
|Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks Collection Rubric |

| |Exceeds |Meets Expectations|Needs Improvement / |Needs Improvement /|Needs Improvement / |Inadequate / No Attempt |

| |Expectations / |/ High Quality |Minor Errors (3 pts)|Major Errors |Extensive Major Errors |(0 pts) |

| |Exemplary (5 pts)|(4 pts) | |(2 pts) |(1 pt) | |

|3. Tasks: |Exemplary |High quality |Minor errors in |Major errors |Major errors in | |

|Learning Goals |identification of|identification of |identifying relevant|identifying |identifying relevant |No attempt to identify relevant learning |

|(1, 5%) |relevant |relevant |conceptual task |relevant conceptual|learning goals for each|goals for each task. |

| |conceptual task |conceptual task |learning goals |task learning goals|task. | |

| |learning goals |learning goals |emphasized in |emphasized in | | |

| |emphasized in |emphasized in |course. |course. | | |

|4. Tasks: |course. |course. | | | | |

|Mathematical | | | | | |No attempt to summarize the mathematical |

|Features (1, 5%) |Exemplary summary| |Minor errors in |Major errors in |Major errors in the |features of the tasks. |

| |of the |High quality |summarizing the |summarizing the |mathematics of the | |

|. |mathematical |summary of the |mathematical |mathematical |tasks. | |

| |features of the |mathematical |features of the |features of the | | |

| |tasks. |features of the |tasks. |tasks. | | |

| | |tasks. | | | | |

|5. Tasks: |Exemplary |High quality |Minor errors in |Major errors in |Major errors in |No attempt to identify the level of |

|Cognitive Demand |identification of|identification of |identifying the |identifying the |identifying levels of |cognitive demand of each task. |

|(2, 10%) |the level of |the level of |level of cognitive |level of cognitive |cognitive demand. | |

| |cognitive demand |cognitive demand |demand of each task.|demand of each | | |

| |of each task. |of each task. | |task. | | |

| | | | | | | |

|6. Tasks: |Exemplary |High quality |Minor errors in |Major errors in |Major errors in |No attempt to provide evidence for the |

|Rationale for |evidence-based |evidence-based |identifying task |identifying task |evidence for the |specified level of cognitive demand. |

|Cognitive Demand |rationale for the|rationale for the |features as evidence|features as |specified level of | |

|(2, 10%) |specified level |specified level of|for the specified |evidence for the |cognitive demand. | |

| |of cognitive |cognitive demand. |level of cognitive |specified level of | | |

| |demand. | |demand. |cognitive demand. | | |

|7. Tasks: | | | | | | |

|Solutions (3, | | | | | | |

|15%) |Exemplary |Exemplary |Minor errors in |Major errors in | |No attempt to provide worked-out solutions |

|Show all your |worked-out |worked-out |worked-out solutions|worked-out |Major errors in |and explanations of thinking for each task.|

|steps toward a |solutions and |solutions and |or explanations of |solutions or |worked-out solutions or| |

|full solution. |explanations of |explanations of |thinking for all |explanations of |explanations of | |

| |thinking for all |thinking for all |tasks. |thinking for some |thinking for many | |

| |tasks. |tasks. | |tasks. |tasks. | |

|Overall Rating |Exceeds |Meets Expectations|Needs Improvement / |Needs Improvement /|Needs Improvement / |Inadequate / No Attempt |

| |Expectations / |/ High Quality |Minor Errors |Major Errors |Extensive Major Errors | |

| |Exemplary | | | | | |

Name _____________________


NOTE: Include GSE or CCSSM standards to establish accessibility of tasks for students.

NOTE: Break down what are essential skills/understandings for successful completion of your problem/task.

NOTE: These tasks must be cognitively high-level problems: doing math or procedures with connections.

NOTE: Use guideline language from Stein et al. (2009) to differentiate between Procedures with connections to specific math content/meaning and Doing mathematics.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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