Key Club Routine:Ringing of the bell: It Means that the only people talking should be the officers, or Mrs. ChisholmPledge of Allegiance Key Club Pledge: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.Attendance: A paper will be passed around. Ice Breaker: While attendance is being done, we will have a activity to get to know you all better.Events: KCKC: Key Club Kick-Off ConferenceWhere? Miami Lakes Educational Center (5780 NW 158th St. Miami, FL 33014)Attire? Business ProfessionalTime? Registration begins at 8:00 A.M. and the event starts at 9.00 A.M.Cost? The event is free! Breakfast and lunch will be provided for you. This Event is Mandatory for everyone to attend.Currently, members are needed to assist with this year's Little Havana Basketball league. This event will take place every Saturday from September 12th until October 31 at Miami Senior High school. Let me know if you are interested.DCON: This 4 day event, is a great way to get to know Key Club and its members better. We will be driving up to Orlando and staying as a amazing 5 star hotel, while attending the many events that DCON has to offer. Meetings: All members must attend mandatory events. For meetings, we expect to see you all here every meeting. If you miss a meeting due to issues that you had no say in. You can fill out the form below. If you miss 3 meetings in total, without filling out the absence form, your Key Club Membership will be revoked. Committees/Goals: Kiwanis Family RelationsKeep in contact with Lieutenant Governor and Zone AdministratorBuild communication between Key Club and Builder’s ClubFundraisingDevelop events and projects to raise money for Key Club and the Eliminate ProjectMembership DevelopmentKey club Advertisement (Club Fair, Freshman Orientation, Club Presentation)Service ProjectGenerate large and small service projects (Community Service Events)Develop list of attendees and total hours possible for each eventFoodManage funds and donations that go towards snacksTask CommitteeDevelop goals for objects such as funds towards Eliminate and end-of-year service goalsTrack goal progressMissed Meetings:ID#:______________I ____________________, could not attend the meeting on the date of _____________, due to the following reasons:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________X_________________________ (Student Signature)X_________________________(Secretary Signature)(If the excuse was due to an illness or doctors/dentist appointment, please provide an excuse slip, whether from parent/guardian or doctor/dentist.)Member Contract:I ____________________, pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International. I will fulfill my duties as a member of Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial HS Key Club. Such duties include attending each meeting held by LEOMHS Key Club, to participate as an active member, and to assist my fellow officers and members as deemed necessary.I ____________________, understand that by accepting membership into LEOMHS Key Club, I must abide by the following guidelines, and uphold the listed duties:If I ___________________, fail to uphold the aforementioned duties, the officers of LEOMHS Key Club hold the authority to remove my benefits as Key Club member.X_________________________(Student Signature)Adjournment: Once this bell has rung, you all can leave. ................

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