Wall Builders Apologetics

A1] John 14:6; And Jesus said unto him; “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh

to the Father but by Me”.

A2] John 17:17; Sanctify them (set them apart) through Thy Truth; Thy Word (Jesus) is Truth.

A3] John 18:38; Pilate said unto Him; “what is truth”?

1] These verses reveal a great truth, truth is not just an accumulation of facts, but is none other than Jesus Himself, in other words the personification of Truth.

2] We that are saved have came to a place in our lives where we trust the Word of God as the ultimate standard of truth, and rightfully so. But is this blind faith, certainly not!

3] If you were to try to explain why or how you came to this conclusion about Jesus being the Truth and His Word as well, could you do it? I mean, something more effective than just saying I know it in my heart.

4] What we are talking about here is “apologetics”. And what is that you may ask? It is the branch of Theology concerned with the defense of the Christian faith, Christianity.

5] Is it possible to know the Bible is true and accurate beyond any shadow of doubt that you could literally stand up to any person or antagonist and boldly proclaim it’s truth?

B] Here’s a hypothetical question, What if you were on trial for being a Christian? You are

seated on the witness stand, and these questions were posed to you?

1] The Prosecutor speaks; Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. (These questions were actually asked by a Professor at a major college years ago) So, I ask to you;

a] Have you ever seen Jesus?

b] Have you ever heard Jesus?

c] Have you ever tasted or smelt or felt Jesus?

d] Have you ever had any “sensory perception” of Jesus or of God for that matter?

2] Many (I dare say a vast majority) of folks operate in the 5 senses reasoning, thinking that, if I can’t see, touch it, smell it etc, it doesn’t exist, so the answer would be No.

a] As we all know by now, we walk by faith and receive the truth as given by faith, then God shows us the truth down the road, my experience anyway. God is Sovereign, He doesn’t have to show us anything, He says; I AM that I Am!

b] Can “The God of the Universe” be defined by sensory perception only? I think not.

3] How would you respond to the Prosecutors question? This 1st example of unknown origin concerning insight below

a] In 1743 to1805 a William Paley responding to the “Enlightenment” of his day/time responded; if a someone had found a watch in an empty field, he would rightly conclude there had to be a watchmaker because of it’s obvious design. To whit there is no known tree that grows watches and neither does the earth produce one either. This is a great observation

So, a conclusion must be drawn. This object didn’t make itself.

b] And suppose you were wading in a stream of water among many small rocks and suddenly you find a perfectly formed spear/arrowhead among the smooth round rocks. This doesn’t at all fit the rock types in its proximity. Instantly you would recognize an intelligent designer must have crafted the object.

The same logic must be said of nature, as it is far too complex for it to be a random accident of such proportions.

c] Our observations surmise “Intelligent Design”. In other words an Intelligent Designer. From the Celestial Signs in the Heavens of the Macro Universe to the Micro organisms that abound below and beneath only fool could deny the Creator

d] Next time you look up at the sky at night, connect the dots in their star patterns, they form pictures, it was the Gospel message to the early world in Enoch’s day before there was the written Word of God.

4] The 2nd observation one could share is the “Prophetic Word”. The Word of God is more 30% Prophetic, “no one” but the God of the Bible can reveal things that would come to past hundreds to thousands of years before they do/did.

a] Take for example the Prophetic Words concerning Jesus’ 1st Coming. There were 57 detailed Prophesies concerning Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection, and each one fulfilled exactly as written. How the Jews missed that back then only the Lord knows.

b] Ex/ Jesus would be born from Tribe of Judah, and He was. Even what town He would be born in, Bethlehem, as there were over 2000 towns back then.

c] Another that He would die of crucifixion. The Bible Prophesied the way He would die before crucifixion was even invented.

d] Also that He would be betrayed, sold for 30 pieces of silver and be raised from the dead. All the Prophetic words were fulfilled exactly to the letter, the odds of this happening to one and the same person are too great to calculate, it can’t happen most would say, but it did, just as it was written. We have the proof.

e] The Book of Daniel was so accurate of dates concerning things that would take place, that many thought the book had to be written after the fact.

f] Persons, places and events, all recorded way in advance, this separates God and His Word from the rest. Make no mistake, this is great evidence, it can’t be ignored.

5] The 3rd bit of evidence is what I would call a showstopper. It’s called the Bible Codes. These codes/words appear throughout the Old Testament, not just in the Torah (first five books of the Bible) as some believe, an amazing anomaly. I have a book by a Messianic Rabbi named Yacov Rambsel, (deceased) “The Genesis Factor” he and his wife were pioneers of this amazing discovery/revelation. In my mind this is greater than the Dead Sea Schrolls found in 1947 in Israel.

a] Basically it’s Hebrew Bible Text written in what I call cuneiform letters, read from right to left with gaps removed from between the letters to reveal an amazing discovery (of the century, of all time). Words and partial sentences hidden (veiled) within the Hebrew text in a skip-lettering configuration. Very similar to word search book puzzles. Where words are found vertically, right to left or left to right, diagonally or horizontally. The Bible has the same concept it turns out.

b] Some of the top Rabbis in Israel has built computer software programs to help them find this amazing information within the Torah Codes and Old Testament. For a fascinating video on this from Richard Shaw; “The Torah Codes”.

c] Reading form your King James Version, one such example in Isaiah 53 talks about the “Suffering Servant” who was to die, but the verses never say who this person is, or does it? Yes it does, written in the original language of Hebrew; in the Hidden Codes it says who this person is! Verse 10; reveal; Yeshua shimi, Jesus is my name!!!!! This whole area in Isaiah reveal so much, another study could be written on this alone.

1] Here’s more, the 9-11, 2001 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers is mentioned in the Codes, examples of some of the name and places found;. New York City, firemen, terrorists, death, Sadaam Hussien, a vast amount of information of player participants, I have the list.

d] Onother example; in 2014 in Israel, Headline in local newspaper; “three Jewish boys missing, manhunt ensues”.

1] Look what they found in the Torah (I can’t understand Hebrew, could not tell where exactly it was hidden) but here what they found.

2] I quote; All this below found in same proximity (remember word search puzzle similarity) in the Torah, 1st 5 Books of the Bible. This is found in the DVD called “The Torah Codes”, awesome. Words in Italics is the exact words they found.

a] “Death of the boys”

b] Lists all three of their names; “Eyal, Gilad, Elal”

c] The year this happened; “5774 which is our 2014”

d] Who was behind it; “Hamas”

e] Where they were hidden, buried; “Hebron” (they were there)

f] This is no accidental find of the grouping of pertinent words. Take note also, written by Moses thousands of years before event.

e] Here is one more, this one from Yaphah Rambsel? In Genesis 7:11, this verse talks about the flood if you read the account, but in the Code layer it talks about; something totally different. These words below were found, see “italics” words.

1] “TBN”, that equates to Trinity Broadcast Network

2] “Satellite”

3] “Paul and Jan Crouch”

4] “Film”

a] 6 thousand years before TV and satellite, in Genesis no less,

bring on the doubters, I’m ready!

f] Can we not see the Bible is Divine? It’s not so much defending the Bible as it is speaking the Truth.

1] Last, from Genesis Factor, a word from Yaphah. She believes every born again believer has their name written in the Bible. We are in the “Lambs Book of Life”. Yes, if you are saved. Her conclusion is based upon all the names of people her and husband found during research. Literally thousands upon thousands of names of people you never heard of.

2] So much could be shared, this faith building material.


# If you feel this outline has enriched you in some way, please drop this Ministry a line to let us know on our Contact Page, Blessings, Pastor Tom


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