Honors Biology Syllabus

Honors Biology Syllabus

Email: Matthew.Juck@appo.k12.de.us

Room: A-214

Course Description:

Honors Biology is designed to be a rigorous course that will prepare students for AP Biology or for other college-level courses in Biology. Therefore the range and depth of the topics are challenging and so are the time and effort required for success. Students (usually 11th grade) should have demonstrated a strong grasp of the principles of Coordinated Science 1 and 2, and just as importantly, students must show a strong work ethic including teamwork. Experience in lab work is a part of the course and much of this will be done in teams. Labs help address one of the major goals of biology which is to help students understand that science is a process of problem solving, information gathering, and discovery.


- Text: Biology: Miller, K. R. and J.S. Levine. 2008, Prentice Hall, Boston, MA.

- Lab notebook

- Class Notebook

- 3-ring binder for class notes

- Binder Dividers

- Graph paper

- Calculator


• It is expected that all students will:

1. Abide by the Appoquinimink School District Code of Conduct at all times.

2. Come on time, and be prepared to work.

3. Respect other people, their property, and their opinions.

4. Always try and do their best.

5. Abide by all safety rules.

• It is expected that the teacher will:

1. Be prepared for class every day.

2. Maintain high expectations for all students.

3. Provide engaging lessons that are aligned to content standards.


• In each marking period, points will be accumulated from class and homework assignments, tests, quizzes, and lab reports. A students grade will be determined according to the district’s grading policy:

o (30%) Process – Formative evaluation of student work used for the purpose of providing feedback to the student and teacher regarding progress toward standards. This may include but is not limited to: homework, class work, participation, quizzes, summer reading, writing process, lab participation

o (70%) Product – Summative assessment used to measure the degree to which a standard has been attained. This may include but is not limited to: tests, essays, projects, rubric scored presentations, lab reports

• Students’ final course grade is weighted as follows:

o Marking Period – 40% x 2 = 80%

o Final Exam 20%

• Each student will be required to keep an organized binder and bring it with them to class each and every day. The binder should be divided into five sections:

1) Handouts, 2) Warm-ups, 3) Class Notes, 4) Labs & Activities, 5) Tests & Quizzes.

• Homework will be assigned when necessary. Homework assignments will be checked for accuracy, not just completion. Students should make sure to complete all assignments to the best of their ability. Students must make a reasonable try or NO credit will be given.

• If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get all make-up work; including class notes. For excused absences, the student will have one day for every day absent to make up the missed work as per the district attendance policy found in the code of conduct.

• Late work policies: Late work will be accepted one day late for 50% credit. After one day late work will not be accepted. The only exception to these policies is make-up work due to excused absences as noted in the previous bullet point.

Lab Expectations:

• Labs will be an important part of the course. Students are expected to:

1. Turn in lab write-ups that are legible and neat. Illegible lab reports may result in a deduction of points from the grade. If the lab involves calculations, work must be shown for ALL calculations. The answers should have units on them and be in correct significant figures to receive full credit.

2. To follow ALL lab safety rules: especially wearing safety goggles. Any student in violation of the lab safety contract will lose their lab privileges for that activity, receive a zero for the lab, and be held to the expectations of the code of contact.

3. Formal Lab Write-Ups are to be completed individually, although the data is typically shared amongst group members.

a. See additional handout for Formal Lab Write-Up Format.

Topic Outline: Chapters

Biology Basics, Biochemistry / Cellular Chemistry 2. 7

1. Biochemistry of Life

2. The Molecules of Cells

3. Cell Structure and function

4. Cellular Transport

Ecology and Organisms 3-5

1. Energy Flow / Cycling

2. Biomes

3. Populations

Plants 22-25

1. Plant Diversity

2. Plant Structure and Function

3. Plant Reproduction

4. Plant Responses and Adaptations

Evolution and Classification 15-18

1. Darwin, Natural Selection, and Evolution

2. Evolution of Populations

3. Evolution of Life on Planet Earth

4. Classification of Life

Microbes (Viruses, Bacteria, Protists, & Fungi) 19-21

1. Bacteria and Viruses

2. Protists

3. Fungi

Anatomy (Sensory Receptors) 35, 37

1.Respiratory & Cardiovascular Systems


Mr. Juck

Biology - Honors

Terms of Agreement

As a teacher of this course, I am committed to abiding by this syllabus. The dates and timelines are subject to change based on students’ assimilation of the material. Any changes will be communicated to the class by the teacher. By signing this “Terms of Agreement,” you are affirming that you have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies, and agreements stated in this syllabus.

As a student in this course, I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

Student Name (please print): __________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________

Date: _____________________

As the parent/guardian, I have read and agree to support this student in an effort to follow the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.

Parent Name (please print): __________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _____________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________

Phone Contact (best daytime number): __________________________________________

Questions or Concerns:






This document should be signed by the student and parent and returned to the teacher by the end of class on

Friday, January 27th , 2012.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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