PTSA 2012-2013

NAME _________________________________________________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________

PHONE NUMBER_______________________________________________________________________

STUDENT NAME_____________________________________ GRADE__________

STUDENT NAME_____________________________________ GRADE__________


_____ Develop and organize meetings, activities and programs to further the goals and purposes of PTA. Tasked with communicating advocacy opportunities, and feedback from such, outside those of Reagan PTSA. Educate families and caregivers on important issues related to health and educational success for their children. Help make each child’s potential a reality.


_____ Plan acts of kindness during times of need


_____ Assist with photography at various PTSA functions

_____ Assist Webmaster in keeping website updated

_____ Assist with publicizing various fundraising and advocacy events conducted to parents, students, staff, and community through various forms of media

_____ Help to market Reagan High School PTSA; its mission, vision, and programs; to the Reagan professional and faith community


_____ Help design, maintain, and improve the school grounds


_____ Donate food/items for teacher appreciation and other hospitality events

_____ Contribute or solicit gift cards or door prizes for teacher appreciation and other hospitality events

_____ Help with set-up/clean-up at these events

_____ Assist with decorating for various PTSA functions


_____ Assist with implementing the annual PTA Reflections Program


_____ Assist at various membership drive events

_____ Assist in an administrative role preceding and following those events


_____ Assist Office Staff during lunch breaks with various duties


_____ Tasked with identifying talented, motivated and responsible individuals to serve as officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer only)


_____ Assist with implementing various fundraising activities. Tasks will be determined by the need of the event.


_____ COLLEGE SEARCH PROGRAM - Commitment of 10 to 12 hours between Labor Day and mid-December to assist juniors on computers with college search programs, in Student Services office. Flexible times Monday through Friday.

____ PROCTOR: 3 hour commitment during school hours. Assist teachers in administrating state tests during exam week in January and June

_____ SCHOOL TOUR GUIDES: 90 minutes once a month when school is dismissed, most often during 2nd semester. Take prospective students and parents on a tour of Reagan High School.

Please forward your preferences to slojo@. You will be contacted by the Chairperson of the committee(s) you’ve selected. Please include contact information as you will receive a follow-up call or email within one week to ensure you’ve been invited to volunteer.

You also have the option of printing this document and returning it to the PTSA table at Open House. It may also be deposited in the main office in the PTSA box.

Your Reagan High School PTSA encourages you to become involved in your child’s school. If there are other areas of volunteerism you’d like to suggest, please contact me at the above email address.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you.

Pat Lowrance Dedra Poindexter

Reagan High School PTSA President Reagan High School Volunteer Coordinator


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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