
WEYBAY NEWSA monthly what’s on September 2020?For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29 v11This month we give a very warm welcome to our new minister. We thank her that that in a busy time settling in, she has found time to write us a message. By the time you receive this an induction service will have been held for Ruth and the new superintendent minister Rev John Yarrien Not the usual welcome service but one conducted over Zoom. We look forward to getting to know them better within allowed restrictions and wish them both a happy and positive time with us in Weymouth. John will oversee the United Church at Dorchester and surrounding churches and Ruth will minister to Wey Bay, Underhill and Easton Portland Zoom services and written services will continue, and we start Sunday services at Wey Bay on Sept 6th. A letter will have been distributed to those who are happy to attend, explaining procedures and restrictions. We are all longing for the time when we can all worship together again, but we know we still have a long time to wait – but we are now able to take the first steps.MINISTERS MESSAGE Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!What a pleasure and a privilege it is as the new minister at Wey Bay Methodist Church, to be able to greet you all in Jesus’ name. My name is Rev Ruth Lownsbrough and my husband Richard and I moved into the Manse on Portland around three weeks ago and are settling in to our new surroundings very well. One of the joys of moving to the Dorset South & West Circuit is the welcome we have received. We really have appreciated messages, cards and edible goodies which were very welcome on moving in day! I look forward to getting to know folks and ministering amongst you as we serve and worship together.I have been coming to Dorset ever since I was a child; to now live by the sea is a joy, (sometimes of the soaking kind!) and a blessing…..my new paddleboard awaits collection so you may spot us both in the shallows of Weymouth beach.The preface to the 1932 Methodist Hymn book begins, ‘Methodism was born in song’, and Methodist people have continued to sing together of their faith; profound words set to rousing melodies are memorable indeed. Our most recent hymnbook, Singing the Faith is therefore, not an idle title, its content reminding us of who our faith is about, Jesus, and how we should live in the light of his transforming presence in our lives.I love to sing but at present, singing is not permitted during any physically gathered worship…a strange land we find ourselves in. I hope and pray that one day, side by side, we will breathe and sing together again, lifting our voices as one in praise of God. Meanwhile, let’s see these times as an encouragement to discover other ways in which we can ‘sing the Lord’s song’. In the song by Tim Hughes, SoF 699, there is a line that says, ‘Stepping forward, keep us from just singing, move us into action, we must go’. I find them challenging words to sing but God is calling us onwards to ‘sing’ the song of life and love in Jesus with more than our voices. Already churches are discovering that this different living is creating new opportunities for others to hear the melody of God’s love for each and every person and a new rhythm for life is being revealed. May we continue to sing our song faithfully, together.Every blessingRuth______________________________________________________News from Weymouth BayWe congratulate Win White from our Lanehouse Church who has just celebrated her 99th birthday and is already looking forward to the next big one. We also remember the family of Brenda Sherridan who died recently. Over recent years it was a great struggle for Brenda to make it to church, but she managed with great determination. She also enjoyed the fellowship of “ Grace Notes” Outdoor get togethers in Radipole Gardens, and Lodmoor country park have been continuing. If you would like dates and times contact one of the magazine production team. We hope for a good September so we can have a few more of these before it gets too cold. ______________________________________________________A few thought-provoking words written by an Indian Doctor as Covid spread to his country. Lockdown is a privilege it means you do have a Home “Social distance” is a privilege. It means you don’t live in an overcrowded environment. Hand washing is a privilege too. It means you have access to running water.Hand sanitizers and soap are a privilege. It means you have money to buy them. Lockdown is a privilege. It means you can afford to stay at home.All who are practising the limitations imposed by “lockdown” should appreciate how privileged they are.The address of Esme and Pete Philp has been misprinted in a couple of publications. They would like you to know that they live at 479 Dorchester Rd – (not 497) and their e mail address is petenesme@ _____________________________________________________There was a great response when Gwyneth asked a few months ago to find as many words as we could from the word PENTECOST. This month another brain teaser - how well do you know the books of the Bible? There are 16 books hidden in the passage below.I once made a remark about hidden books of the Bible. For some it was just a fluke to find them. It kept people looking so hard for the facts, and for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books are not capitalised, but the truth finally struck home for numbers of readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will readily admit it usually takes a minister to find one of the 16. and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax, for there really are 16 books of the bible in this article. Contact the newsletter production team for entries in future newsletters.Ailsa Binniebinnie148@Jean Cappjean@thecapps.co.ukJackie Chevisjackietweymouth@ ................

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