
Cats Claw – Uncaria tormentosaFamily - RubiaceaOther Names: Una De GatoHistory Cats Claw is known by the Ashaninka and other indigenous people of Peru for its ability to regulate chronic illnesses. It has been used since the earliest of times for all types of serious illness, from asthma and diabetes to arthritis and cancer. Cat's Claw is a tropical vine that grows in rainforest and jungle areas in South America and Asia. Some cultures refer to the plant as the "Sacred Herb of the Rain Forest".? This vine gets its name from the small thorns at the base of the leaves, which looks like a cat's claw. These enable the vine to attach itself around trees climbing to heights up to 30m or more. The root bark was initially used commonly as medicine, though by the early 1990’s the wild species became threatened and since then only the stem bark from ecologically sustainable sources should be used. The bark is strongly anti-inflammatory and may inhibit gene expression. The plant is considered a valuable medicinal resource and is protected in Peru. Although scientific research has just recently begun to explore its benefits, many cultures native to the South American rain forest areas have used this herb for hundreds of years. The active substances of Cats Claw are alkaloids, tannins and several other phytochemicals. Some of the alkaloids have been proven to boost the immune system. The major alkaloid rhynchophylline has anti-hypertensive effects and may reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack by lowering blood pressure, increasing circulation, reducing heart rate and controlling cholesterol. Constituents of Cats Claw are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, Immuno-stimulant, antineoplastic and anticancer properties. Many treatments combine the herb with different plants and natural products to increase the absorption and bioavailability. Cats Claw like Echinacea is very effective at supporting immune function. It acts to stimulate the production of white blood cells, inhibit tumour growth as well as having a non-specific immune resistance. It helps to reinvigorate the body’s efforts to counter infection and inflammation. Cat’s Claw powerful antioxidant action helps prevent cellular damage and aid in any chronic degenerative disorder. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma and Ulcerative Colitis will benefit from Cat’s Claw. It has been successfully used to remove bone spurs over a three month period. European clinical studies have used the extract from the bark in combination with AZT in the treatment of AIDS. It is also used in the treatment and prevention of diabetes, PMS, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and prostate conditions. It is a great preventative for cancer particularly breast cancer. It will also help to counter balance the effects of Chemotherapy. Of the 2 types of Cat’s Claw only the one using POAs should be used as a medicine, since the TOAs may suppress immune function. Preparations of cat's claw can also be applied to the skin. Cats Claw is also known to have a contraceptive activity. Cat's claw tea has been used as an eye rinse to clear up eye infections and powdered herb has been used between toes to clear up athlete’s foot.DosageTea: Take 1 g of cat's claw root to 8 ounces water & boil 10 - 15 minutes, cool, and strain. Take three times in a day.Tincture : A solution made from herb, alcohol, and water. Take three times in a day.Solid extract: 10 to 20 mg . Take three times in a day.Side Effects and CautionsFew side effects have been reported for cat’s claw when it is taken at recommended dosages. Though rare, side effects may include headaches, dizziness, and vomiting.Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid using cat’s claw because of its past use for preventing and aborting pregnancy. Because cat’s claw may stimulate the immune system, it is unclear whether the herb is safe for people with conditions affecting the immune system.Cat’s claw may interfere with controlling blood pressure during or after surgery.Cats Claw can be purchased through The Greenhouse’s online shop. Tell all your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care. ................

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