Cell Organelle Facebook Profile Project

Cell Organelle Facebook Profile Project

You will create a Facebook profile for one of the organelles we have been studying. You will present organelle you are assigned. Using the template on the back and rubric below as guides, you will create a poster that resembles a Facebook profile. This is your opportunity to be creative and to take factual information about an organelle in the cell and play off of it to make an interesting and memorable presentation. Your profile should include all the important information about the organelle and any information you think helps describe your organelle, its structure, and its functions to someone else. Creativity is highly encouraged. Have fun and make this project your own. This project is worth 20 points and is due on Thursday November 14th, 2013

Use this project as a tool for learning. After making your profile, you should be able to describe the functions of at least 7 organelles.

You might need more than one sheet of paper or a larger paper to include all the information.

Staple this form to the back of your Facebook Profile Project

Student Name: ________________________________

Organelle Chosen: _______________________

Grading Expectations

Clearly identifies the organelle and provides plausible information about it _______/5

Clearly identifies and describes the structure of the organelle ` _______/5

Clearly identifies and describes the functions of the organelle _______/5

Provides creative and insightful details about the organelle _______/3

Neatly completed, with few or no grammatical or spelling errors. Organized. _______/2

Final Profile Total: _______/20

NOTE: Answers in italics are a guide to how you should answer them. Try to related as much information as possible to cell structures and function.

(organelle name) Profile

Name: organelle

Networks: types of cells it is found in

Sex: student choice

Status: Should be related to its function

Interested In: other organelles it works with

Relationship Status: student choice

Birthday: student choice

Hometown: student choice

Contact Information

Address: where is the organelle found (mix real

and fake information)

Personal Information

Activities: mix real and fake information

Interests: student choice

Favorite Music: student choice

Favorite TV Shows: student choice

Favorite Movies: student choice

Favorite Books: student choice

Favorite Quotes: from your SIX organelle friends. These should be related to their function.

About Me: describe the structure/shape of the


Education and Work

College: student choice

Major: student choice

High School: student choice

Employer: student choice

Position: Give the organelle a title

Description: explain what it does


What groups might your organelle belong to

Ex. Chloroplasts: Anti Air Pollution Group


Profile Picture

Picture of organelle

Top Friends

Minimum SIX Other Organelles


Imaginary photos organelle doing stuff


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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