IMater Charter Middle/High School

iMater Middle/ High School

Biology Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Fernando D. Cruz

School Phone: (305) 805-5722

Email: fcruz@


Adhering to policies and guidelines is essential for your success in this course. You will be

provided with a copy of this class syllabus, which includes my rules and policies, and will

therefore, be responsible for them. If you have any questions about any policy, please feel free to

communicate them with me at any time.

I. Textbooks

• EOC Coach Workbook (one copy per student)

• Students will be provided with a workbook to take home. Additionally, we will have a class set textbook.

• Online textbook access is tentative

II. Students are to have 1 composition notebook and a folder to hold loose leaf papers for Labs:

1. Class notebook/ Folder

Class Notebook

• Students are required to bring their Class Notes notebook every day. Will be collected and checked at the end of every chapter.

• Class notebooks will contain any notes taking in class, as well as classwork activities

• During online learning class notes will still be expected to be taken in your notebook

• Bell ringers are to be completed on a word document page, containing the date of the bell ringer followed by question and answer.

Lab folder: (If/When we return to class)

• Students are required to have a folder with loose leaf paper only to be used for the laboratory

portion of this course. This folder will be used to record all laboratory notes,

observations, and data. All laboratory folders must be completely numbered in ink

(top right hand corner) prior to the first day of lab, starting from page one.

• Students are required to bring laboratory folder to class when required.

• Labs and Lab folder will be graded throughout the grading period for neatness, organization, and completion, so please bring them to class every day. Labs will each count as 1 test grade.

• Labs are used to show science in a hands on manner as a result not ALL LABS WILL BE GRADED. However the labs if graded, will go in as 1 test grade.

Lab folder: (During remote learning)

• Students will be required to complete laboratory notes on a word document.

• I will be providing a template, for students that will provide the instructions on how to complete Lab reports.

• Lab reports will be done for both virtual and hands on labs.

III. Vocabulary

• Once a new chapter is started, students are required to complete vocabulary words on a loose lead paper. They will be collected at the end of each chapter for a homework grade. Students are responsible for completing this homework assignment throughout the school year.

• Quizizz:

o Vocabulary assignments will also be provided through quizizz, students will be required to create a profile in order to complete these assignments.

Essential Material

III. Materials/Supplies

All of the following materials must be brought to class everyday:

• $15 lab fee (Worth 1 Quiz Grade) lab fee is tentative pending covid

• 1 composition book or spiral notebook (only for my class)

• Blue/Black/Colored pens

• #2 pencils

• Highlighters

• Loose-leaf paper

• Three prong folder

• 2 dividers

• Construction paper

IV. Classroom Rules/Zoom Classroom Rules

• Respect your instructor, your school, and your peers.

• Come to class prepared with all necessary materials and ready to learn.

• BE ON TIME! (Before the bell rings, you need to be seated in your assigned seat)

• Follow given instructions at ALL times, especially during labs and experiments.

• Electronic devices are to be turned OFF and inside your bags.

• Uniform must be worn according to the school policy.

• All lab equipment, class supplies, and tables must be cleaned and everything stored properly after every experiment/class. You may not leave class until all supplies have been checked by your instructor. You will earn a cleanup grade for every quarter.

• All assignments/projects must be turned in by given due date. (I DON’T ACCEPT LATE WORK)

• Turned in work without a name will not be graded until student takes ownership for work. I will not seek out student they must come to me and claim their work

• Cheating and plagiarism is a serious offense and will have impacting consequences.

• Be responsible, patient, considerate, and open-minded.

• Keep hands, feet, and negative comments to yourself.

• Raise your hand to receive permission to speak.

• Follow directions the first time they are given.

• Have fun learning!

Zoom Classroom Rules

• Appropriate  classroom behavior is expected.    

• Log into your meeting from a distraction free,  quiet environment. 

•  Please keep your audio on mute until you want  to speak. This will help to limit background  noise. 

• Please make sure to have on a iMater uniform shirt. 

•  If you would like to speak or answer a question,  use the “Raise Hand” feature. Then unmute  yourself after you are called on. 

• If you would like to use the chat box, remember  that it is public and a record of the chat is kept  and archived. 

•  Have paper and a pen or pencil handy to take  notes. 

• Make sure your video is on so we can see your  happy face.

V. Classroom Consequences

If any student infringes on any of the above rules, it will result in:

• 1st Incident: Teacher/Student Conference; verbal warning issued and recorded

• 2nd Incident: Parental/Guardian contact and notification (Conference/Telephone)

• 3rd Incident: Morning or after school detention with parent/guardian notification

• 4th Incident: Disciplinary Referral to Administration

• If you are late to class, you must bring a pass from the office or from your previous class in order to be admitted to class.

VI. Grading Policy

Grades are cumulative through the end of each grading period and will be based on personal

effort and performance. Student performance will be assessed as follow:

Grading Policy

Tests 25%

Classwork 45%

Homework 30%

Grade Numerical Value

A 90 - 100

B 80 - 89

C 70 - 79

D 60 -69

F 0 - 59

*Important: Biology End of Course Exam*

The end of course exam is cumulative and will cover all topics discussed in class throughout the year. Students are expected to pass the exam with a 70% or higher. This exam may count as 30% of the students final grade.

VII. Make-Up/Late Work/Late Work Passes/No signature/Tardiness

• Students who arrive to class tardy will not be allowed into class without a tardy pass.

• No late work will be accepted. Please use agenda to keep up with assignments and due

Dates. Students are responsible for writing down assignments that are written on the board and for turning the assignments in on time.

• Students will be permitted to make-up assignments in the event of an excusable absence. All makeup assignments are the responsibility of the student, and should be submitted in a timely manner after the student’s return to class. Students will have the same number of days absent to make up work for full credit. If a student does not have the assignment on the due date, then the homework must be turned in the following day in order to receive credit.

VIII. Hall Passes and Homework Passes

• Hall passes are for emergencies only. Please make every effort to use the bathroom

before class.

• Only 1 student at a time will be allowed to step out of the class for any reason.

• Bathroom/drink breaks will not be permitted during the first 10 minutes, the last 10

minutes of class, or the lecture portion of the class. These needs should be addressed during passing time.

IX. Conduct Grading Scale

• Every student begins each quarter with 100 Points or an “A” in conduct. Points will be

deducted for any type of negative behaviors displayed by any student in class. Some

negative behaviors may include, but not limited to: unnecessary talking during class,

excessive tardiness, getting out of seat without permission, breaking of classroom rules, etc.

• Conduct points will reset after each grading period.

Conduct Points Grade

90 - 100 A

80 - 89 B

70 - 79 C

60 - 69 D

0 -59 F

Effort Grade

1- Max effort

2-Average effort

3-Minimum effort

X. Student Paper Headings

• In order to receive maximum credit for all assignments, students must turn in all work using proper format and appropriate writing utensils. Your paper must have the correct heading in the upper right hand corner or it will not be graded. Furthermore, students will be provided a number at the beginning of the school year. This number must be displayed on all turned in assignments. Failure to do so may result in a letter grade deduction.

Name Class #_____

Class period number


XII. Extra Credit

• Extra credit: opportunities maybe provided during the school year, however do not expect to have any. Extra credit usually comes in the form of bonus questions in exams and quizzes or in the form of materials brought for myself.

XIII. Cheating, Plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated

• Students attempting any of the above will earn a zero (Z) for that assignment/test/quiz and

will receive disciplinary action according to the Student Code of Conduct.

IX. Teacher Wish List

• Cleaning wipes

• Hand soap

• Hand sanitizer

• Paper towels

• Tissues

• Lysol

• Construction paper

• Scissors

• Glue sticks

• Crayons

• Index cards

• Printer paper and ink

• Expo markers

• Pens (Blue/Red/Black)

*Please provide receipt for all class supplies and gift cards on the teacher wish list so that parent hours may be credited.

Please review this syllabus/contract with your parent/guardian and sign below, indicating

that you have read and understand your syllabus. Return the bottom half of this page ONLY. This will count as 1 homework grade. Please keep the rest of this contract as the first page and reference in your Science binder


Date: __________________________

Student Name:________________________________________________________________

Student ID #:_____________________________________

Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email address: _________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): ______________________________________________




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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