Registration FAQLAST UPDATED: APR 15, 2014 02:35PM CDTQ: Do Registrants need to Create an Account??(How do I create a Sport Ngin account?)A: It is highly recommended that you require users to login with their Sport Ngin?account to complete the registration process. ?Benefits include:All player/family information is pre-populated year after year, making registration quick.All registration receipts and information are stored in the user’s account to provide a historical recordThis system allows for the ability to have an auto-recurring payment in a “payment plan” scenario. All credit card companies require that any automated payment in an online scenario must be able to be edited, adjusted, managed through a user account to ensure that users can take necessary steps if a card is stolen etc.Spam regulations require that users be able to manage and alter their communication preferences to cut down onunwanted emails. This system allows a user to log in to their account at any time to adjust their email, add emails etc..Creation of accounts allows for Administrators to send out "email blasts" to registrants through our reporting tool.Once a user has created an account in year one, they will never have to do it again.?Q: ?I cannot access the Reviewable Registration using the link provided??(How do I give or remove permissions?)A: ?If you're having trouble accessing the link please double check that you're logged in and have been granted permissions to this specific registration session by your webmaster.Q: Can I build more own Registrations?A: Currently you can build your own Non-Monetary Registrations.?How do I build a Non-Monetary Registration?Q: I cannot Preview the 'Who are you Registering?', 'Review', 'Shopping Cart' or 'Checkout' Pages?A: These are default pages that are hard coded across the Sport Ngin?platform and currently cannot be customized on an individual site basis. Below is a short description of each page:WHO ARE YOU REGISTERING: ?This page has registrants choose which family member they are registering.REVIEW: This page summarizes how each question within the registration was answered. On this page, users have the opportunity to edit any questions they may have answered incorrectly. Users can also click to "Register Another Family Member" near the bottom. They would be brought back to the "Welcome" page of the registration session to enter the additional family member.SHOPPING CART: This page will list any items chosen within the registration that had a price attached with it, such as the Division they chose and/or any Donation amount they entered. On this page, users will see payment options (if options exists) such as Pay in Full, Payment Plan or Pay Offline. Any user with Admin Control Panel Access will always see a "Pay Offline" option on this page, when general users would not unless such a payment option is offered to your registrants. This page also presents to users the opportunity to "redeem" any discount codes your organization provided to them.CHECKOUT: This page asks for payment information (i.e. credit card numbers) and requests authorization from the user to charge their account.Q: Can I enable, disable or archive a Registration Session??(How do I enable a Registration Session)A: To enable a registration you will see a 'Enable Session' on any registration page on the left hand side.?To do this you will need to access the Admin Control Panel, click on the Registration Tab. From here, click on the Session Name of the Registration that you wish to enable, disable or archive. On the right, you will see an option to "Edit Registration Settings", by clicking on this, you have the ability to disable/archive registration sessions or pre-schedule registration open and close dates.?Q: How do I edit a Registration Entry??(How do I edit a Registration Entry)A: ?First, you will need to find the Order in question. There are 2 ways you can search for an order:a. ? ? Sign in as an Admin with permissions to the Financials section of your website. Access the Admin Control Panel. Click on the Financials Tab. You will see a "LATEST ORDERS" Header with a View All Orders hyperlink directly underneath - click on the VIEW ALL ORDERS hyperlink. Click on the Search Orders Button. Ensure the radio button is set to 'Search by Criteria' and type in the card holder's last name, and make sure the dates are set to encompass the date the person registered. Search. Click on the appropriate Order Number.ORb. ? ?Sign in as an Admin with permissions to a specific registration session. Access the Admin Control Panel. Click on the Registration Tab. Find the appropriate Registration Session Name and click on it. Click on the Create New Report Button. Select the filters that encompass the registrant’s CURRENT order. Click Create Report. Find the appropriate person. Click on the Order to the left of the registrant's name.?2. ? ?From here, you will see a box titled Attached in the upper right with an Entry number and Name - click on the appropriate Entry (there will be more than one if more than one child was registered at once). From here, you can make edits to the user's order. Next to each Page title header (such as Medical Information or Parent/Player Information) there exists an "Edit" hyperlink. This allows you to Edit their order. When complete click on the Save Registration Entry button.?Q: A player dropped out of our Program, how do I delete their Order/Entry??(How do I delete a Registration Entry?)A: For data integrity purposes and due to registration entries being tied to financial records, registration entries cannot be deleted if the user paid online. ?You will only have the ability to delete an order that does not have an online transaction tied to it (Pay Offline). ?If the member made a payment online via credit card, Administrators have the ability to change an Entry status to Inactive. There are two different ways to do this.Login and access the Admin Control Panel.1. ? ?Click on the "Financials" Tab then click on the View All Orders hyperlink. Find the order in question (you can do this by typing in the account holders last name and reset the date parameters accordingly), then open it. When in the order, click on the appropriate Entry in the "Attached" box in the upper right. When in the correct Entry you will see a "Status" option in the upper left. The Status will always default to "Active"OR2. ? ?Click on the Registration Tab. Find the appropriate Registration Session Name and click on it. Select the filters First and Last Name and click Update to see report details. ?You can filter on last name by double clicking the Last Name column header or clicking the Order Columns tab and choose to sort the Last name by Ascending order. Find the appropriate person and click on the Entry link to the left of their name. When in the Entry you will see a "Status" option in the upper left. From here you can update the Status from "Active" to "Inactive".?Q: How do we Process Online Refunds??(Refund?Policy)A: Per the refund policy stated within your organization's registration contract, organizations that are using the Sport Ngin?merchant account are required to process refunds in an offline fashion (this is generally implied as cutting the requesting member(s) a check).The reason we require organizations to process refunds offline (per the registration agreement) is due to the effect refunds have on the Sport Ngin merchant account; multiple refunds through our merchant account can place a high risk flag on the Sport Ngin?merchant account which in turn can have a negative impact on the rates we are able to offer as well as the ability to process transactions for your organization.If there was a mistake made by a member of Sport Ngin while building your registration session that results in an overpayment, we are happy to process a refund for those one-off cases. ?All other scenarios should be handled in an offline fashion.If you anticipate the need to process refunds online in future registrations, we would recommend setting up your own Merchant Account and/or Gateway Processing account and plugging it into our online registration system. By doing this, you are granted the flexibility of providing refunds as needed and you have the benefit of receiving processed funds quicker (typically 1 - 2 days after the transaction occurs). The transaction fee structure is a bit different when using your own merchant account as your merchant processor and/or gateway account may have differing transaction fees.Click the Contact Support link at the top of the page to submit a ticket if you would like additional information on using your own merchant account with our online registration systems.Q: When are Registration Deposits made into our Organization’s account??(Sport Ngin Merchant Account?Information)A: If you are using the Sport Ngin Merchant Account, the registration Batch Direct Deposits are made weekly into your Organization’s Bank Account, typically on Mondays. The initial deposit will be made approximately 2 weeks after the registration session has been opened and users have begun registering, then weekly after that. You can track all Financials including Batch Deposit Amounts, Pending Funds and Weekly Totals from the Financials Tab in the Admin Control Panel of your website.Q: Is there a way to Track the Registration Financials?A: You can track all Financials including Batch Deposit Amounts, Pending Funds and Weekly Totals from the Financials Tab in the Admin Control Panel of your website.?Q: How do I send Blast Emails to our Registrants??(How do I email a group from a Registration Report?)A: See Above Question for “How do I create a Report/View the Registration Data”, as you will first need to create a report. Once you have created a report that encompasses the group of registrants you wish to send a blast email message to, you will find a menu of options in the upper right of your report:You can Print the Report,Send a Message to the List (this send an email blast only to the Registrants who match this report’s criteria),Create a Smart Group (for future group management and communication tools)Export to Excel (to share the report externally, or manipulate data fields).?Q: How do I enter Registration Data into the online system from users who turned in a paper registration or do not have computer/internet access??(How do I Manually Register a Registrant)A: A person with Admin Control Panel access on your website will need to enter the registration session as any general user would, but using their own log in username. On the “Who Are You Registering Page” of the registration session, anyone with Admin Control Panel access will have the option to Register a Person that is not connected my account (Admin Only). By choosing this option, an Admin can enter in the Player’s information online, and select the Pay Offline Option (since Admins will always see the option to Pay Offline) on the Shopping Cart Page. If this registrant (or this registrant’s guardian) later creates an account on your website, you can transfer this “Orphan” to the user’s account. Go to: How do I transfer an Orphan registration to an actual account?Q: There is a Pay Offline option, but we only wanted to offer a Pay Online option?A: Anyone with Admin Control Panel access on your site will see the option to "Pay Offline" when they come to the Shopping Cart Page. General Users will never see this option.?Q: What is the fee if the Customer Pays processing fee??The processing fee is the cost charged per online transaction. The percentage is based on the Order Amount, and the flat dollar amount is based on the number of transactions.Example: An order with a total amount of $500.00 at a processing rate of 3.5% + $2.00 would incur a processing fee of $19.50 for a payment that was paid in full ($500.00 x 0.035 + $2.00). A payment plan of two installments for this same order amount would incur a processing fee of $21.50 ($500 x 0.035 + $2.00 + $2.00) — an extra $2.00 is charged for the second installment.?If you elect to pass the processing fee on to your registrants, they will see this listed as an additional line item on the Shopping Cart screen. If you do not want your registrants to see the processing fee line item, your association is then responsible for the fee. It will be deducted from your weekly payout amount. You may choose to recoup the fee by building it into your program fees or via a late fee, or you may simply absorb the cost. ................

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