High School Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry Texbook ...

High School Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry Textbook Adoption 2017

Parent/Community Review Form

Location of Review Center Date _________________________ Title of Textbook Reviewed Publisher Course: (Earth Science, Biology or Chemistry) Using the criteria listed on the back of this page, rate this book in the following categories:

Categories SOL Requirements Content Organization & Format Technology General Physical Characteristics





How did you find out about the textbook adoption review for parents? (Examples: Website, "The Clipper," Peachjar Flyer, etc. ____


Name _______________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________


Earth Science, Biology, and Chemistry Textbook Adoption Criteria



Correlates with Virginia Standards of Learning and Chesapeake Public Schools



Provides adequate coverage of course objectives

Engages students in the instruction of science content with a variety of learning


Activities promote the development of skills necessary to respond creatively and

critically to science topics

Activities encourage participation from the learner

(nonlinguistic representation)

Assumptions of prior knowledge are appropriate

Assessment options include an appropriate range of student open-ended responses,

performances, products, and collections of work

Assessment items correlate with the objectives they are intended to measure

Assessment items are rigorous; measuring several levels of student understanding,

process skill, problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills (levels of Bloom's


Selections and activities are appropriate for the topic and age range of students

Material and vocabulary appropriate for grade level

Attention is given to multiculturalism and gender balance

Materials are free of ethnic, racial, cultural, age, social, economic, geographic, and

gender bias

Includes accurate, current, and unbiased information


The textbook is presented in an organized manner which directly reinforce an

understanding of science concepts

The chapters are organized appropriately within and among units of study

Format design includes titles, subheadings, and appropriate cross-referencing for

ease of use

Writing style, length of sentences, vocabulary, graphics, and illustrations are


Includes multiple means of assessment, measuring all levels of thinking

Materials present content in an accurate, unbiased manner



Promotes the use of learning technologies such as computers, interactive software,

telecommunications, and multimedia

Multiple opportunities are provided for students to develop and apply concepts

through the use of computers, and other technologies


Durable cover and binding

Demonstrates readability and visual appeal appropriate to the level of the course

Materials are free of content and production errors (misspelled words, word

omissions, incorrect answers)

The materials provide appropriate illustrations to reinforce the development of the

important concepts

Diverse groups (racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic), males and females, people with

disabilities, and people of all ages are represented appropriately


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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