African-American History Club-serves as an avenue for students to embrace, study and understand the wonderful heritage of African-Americans. Sponsor: Yashona Robinson

Anime Club-provides students exposure to this popular Japanese form of animation of artwork and promotes appreciation of art in general. Sponsor: Erick Grube

Art Club- is designed to let students explore and experience art by way of monthly student generated art projects, visiting local artists, field trips to art museums and galleries, and contributing artistically to the community. Students use this club as an outlet for their creative side. Sponsor: Williams

Band-THS offers competitive level band programs in the areas of marching, concert and jazz. Band members are required to attend after-school practices and several performances throughout the school year. Sponsor: Ben Lawson

Beta Club- "To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary

school students." Sponsor: MS Miller/ MS Milne

Bowling Club-consists of all those who wish to bowl competitively in the Peninsula High School Traveling League. Over the years multiple teams have represented Tabb, even winning the league championship for the 1999 season. Its purpose is friendly,

bi-weekly competition during the winter season. Sponsor: Melanie White

Chorus-At THS students must be enrolled in choral classes to participate in chorus, small vocal ensembles and jazz choir. Some after-school practices and performances required. Sponsor: Gordon Parr

Club Earth- works to promote environmental action and awareness both at Tabb High School and within the community. Sponsor: Pearce/Sklute/Grigonis

Drone Club: dedicated to piloting, racing, and modifying unmanned vehicles to accomplish various missions. Mr. Grube

Debate-was the first activity offered to public schools through the VHSL. At THS we have worked at becoming a traditionally strong Lincoln-Douglas team. Sponsor: Ms Scott

DECA-is an association of Marketing Students. The DECA Chapters are to marketing students as civic and professional

organizations are to a group of business people. Students participate on the District, State and National level conferences

and competitions. Sponsor: Lynn Pitchford/Christina Majka

English National Honor Society-is an affiliate of the “only national organization exclusively for high school students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments.” MS’S Hinkley and Geruschat

FBLA-(Future Business Leaders of America) helps to develop competent, aggressive business leadership through strengthening the confidence of students in themselves and their work. Sponsor: Gordon Chai

Forensics-is another VHSL sponsored activity. Students compete for medals and trophies by presenting speeches, scenes, poems, cuttings and stories. Sponsor: Ms Evans

French Club/French Honor Society-is open to anyone interested in the francophone culture. Sponsor: St Pierre

History/Stamp Club -provides a first-hand experience to historical events and places not found in the classroom. The group has

traveled to Boston, Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. Sponsor: Adrianne McKinney

Ignite- is a club where you can meet new people, grow closer to your friends and to God all while having fun. Mr Lawson

International Club- celebrates the diversity in our culture. Meetings focus on different cultures. Ms Reyes

Jigsaw Club- a small group of students who meet every morning to complete jigsaw puzzles Ms Sousa

Key Club-is an International Service Organization committed to developing initiative and leadership, providing experience in living and working together, and serving the school and community. Sponsor: Ms Wheat

Leadership Club- Ms West

Math Honor Society-(Mu Alpha Theta) is a nationally recognized high school and junior college mathematics honor society.

Students interested in joining should apply upon completion of Algebra I. Sponsor: Miller and White

Model U.N.-is an interactive, interdisciplinary simulation, which places students in the role of official United Nations delegates. Committees then debate current political, social, economic and legal issues. Sponsors: Adrianne McKinney

National Honor Society-is a nationally sponsored group for students who have achieved a grade point average of at least 3.5 and have positive teacher recommendations. Sponsor: Mr Olivo

Newspaper- is a class offered to 10, 11 and 12 th graders. THS Newspaper is in an online format. Ms. Milne

Odyssey of the Mind-a program that fosters creative thinking and problem solving skills by having students solve problems in a variety of areas. Sponsor: Grube

Organic Gardening Club- provides a setting in which students can learn through experience and research how to produce

vegetables in the most economical way possible without the use of synthetic chemicals. Howell

Psychology Club- Students who enjoy the study of psychology and related disciplines. Sponsor: Caroline Thompson

Rho Kappa- History National Honor Society. Curry and Terndrup

Rubic’s Cube/Puzzle Club- For the curious, gamers and puzzled solvers. Sponsor: McKinney

Student Council ASSN- the student body. Goals include promoting self-pride and participation in school activities. Ms Terndrup

Science National Honor Society- Ms Carpenter

Scholastic Bowl-is one of VHSL’s most successful programs. It is an academic competition between schools,

ending in a State VHSL championship. Four person teams compete on a wide range of academic subjects. Sponsor:

Roxanne O’Regan and Lynn Shematek

Scholastic Bowl-is one of VHSL’s most successful programs. It is an academic competition between schools,

ending in a State VHSL championship. Four person teams compete on a wide range of academic subjects. Sponsor:

Roxanne O’Regan and Lynn Shematek

Sight & Sound-is a service/profit organization where students learn how to work the lighting and sound systems at THS. $$ can be

earned when working for non-school groups using our building. Sponsor: Ms Milne

Spanish Conversation Club- A group where all levels of Spanish students can get together and speak Spanish to improve their conversational skills! Ms.Reyes

Spanish Honor Society-is for students of Spanish in grade level 10 or above who have completed at least 3 semesters of Spanish study. The society promotes a greater understanding of Hispanic culture through a variety of activities.

Sponsor: Ms Nelson

Stronger than Silence-promotes awareness and empathy for students and community members with mental health concerns. Works to reduce society’s stigma of mental health issues. –Ms West

Tabb Student Ambassadors-provides and promotes a positive view of Tabb High School by encouraging involvement and orienting

students. Its major event each year is the Club Fair held in late September. Members serve as tour guides for new

students and parents . Ms Kenneally

Thespians-is an International Honor Society for drama students. Students are invited to join when enough points are accumulated through participation in school productions. Ms Milne

Tiger Friends-is a tutoring group that serves at Tabb Elementary. Application required. Sponsor: Eyvette Jones

Tiger Times-is a 32-40 page newsmagazine produced by the THS Mass Media/Newsmagazine class, giving student journalists the opportunity to showcase his or her writing, photography and artwork. Sponsor: Ms Milne

Tiger TV- Student group that meets to write, edit and produce Tiger TV events. Sponsor: Ms Milne

TSA-(Technology Student Association) is a national organization for technology education students. The mission is to promote leadership and personal growth in technology. Bob Brownschidle

Tigers Crushing Cancer- Fundraising and Relay for Life to support cancer recovery and memorials . Ms Gillis

Tutoring Club- is a medium for students in need of extra help in school and for students who wish to tutor for service hours. Sponsor: Roxanne O’Regan

Unified Tigers- promotes social inclusion through activities that engage the entire Tabb community Supports a school climate where Students with disabilities feel welcome and included. Nivison and Koontz.

Virginia Math League-sponsors 6 contests a year, consisting of 6 Questions each, with a 30 minute time limit. Contests begin at 2:30, dates posted in math classrooms. Sponsor: Cena Kirsch

Wii Challenge- a club centered around competitive video game play. Our goal is to bring together a gaming community and

encourage in-person socialization by hosting tournaments for various games throughout the school year. DiOrio

Yearbook-is a class-based journalistic endeavor available by application to rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders. Sponsor: Ms. Scott

Young Democrats-

Ms West

Y-Street Organization that deals with healthy living issues. Supports healthy lifestyle, non-smoking campaigns, obesity, and other issues that affect youth. Sponsor: Christina Majka/Lynn Pitchford

Update 9/19


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