Unit 6

Name: ___________________________

Unit 6: Genetics

Student Note Packet


Unislawski - Living Environment

(Website: mrsunislawski.)

Genetics Note/Study Packet

What is in this pile of papers????

1. Mendelian/Molecular Genetics Vocabulary Practice Sheet & Genetic Engineering Vocabulary Sheet, along with a glossary for each. You will have a vocabulary quiz on each sheet

Genetics & Heredity I Vocabulary Quiz Date: _________________

Genetics & Heredity II Vocabulary Quiz Date: _________________

2. Blank Flash Cards: These or another WRITTEN STUDY TOOL must be completed as part of your quiz grade!

3. Last, but not least, unit notes

Open Notes Test Date: _______________

Closed Notes Test Date: _____________

(Completed Note Pack To Be Turned in For Test Grade)

Genetics…… The Basics

1. Define Genetics –

2. Define Inheritance –

Patterns of Heredity

3. Define trait:

4. Define allele:


How do alleles differ?

11. Define Dominant:

12. Define Recessive:

Genotype vs Phenotype

13. Define Genotype:

14. Define Phenotype

Genes and traits

15. Dominant traits =

16. Recessive traits =


17. Definition =

18. Draw a picture of a chromosome below: Please label the centromere, chromatid and genes

Genotypes and phenotypes

19. Homozygous: _____ ________________ genes for a trait

Heterozygous: _____ ________________ genes for the same trait

(called carriers; they have a recessive gene but don’t know it! That’s how I ended up with a red haired daughter when her dad and I have dark hair()

20. Define Homozygous dominant:

21. Define Homozygous recessive:

Combinations of traits

22. Example 1: Brown eyes vs. blue eyes

|BB |Genotype |

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Other Patterns of Heredity

23. Definition of Incomplete dominance:


24. Definition of Codominance:


25. Polygenic traits:


26. Gene – Chromosome Theory =



27. Contains:

28. Stands for:

29. Why do we study DNA?




30. Shape of DNA



31. Draw a picture of a DNA molecule below.

32. Label the one strand of DNA below:


33. DNA is made of nucleotides. Draw and label one nucleotide below:

34. Types of nitrogen bases

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35. Two stranded DNA



Base Pairing

Since certain bases can only bind to certain bases, what is the complementary strand?

36. Example 1: Strand 1 A G C T T A G C C A T G C A

Strand 2

37. Example 2: Strand 1 G G A C A G A T T G C A T G

Strand 2

DNA Replication

38. Chromosomes double during_____________




39. Copying DNA


40. Step 1 of DNA replication


41. Step 2 of DNA replication



42. Practice: Using the base-paring rule, label the new strand of DNA below.


51. DNA cannot

52. RNA acts as

53. RNA stands for

RNA Structure

54. How is the backbone of RNA different?

55. How are the nitrogenous bases different in RNA?

What is another difference? (Hint; how many strands in RNA?)

56. PRACTICE: What would the RNA strand be?



| |DNA |RNA |

|Sugar | | |

|Bases | | |

|Single or Double Stranded | | |

|How Many Kinds | | |


Protein Synthesis

Remember: the purpose of DNA is to direct the production of proteins.


59. Define transcription:

60. Define translation:


61. Define codon:


62. How are codons important to protein synthesis?

63. What is the role of enzymes in protein synthesis?

64. What does the shape of a protein determine?

Information Flow: DNA to RNA to Protein



1. The order of bases in _____ determines the order of bases in _____

2. The order of bases in ____ determines the order of _____ ____ in a protein

3. The order of _____ ____ in a protein determines its _____.

4. The _____ of protein determines its _____


1. If the order of bases in _____ is wrong…


2. The order of bases in ____ is wrong….

So, usually

3. The order of _____ _____ in the protein is wrong.


4. The _____ of the protein is usually wrong.

So ,

5. The protein usually does not work ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹



65. Define mutation:

66. Describe an example of a mutation.

Two Main types of Mutations

68. Gene Mutations -

69. Chromosomal Mutations -

Types of Gene Mutations

67. Insertion mutation -

68. Deletion -

69. Substitution -

A Way to Remember Gene Mutations:




What is the only difference between these words? _________________

Are they the same thing? _______________

What would happen if I added letters, changed letters or got rid of letters? Would I have the same things?

Types of Chromosomal Mutations

70. Deletion –


71. Duplication –


72. Inversion -


73. Translocation:


74. Are mutations harmful or beneficial?




75. How are mutations passed on to offspring?

Sources of Mutations

76. What are the two main causes of mutations?



77. Where else can mutations come from?


Gene Expression

78. Some common examples of environmental factors that can affect gene expression include:





Genetic Engineering

79. Define genetic engineering:

80. The genetic code of living organisms can be done two ways:

Externally -

Internally -

81. Define biotechnology:





Selective Breeding

84. Definition:

There are two types of selective breeding:

82. Define Hybridization:


83. Define Inbreeding:


84. What are some disadvantages of inbreeding?




Manipulating DNA

84. Define recombinant DNA -

85 Describe the steps involved in making recombinant DNA:






Gel Electrophoresis

■ Mixture of DNA fragments is placed at one end of a certain type of gel

■ An electric voltage is applied to the gel.

■ DNA molecules move towards the opposite end of the gel according to size. Larger molecules move slower than smaller ones. This creates a series of bands on the gel that can be compared with other samples

86. What causes the DNA pieces to move?

87. What causes the banding pattern observed on the gel after the procedure is through?


Which two organisms are most closely related? ____________

Why? ______________________________________________________________



Cell Transformation

88. Define cell transformation:

89. What types of organisms are commonly used for transformation?

90.What two key features do these organisms have that make them so useful?



Cell Transformation in Plants

91. What types of plants can be created using cell transformation?


Cell Transformation in Animals

92. What types of animals can be created using cell transformation?

- How is it used to treat disease?

Cell Transformation in Bacteria


93. How can this technique be used to treat genetic disorders in humans?

Applications of Genetic Engineering

94. Define transgenic organism -




95. Define cloning -

96. Define clone –

Major types of cloning

97. Reproductive Cloning -

98. Therapeutic Cloning -

99. How is cloning done? List the steps below.

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Why is it illegal to clone human beings?

Human Genetics

102. Define karyotype:

Sex Determination

103. What decides the sex of the offspring in humans?

104. Define autosomes -

105. What are a female’s sex chromosomes?

106. What are a male’s sex chromosomes?

107. Which parent, the mother or the father, determines the sex of the baby?

Human Genetics

109. Describe a pedigree chart –

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Genetic Disorders

110. Caused by ____________________________________________________

Can they be cured? __________________ Why or why not? _______________


111. Define autosomal disorder –


111. Define sex-linked disorder -


112. Describe albinism.

113. Describe Down Syndrome.

114. Describe Sickle Cell Anemia.

115. Describe Cystic Fibrosis.

116. Describe Color Blindness


Human Genome

117. Describe the Human Genome –

118. How large is it?

119. Describe the Human Genome Project -

120. Why was this useful?




121. Define Gene Therapy -

Issues in Human Genetics

121. List some examples of issues in genetics our new technology has raised:







Genetics and Heredity Vocabulary 1

1. Allele – one of a number of different forms of a gene

2. Base Pairing – the principle that bonds in DNA can form only between adenine and thymine and between cytosine and guanine

3. Dominant Gene – a gene that will be expressed no matter what other genes are present

4. Genotype – the genetic makeup of an individual; the kinds of genes it has (letters)

5. Heterozygous – term used to refer to an individual that has two different alleles for the same trait

6. Homozygous – term used to refer to an individual that has two of the same alleles for the same trait

7. Hybrid –offspring of a cross between organisms with different traits (the actual critter)

8. Mutation – a change in DNA

9. Nucleotide – the building blocks of nucleic acids made up of a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base

10. Phenotype – the physical characteristics of an organism; what it looks like

11. Recessive Gene – a hidden gene; a gene that will only be expressed if two are present

12. Replication – the process of copying DNA

13. Trait: specific characteristic that varies from one individual to another

Unit 6; Genetics and Heredity 1

A. Allele H. Mutation

B. Base Pairing I. Nucleotide

C. Dominant Gene J. Phenotype

D. Genotype K. Recessive Gene

E. Heterozygous L. Replication

F. Homozygous M. Trait

G. Hybrid

1. _____ physical characteristics of an organism; what it looks like

2. _____ the building blocks of nucleic acids; made up of a 5 carbon sugar, phosphate group

and a nitrogenous base

3. _____ offspring of crosses between parents with different traits (the actual critter)

4. _____ principle that DNA can form bonds only between adenine and thymine, cytosine and


5. _____ term used to refer to an organism that has two of the same alleles for a trait

6. _____ a hidden gene; will only be expressed if two are present

7. _____ a gene that will be expressed no matter what other genes are present

8. _____ a change in the DNA sequence that affects genetic information

9. _____ copying process by which a cell duplicates its DNA

10. _____ term used to refer to an organism that has two different alleles for the same trait

11. _____ one of a number of different forms of a gene

12. _____ specific characteristics that vary from one individual to another

13. _____ genetic makeup of an organism; kinds of genes it has

Genetics and Heredity Vocabulary II

1. Autosome – chromosome that is NOT a sex chromosome

2. Cloning – the process of creating a member of a population of genetically identical cells/organisms

3. Codon – a sequence of 3 bases of a DNA strand that codes for a specific amino acid

4. Gel Electrophoresis – procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by applying an electrical charge

5. Genetically Modified Organism – an organism whose DNA has been changed to suit human purposes

6. Hybridization – breeding technique that involves crossing dissimilar organisms to bring together the best traits of both

7. Karyotype – a photograph of chromosomes grouped together in pairs

8. Pedigree – a chart that shows the traits and relationships within a family

9. Plasmid – small, circular piece of DNA

10. Recombinant DNA – DNA which contains segments from two different species

11. Restriction Enzyme – an enzyme used to cut DNA at specific points

12. Selective Breeding – method of breeding that allows only those organisms with desired characteristics to produce the next generation

Unit 6; Genetics and Heredity 2

A. Autosome G. Inbreeding

B. Cloning H. Karyotype

C. Codon I. Pedigree

D. Gel Electrophoresis J. Plasmid

E. Genetically Modified Organism K. Restriction Enzyme

F. Hybridization L. Selective Breeding

1. _____ process of creating a member of a population of genetically identical


2. _____ breeding technique that involves crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together

the best traits of both organisms

3. _____ procedure used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by applying an electrical


4. _____ continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics

5. _____ charts that show relationships within families

6. _____ small, circular piece of DNA

7. _____ chromosome that is not a sex chromosome

8. _____ method of breeding that allows only those organisms with desired characteristics

to produce the next generation

9. _____ enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

10. _____ photograph of chromosomes grouped in order and in pairs

11. _____ an organisms who’s DNA has been changed to suit human purposes

12. _____ a sequence of 3 bases of a DNA strand that codes for a specific amino acid

Flash Cards

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