Th Grade U

Dorchester District TwoFort Dorchester High SchoolCourse Syllabus: Philosophy 1 IB SLTeacher: W.R. TurnerRoom Number: 604E-Mail Address: Credit: 1 creditCourse DescriptionThe IB Philosophy course develops international mindedness in students be encouraging them to engage with multiple perspectives and to carefully consider alternate points of view. The course encourages dialogue and debate, nurturing students’ capacity to interpret competing and contestable claims. IB Course StandardsAssessment Objective 1: Knowledge and UnderstandingDemonstrate an understanding of philosophical concepts, issues, and argumentsIdentify the philosophical issues present in both philosophical & non-philosophical stimuliAssessment Objective 2: Application and AnalysisAnalyze philosophical concepts, issues, and argumentsAnalyze the philosophical issues present in both philosophical and non-philosophical stimuliExplain and analyze different approaches to philosophical issues, making use of relevant supporting evidence/examplesAssessment Objective 3: Synthesis and EvaluationEvaluate philosophical concepts, issues, and argumentsConstruct and develop relevant, balanced, and focused argumentsDiscuss and evaluate different interpretations and points of view Assessment Objective 4: Selection, use, and application of appropriate skills and techniquesDemonstrate the ability to produce clear and well-structured written responsesDemonstrate appropriate and precise use of philosophical vocabularyIn the internal assessment task, demonstrate evidence of research skills, organization, and referencing Texts/Supplementary Instructional Materials:We will be using the appropriate primary source materials from the philosophers. These will be printed for the students. The prescribed text we will be using will be Books IV-IX from Plato’s The Republic.Assessment PlanNotes10%Homework30%Writings20%Tests40%Semester 1 = 1st Quarter 50% + 2nd Quarter 50%Semester 2 = 3rd Quarter 50% + 4th Quarter 50%Final Course Grade = 1st Semester 40% + 2nd Semester 40% + EOC 20%Grading Percentage and Quality of WorkGradeScaleDescription of WorkA90-100%Consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Having all work in on time and completed to exceed expectations. Mastery in evaluating, synthesizing, and applying content principles. B80-89%Consistently demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of work. All assignments are complete and on time. Demonstrates the ability to evaluate, analyze, synthesize and apply content principles.C70-79%Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply and analyze content principles. Work shows average effort. A few assignments may be missed or late. D60-69%Work shows minimal effort and some assignments are late. Demonstrates a basic understanding of recalling or comprehending content principles.FBelow 60%Understanding is below basic in relation to content principles. Work is of poor quality and does not meet standards or expectations. The Philosophy Exam will be in the afternoon of May 3rd Rules and ProceduresMaterials: Students are expected to be prepared for class every day with the following materials:3 ring binder - All students are required to keep a notebook and bring it to class every day. It should have the class syllabus as the first page for future reference. Notebooks should contain lined paper for note taking and space available for tests, quizzes, assignments, warm-ups, and any handouts given by the teacher.Pen (please write in pen so there is no need to sharpen a pencil during class)If a student leaves the room (unless called out by Guidance, the Administration, or the Office), he/she will make up the lost instructional time before/after school as arranged by the teacher. Failure to attend the make-up session will result in disciplinary action.Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. This means it is on the desk ready to be handed in. If it is not ready, it is late. It will be assessed a 10% penalty and cannot be resubmitted for correction and half-credit re-assessment. Late work is accepted at the beginning of the class the next academic day after the due date. Work that is not ready by this time will be assessed a zero.If work cannot be handed in on time, the student is to present a letter from the parent/guardian prior to or on the due date explaining when the work will be submitted. This can be sent in the form of an e-mail or a personal note. If the work is submitted according to this letter, it can be re-submitted for correction and half-point re-assessment.Students who miss class will make up the missing work on the day of their return. If a student is ill the day before a test and comes on the day of the test, he/she will take the test with the rest of the class during that period. Students who are absent three or more days must arrange with the teacher a make-up day(s). Any missed work is the responsibility of the student.The student is to come to class with all the necessary materials: pens, papers, notebooks, textbooks, etc.Students are to sit up facing forward with their feet and legs under their desk tops. No bags are to be left on the desks. No hoodies/hats are to be worn. No personal grooming is to take place. No eating or drinking is permitted. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Students will raise hands when asking questions and wait until recognized before speaking. All students will treat each other and the teacher with respect and dignity. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action.Class Rules and Expectations for Managing Student BehaviorBe on timeBe prepared with notebook, paper, and pencil or penFollow all classroom directions.All FDHS policies are to be observed at all timesNo electronic devices unless specifically permittedNo food or drink in the classroomWebsite, PowerSchool/Parent Portal, and ContactWebsite: My school website will be updated weekly. I place copies of the material we are studying on line. PowerSchool/Parent Portal: Grades are updated weekly. If there are ever questions about missing work or other grades, feel free to email me or to come to Tutoring.Contact: If there is ever a question or concern, feel free to email me at as this is the fastest way to get into contact with me.Parent-Student-Teacher Syllabus and Information:Student’s Name: ____________________________________Parent’s Name: _______________________________Home/Cell Phone # __________________________________Work Phone # ________________________________**E-mail address** (please list as this is the fastest and preferred way of contact, thank you!)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________Please sign below. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.____________________________________Parent Signature____________________________________Student Signature ................

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