoacetate d) Both A and CWhich of the following enzyme cause phosphorylation of glucose in Glycolysis?a) Glucokinaseb) Pyruvate kinasec) PFK d) All of the aboveInadequate spreading of the coating solution before drying causes which tablet coating defect?a) Orange peelingb) Blisteringc) Crackingd) BloomingMolindone contains ………..a) Pyrrole ring b) Morphiloyln ring c) Both A and B d) None of aboveThe durability of tablets to combined effects of abrasion and shock is evaluated by ……….a) Hardness testerb) Friabilatorc) Screw gauge d) Disintegration test apparatusAbrasive and humectant compounds used in the formulation of toothpaste are ………….P) Dicalcium phosphateQ) SLSR) Sorbitol syrupS) Tragacantha) PRb) QSc) PQd) RSElastomer used in rubber closure formulation is …………..a) Neopreneb) Butyl stearatec) Titanium dioxided) Butylated hydroxy tolueneIsotopic abundance of 13C is ……….a) 1.1 %b) 99.98 %c) 50 %d) 11.1 %Which of the following is most commonly used as reference standard in NMR?a) DTGSb) TMSc) KBrd) CCl4Which of the following is less cardiotoxic as compared to others?a) Daunorubicin b) Doxorubicin c) Idrarubicin d) AclacinomycinDrug of choice for choriocarcinoma is…………a) Methotrexate b) Doxorubicin c) Cytarabine d) Actinomycin-DRadioactive D2 antagonist is …………..a) Spiroperidol b) Raclopride c) Sulperide d) OlanzapineCarbamezapine contains what kind of azepine ring?a) [a,f] azepine b) [b,f] azepine c) [c,f] azepine d) [d,f] azepineZ-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-methylaminocyclohexanone is IUPAC name for ………a) Donezepil b) Meprobamate c) Ketamine d) ChlorphenesinType of tabletDescriptionP) Buccal tablets1) Slowly erode within the pouchQ) Lozenges2) Slowly dissolve in the mouthR) Sublingual tablets3) Beneath the skinS) Implants4) Beneath the tonguea) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-4,S-3c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4GROUP-AGROUP-BA. DacarbazineP. PteridineB. ProcarbazineQ. QuinoneC. Mitomycin-CR. HydrazineD. MethotrexateS. Imidazolea) AP BQ CR DS b) AQ BR CS DP c) AS BQ CR DP d) AS BR CQ DPMESNA is an abbreviation used for ………..a) Sodium-2-mercaptoethane sulphateb) sodium-2-mercaptoethane sulphonatec) sodium-3-mercaptoethane sulphated) sodium-3-mercaptoethane sulphonateEllipsoidal Schizolysigenous oil glands are important diagnostic characteristics of ………………a) Ergot b) Ginsengc) Cinnamond) CloveThe opium alkaloids in Papaver-somniferum are present as……………a) Free Alkaloidsb) salt of citric acidc) salts of meconic acidd) None Phloroglucinol and HCl produce pink or red color with ……………….a) Cellulose cell walls b) Lignified cell walls c) Cutinized cell walls d) Mucilaginous cell wallsGuidelines for Clinical trials, import & manufacture of new drugs as per D&C Act are given under......a) Schedule Nb) Schedule Yc) Schedule Ad) Schedule BThe oil obtained from cymbopogan flexousus contains one of the following ……………….a) Citralb) A-terpeniolc) A-pinened) NeralThe test organism used in Microbiological assay of Rifampicin is....................a) Micrococcus luteusb) E.coli c) Bacillus subtilis d) S. aureusThe diagnostic test for typhoid (caused by S. typhi) is…………….a) VDRL test b) Mantoux testc) RIA d) Widal testWhich of the vitamin is known as anti-dermatitis factor?a) VitaminB6b) VitaminB12c) VitaminB3d) Pantothenic acid Melatonin is synthesized from ……. a) Tyrosineb) Valinec) Tryptophand) SerineWhich arm of the t-RNA is responsible for recognition of triplet codon of m-RNA?a) D-arm b) T?C armc) Anticodon arm d) Variable armWhich of the coenzyme donates sulfate for synthesis of mucopolysaccharides?a) Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate b) UDPc) CDP d) ATPWhich of the Non-α-amino acid is intermediate in synthesis of porphyrin?a) α-Alanineb) δ-Aminolevulinic acid c) Taurine d) ornithineWhich of the following is a central molecule for Glycolysis,Glycogenesis,Gluconeogenesis?a) Fructoseb) Glucose-6-phosphatec) Fructose-6-phosphated) GlycogenBile acid are synthesized from………..a) Choline b) Phosphatidic acid c) Cholesterol d) TriacylglycerolElastin & Keratin are……………………a) Scleroproteinb) Simple protein c) conjugated protein d) None of the aboveChoose the correct key intermediate for the bio-synthesis of C6-C3 units, which serves as a precursor for the biosynthesis of amino acids.a) Shikimic acidb) Pyruvic acidc) Dehydro quinic acidd) Mevalonic acidChoose the correct characteristic of the epidermal cells and cuticle of Atropa belladona leaf.a) Pitted walls with striated cuticleb) Wavy walls with striated cuticlec) Algal walls with smooth cuticlec) Straight walls with wavy cuticleSolvent which can be used in PMR spectroscopy is……. a) Chloroform b) Carbon tetrachloride c) Acetone d) MethanolChoose the correct for digitoxigenina) 3 β, 14 β, 16 β trihydroxy cardenolideb) 3 β, 12 β, 14 β trihydroxy cardenolidec) 3β, 14 β dihydroxy cardenolided) 1, 3, 5, 11α, 14, 19β hexahydroxy cardenolide Choose the correct trichomes of digitalis purpurea.Numerous covering trichomes and a few glandular trichomesFew covering trichomesFew glandular and a few covering trichomesFew glandular trichomesHyoscyamine, an alkaloid from atropa belladona…………….Readily racemises to atropine with ethanoic alkali. Atropine is (±) HyoscyamineReadily disintegrates into atropine with acid solution. Atropine is (-) HyoscyamineReadily rearranges into atropine with alkali solution. Atropine is (+) HyoscyamineReadily racemises to atropine with ethanolic alkali. Atropine is (±) HyoscineCompounds listed below contain σ, n and π electron…..………….P) AcetaldehydeQ) ButadieneR) FormaldehydeS) Benzenea) PSb) QRc) PRd) QSλ max of p-hydroxy benzaldehyde is………....a) 265b) 250 c) 272 d) 275How many peaks are observed for Isopropanol in PMR?a) 4 b) 3 c) 2d) 5n → π* in polar solvent shows……a) Hyperchromic shiftb) Bathochromic shift c) Hypsochromic shiftd) None 106 mg of compound A (dissolved in 100 ml ethanol) in a 1 cm long cell has a χ max 295 nm and absorbance is 0.28. Then the value of A1% 1cm is…………..a) 2.64b) 264c) 190d) 640Rotation of electron around proton generates a secondary magnetic field which may oppose the applied magnetic field. The proton is said to be……………...a) Deshielded b) H-Bonded c) Shifted d) ShieldedCompoundC=0 stretching IR Freq.(cm-1)P) C=O stretching1) 1420Q) C-O bending in Phenol2) 3600R) O-H stretching3) 1715S) O-Hbending4) 1230a) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-4, R-2,S-1 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4As per Schedule O of the D & C Act the minimum Rideal Walker Coefficient for Grade 1 and Grade 3 Black disinfectant fluids are…………..P) 18Q) 10R) 5S) 14a) PRb) QSc) PSd) RSWhich drying process is used in the preparation of yellow fever vaccine?a) Spray drying b) Vacuum dryingc) Drum drying d) Freeze dryingHLB system is used to classify........................a) Surfactantsb) Preservativesc) Antioxidantsd) Sequestering agentsWhich of the following cholesterol is GOOD CHOLESTEROL?a) HDL b) LDL c) TGd) NoneChemical shift can be expressed in …………….. a) δ b) ppmc) Hz d) All of the aboveLozenges tablets are used for ……………..a) Slow dissolution in stomach b) Fast dissolution in stomachc) Slow dissolution in mouthd) Slow dissolution in intestineWhich of the Vitamin is known as Anti-sterility Vitamin?a) Vitamin E b) Vitamin D c) Vitamin K d) Vitamin BTablet thickness is measured by a) Manometer b) Pycnometerc) Sliding caliper scaled) PicometerWhich of the following is not a pharmacological effect of morphine?a) Diarrhoeab) Pin point pupilc) CNS depressiond) Respiratory depressionWhich tablets require special care for storage in a hermetically sealed packaging?a) Implant tabletsb) Effervescent tablets c) Chewable tablets d) All of the aboveWhich of the following amino acid is a precursor for Serotonin (5-HT)?a) Tyrosineb) Tyraminec) Tryptophand) TaurineIn the process of sugar coating of tablets the colorants are added in one of the following steps?a) Syrup coatingb) Sub coating c) Polishing d) Seal coatingWhich of the following drug is used to treat ‘jet-lag’ condition?a) Melaninb) Melatoninc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveThe leaker test (using Methylene blue solution) is performed for the evaluation of ……….a) Ampoulesb) Vialsc) Bottlesd) All of the aboveWhich of the drug is Fibrinogen site inhibitor?a) Tirofiban b) Ticlopidine c) Dipyridamol d) AspirinAn antioxidant commonly used in the formulation of a non-aqueous parenteral preparation is……a) Ascorbic acidb) Thioglycollic acidc) Na-metabisulphated) BHTIdioblast of crystal layer of calcium oxalate is a diagnostic feature of ……………..a) Hyoscyamus niger leaves b) Cinchona bark c) Deadly nightshade leavesd) Senna leavesStandards for mechanical contraceptives are given in...............a) Schedule V b) Schedule Nc) Schedule U d) Schedule RThe ?-opioid receptors are involved in the following pharmacological effects except ………….a) Analgesiab) Euphoriac) Dysphoriad) Respiratory depressionMost commonly used film former in Nail preparations is ……..a) PEGb) Nitrocellulosec) Castor oild) CarbopolWhich of the following is an ultra short acting Benzodiazepine?a) Chlordizepoxideb) Midazolamc) Nitrazepamd) AlprazolamWhich of the following herbal drug is used as respiratory stimulant in the treatment of asthma?a) Hyoscyamusb) Duboisiac) Cocad) LobeliaWhich of the following is/are the endogenous opioid(s)?a) Endorphinsb) Dynorphinsc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveSalicin, a phenolic glucoside, on hydrolysis yields ……..…………a) Salicylic acid + glucoseb) Salicyl alcohol + glucosec) Phenol + glucosed) Salicyl aldehyde + glucoseAtropine on hydrolysis with Barium Hydroxide gives ……………..a) Tropanol and Tropic acidb) Ecgonine and Benzoic acidc) Scopine and Tropic acidd) Benzyl Ecgonine and MethanolWhich of these coating polymer(s) is/are soluble in the intestinal fluid above pH 6?a) Eudragit Eb) Eudragit L c) HPMC d) All of the aboveC-17 α-β unsaturated lactone ring is a common feature in …………………..a) Digitalis and squill glycosidesb) Digitalis and Senna glycosides c) Digitalis and Strophanthus glycosidesd) Digitalis and amygdalinInstrumentationDescriptionP) Nomogram1) To determine the moisture content of the capsule shellQ) Toluene distillation2) To determine the capsule sizeR) Accofill3) Fill exact powder dose in hard gelatin capsulesS) Accogel4) Filling of dry powder in soft gelatin capsulesa) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Industrial dryerPharmaceutical applicationsP) Drum dryer1) Antibiotic solutionQ) Fluidized bed dryer2) Tablet granulesR) Spray dryer3) GelatinS) Freeze dryer4) Suspension of kaolina) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2b) P-4,Q-2,R-3,S-1c) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3d) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 Anomocytic type of stomata is found in the leaves of …………….a) Fox gloveb) Cassia acutifoliac) Urginea maritimad) Atropa belladonnaIf the % transmittance is 50% then Absorbance will be…………... a) 0.5b) 1.301c) 1.0d) 2.01λmax of O-chloro benzaldehyde is………………..a) 265 nmb) 250 nm c) 272 nmd) 275 nmHow many peaks are observed for Dimethyl ether in PMR?a) 4 b) 3 c) 2d) 1π →π* in polar solvent shows……………………….a) Hypochromic shiftb) Bathochromic shift c) Hypsochromic shiftd) None A 6.40* 10-5 M solution had an absorbance of 0.847 in a 1cm cell at 255 nm. Then molar absorptivity is……………………………….a) 13234b) 150c) 1400d) 1324Precession frequency of 13C is how many times that of 1H?a) 4 b) 1/2 c) 2 d) 1/4Which of the following cannot be used as IR detector?a) Thermocouple b) Golay pneumatic detectorc) Globar d) BolometerWhich of the following gene is responsible for Obesity?a) obs geneb) obe genec) ob gened) obg geneWhich of the following enzyme is responsible for transport & elimination of cholesterol from body?a) Lysine transferaseb) Lecithine-cholesterol acyl transferase c) CETPd) AcylaseHow many NET ATP molecules are synthesized in aerobic condition in Glycolysis?a) 8 b) 6 c) 10 d) 12Which of the following is/are specific biomarker for diagnosis of CVS disease?a) LDH2b) CPK2 c) LDH1 d) Both B and CWhich of the following drug is/are Non-depolarizing competitive antagonist?a) Rocuroniumb) Mecamylaminec) Suxamethoniumd) Both A and BWhich of the drug used in treatment of multiple sclerosis?a) Tolazolineb) Tizobifenc) Tizanidined) DimapritWhich of the following is an antidote of Atropine?a) Physostigmine b) Carisopradolc) Azimilide d) Fibirtan Which of the following drug given with Quinidine to prevent its indirect effect?a) Verapamil b) Cardinolidesc) Bisoprolol d) All of the aboveWhich of the following is a GM_CSF?a) Lenograstim b) Filgrastim c) PEGfilgrastim d) MolgramostinThe full form for AMPA is...……………………..a) a-amino-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-isoxazoleb) a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazolec) a-amino-4-hydroxy-4-methyl-isoxazole d) a-amino-4-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazoleAdrenocortical suppression is seen with………………………a) Etomidateb) Propofolc) Ketamined) IsofluraneArrange the following in descending order of their blood:gas partition.a) Desflurane<nitrous oxide<sevoflurane<isoflurane b) Desflurane<nitrous oxide<isoflurane<sevofluranec) Nitrous oxide<desflurane<isoflurane<sevoflurane d) Isoflurane<nitrous oxide<desflurane<sevofluraneCheese reaction is associated with………………………….a) Reversible MAO-A inhibitors b) Irreversible-B MAO inhibitors c) Reversible MAO-B inhibitors d) Irreversible MAO-A inhibitorsTopiramate possess following action……………………..a) Increases GABA effect b) Antagonizes glutamate receptors c) Weak CA inhibitor d) All of abovePentostatin is structurally…………………………….a) Tetrahydro pyridine b) Tetrahydro imidazole c) Dihydro pyridine d) Dihydro imidazole Which of the following is not a function of a plasticizer?a) To improve flexibility of coatingb) To provide pH independent release c) To reduce the risk of film cracking d) To improve adhesion of filmN-triflouro Acetyl Doxorubicin is …………………………….a) Idrarubicin b) daunarubicin c) Mitomycin d) ValrubicinInadequate activity of which enzyme will lead to Grey baby syndrome?a) Glucuronyl esterase b) Glucuronyl transferase c) Glucuronyl reductase d) Glucuronyl synthetaseActive form of Chloramphenicol is…………………………………..a) (D)-erythreo Levo b) (D)-threo levo c) (D)-erythreo dextro d) (D)-threo dextro Which of the following enzyme cause Gaucher’s disease?a) β-glucosidaseb) α-galactosidasec) ceramidase d) β-galactosidase Which of the following is not possessing sulphonamide group?a) Tolbutamideb) Furosemidec) Zonisamide d) AtenololBrowne’s tubes are most commonly used as chemical indicator for………………………a) Ethylene oxide sterilizationb) Heat sterilization c) Radiation sterilizationd) Filtration sterilizationForm No. for issuing license for sale from motor vehicle of drug except that of Schedule C/C1 is……a) 19b) 19 Ac) 19 Cd) 19 AAThe process in which DNA is passed from one bacterium to another in a bacteriophage is known as……a) Transductionb) Transfectionc) Transformationd) TransplantationWhich of the following is an active form of methionine?a) S-adenosyl methionine b) S-adenosyl cysteine c) Met-methionine d) S-formyl methionineWhich of the following method is used to extract Citrus oils?a) Hydrodistillationb) Enfleurage methodc) Ecuelle methodd) None of the above How many no. of Isoprene units are present in sesquiterpenes?a) 1 b) 2c) 3d) 4% Compressibility required for excellent flowability is ………a) < 1.25b) 5-15c) 12-16d) > 40Which of the following is the fourth generation Cephalosporin?a) Cephazolinb) Cefclidinec) Cefaclord) CefiximeWhich of the following is the main chemical constituent of the Eucalyptus oil?a) geraniolb) cineolec) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is an Anionic site Anticholinestearase used in treatment of Glaucoma?a) Distigmine b) Malathionec) Ecothiopated) Physostigmine In Hemolytic Jaundice, Van den Bergh reaction is……………………….a) Direct positiveb) Indirect positive c) Biphasicd) None of aboveThe number of Heme present in Myoglobin is……………..a) 1b) 2 c) 3d) 4BSP (Bromosulphthalein) is used to access the function of…………….…a) Liver b) Kidneyc) Heart d) MuscleGonadotropin releasing hormone is………………a) Nonapeptideb) Decapeptidec) Polypeptide d) OctapeptideWhich of the following is/are the substitute(s) of Caraway?a) Cuminum cyminumb) Anethum sowac) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following penicillin is effective against P. aeruginosa infection?a) Oxacillinb) Naficillinc) Methicillind) TicarcillinWhich of the following drug is used to treat Lyme’ disease?a) Sulphasalazineb) Azlocillinc) Clarithromycind) ClofazimineWhich of the following tetracycline is effective against N. meningitidis infection? a) Rolitetracyclineb) Demeclocyclinec) Minocyclined) DoxycyclineWhich of the following drug(s) contain Phenolic ether volatile oil?a) Aniseb) Nutmegc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following anti TB dug causes pyridoxine deficiency?a) Isoniazidb) Cycloserinec) Pyrazinamided) EthambutolThe USP apparatus used in the in-vitro release testing of transdermal patches is…………..a) Paddleb) Basketc) Paddle over diskd) All of the aboveThe source microorganism for Oxytetracycline is …………………….a) Streptomyces nodosus b) S. fradiae c) Streptomyces rimosus d) S. orientalisWhich of the following drug generally given with Diclofenac after orthopedic surgery?a) Vecuroniumb) Derifenacinc) Chlormezanoned) SuxamethoniumWhich of the following drug produce depolarization and persistent depolarization?a) Gallamine b) Trimetaphan c) Nicotined) DoxacuriumWhich of the following receptor is located on circular muscle of eye?a) NM Receptorb) M3 Receptorc) M1 Receptord) NN ReceptorWhich of the following drug is/are used in poisoning of irreversible Anticholinestearase?a) Atropineb) Pralidoximec) Neostigmined) Both A and BWhich Amino acid directly participates in synthesis of Heme?a) Methionine b) Aspartatec) Glycined) TryptophanWhich of the following element of Electron transport chain (ETC) possesses isoprenoid units?a) Coenzyme Qb) Cytochromec) Cytochrome Bd) Non-HemeSuperoxide is converted to H2O2 by………………a) Peroxidaseb) Catalasec) Superoxide dismutased) Glutathion peroxidaseMost active mineralocorticoid hormone is ………………a) Cortisol b) Aldosteronec) ADHd) EpinephrineTetracyclines are drug of choice for ……………a) Typhoid feverb) whooping coughc) Both A and B d) None of the aboveWhich derivative of CPcol is more active than CPcol?a) 2-NHCOCH3b) 2-NHCOCHF2c) 2-NHCOCF3d) 2-NHCF3Imipenem shows highest binding affinity to…………….a) penicillin binding proteins (PBP)-1b) PBP-2c) PBP-3d) PBP- 4to6Clarithromycin is drug of choice for……………………..a) Legionella infectionb) Atypical pneumoniac) Lyme`s disease d) Whooping coughWhich of the following drug is a specific M3 receptor Antagonist?a) Methoctramineb) Solifenacinc) Tripitramined) OxotremorineWhich of the following drug is used as the urinary bladder relaxant?a) Glycopyrrolate b) Atropine c) Clinidiumd) FlavoxateWhich of the following drug is a TXA2 synthesis inhibitor?a) Ridogrel b) Dazoxiben c) Diazoxided) DoxazosinHow many no. of Isoprene units are present in Triterpenes?a) 2 b) 4c) 6d) 8Which of the following is also known as Eucalyptus oil?a) Chenopodium oilb) Dinkum oilc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveWhich of the following is used as a source of citral from which β-ionone is prepared?a) Turpentine oilb) Lemon-grass oilc) Peppermint oild) Camphor oilWhich of the following is/are the main constituent of Garlic?a) Alliinb) Allicinc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveNo. of peaks in CMR spectra of Resorcinol is ……………… a) 4b) 5c) 6d) 8Which of the following is 2nd generation Cephalosporins?a) Cephazolinb) Cefclidinec) Cefaclord) CefiximeWhen Gaultheria oil treated with 5% solution of vanillin in 90% alcohol it gives which colour?a) Lemon yellowb) Blood red c) Purpled) GreenWhich of the following is the bitter principle of Saffron?a) Crocinb) Crocetinc) Picrocrosind) SafranalWhich of the following antimalarial drug is effective against Exo-erythrocytic phase? a) Quinineb) Chloroquinec) Mefloquined) PrimaquineBase peak in Benzaldehyde in the Mass spectrum is at……………..a) 77b) 91 c) 105 d) 107Which of the following drug is used to treat Lennox-gastaut syndrome?a) Gabapentinb) Tiagabinec) Felbamated) TopiramateWhich of the following antiepileptic drug cause “spina-bifida” as its teratogenic effect? a) Lamotrigineb) Carbamzepinec) Sodium valproated) VigabatrinWhich of the following drug is used in Arrhythmia and as skeletal muscle relaxant?a) Disopyramideb) Quinidinec) Azimilide d) Digoxin Which of the following diuretic is acting on the Principal Cells?a) Spiranolactoneb) furosemide c) Uread) AcetazolamideTiclopidine is acting on ………………………….a) P2Y1 b) P2X1c) P2Y21d) P2Y12Which of the following is the atypical antipsychotic?a) Pimozideb) Reserpinec) Fluphenazined) LoxapineIn a compound there are seen (m) & (m+2) peak of almost equal intensity. It may contain halogen…..........a) Iodineb) Chlorinec) Fluorined) Bromine High vacuum is an important requirement of ……………………….a) NMR spectroscopyb) IR spectroscopyc) Mass spectroscopyd) PolarimeterWhich of the following is present in the Guggul lipids?a) Z-guggulesteroneb) E-guggulesteronec) Both A and Bd) None of the above Which of the following is/are the adulterant(s) of Guggul?a) Commiphora abyssinicab) Commiphora roxburghiic) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveOut of following which one is anti-fungal agent?a) Neomycinb) Fradicinc) Neamined) FradimineParomamycin is drug of choice for ………………………..a) Penicillin resistant gonnorheab) UTIc) Brucellosisd) Amebic dysenteryMechanism of inhibition of Hydroxyurea is by inhibiting……………………………a) Ribose nucleaseb) Deoxyribose nucleasec) Ribonucleotide reductased) Deoxyribonucleotide reductaseAn electro-negative substituent at position-6 in benzodiazepines results ………………………….. a) Increase in the effectb) Decrease in the effect c) Abolishing effectd) No changeGroup-IGroup-IIA. HalazepamP. AnxiolyticB. AlprazolamQ. HypnoticC. DiazepamR. Anti-depressantD. TemazepamS. Anasthetica) AP BQ CR DSb) AQ BR CS DPc) AS BR CQ DPd) AP BR CS DQPigmentory retinopathy is caused by ………………………....a) Chlorpromazineb) Trifluperazinec) Mesoridiazined) Haloperidol A process designed to kill living micro-organisms to a harmless level is known as_____________________a) Disinfectionb) Sterilizationc) Lyophilizationd) VentilationChemically Bentonite is________________________a) Magnesium aluminium silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Alumino silicated) All of the aboveThe most commonly used abbreviation BCS stands for_________________________________a) Bovine cervical systemb) Benign Carcinogenic symptomc) Biopharmaceutics classification systemd) Bio-clinical systemThe drug used in the treatment of Swine Flu (Tamiflu Tablets) by Roche Company is___________________a) Abacavirb) Lamivudinec) Oseltamivird) TenofovirPyrogens can be detected by______________________a) Fluorescence techniqueb) Electron microscopyc) LAL testingd) Smear testThe chemical used in hard, rigid hydrophobic lens is_______________________a) HEMAb) PMMAc) CABd) Silicon rubberWhich of the following is not a mechanism for filtration type sterilization?a) Imbibation b) Electrostatic chargec) Alkylationd) Pore IrregularityHigher is the brittle fracture index, more _______________ is the tablet.a) strongerb) weakerc) friabled) elegantFlocculated suspensions exhibit ________________ type of flow.a) Dilatantb) Newtonianc) Plasticd) PseudoplasticAs per USFDA guideline, Class 100 Clean room contains 100 particles of ______________a) < 0.5 μm / ft3b) < 0.3 μm / ft3c) < 0.5 μm / m3d) < 0.1 μm / m3For restricted retail sale of drugs apply in form No. _____________a) 19b) 19-Ac) 19-Cd) 19-AAThe pharmacy Act was passed in __________a) 1948b) 1955c) 1965d) 1970If the drug is imported under a name which belongs to another drug, it is considered as ______________a) Misbranded drugb) Adulterated drugc) Spurious drugd) Drug of abuseInsulin preparations are usually administered by _______________ injections.a) Intradermal b) Intravenousc) Subcutaneousd) IntramuscularTrehalose is used as ___________a) Tablet disintegrantb) Lyoprotectantc) Gelling agentd) GlidantDescriptionRelated toP) Crystal growth1) GriffinQ) pH scale2) SorensenR) HLB scale3) DLVO theoryS) Interparticular force4) Ostwald ripeninga) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3 b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2Aerosol Evaluation testDescriptionP) Flash point1) Standard Tag open apparatusQ) Density2) Rotational viscometerR) Foam stability3) PycnometerS) Particle size distribution4) Cascade impactora) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4b) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1c) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1d) P-1,Q-3,R-2,S-4 DiseaseTestP) Tuberculosis1) Mantoux testQ) Typhoid2) Widal testR) Hemophillus3) Ducrey testS) Syphilis4) Treponema immobilization testa) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4For the first order kinetics half life is computed from ___________________a) 0.105/Kb) 0.693/Kc) log 0.9/Kd) None of the aboveThe IND is issued before __________________a) Starting animal trials b) Starting Phase I trials c) Starting Phase II trialsd) Starting Phase IVWhich of the following sugar is an important metabolite in HMP shunt pathway?a) D-Ribuloseb) Xylulosec) Ribosed) XyloseWhich of the following lipid cause diabetes with Hyperlipidemia?a) HDL b) LDL c) Phospholipidd) Triacylglycerolβ-pleated sheet is one of the forms of which of the following protein structure?a) Primaryb) Secondaryc) Tertiary d) Quaternary Histones associated with eukaryotic DNA leads to formation of______________________a) Chromosomeb) Nucleotide c) Nucleosomes d) ZygoteWhich of the following statement is true for non-competitive enzyme inhibition?a) Inhibitor binds to E+S Complex b) Inhibitor binds to ES Complex c) Inhibitor binds to E+P Complex d) Inhibitor binds to E+S Complex and ES complexCalcitriol relates to________________a) Vitamin b) Hormone c) Prohormone d) All of the aboveWhich of the following assay is based on immunochemical reaction of antigen and antibody?a) ELISAb) RIAc) LUMINEXd) COLORIMETRYWhich of the following is an Anti-oxidant Enzyme?a) Catalase b) Tocopherols c) Hydro-peroxidased) AspartateThe molecular formula for cholesterol is____________________a) C27H46Ob) C24H46Oc) C20H46Od) C29H48OPernicious anemia leads to _______________ resulting in failure of Vitamin B12 synthesis.a) Lack of intrinsic factor b) Lack of extrinsic factor c) Lack of HCl production d) All of the aboveMost alkaloids occur in nature as:a) Free basesc) insoluble salts of organic acidsb) Water soluble saltsd) alcohol soluble salts of organic acidsAnomocytic type of stomata are found in the leaves of:a) Fox gloveb) Cassia accutifoliac) Urginea maritimed)Atropa belladonnaChinchona alkaloids are present as:a) Free basesc) salts of meconic acidb) Free acidsd) salts of quinic & cinchotanic acidCineole is a terpene belonging to the class of:a) Diterpeneb) Monoterpenec) sesquiterpened) triterpeneCodeine is:a) 6-methyl morphinec) 3-methoxy morphineb) 3,6-dimethyl morphined) Ethyl morphineAlkaloids in cinchona bark are detected by:a) Iodine testb) Thaleoquin testc) Leibermann-burchard testd) Nessler’s testColchicine is mainly used to treat:a) Goutb) cancerc) diabetesd) arthritisRauwolfia alkaloid belongs to the class of:a) Quinolineb) isoquinolinec) piperidined) indoleIn CCF the natural product used belongs to the family:a) Leguminosaeb) Scrophulariaceaec) Apocynaceaed) SolanaceaeGensenosides having one of the following action:a) Oxytocic actionc) Antitussive actionb) Adaptogenic actiond) none of the aboveWhich of the following glycoside(s) is/are present in Smilax?a) Smilagenin b) Sarsapogeninc) Both a & bd) none of the aboveWhich of the following bitter glycoside is/are present in Chirata?a) Gentiopicrinb) Amarogentianc) Both a & bd) none of the aboveWhich of the following is the Coumarin glycoside?a) Quassinb) picrosidec) prunasind) khellinWhich of the following drug contains cruciferous type of stomata?a) Digitalisb) Daturac) Hyoscyamusd) SennaWhich of the following test is used to detect cotton seed oil as an adulterant?a) Badouin’s testb) Salkowski reaction c) Schoutenten’s reaction d) Halphen’s test The weight variation problem in tablets may be caused due to……………………..a) Change in die fillb) Large proportion of finesc) Differing densitiesd) All of the aboveMoh’s scale is related witha) Flexibilityb) Hardnessc) Bulk densityd) StickinessPolyplasdone is the trade name of __________________a) Crosslinked NaCMCb) Crosslinked PVPc) Crosslinked Starch d) Microcrystalline celluloseThe thickness of implantable tablet should not be more than……………………..a) 2 mmb) 4 mmc) 8 mmd) 10 mmThe temperature used for the sterilization of vaccines is............................a) 70 ? Cb) 80 ? Cc) 55-60 ?Cd) 95-100 ? CA multiple emulsion is designated as………………………a) o/w/wb) w/o/wc) w/o/o/wd) w/o/o One of the following is not used as a sweetening agent in tablet?a) Neotameb) Sucralosec) Aerosild) AspartameEmulsions are defined as thermodynamically unstable systems. The events that follow sequentially towards instability are:a) coalescence, breaking, creaming and flocculationb) coalescence, breaking, creaming and flocculationc) coalescence, breaking, creaming and flocculationd) flocculation, creaming, coalescence and breakingAn o/w microemulsion is prepared using a hydrophilic surfactant. The appearance of a microemulsion is:a) Intense whiteb) Milky whitec) Translucentd) TransparentFor an ideal suspension the sedimentation volume should be…………………..a) Equal to oneb) less than onec) more than oned) zeroThe storage temperature for aerosols should never exceed……………………..a) 37 ?Cb) 120 ?Fc) 100 ?Fd) 120 ?CThe preferred method for sterilization for mineral oil injections is………………………a) Autoclaveb) Filtrationc) Gas sterilizationd) Dry heatDescriptionDescriptionP) Castor oil1) Plastic flowQ) Conc. Flocculated suspension2) Pseudoplastic flowR) Liquid dispersion of methyl cellulose3) Dilatant flowS) Pastes of small deflocculated particles4) Newtonian flowa) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 Pharmaceutical importance of simethicone is _______________a) Antiadherent b) Antifoaming c) Glidantd) Emulsifying agentThe BCS Class II drugs are ______________________a) Low solubility and high permeabilityb) High solubility and low permeabilityc) Low solubility and low permeabilityd) High solubility and high permeabilityPharmaceutical excipients are intended for following purposes except ______________________a) Pharmacological activityb) Pharmaceutical stability c) Physical solubilityd) Chemical compatibilityWhich of the following diluent causes tablet softening upon storage?a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Mannitold) DCPHow many litres of 8% solution can be made from 500 gm of a solid?a) 1.6 litreb) 4 litrec) 6.25 litred) 6250 litreOne of the following statements for a generic drug product is not true?a) Must contain the same active ingredients in the same concentration as the innovatorb) Must contain the same composition of inactive ingredientsc) Must be bioequivalent to the innovator productd) Generics are offered at significantly lower prices than reference medicinesOne of the following statements for Phase I clinical trial is not true?a) It is initiated only after successful animal studiesb) It is performed on healthy human volunteersc) It is used to determine the drug safetyd) It is used to establish the drug efficacyWhich of the following pairs has an interaction beneficial for routine clinical use?a) Pseudoephedrine and Aluminum hydroxide gel b) Tetracycline and Milk of Magnesiac) MAO inhibitors and Tyramine d) Chloromphenicol and TolbutamideMacrolide antibiotics exert their action by a) Inhibiting transcription b) Alternating the genetic codec) Terminating protein synthesis prematurely d) Post translational modificationA specimen isolated from a patient suffering from septicemia was found to be a strict aerobe. Its culture vial has a characteristic grape like odour and it was susceptible to Carbenicillin. Identify the organism-a) Pseudomonas flourescens b) S.typhi c) S. aureus d) Pseudomonas aeruginosa The drug regime used in treatment of both intestinal and extra intestinal symptoms of amoebiasis orally isa) Diloxanide & Iodoquinolb) Paramomycin & Mefloquine c) Metronidazole & Diloxanide d) Chloroquine Which of the following gives positive ferric chloride test?a) Morphine b) Codeine c) Thebaine d) None of the above Fusidic acid belongs to which of the following group?a) Cyclic dipeptide b) Macrolide c) Tetracyclic triterpine d) GlycopeptideWhich of the following anti-anxiety agent is an azaspirodecanedione derivative?a) Lorazepamb) Cycloheptadienec) Meprobamated) BuspironeOne of the following drug has activity against herpes virus simplex-I and is used topically. Systemic administration of this agent results in BMD, hepatic dysfunction and nephrotoxicity. Identify the drug.a) Acyclovirb) Amantadinec) Vidarabined) Idoxuridinβ-phenyl-N-alkyl piperidine moiety is largely responsible for activity in one of the following. Choose the correct one-a) Bupreonorphineb) Pethidinec) Cycloserined) AmitryptillineThe most common causative agent of bacterial pneumonia is…………………………a) S.aureusb) E.colic) Streptococcus pneumoniaed) Mycoplasma pneumoniap-flouro phenyl acetic acid conjugate, on metabolism, is given by which of the following drug?a) Paracetamolb) Diloxanidec) Ivermectind) Haloperidol2-β(2-chloroethyl)aminoperhydro-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorinane is an …………………a) Anti-metaboliteb) Alkylating agentc) Anti-TB agentd) Anti-arrhythmic agentN-allyl derivative of dihydrohydroxymorphine is…………………………a) Naloxoneb) Nalorphinec) Thebained) NaltrexoneEnkephalins are ………………………..a) Exogenous compounds used in analgesia.b) Endogenous ligands are pentapeptides that are localized in some nerve endings.c) Endogenous ligands are tripeptides that are present in nerve tissue.d) Endogenous ligands are tetrapeptides that are present in cardiovascular tissue.Isoxazole ring can be found in which of the following drug?a) Nitrofurantoinb) Primidonec) Mebendazoled) CloxacillinFor simple (1st order) NMR spectrum value of Δv/j should be………………a) >10b) <10c) >15d) <15-3136906919595Which of the following alkenes would have the largest λmax? The CMR spectrum of an unknown compound shows 4 absorptions and the PMR spectrum shows 4 absorptions. Which of the following compounds is the unknown compound? Which of the following have highest λmax?a) CH3Fb) CH3Clc) CH3Brd) CH3IValue of the Plank constant is ………………a) 6.625*10-27 erg sec b) 6.625*10-27 joule sec c) 6.241*10-11 erg sec d) 1.602*10-12 joule secCharacteristic component of Polarograph is …………………..a) Diffusion currentb) Pt.electrode c) Calomel electrode d) Dropping mercury electrodeDiffusion current can be obtained by ………………….a) Ilkovic eqn.b) Beer’s eqn.c) Hooke’s lawd) Lambert’s lawWhich of the following is used as Polarographic maxima suppressant?a) Gelatinb) Methyl redc) Tritond) All of the aboveBenzyl bromide gives base peak at …………..a) 77b) 91c) 105d) 107Dependent variable in Polarography is ……………….a) Current b) Potentialc) Concentrationd) VolumeWhich of the following drug combinations are highly susceptible to Nephrotoxicity?a) Enalapril+Hydrochlorthiazideb) Losartan+Hydrochlorthiazidec) Atenolol+Hydrochlorthiazided) Amlodipine+HydrochlorthiazideA patient of 40-45 year age is suffering from heart failure & hypertension, which of the following is first choice drug prescribed by physician?a) Digoxinb) Irbesartan c) Spironolactoned) TorasemideWhich of the following drug is both L & T type Calcium channel blocker?a) Nimodipineb) Mibefradil c) Verapamil d) Ethosuximide Which of the following drug is specific B2 receptor Antagonist?a) Betaxolol b) Salbutamol c) Ritodrined) ButoxamineWhich of the following drug(s) is/are Potassium channel opener?a) Nicorandilb) Pinacidil c) BothA and Bd) NebivololDesmopressin is selective…………………….a) V2 Agonist b) V2 Antagonist c) V1 Agonist d) V1 Antagonist Which of the following drug is Heparin Antagonist?a) Pergolideb) Protaminec) Methoxamine d) Roxin Which of the following drug is PPARα receptor Activator?a) Tolbutamideb) Gemfibrozilc) Rosiglitazone d) MuraglitazarWhich of the following antihypertensive drug produces Rebound Hypertension?a) Hexamethoniumb) Clonidinec) Metoprolold) PrazosinWhich of the following drug is non-depolarising NM blocker?a) Mephensinb) Decamethoniumc) Baclofend) MivacuriumWhich of the following is controlling DARK ADAPTATION TIME? a) Retinol b) Retinalc) Rhodopsind) Retinoic acid Which of the following sugar is required for nucleic synthesis?a) Ribose b) Galactosec) Fructose d) VerbascoseWhich of the following is an unsaturated fatty acid?a) Myristic acid b) Oleic acid c) Valeric acid d) Lignoceric acidWhich of the following amino acid is containing specific functional group DISULFIDE?a) Cysteine b) Cystine c) Methionined) LeucineWhich of the following test is used to detect albuminuria?a) Heat coagulation b) Seliwanoff’s c) Millon’sd) All of the aboveWhich of the following specific reaction is used to identify the increase in serum bilirubin?a) Van den berghb) Fouchet’s testc) Gmelin test d) All of the aboveWhich of the following test used to assess the completeness of vagotomy?a) Hollander’s testb) BUN c) Sulmen’s testd) Histamine testWhich of the following amino acid is precursor for thyroid hormone synthesis?a) Phenyl alanineb) Tyrosine c) Glycine d) ThreonineWhich of the following is an end product of β-oxidation?a) Acetyl CoA b) Aceyl CoA c) Palmitated) Oleic acidWhich of the following enzyme deficiency cause lactic acidosis?a) Pyruvate dehydrogenaseb) Lactate dehydrogenase c) 2, 3-BPGd) HexokinaseAldosterone is secreted from…………………..a) Zona glomerulosab) Zona reticularisc) Zona fasciculatad) All of the aboveWhich of the following enzyme is responsible for formation of tRNA?a) RNA polymerase Ib) RNA polymerase IIc) RNA polymerase III d) Polymerase Which of the following codon signaling during foetus development causes progeria?a) UAGb) UUA c) AUU d) CUGWhich of the following is an end product of purine metabolism in humans?a) Ureab) Uric acidc) Xanthined) AmmoniaWhich of the following immunoglobin is mostly responsible for humoral immunity?a) IgAb) IgDc) IgMd) IgGName of drugs Synonyms1. Nux vomicaP) Indian tobacco2. Lobelia Q) Thorn apple leaves3. ColchicumR) Meadow saffron4. StramoniumS) Crow fig seedsa) 1-S, 2-P, 3-R, 4-Qb) 1-Q, 2-S, 3-P, 4-Rc) 1-R, 2-P, 3-S, 4-Q d) 1-P, 2-R, 3-Q, 4-SThe bitterness value is determined by comparing the test drug with following drug:a) Quinine HClb) Chloroquine HClc) Quinine sulphated) Quinine phosphateGive the name of anti-transpirant Growth Regulator:a) Gibberellinb) Abscicic acidc) Ethylene d) AuxinDrugs Families1. Artemisia P) Combretaceae2. Myrobalan Q) Leguminosae3. Black catechu R) Euphorbeaceae4. AmlaS) Compositaea) 1-R, 2-S, 3-P, 4-Q b) 1-P, 2-R, 3-Q, 4-Sc) 1-S, 2-P, 3-Q, 4-Rd) 1-S, 2-Q, 3-R, 4-PThe usual adulterants for clove buds are clove stalk and mother clove. The clove stalk can be identified by the presence of …..a) Starch grains b) cystolithsc) prisms of calcium oxalated) noneMother clove can be identified by the presence of……………………a) Acicular crystals of calcium oxalateb) starch grainsc) lignified scleriedsd) both b & cWhich of the following alkaloid is not derived from tyrosine?a) Ephedrineb) colchicinesc) morphined) papaverineEster value really means………………………a) No. of mg of KOH required to neutralize the free acid in 1 gm of the oilb) No. of mg of KOH required to neutralize the fatty acids resulting from complete hydrolysis of 1 gm of the oilc) No. of mg of KOH required to combine with fatty acids which are present in glycerides form in 1gm of the oild) None of the aboveGlycyrrhiza has all these pharmacological activities except one.a) antiulcerb) antispasmodic c) anti-inflammatoryd) antidiabeticChemical testsChemical constituents1. Grignard Reaction P) Flavanoids2. Shinoda TestQ) Tannins3. Froth TestR) Cyanogenetic Glycosides4. Goldbeater’s Skin TestS) Saponina) 1-R, 2-P, 3-S, 4-Qb) 1-P, 2-Q, 3-R, 4-Sc) 1-S, 2-Q, 3-P, 4-Rd) 1-S, 2-R, 3-P, 4-QWhich of the following neurotransmitter is involved in Parkinson’s disease?a) Nor-adrenalineb) Dopaminec) Histamined) Neuropeptide-YWhich of the following is not an excitatory amino acid transmitter?a) glutamateb) aspartatec) glycined) homocysteateWhich of the following drug causes methaemogloninaemia?a) levodopab) tolcaponec) prilocained) articaineWhich of the following drug is 5-HT 1A receptor agonist and used to treat anxiety?a) methaqualoneb) buspironec) meprobamated) zolpidemWhich of the following drug causes Anterograde amnesia as its pharmacological effect?a) Benzodiazepinesb) barbituratesc) tricyclic antidepressantsd) none of the aboveWhich of the following drug is used to treat Pneumocystis carini infection in AIDS patient?a) Ureidopenicillinsb) co-trimoxazolec) loracarbefd) doripenamWhich of the following drug is metabolized by enzyme acetyl transferase?a) Tetracyclineb) cycloserinec) chloramphenicold) capreomycinWhich of the following anticancer drug acts by inhibition of topoisomerase-I enzyme? a) etoposideb) topotecanc) vinorelbined) mitomycinWhich of the following anticancer drug is irreversible aromatase inhibitor?a) mitotaneb) flutamidec) exemestaned) hydroxyureaWhich of the following drug is used in “rescue therapy” of methotrexate?a) capacitabineb) fosfestrolc) leucovorind) octreolideTEVA is mainly known for …………………………..a) Branded drugsb) Excipientsc) Genericsd) Indian drugsLipitor is the brand name for ………………………..a) Atorvastatinb) Atorvastatin Calciumc) Simvastatind) LipostatinWhich of the following statements for PEG is true?a) PEG, also known as PEO, has the trade name carbowaxb) The covalent coupling of a therapeutic protein to the PEG molecule is known as PEGylationc) Higher Mol. Wt. PEG is used as ointment bases and film coatings.d) All of the aboveWhich of the following statements for Polymorphs is true?a) Polymorphs have different physico-chemical propertiesb) Milling/micronization operations may result in polymorphic conversion of a drugc) Addition of Cellulose ether polymers (HPC, MC) may inhibit polymorphic transformationd) All of the aboveHow many parts of 10% ointment should be mixed with 2 parts of 15% ointment to get 12% ointment?a) 2b) 3c) 5d) 6One of the ex-officio member of the Pharmacy Council of India is……………………….a) Director General of Health Servicesb) Government Analystc) Registrar of the State Pharmacy Councild) Director General of Indian Veterinary Research InstituteA retardant material that forms a hydrophilic matrix in the formulation of matrix tablets is………a) HPMCb) CAPc) Polyethyleneoxided) Carnauba WaxAn organism which has been implicated as a possible cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer is………………………a) Campylobacter jejunib) E. colic) Helicobacter Pylorid) Giardia lambliaA new drug delivery system which is composed of phospholipids that spontaneously form multilamellar concentric bilayer vesicles with layers of aqueous media separating the lipid layers is…………………a) prodrugsb) liposomesc) osmotic pumpsd) nanoparticlesMeasurement of particle size in pharmaceutical Aerosols is by ……………………(P) Cascade impactor(Q) light scatter decay(R) Karl-Fischer method(S) IR spectrophotometrya) P, Qb) Q, Rc) R, Sd) P, SWhat is an acceptable range for a tablet to pass friability test?a) 0.5-1.5%b) 02.-1%c) 0.5-1%d) 1-2%Which instrument is used for Homogenization of emulsion?a) Wood’s apparatusb) Erwekac) Ultra-sonifierd) Coulter CounterWhich equation describes the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet?a) Fick’s lawb) Henderson-Hassalbache c) Noyes Whitneyd) Michaelis-MentenOne of the following statements for Transdermal drug delivery system is not true.a) Suitable for drugs with low o/w partition coefficientb) Useful for prolonged duration of actionc) Provides rapid drug absorption by penetration enhancersd) Franz diffusion cell is used for In-vitro release testing of TDDSWhich is the most stringent environment control zone that is required for filling of parenteral?a) Greyb) Blackc) Whited) RedThe dose to be given for Intramuscular route of administration is ………………….a) 0.01-0.2 mlb) 2-4 mlc) less than 20 mld) 500 ml or moreThe shelf life (t90) of zero order reaction is calculated as…………………a) 0.1Co / kb) Co / 2kc) 0.105 / kd) 0.693 / kWhich of the following mills are used for sterile products?a) Ball millb) Colloid millc) Fluid energy milld) Both A and CThe causative micro-organism for Syphilis is………………………..a) Bordetella pertussisb) Treponema pallidum c) Streptococcus pneumoniae d) Campylobacter jejuniEducational regulations are approved by ……………………a) State Governmentb) Central Governmentc) Tribunald) All of the aboveKraft point is the point at which …………………….of the surfactant equals to CMC.a) Lipophilicityb) Hydrophilicityc) Solubilityd) None of the aboveThe Drug Technical Advisory Board consists of following number of Ex-Officio members?a) 3b) 6c) 8d) 10One of the following statements is true regarding oxygen requirement for Facultative anaerobes (E.coli).a) Requires oxygenb) Grows with or without oxygen c) Grows best with low oxygen d) Killed by oxygenThe Thermophil bacteria can grow at………………a) 5-25 ° Cb) 25-40 ° Cc) 40-85 ° Cd) 70-100 ° CIn a formulation development laboratory, you have to formulate an oral dosage from containing olive oil, vitamin A and water. Suggest a suitable dosage form.a) Solution b) Suspension c) Emulsion d) CapsuleYen is the currency of ……………….a) Japanb) Singaporec) UKd) South AfricaThe full form of GRAS is ………………….a) Generally recognized as safeb) Generic remedies and safety Agreementc) Government rational approach to safetyd) Government relief and servicesThe regulatory agency of Brazil is …………………a) EMEAb) TGAc) ANVISAd) USFDAA patent gives the owner the right to…………………………… a) Make her inventionb) Publish the results of tests using the invention c) Exclude others from making her invention d) Collect a monetary award from the government Combiflam is a combination drug product of …………………….P) ParacetamolQ) AspirinR) IbuprofenS) Diclofenac sodiuma) PQb) PRc) PSd) RSColorcon is a company popularly known for ………………….a) Branded drugsb) Excipientsc) Genericsd) Indian drugsThe HPMC (commonly known as Hypromellose) is used in formulations as ……………..a) Coating agentb) Tablet binderc) Sustained release polymerd) All of the aboveAs per ICH stability guidance, Zone I indicates the condition as………………………..a) Temperateb) Subtropical climatec) Hot/Dryd) Hot/HumidA number of two digits is equal to 3 times the sum of digits. Find the numbera) 72b) 63c) 27d) 36The shelf life of a liquid drug is 24 hrs. at 5 ?C. Approximately how long will the drug be stable at 37 ?C?a) 1 hr.b) 2 hrs.c) 3 hrs.d) 4 hrs.In Potentiometry curve is obtained by plotting…………………….a) Emf Vs ml of titrantb) Emf Vs current c) Current Vs ml of titrant d) Current Vs resistance Which of the following is an inert electrode?a) Carbon electrodeb) Calomel electrodec) Hydrogen electroded) Glass electrode 60 mg of NaAc.3H2O (M.W. 136) on titration gave reading 3.5 ml then strength of Karl-Fischer reagent is………...a) 6.81 mg of water / ml of reagentb) 17.14 mg of water / ml of reagentc) 23.82 mg of water / ml of reagentd) 10.2 mg water / ml of reagentLaw of independent migration used in Conductometry is……………………….a) Kohlrausch lawb) Beer’s lawc) Lambert’s lawd) Hooke’s lawAcetic anhydride is used in Non-aq. Titration ……………………a) To remove waterb) To adjust pHc) For standardization of HClO4 soln.d) As a solventReagent used for UV-estimation of steroids containing α-ketone is …………………….a) Triphenyl Tetrazolium chlorideb) Bratton Marshal reagent c) 2, 4-Dinitrophenyl d) Antimony trichloride Detector used in ESR spectroscopy is ………………….a) Silicon carbide b) Silicon crystal detectorc) Klystrond) Golay pneumatic detector Primary standard compound for Acetous perchloric acid is ………………..a) KHPb) Anhydrous sodium bicarbonatec) Benzoic acidd) NaOH In Gas chromatography for analysis of drugs containing halogens, the preferred detector is ……………a) TCDb) FIDc) Gas density detectorsd) ECDIodine vapours for TLC are used to detect………..…………a) Carboxylic acidsb) Steroidsc) Unsaturated compoundd) Volatile compoundsTechniquesElectrodes P. Polarography1. Pt + DMEQ. Conductometry2. Pt + PtR. pH metry3. Pt + GlassS. Potentiometry4. Pt + SCEa) P-1,Q-2,R-4,S-3b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 d) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1In gel permeation chromatography, the molecules are separated on the basis of……………………..a) Chemical natureb) Size & Shapec) Adsorptive propertiesd) Partition coefficientFor qualitative analysis in Polarography which of the following is used?a) Half wave potentialb) Diffusion currentc) Migration currentd) Residual currentCommon indicator used in non aqueous titration is…………………….a) Crystal violetb) Methyl orangec) Sudan redd) PhenolphthaleinBase peak in Benzoyl bromide in the Mass spectrum is at …………………………a) 77b) 91 c) 105 d) 107Which of the following heterocyclic ring is present in Atorvastatin?a) Pyrolleb) Imidazolec) Piperidined) FuranLosartan-An angiotensin II type1 receptor antagonist metabolized to…………….….a) Losartan-5-CH3OHb) Losartan-4-CH3OHc) Losartan-5-COOHd) Losartan-4-COOHWhich of the following drug is a specific coronary vasodilator?a) Verapamilb) Azimilide c) Amiodarone d) DiltiazemWhich of the following amino acid is frequently bound at active site of enzymes?a) Lysine b) Alaninec) Valined) SerineWhich of the following protein causes Alzheimer disease?a) Amyloid-β-peptideb) Amyloid-α-peptidec) Amyloid-λ-peptided) Amyloid-δ-peptideWhich of the following vitamin deficiency causes scruvy?a) Ascorbic acidb) Nicotin c) Biotin d) PyridoxinWhich of the following is a major transporter of steroid hormone?a) Transcortin b) Transferrine c) Ceruloplasmind) RBPWhich of the following coenzyme is involved in electron transport chain (ETC) process?a) Coenzyme Ab) Coenzyme Qc) Coenzyme H d) Coenzyme VWhich of the following cycle divided into energy investment, splitting and energy generation phase?a) TCA cycleb) Glycolysis c) Gluconeogenesis d) Urea cycleWhich of the following enzyme is responsible for β-oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid?a) Isomeraseb) Dehydrogenasec) Oxidased) ThiolaseWhich of the following enzyme is rate-limiting in urea cycle?a) CPS-Ib) CPS-IIc) Arginased) HydrolasesWhich of the following process is responsible for synthesis of protein from mRNA? a) Transcription b) Translationc) Reverse transcription d) PCRWhich of the following group is responsible for anti-anginal activity of 1, 4-dihydropyridine?a) Nitrate b) Nitroc) NO d) NH3Which of the following anti-arrhythmic drug shows pH dependent activity?a) Procainamide b) Sotalol c) Propranolol d) DigoxinWhich of the following moiety is responsible for binding to angiotensin II type 1 receptor?a) Acidic tetrazole b) Basic tetrazolec) Neutral tetrazoled) All of the aboveWhich of the following contains nitrile group?a) Dipyridamol b) Diltiazem c) Verapamild) Both A and CWhich of the following is a prodrug of enalapril?a) Lisinoprilb) Enalapril maleatec) Captopril d) QuinaprilWhich of the following sentence is true for β-blocker sotalol?a) L-sotalol 15 times more β-Blockerb) L-sotalol 30-60 times more β-Blockerc) D-sotalol 30-60 times more β-Blockerd) D-sotalol 10-20 times more β-BlockerWhich of the following moiety is responsible for α1 antagonistic activity of prazosin?a) 10 amineb) 20 amine c) 30 amined) 40 amine Which of the following drug is synthesized by Williamson synthesis?a) Clofibrate b) Fenofibrate c) Colesevelamd) ProbenecidWhat is the synonym of SGPT?a) ASTb) ALT c) ALPd) ASPA lady 30-35 year old, taking Ramipress? containing ramipril for severe hypertension. Which of the following drug will be prescribed by physician with Ramipress??a) Dextromethorphanb) Ibuprofenc) Tramadold) Telmisartan Which of the following drug is Bradykinin antagonist?a) Icarbanb) Atosibanc) Icatibant d) Dazoxiben Which of the following drug causes crystalluria?a) Metyrosineb) Disulfiramc) Guanithidined) All of the aboveWhich of the following β-Blocker produces side effect lupus erythematosus?a) Pindololb) Proctalolc) Atenolold) MetoprololWhich of the following central analgesic drug is used as pain killer?a) Trazodonb) Tramadolc) Piroxicamd) DiclofenacWhich of the following drug is used in Raynauld’s disease?a) Nifedipineb) Captoprilc) Clonidine d) Amlodipine Which of the following β-Blocker is used in glaucoma?a) Nadololb)Cartelol c) Oxprenolol d) BetoxalolWhich of the following is used as antifibrinolytic drug?a) Aminocaproic acidb) Picotamidec) Ticlopidined) AspirinWhich of the following drug is widely used in supraventricular tachycardia?a) Adenosineb) Warfarinc) MgSO4d) MexiletineControl of Respiratory depression is mediated by……………………..a) μ1 receptorb) μ2 receptorc) Kappa receptord) None of the aboveNaltriben contains which of the following ring?a) Furanb) Pyrrolec) Thiophened) PyridineAnti-UV erythema activity is associated with which of the following?a) Mefenamic acidb) Flufenamic acidc) Meclofenamate.Nad) ClonixinParacetemol produces Anti-pyretic, Analgesic effect via inhibition of enzyme………………………..a) COX-1b) COX-2c) COX-3d) COX-4Primaquine is associated with which of the following side effects?a) Teratogenicb) Increases QT intervalc) Heart blockd) CyanosisLargactil? is a trade name for which drug?a) Morphineb) Cyclophosphamidec) Chloropromazined) SulperideDrug of choice in today`s world due to high resistance to other drugs is………………a) Quinineb) Chloroquininec) Fosphidomycind) ArtemisininAdrenocortical suppression is associated with…………..a) Etomidateb) Ketaminec) Isofluraned) PropofolStructure of Carmustine, an anticancer drug is…………………………a) ClCH2CH2N(NO)CH2NHCH2CH2Clb) ClCH2CH2N(NO)CH2N(NO)CH2CH2Cl c) ClCH2CH2N(NO)CONHCH2CH2Cld) ClCH2CH2N(NO)CON(NO)CH2CH2ClDrug of choice for Lennox gastaut syndrome is …………………………….a) Lamotrignineb) Felbamatec) Tigabined) ZonisamideWhich of the following anti-TB dug causes pyridoxine deficiency?a) Isoniazidb) Pyrazinamidec) Cycloserined) EthambutolWhich of the following penicillins are effective against P. aeruginosa infection?a) Oxacillinb) Naficillinc) Methicillind) TicarcillinWhich of the following is/are the endogenous opioids(s)?a) Endorphinsb) Dynorphinsc) Both A and Bd) None of the aboveNitric oxide acts by which mediator?a) cGMPb) cAMPc) ATPd) None of the aboveWhich of the following drug is used to treat Lyme’ disease?a) Sulphasalazineb) Clarithromycinc) Azlocillind) ClofazimineWhich of the following drugs is excreted primarily by renal tubular secretions?a) Gentamycinb) Kanamycinc) Tetracyclined) Carbenicillin Which of the following tetracycline drug is effective against N. meningitidis infection? a) Rolitetracyclineb) Minocyclinec) Demeclocyclined) DoxycyclineWhich of the following anticancer drug acts by inhibition of topoisomerase-I enzyme? a) Etoposideb) topotecanc) vinorelbined) mitomycinWhich of the following drug is used to treat Pneumocystis carini infection in AIDS patient?a) Ureidopenicillinsb) co-trimoxazolec) loracarbefd) doripenam?-opioid receptors are involved in all pharmacological effects except………………….a) Analgesiab) Euphoriac) Dysphoriad) Respiratory depressionAs per WHO guidelines which of the following method is used to determine water content of the herbal crude drug?a) Toluene Distillation b) Gravimetric analysis c) Both A and B d) None of the aboveLycopodium spore method is used to analyze which of the following form of the drug?a) Leaf b) stem c) powdered drug d) rootWhich of the following drug contains glandular trichomes?a) Male fern b) vasaka c) nux vomica d) cannabisWhich of the following herbal drug is used as respiratory stimulant in the treatment of asthma?a) Hyoscyamusb) Duboisiac) Cocad) LobeliaWhich of the following is the main chemical constituent of the Eucalyptus oil?a) Geraniolb) cineolec) Both A and B d) None of the aboveHow many no. of Isoprene units are present in sesquiterpenes?a) 1 b) 2c) 3d) 4Which of the following contains Phenolic ether volatile oil?a) Anise b) Nutmegc) BothA and B d) None of the aboveColchicine is mainly used to treat……………………….a) Goutb) cancerc) diabetesd) arthritisRauwolfia alkaloid belongs to the class of……………………….a) Quinolineb) Isoquinolinec) Piperidined) IndoleWhich of the following method is used to extract Citrus oils?a) Hydrodistillationb) Enfleurage methodc) Ecuelle methodd) None of the above Controlled release products are…………………………a) Modified release productsb) Sustained release productsc) Delayed release productsd) All of the aboveThe correct non-ionic surfactant used as a penetration enhancer in the preparation of mucoadhesives is…………….a) oleic acid b) tween-80c) glycerol d) propylene glycolGuggulipid, a resin is…………………………a) a hypolipidemic agent obtained from cotton plants containing multifunctional compound ( ± ) gossypolb) a lipid obtained from Arctium lappa, asteraceae and traditionally used for the treatment of dermatosesc) cathartic glucoresin obtained from Ipomoea orizabensis and used since ancient timed) a hypolipidemic agent obtained from Commiphora mukul consisting of a mixture of sterols including Z-pregna-(20)-diene-3, 16-dioneWhat is the term for a utility patent in India?a) 10 yearsb) 15 years c) 17 yearsd) 20 yearsThe decomposition of a drug in aqueous acid solution was found to follow first order reaction. The initial concentration was found to be 0.056 M. The concentration after a period of 12 hours was 4.10 × 10 moles/litre. The reaction rate constant is 0.02599- 1 ?hrWhat is the quantity of drug remaining undecomposed after 8 hours?a) 0.455 moles/litre b) 0.25 moles/litrec) 0.0455 moles/litre d) 0.10 moles/litreWhat is the amount of drug deteriorated during the period of 24 hours?a) 0.026 moles/litre b) 0.0026 moles/litrec) 0.03 moles/litre d) 0.053 moles/litrePeso is the currency of …………………………………a) Koreab) UAEc) Mexicod) BangladeshThe full form of IIG is ……………………………a) Indian Institute of Geologyb) Indian c) International Institute of Gastrologyd) Inactive Ingredient guideTGA is the regulatory agency of…………………………..a) New Zealandb) USAc) Australiad) EuropeThe full form of USPTO is ……………………………a) UN Society for Patient Therapeutic operationsb) United States Pharma Trade Organizationc) United States Patent and Trademark Officed) Alcon is the global leader in ……………………a) Coating technologyb) Transdermalsc) Ophthalmicsd) AerosolsFind the next number…………..If 2+3 = 10, 7+2 = 63, 6+5 = 66, 8+4 = 96, then 9+7 =????a) 99b) 144c) 160d) 97In statistics, the value that occurs the most frequently in a data set is known as …………………..a) Meanb) Medianc) Moded) RangeIndian Patent Act was passed in ……………a) 1950b) 1960c) 1970d) 1980All the drug products marketed in USA are listed in ………………………a) Blue bookb) Green bookc) Red bookd) Orange bookThe USFDA is concerned with the regulations of………………………a) Drugsb) Cosmeticsc) Medical devicesd) All of the aboveHow much of 3% ointment must be added to 50 gm of an 15 % ointment to make 10% ointment?a) 7.15 gmb) 14.30c) 35.7 gmd) 250 gmWhich derivative of Vitamin B1 gives fluorescence in visible region?a) Thiochromeb) Thiaminec) Pyrithiamined) OxythiamineThe coenzyme not involved in hydrogen transfera) FMNb) FADc) NADP+d) FH4Which number carbon differentiates α and β forms (i.e. anomers) of D-glucose?a) C4b) C3 c) C1d) C2Homopolysaccharides have general formula …………..a) (C6H10O5)nb) (C6H12O4)n c) (C6H10O6)nd) (C6H10O4)nWhich test is used to check the purity of butter containing good conc. of volatile fatty acid?a) Reichert-Meissl No.b) Acid No. c) Iodine No. d) Ash valueWhich of the following is/are an essential Fatty Acid(s)?a) Linoleic Acid b) Linolenic Acid c) Arachidonic Acid d) All of the above Edman’s Reagent is chemically …………………a) Phenyl isothiopropionate b) Phenyl isothiocyanatec) Phenyl isopropylbuty rate d) Phenyl Butylpropionate.Which of the following is nonapeptide?a) Kallidin b) Bradykinin c) Substance P d) GastrinWhich of following is present in collagen?a) 5-Hydroxy proline b) 4-Hydroxy lysine c) 5-Hydroxy lysine d) 3-Hydroxy prolineNucleoside refers to………………….a) Base + Sugarb) Base + Phosphatec) Base onlyd) None of the aboveCarbohydrates containing more than 4 % protein are known as ……..a) Glycoproteinb) Mucoproteinc) Metalloproteind) Lipoprotein.Invert Sugar is prepared from …..a) Dextroseb) Sucrosec) Inulind) None of the aboveThe functionally active form of Vitamin D is…a) Cholecalciferolb) Ergocalciferolc) Dehydrocholesterold) CalcitriolWhich of the following enzymes requires chloride ions as activators?a) Lipaseb) Amylasec) Trypsind) ChemotrypsinWhich of the following sugar deficiency cause diarrhoea and flatulence?a) Maltose b) Sucrose c) Xylose d) LactoseWhich of the following is an unbranched water soluble polysaccharide?a) Amylaseb) Amylopectin c) Heparin d) HyaluronidaseWhich of the following cyclic fatty acid used in treatment of leprosy?a) Ricinoleic acid b) Sesame oil c) Chaulmoogra oil d) All of the aboveWhich of the following phosphogyceride possess antigenic property?a) Cephalin b) Plasmalogen c) Cardiolipin d) SphingosideWhich of the following is true for an amino acid lysine?a) Ketogenic b) glycogenic c) Essential amino acid d) Both A and CWhich of the following test used for imidazole ring containing amino acid?a) Sakaguchi reaction b) Zak’s test c) Pauly’s test d) Millons testWhich of the following form of DNA is a right handed helix?a) Z b) A c) B d) EWhat is the synonym for transfer RNA?a) Irregular RNA b) regular RNA c) polymer RNA d) soluble RNA Which of the following vitamin deficiency is caused by Isoniazid?a) Pyridoxine b) Niacin c) Biotin d) Pantothenic acidWhich of the vitamin widely used in mouth ulcer?a) Vitamin B-complex b) Folic acid c) Both A and B d) None of the aboveBioflavanoids are known as….a) Vitamin H b) Vitamin L c) Vitamin P d) Vitamin AWhich of the following is an Antineuritic vitamin?a) Vitamin B5 b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin B7 d) Vitamin B1 What is the function of peroxisome?a) Bimerization b) Mutarotation c) Oxidation d) GlycationWhich of the following acid is formed on oxidation of - CHO group of sugars?a) Glucoronic acid b) Gluconic acid c) Saccharic acid d) Mucic acidWhich of the following deficiency cause Phrynoderma or toad skin?a) Essential fatty acid b) Non-essential fatty acid c) Proteins d) All of the aboveWhat is the principle Reverse sequencing method detecting amino acid sequence?a) Enzymatic methodb) Chemical method c) Chemical-DNA method d) HPLCUric acid is chemically?a) 2,6-dioxypurineb) 2,6,8-trioxypurinec) 6-oxypurine d) 6,8-dioxypurineWhich of the following enzymes used for detecting glucose in urine?A) Glucose peroxidase b) Glucose oxidase c) Glucose transferase d) Both A and BWhich of the following lipid possess antihyperlipidemic action?a) Phospholipid b) Triglyceridec) Glycolipid d) SitosterolProteins are polymer of ………….a) L-α-aminoacidb) D-α-aminoacidc) L-β-aminoacid d) L-λ-aminoacidWhat is the last product of the glycolysis in anaerobic medium? a) Pyruvate b) lactate c) citrate d) oxaloacetateWhich of the following drug should not be given with torsemide?a) Bleomycin b) Dactinomycin c) Mitomycin d) NeomycinWhich of the following drug is given with fenofibrate to prevent Coronary Heart Disease?a) Pravastatin b) Rosuvastatin c) Simvastatatin d) CerivastatinWhich of the following β-blocker is used to treat angina?a) Atenolol b) Nadolol c) Betoxalol d) NebivololWhich of the following route(s) of administration is used for Epoetin-β?a) I.M.b) I.V.c) S.C.d) Both B and CWhich of the following anti-platelet drug is PDE inhibitor?a) Dipyridamol b) Disopyramide c) Tirofiban d) AbciximabPompe’s deficiency is caused due to deficiency of ………………..a) Acid maltase b) Glycogen sythatase c) Hexokinase d) Acid lactaseHMP pathway is also known as…….a) Pentose phosphate pathway b) Hexose phosphate pathway c) Phosphate pathway d) Cori’s cycleWhich vitamin’s coenzyme must be required for transamination of Amino acids?a) VitaminB5b) VitaminB6c) VitaminB12 d) VitaminB3Disposal of ammonia in mammals is by………a) NH4b) Urea c) Uric Acidd) NH4ClWhich of the following is/are example(s) of ketone bodies?a) Alcohol b) Acetone c) Acetoacetate d) Both A and C Which of the following enzyme cause phosphorylation of glucose in Glycolysis?a) Glucokinaseb) Pyruvate kinasec) PFKd) AllWhich of the following vitamin is known as anti-dermatitis factor?a) VitaminB6b) VitaminB12c) VitaminB3d) Pantothenic acid Melatonin is synthesized from……………. a) Tyrosineb) Valinec) Tryptophand) SerineWhich arm of the t-RNA is responsible for recognition of triplet codon of m-RNA?a) D-arm b) T?C armc) Anticodon arm d) Variable armWhich of the coenzyme donates sulfate for synthesis of mucopolysaccharides?a) Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfateb) UDPc) CDPd) ATPWhich of the Non-α-amino acid is intermediate in synthesis of porphyrin?a) α-Alanineb) δ-Aminolevulinic acid c) Taurine d) ornithineWhich of the following is a central molecule for Glycolysis, Glycogenesis, Gluconeogenesis?a) Fructoseb) Glucose-6-phosphatec) Fructose-6-phosphated) GlycogenBile acid is synthesized from……………a) Choline b) Phosphatidic acid c) Cholesterold) Triacylglycerol Elastin & Keratin are……………..…a) Scleroproteinb) Simple protein c) conjugated protein d) All of the aboveWhich Amino acid directly participates in synthesis of Heme….a) Methionine b) Aspartatec) Glycined) TryptophanNo. of Heme present in Myoglobin is……………..a) 1b) 2 c) 3d) 4Which of the following element of ETC possesses isoprenoid units?a) Coenzyme Qb) Cytochromec) Cytochrome bd) Non-HemeSuperoxide is converted to H2O2 by…a) Peroxidaseb) Catalasec) Superoxide dismutased) Glutathion peroxidaseBSP (Bromosulphthalein) is used to access the function of…a) Liver b) Kidneyc) Heart d)MuscleGonadotropin releasing hormone is….a) Nonapeptideb) Decapeptidec) Polypeptide d) OctapeptideMost active mineralocorticoid hormone is …………….a) Cortisol b) Aldosteronec) ADHd) EpinephrineIn Hemolytic Jaundice, Van den Bergh reaction is….a) Direct positiveb) Indirect positive c) Biphasicd) None of aboveHLB of o/w emulsifying agent is ……………(a) 3-6(b) 6-9(c) 9-16(d) 15-40Capacity (in ml) of 000 capsule is ………….(a) 0.13(b) 0.30(c) 0.95(d) 1.30Which of the following is not a water soluble antioxidant?(a) Ascorbic acid (b) Thioglycerol(c) Lecithin(d) Sodium metabisulphateICH stands for …….……(a) Indian Council on Healthcare system(b) Institute for controlling Health Hazards(c) International Conference on Harmonization(d) International Committee on HarmonizationVarious shaped tablets are produced by …………(a) Convex punches (b) Slotted punches (c) Concave punches (d) Flat punches Sparingly soluble means …………..(a) 1-10 parts(b) 10-30 parts(c) 30-100 parts(d) 100-1000 partsSchedule: “Requirement & guideline on Clinical trials for import and manufacture of new drugs?” (a) Sch. D(b) Sch. K(c) Sch. V(d) Sch. YPowdered Glass test is not used for which USP Glass?(a) Type I(b) Type II(c) Type III(d) All of the aboveNameDescriptionP) Sorensen1. pH scaleQ) Dalla Valle2. MicromeriticsR) Zanasi3. Tablet coatingS) Wurster4. Capsule filling machine(a) P1,Q2,R3,S4 (b) P1,Q2,R4,S3 (c) P2,Q1,R4,S3 (d) P1,Q3,R2,S4ScheduleDescriptionP) Schedule M1. Requirements of manufacturing premisesQ) Schedule O2. Standards for disinfectant fluidsR) Schedule R3. Standards for patent or proprietary medicinesS) Schedule V4. Standards for mechanical contraceptives(a) P1,Q2,R3,S4 (b) P1,Q2,R4,S3 (c) P2,Q1,R4,S3 (d) P1,Q3,R2,S4Sterilization processBiological indicatorP) Filtration1. B. stearothermophillusQ) Radiation2. B. pumulisR) Dry heat3. B. subtilis var. nigerS) Moist heat4. Serratia marscence(a) P4,Q2,R3,S1 (b) P1,Q3,R2,S4 (c) P1,Q4,R3,S2 (d) P4,Q1,R2,S3Diagnostic tests for syphilis are...........P) Kahn testQ) Widal testR) Wasserman test S) Schick test(a) P,Q (b) P,S(c) P,R(d) Q,SIn tablet compression machine the component guiding the movement of the punches is calleda) Hopperb) Die table c) Cam tracks d) TurretsDry heat sterilization cannot be used for ……………..a) Oilsb) Powdersc) Surgical dressingd) Metal instrumentsQuantitative color estimation is done by...a) Calorimetric measurementb) Micro-reflectance photometerc) Psychrometryd) All of the aboveAs per D&C Act and Rules, the GMP is included under Schedule ………a) Wb) Gc) Md) PPasteurization method for sterilization of milk is carried out at ……………a) 62.8 ?C for 30 min. b) 68.2 ?C for 30 min. c) 121 ?C for 30 min. d) 60 ?C for 1 hr.Diluent used for Spheronization method is……….a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Starchd) PVPWhat is the working principle of action of Hammer mill?a) Attritionb) Impactc) Both A and Bd) PressureRat holling phenomena relates with………………..(a) Poor flow of granules (b) Maintaining the granule flow(c) Filling of capsules(d) Increasing the granular flowStorage conditionDescriptionP) Cold storage1) Any temp. not greater than 8?CQ) Cool storage2) Any temp. between 8-25?C R) Warm storage3) Any temp. between 30-40?CS) Excessive heat4) Any temp. above 40?C(a) P1,Q2,R3,S4 (b) P2,Q1,R4,S3 (c) P2,Q1,R3,S4 (d) P1,Q3,R2,S4AntibioticTest organismP) Bleomycin1) Mycobacterium smegmatisQ) Chloramphenicol2) E.coliR) Rifampicin3) B. subtilisS) Chlortetracyclineine4) S. aureusa) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-4,R-1,S-2 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4Excipient (Trade Name)Purpose P) Avicel1) DiluentQ) Aspartame2) SweetnerR) Ac-di-sol3) SuperdisintegrantS) Aerosil4) Glidanta) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-4,R-1,S-2 d) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4The phenomenon of increasing solubility of non-polar molecules by addition of a water miscible solvent in which the drug has good solubility is called ………..a) Complexation b) Co-solvencyc) Solubilizationd) HydrotrophyThe biological indicator for moist heat sterilization is ………P) Clostridium sporogenes Q) Chromobacter prodigism R) B. coagulam S) B. subtilisa) P, Q b) P, Rc) R, Sd) Q, SThe official dissolution test apparatus contains cylindrical vessel and the lower edge of the blade is positioned from inside bottom of the vessel at ______________________a) 20±2 mm b) 25±2 mmc) 18±2 mmd) 25±0.5 mmThe “Soluble” term means ………………..a) <1 parts b) 1-10 partsc) 10-30 parts d) 30-100 partsVesicular systems formed by a mixture of cholesterol & non-ionic surfactant are known as ………………a) Liposomesb) Microcapsulesc) Neosomes d) NanospheresReaction of lactose with amines is known as ………………….a) Hydrolysisb) Lactolysationc) Maillard reactiond) All of the aboveThe diagnostic test for “Diphtheria” is ………………a) Kahn testb) Coombs test c) Dick testd) Schick testThe term “Veegum” stands for ………………a) Alumino silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Magnesium aluminium silicated) All of the aboveWhich test is used to determine the wetting angle?a) Dew point testb) Draves test c) Cloud point testd) Kraft testThe test organism used in microbiological assay of antibiotic Polymyxin B is …………………a) Pseudomonas aeruginosab) Bordetella bronchiseptica c) Staphylococcus aureusd) Micrococcus luteusTaste sensationRecommended flavourP) Salty1) RaspberryQ) Bitter2) ButterscotchR) Sweet3) ChocolateS) Sour4) Vanillaa) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 b) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 c) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 d) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1The superdisintegrant used in tablet formulation isa) Sodium starch glycolate b) Starch c) PVP d) Mg-aluminium silicateWhich evaluation parameter(s) is/are considered for floating tablets?a) Lag time b) Floating time c) Hardness d) All of the aboveWhich term is adopted by USP for Fast dissolving tablets?a) Orodispersible tabletsb) Mouth dissolving tablets c) Melt-In-Mouth Tablets d) Orally disintegrating tabletsIn the microbial assay of bacitracin, the test organism used is ………..a) Staphylococcus aureusb) Bacillus pumilus c) Staphylococcus epidermidisd) Micrococcus luteusList of drugs that are exempted from certain provision under manufacture are described under the schedule ….a) C b) D c) E d) KThe diagnostic test used for Brucellosis disease isa) Elex test b) Ducrey test c) Weil felix test d) Coombs testWhich UV wavelength (in nm) gives maximum bactericidal effect for sterilization purpose?a) 220 b) 253.7 c) 265 d) 320InstrumentDescriptionP) Manesty dry cota1) Layered tabletsQ) Versa Press2) Compression coated tabletsR) Differential manomer3) Homogenization of emulsionS) Ultra-sonifier4) Determine aggregation of suspensiona) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-4,S-3 c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Type of millNot used forP) Hammer mill1) Solid materialsQ) Revolving mill2) Soft materialsR) Cutter mill3) Abrasive materialS) Colloid mill4) Friable material a) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2 b) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 c) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Which solvent is used as a binder in the formulation of compression coated tablets?a) Acetoneb) Aquacoat c) Isopropyl alcohol d) None of the aboveThe micronized form of drug is absorbed faster because it’s …………………. is increased.a) Surface areab) viscosity c) friability d) All of the aboveMaximum amount of flavoring oil that can be added to granulation is ………….a) 0.1-0.3%b) 0.5-0.75% c) 1-2% d) 2-5%Type of coatingCoating materialsP) Sealing1) HPMCQ) Subcoating2) Carnauba waxR) Polishing3) GelatinS) Film coating4) Shellaca) P-4,Q-3,R-2,S-1 b) P-4,Q-2,R-3,S-1 c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3 d) P-1,Q-3,R-2,S-4Controlled porosity Osmotic pumps possess delivery orifice preferably produced by ……………..a) Laser b) Microdillc) Modified punchesd) None of the aboveA pediatric patient requires quicker onset of action of a low dose bitter drug that is having high first pass metabolism. Suggest the most suitable dosage form for effective treatment with patient compliance? a) Sugar coated tabletsb) Transdermal patches c) Orodispersible tabletsd) Enteric coated tabletsWhich component is responsible for developing the proper pressure within the aerosol system? a) Actuatorb) Propellantc) Valved) ContainerThe temp. at which the vapors of the test liquid (aerosol product) ignite is known as ………a) Flash extensionb) Flash pointc) Flash projectiond) Flame pointIn the cold filling process the propellant is kept at what temp. prior to adding into container?a) -20° to -40°Fb) -20° to -40°Cc) 0° to 20°Fd) 30° to 40°CThe ion exchange resins have been extensively used in tablet formulation fora) Sustained release b) Taste masking c) Disintegration d) All of the aboveWhich drying process is used in the preparation of yellow fever vaccine?a) Spray drying b) Vacuum dryingc) Drum drying d) Freeze dryingIn the process of sugar coating of tablets the colorants are added in one of the following steps?a) Syrup coatingb) Sub coating c) Polishing d) Seal coatingWhich of these is not a characteristic of semipermeable membrane?a) Sufficient wet strengthb) Biocompatibility c) Good solute permeabilityd) None of the aboveOpaque color concentrate for film coating is known as ………….a) Opacoatb) Opaspray c) Opalux d) OpadryWhich of these capsules consists of an animal shell composition?a) HPMC capsulesb) Pullulan capsules c) Ocean caps d) Starch capsulesWhich of these coating polymer(s) is/are soluble in the intestinal fluid above pH 6?a) Eudragit Eb) Eudragit L c) HPMC d) All of the aboveWhich of the following is not a function of a plasticizer?a) To improve flexibility of coatingb) To provide pH independent release c) To reduce the risk of film cracking d) To improve adhesion of filmWhich tablets require special care for storage in a hermetically sealed packaging?a) Implant tabletsb) Effervescent tablets c) Chewable tablets d) All of the aboveDEVICEDESCRIPTIONP) Kern Injector1) Compression of waxy substancesQ) Precompresion stations2) Implant tablets R) Fette machines3) Compression of difficult granulationsS) Chilosonator4) For dry granulationa) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1 b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4 d) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4InstrumentationDescriptionP) Nomogram1) To determine the moisture content of the capsule shellQ) Toluene distillation2) To determine the capsule sizeR) Accofill3) Fill exact powder dose in hard gelatin capsulesS) Accogel4) Filling of dry powder in soft gelatin capsulesa) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4Lozenges tablets are used for ……………..a) Slow dissolution in stomach b) Fast dissolution in stomachc) Slow dissolution in mouthd) Slow dissolution in intestineTablet thickness is measured by a) Manometer b) Pycnometerc) Sliding caliper scaled) PicometerInadequate spreading of the coating solution before drying causes which tablet coating defect?a) Orange peelingb) Blisteringc) Crackingd) BloomingAbrasive and humectant compounds used in the formulation of toothpaste areP) Dicalcium phosphateQ) SLSR) Sorbitol syrupS) Tragacantha) PRb) QSc) PQd) RSThe durability of tablets to combined effects of abrasion and shock is evaluated by ……….a) Hardness testerb) Friabilatorc) Screw gauged) Disintegration test apparatusElastomer used in rubber closure formulation isa) Neopreneb) Butyl stearatec) Titanium dioxided) Butylated hydroxy tolueneHLB system is used to classify........................a) Surfactantsb) Preservativesc) Antioxidantsd) Sequestering agentsThe leaker test (using Methylene blue solution) is performed for the evaluation of ……….a) Ampoulesb) Vialsc) Bottlesd) All of the aboveAn antioxidant commonly used in the formulation of a non-aqueous parenteral preparation is……a) Ascorbic acidb) Thioglycollic acidc) Na-metabisulphated) BHTIndustrial dryerPharmaceutical applicationsP) Drum dryer1) Antibiotic solutionQ) Fluidized bed dryer2) Tablet granulesR) Spray dryer3) GelatinS) Freeze dryer4) Suspension of kaolina) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2b) P-4,Q-2,R-3,S-1c) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3d) P-3,Q-2,R-4,S-1 Standards for mechanical contraceptives are given in...............a) Schedule V b) Schedule Nc) Schedule U d) Schedule RMost commonly used film former in Nail preparations is ……..a) PEGb) Nitrocellulosec) Castor oild) Carbopol Guidelines for Clinical trials, import & manufacture of new drugs as per D&C Act are given under......a) Schedule Nb) Schedule Yc) Schedule Ad) Schedule BAs per Schedule O of the D & C Act the minimum Rideal Walker Coefficient for Grade 1 and Grade 3 Black disinfectant fluids are…………..P) 18Q) 10R) 5S) 14a) PRb) QSc) PSd) RSThe USP apparatus used in the in-vitro release testing of transdermal patches is…………..a) Paddleb) Basketc) Paddle over diskd) All of the above% Compressibility required for excellent flowability is ………a) < 1.25b) 5-15c) 12-16d) > 40The source microorganism for Oxytetracycline is …………………….a) Streptomyces nodosus b) S. fradiae c) Streptomyces rimosus d) S. orientalisBrowne’s tubes are most commonly used as chemical indicator for………………………a) Ethylene oxide sterilizationb) Heat sterilization c) Radiation sterilizationd) Filtration sterilizationForm No. for issuing license for sale from motor vehicle of drug except that of Schedule C/C1 is……a) 19b) 19 Ac) 19 Cd) 19 AAThe test organism used in Microbiological assay of Rifampicin is....................a) Micrococcus luteusb) E.coli c) Bacillus subtilis d) S. aureusThe diagnostic test for typhoid (caused by S. typhi) is………………………a) VDRL test b) Mantoux testc) RIA d) Widal testDescriptionRelated toP) Crystal growth1) GriffinQ) pH scale2) SorensenR) HLB scale3) DLVO theoryS) Interparticular force4) Ostwald ripeninga) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3 b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2Aerosol Evaluation testDescriptionP) Flash point1) Standard Tag open apparatusQ) Density2) Rotational viscometerR) Foam stability3) PycnometerS) Particle size distribution4) Cascade impactora) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4b) P-2,Q-4,R-3,S-1c) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1d) P-1,Q-3,R-2,S-4 DiseaseTestP) Tuberculosis1) Mantoux testQ) Typhoid2) Widal testR) Hemophillus3) Ducrey testS) Syphilis4) Treponema immobilization testa) P-2,Q-1,R-3,S-4 b) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4c) P-2,Q-1,R-4,S-3 d) P-2,Q-3,R-1,S-4A process designed to kill living micro-organisms to a harmless level is known as…….……………a) Disinfectionb) Sterilizationc) Lyophilizationd) VentilationChemically Bentonite is..............................a) Magnesium aluminium silicateb) Hydrated aluminium silicatec) Alumino silicated) All of the aboveThe most commonly used abbreviation BCS stands for………………………………….a) Bovine cervical systemb) Benign Carcinogenic symptomc) Biopharmaceutics classification systemd) Bio-clinical systemThe drug used in the treatment of Swine Flu (Tamiflu Tablets) by Roche Company is…………………..a) Abacavirb) Lamivudinec) Oseltamivird) TenofovirPyrogens can be detected by………………………a) Fluorescence techniqueb) Electron microscopyc) LAL testingd) Smear testThe chemical used in hard, rigid hydrophobic lens is…………….a) HEMAb) PMMAc) CABd) Silicon vinyl pyroliidoneWhich of the following is not a mechanism for filtration type sterilization?a) Imbibation b) Electrostatic chargec) Alkylationd) Pore IrregularityHigher is the brittle fracture index, more _______________ is the tablet.a) strongerb) weakerc) friabled) elegantFlocculated suspensions exhibit ________________ type of flow.a) Dilatantb) Newtonianc) Plasticd) PseudoplasticFor restricted retail sale of drugs apply in form No. _____________a) 19b) 19-Ac) 19-Cd) 19-AAThe pharmacy Act was passed in __________a) 1948b) 1955c) 1965d) 1970If the drug is imported under a name which belongs to another drug, it is considered as ______________a) Misbranded drugb) Adulterated drugc) Spurious drugd) Drug of abuseInsulin preparations are usually administered by _______________ injections.a) Intradermal b) Intravenousc) Subcutaneousd) IntramuscularAs per USFDA guideline, Class 100 Clean room contains 100 particles of ______________a) < 0.5 μm / ft3b) < 0.3 μm / ft3c) < 0.5 μm / m3d) < 0.1 μm / m3For the first order kinetics half life is computed from ___________________a) 0.105/Kb) 0.693/Kc) log 0.9/Kd) None of the aboveTrehalose is used as ___________a) Tablet disintegrantb) Lyoprotectantc) Gelling agentd) GlidantIND is issued before __________________a) Starting animal trials b) Starting Phase I trials c) Starting Phase II trialsd) Starting Phase IVThe weight variation problem in tablets may be caused due to……………………..a) Change in die fillb) Large proportion of finesc) Differing densitiesd) All of the aboveMoh’s scale is related witha) Flexibilityb) Hardnessc) Bulk densityd) StickinessPolyplasdone is the trade name of __________________a) Crosslinked NaCMCb) Crosslinked PVPc) Crosslinked Starch d) Microcrystalline celluloseThe thickness of implantable tablet should not be more than……………………..a) 2 mmb) 4 mmc) 8 mmd) 10 mmThe temperature used for the sterilization of vaccines is............................a) 70 ?Cb) 80 ?Cc) 55-60 ?Cd) 95-100 ?CA multiple emulsion is designated asa) o/w/wb) w/o/wc) w/o/o/wd) w/o/o One of the following is not a sweetening agent in tablet?a) Neotameb) Sucralosec) Aerosild) AspartameEmulsions are defined as thermodynamically unstable systems. The events that follow sequentially towards instability are:a) coalescence, breaking, creaming and flocculationb) coalescence, breaking, creaming and flocculationc) coalescence, breaking, creaming and flocculationd) flocculation, creaming, coalescence and breakingflocculation – flocculescreaming – nonuniform distribution of globulescoalescence – globules fail to remain togetherbreaking – two phases separateAn o/w microemulsion is prepared using a hydrophilic surfactant. The appearance of a microemulsion is:a) Intense whiteb) Milky whitec) Translucentd) TransparentFor an ideal suspension the sedimentation volume should bea) Equal to oneb) less than onec) more than oned) zeroThe storage temperature for aerosols should never exceeda) 37 ?Cb) 120 ?Fc) 100 ?Fd) 120 ?CThe preferred method for sterilization for mineral oil injections isa) Autoclaveb) Filtrationc) Gas sterilizationd) Dry heatDescriptionDescriptionP) Castor oil1) Plastic flowQ) Conc. Flocculated suspension2) Pseudoplastic flowR) Liquid dispersion of methyl cellulose3) Dilatant flowS) Pastes of small deflocculated particles4) Newtonian flowa) P-1,Q-3,R-4,S-2b) P-3,Q-1,R-2,S-4c) P-2,Q-4,R-1,S-3d) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3 Pharmaceutical importance of simethicone is _______________a) Antiadherent b) Antifoamingc) Glidantd) Emulsifying agentIn BCS Class II drugs are ______________________a) Low solubility and high permeabilityb) High solubility and low permeabilityc) Low solubility and low permeabilityd) High solubility and high permeabilityPharmaceutical excipients are intended for following purposes except ______________________a) Pharmacological activityb) Pharmaceutical stabilityc) Physical solubilityd) Chemical compatibilityWhich of the following diluent causes tablet softening upon storage?a) Lactoseb) MCCc) Mannitold) DCPOne of the following statements for a generic drug product is not true?a) Must contain the same active ingredients in the same concentrationb) Must contain the same composition of inactive ingredientsc) Must be bioequivalent to the innovator productd) Generics are offered at significantly lower prices than reference medicinesOne of the following statements for Phase I clinical trial is not true?a) It is initiated only after successful animal studiesb) It is performed on healthy human volunteersc) It is used to determine the drug safetyd) It is used to establish the drug efficacyHow many litres of 8% solution can be made from 500 gm of a solid?a) 1.6 litreb) 4 litrec) 6.25 litred) 6250 litre----TEVA is mainly known for __________________a) Branded drugsb) Excipientsc) Genericsd) Indian drugsLipitor is the brand name for ____________________a) Atorvastatinb) Atorvastatin Calciumc) Simvastatind) LipostatinWhich of the following statements for PEG is true?a) PEG, also known as PEO, has the trade name carbowaxb) The covalent coupling of a therapeutic protein to the PEG molecule is known as PEGylationc) Higher Mol. Wt. PEG is used as ointment bases and film coatings.d) All of the aboveWhich of the following statements for Polymorphs is true?a) Polymorphs have different physico-chemical propertiesb) Milling/micronization operations may result in polymorphic conversion of a drugc) Addition of Cellulose ether polymers (HPC, MC) may inhibit polymorphic transformationd) All of the aboveHow many parts of 10% ointment should be mixed with 2 parts of 15% ointment to get 12% ointment?a) 2b) 3c) 5d) 6One of the ex-officio member of the Pharmacy Council of India isa) Director General of Health Servicesb) Government Analystc) Registrar of the State Pharmacy Councild) Director General of Indian Veterinary Research InstituteA retardant material that forms a hydrophilic matrix in the formulation of matrix tablets isa) H.P.M.Cb) C.A.Pc) Polyethylened) Carnauba WaxAn organism which has been implicated as a possible cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer isa) Campylobacter jejunib) E. colic) Helicobacter Pylorid) Giardia lambliaA new drug delivery system which is composed of phospholipids that spontaneously form multilamellar concentric bilayer vesicles with layers of aqueous media separating the lipid layers isa) prodrugsb) liposomesc) osmotic pumpsd) nanoparticlesMeasurement of particle size in pharmaceutical Aerosols is by ……………………(P) Cascade impactor (Q) light scatter decay (R) Karl-Fischer method(S) IR spectrophotometrya) P, Qb) Q, Rc) R, Sd) P, S----What is an acceptable range for a tablet to pass friability test?a) 0.5-1.5%b) 02.-1%c) 0.5-1%d) 1-2%In a formulation development laboratory, you have to formulate an oral dosage from containing olive oil, vitamin A and water. Suggest a suitable dosage form.a) Solution b) Suspension c) Emulsion d) CapsuleHow much of 3% ointment must be added to 50 gm of an 15 % ointment to make 10% ointment?a) 7.15 gmb) 14.30c) 35.7 gmd) 250 gmYen is the currency of ………………………..a) Japanb) Chinac) UKd) South AfricaThe full form of GRAS is ………………………a) Generally recognized as safeb) Generic remedies and safety Agreementc) Government rational approach to safetyd) Government relief and servicesThe regulatory agency of Brazil is …………………………..a) EMEAb) TGAc) ANVISAd) USFDAAll the drug products marketed in USA are listed in ……………………….a) Blue bookb) Green bookc) Red bookd) Orange bookThe USFDA is concerned with the regulations of …………………………a) Drugsb) Cosmeticsc) Medical devicesd) All of the aboveA patent gives the owner the right to ………………………a) Make her inventionb) Publish the results of tests using the invention c) Exclude others from making her invention d) Collect a monetary award from the government Combiflam tablet is a combination drug product of …………………….P) ParacetamolQ) AspirinR) IbuprofenS) Diclofenac sodiuma) PQb) PRc) PSd) RSColorcon is mainly known for ………………………..a) Branded drugsb) Excipientsc) Genericsd) Indian drugsOne of the following statements is true regarding oxygen (O2) requirement for Facultative anaerobes (E.coli).a) Requires oxygenb) Grows with or without oxygen c) Grows best with low oxygen d) Killed by oxygenThe Thermophil bacteria can grow at………………a) 5-25 ° Cb) 25-40 ° Cc) 40-85 ° Cd) 70-100 ° CThe HPMC (commonly known as Hypromellose) is used in formulations as ……………..a) Coating agentb) Tablet binderc) Sustained release polymerd) All of the aboveAs per WHO stability guidance Zone I indicates the condition as………………………..a) Temperateb) Subtropical with possible high humidityc) Hot/Dryd) Hot/HumidControlled release products are…………………………a) Modified release productsb) Sustained release productsc) Delayed release productsd) All of the aboveIndian Patent Act was passed in ……………a) 1950b) 1960c) 1970d) 1980---A number of two digits is equal to 3 times the sum of digits. Find the numbera) 72b) 63c) 27d) 36Which equation describes the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet?a) Fick’s lawb) Henderson-Hassalbache c) Noyes Whitneyd) Michaelis-MentenOne of the following statements for Transdermal drug delivery system is not true?a) Suitable for drugs with low o/w partition coefficientb) Useful for prolonged duration of actionc) Provides rapid drug absorption by penetration enhancersd) Franz diffusion cell is used for In-vitro release testing of TDDSWhich instrument is used for Homogenization of emulsion?a) Wood’s apparatusb) Erwekac) Ultra-sonifierd) Coulter Counter20Which is the most stringent environment control zone that is required for filling of parenteral?a) Greyb) Blackc) Whited) RedThe dose to be given for Intramuscular route of administration is ………………….a) 0.01-0.2 mlb) 2-4 mlc) less than 20 mld) 500 ml or moreThe shelf life (t90) of zero order reaction is calculated as…………………a) 0.1Co / kb) Co / 2kc) 0.105 / kd) 0.693 / kWhich of the following mills are used for sterile products?a) Ball millb) Colloid millc) Fluid energy milld) Both A and CThe causative microorganism for Syphilis is………………………..a) Bordetella pertussisb) Treponema pallidum c) Streptococcus pneumoniae d) Campylobacter jejuniEducational regulations are approved by ……………………a) State Governmentb) Central Governmentc) Tribunald) All of the aboveKraft point is the point at which …………………….of the surfactant equals to CMC.a) Lipophilicityb) Hydrophilicityc) Solubilityd) None of the aboveThe Drug Technical Advisory Board consists of following number of Ex-Officio members?a) 3b) 6c) 8d) 10The correct non-ionic surfactant used as a penetration enhancer in the preparation of mucoadhesives is…………….a) oleic acid b) tween-80c) glycerol d) propylene glycolGuggulipid, a resin is…………………………a) a hypolipidemic agent obtained from cotton plants containing multifunctional compound ( ± ) gossypolb) a lipid obtained from Arctium lappa, asteraceae and traditionally used for the treatment of dermatosesc) cathartic glucoresin obtained from Ipomoea orizabensis and used since ancient timed) a hypolipidemic agent obtained from Commiphora mukul consisting of a mixture of sterols including Z-pregna-(20)-diene-3, 16-dioneWhat is the term for a utility patent in India?a) 10 yearsb) 15 years c) 17 yearsd) 20 yearsThe decomposition of a drug in aqueous acid solution was found to follow first order reaction. The initial concentration was found to be 0.056 M. The concentration after a period of 12 hours was 4.10 × 10 moles/litre. The reaction rate constant is 0.02599- 1 ?hrWhat is the quantity of drug remaining undecomposed after 8 hours?(A) 0.455 moles/litre (B) 0.25 moles/litre(C) 0.0455 moles/litre (D) 0.10 moles/litreWhat is the amount of drug deteriorated during the period of 24 hours?(A) 0.026 moles/litre (B) 0.0026 moles/litre(C) 0.03 moles/litre (D) 0.053 moles/litrePeso is the currency of …………………………………a) Koreab) UAEc) Mexicod) BangladeshThe full form of IIG is ……………………………a) Indian Institute of Geologyb) Indian c) International Institute of Gastrologyd) Inactive Ingredient guideTGA is the regulatory agency of…………………………..a) New Zealandb) USAc) Australiad) EuropeThe full form of USPTO is ……………………………a) UN Society for Patient Therapeutic operationsb) United States Pharma Trade Organizationc) United States Patent and Trademark Officed) Alcon is the global leader in ……………………a) Coating technologyb) Transdermalsc) Ophthalmicsd) AerosolsFind the next number…………..If 2+3 = 10, 7+2 = 63, 6+5 = 66, 8+4 = 96, then 9+7 = ????a) 99b) 144c) 160d) 97In statistics, the value that occurs the most frequently in a data set is known as …………………..a) Meanb) Medianc) Moded) Range ................

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