Top Notch 2A Final Exam

Top Notch 2A Final Exam


(n) a vehicle that provides pleasant or desirable features

* sports car

* turn on

* luxury car

* compact car


* (v) to drive very closely behind another vehicle

* (n) a container for holding gasoline to supply a vehicle

* (v) to use the car horn to warn another driver

* (n) abbreviation for sport utility vehicle, a four-wheel-drive vehicle

not paying attention

* (v) failure to focus on the road when driving; doing something else like talking, eating, putting on make up, texting, etc.

* (n) an automobile roof having a sliding or raisable panel

* (n) a brake operated by hand, which is often used when parking a car

* (n) a noise made by the driver of an automobile to give warning

gas pedal

* (n) a pedal that the driver pushes down in order to change gears on a manual car

* (n) the pedal that you push down with your foot to make a vehicle slow down or stop

* (n) a stick a driver uses in order to change gears on a car

* (n) a pedal that the driver pushes down in order to make a vehicle speed up

steering wheel

* (n) a blades that clean the front or back glass on a car

* (n) a car that has top that can be folded or removed

* (n) go to the store to by things

* (n) a control that is used for moving a car left and right

twin bed

* (n) a medium sized bed for one or more adult(s)

* (n) the volume of a living space

* (n) the smallest sized bed for an adult

* (n) a large sized bed for one or more adult(s)


* (n) paid child care

* (v) to help someone

* (n) comforts and conveniences

* (v) to remove used dinningware

take a message

* (v) to open sheets in perpetration for sleep

* (n) service that offers to wash clothes for customers

* (n) a room with a bed big enough for one person

* (v) to record information in order to pass it on to another person

bell service

* (n) a small fridge in a hotel room in which drinks are kept

* (n) hotel employee who provides information or anything else guests may require

* (n) a hotel employee carries customers' bags to their rooms (usually provided at a luxury hotel)

* (v) announce one's departure usually at hotels or airports

(v) act or move at high speed

* suite

* hurry

* hotel

* guest

skirt hangers

* (v) express the need or desire for

* (n) racks designed for small dresses

* (n) comforts and conveniences

* (n) paid child care

(n) business or service set up to trade foreign money for local currency

* take a message

* extra hangers

* concierge

* currency exchange

(n) the amount of money needed to purchase something

* price

* suite

* services

* service

(n) actions or activities that one person performs for another

* service

* suite

* price

* services

(v) announce one's arrival usually at hotels or airports

* check in

* location

* smoking

* check out


3. Complete with a verb in the PRESENT PERFECT: Do not use short forms.


a. I ………a letter to that company today.

b. ………..the Alhambra? No, I have never visited it, but I'd really like to do so.

c. Peter …………. me for a ride in his new motorbike. It's been great!

d. I……………. off my bike.

e. Jane …………… a lot of famous people because of her new job.

f. We …………… to Paris twice. We were there in 2009 and in 2011.

g. Mary ……………… in Dublin . She's lived in Galway.

h. ………………. for the mathematics test? No, I haven't

i. David ……………a cold. He hasn't felt well this week.

j. The children …………….. their beds this morning.

plete the sentences using some or any.

I can’t pay. I haven’t got ……… money.

Have you got …………. brothers or sisters?

There are ………….. beautiful flowers in the garden.

“Would you like……….. tea?” “Yes please.”

Do you know…………. good hotels in London?

We haven’t got bread, so I am going to buy………………… .

I went out to buy ………………….milk but they didn’t have in the shop.

Complete with the correct form of the verb.

1. Mary …………….. (take) a shower when his husband (arrive).

2. Mark …………………. (call) my name while I (talk) on the phone, so I (not hear) him.

3. Lucy ……………(study) when suddenly her brother (start) to cry.

4. While she………………….(cook), her child (go) outside!

5. I …………….. (not know) that they (play) basketball all morning, I (be) so worried.

6. Why ……… you …………..(interrupt) me while I (explain)? Now, everybody is confused!

7. Kate………… (laugh) all evening because Sam (tell) her a very funny joke.

8. Michael ………..(swim) when his mother (come) to tell him the good news.

B -Insert a suitable modal verb.

1-Jack …………….. come to our wedding, but we aren't sure.

2- I buy the tickets for the concert? I ……………… see you're too busy.

3-We …………… pay the fees at the fixed time.

4-You ……………..clean your room more often.

5-If it rains on Saturday, we …………. go to the beach.

6- you……… speak German? No, I …………...

7-Jane …………not play the violin when she was five, but now she play it very well.

8-You ……… not be so nervous. I think it ……….. be very easy.

H.Read the text and check true or false.(2 points)

Today I want to give you some travelling tips.My first piece of advice is to work hard on your research befor you go if you want to make your trip enjoyable and rewarding.I plan my trips very carefully at least three month before I leave,reading about the places I’m going to visit on the Internet and in books.I had a very remarkable trip toMorocco.This city is an absolutely amazing place to visit and well worth adding to your itinerary.Try to stay near the old part of the city.There are many historical buildings and so much to see.The mosques in particular are very beautiful.Then I went to Turkey.It was well worth the trip if you like local crafts.After that I went to India.It is a fascinating country.If you are interested in wildlife,I recommend travelling in the remote areas of this country.You can see lots of amazing animals like colorful birds and poisonous spiders.

1.The writer suggests to plan your trip in advance. can find beautiful hand crafts in Morocco.

3.It’s better to stay in new part of India.

4.There are many interesting places in old part of Morocco.

5.The mosques in Turkey are great.

6.India is great place to see wonderful animals.



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