The Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA organization has been established to ensure that student athletes in the community are provided the highest quality of basketball competition ensuring that they can compete at the AAU/YBOA and High School levels. This will be accomplished by maintaining the highest level of commitment, training, and competition for the athletes. The attitude of the Warrenton Wizards coaches and athletes shall foster a spirit of understanding, mutual respect, and cooperation between coaches, athletes, and families. The Warrenton Wizards mission is to provide constructive and adequate training which will allow student athletes to become productive in the community by instilling self respect, self esteem, self discipline, toleration of others, the desire for self improvement, and compliance with rules.


One of the basic beliefs that the Director has stressed for the Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA basketball program is that every effort is made to insure that no student-athlete is unable to participate because of economic hardship.  The Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA basketball program shall provide fundamental skill development instruction for young student-athletes in our community (boys & girls) who have a desire to compete at a high level of AAU/YBOA basketball competition.  The Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA basketball programs and the coaching staff are committed to providing an opportunity for players to expand both their knowledge…and their love…for the game of basketball…in an environment that teaches respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, commitment and hard work.  The goal is to strive for excellence…both on and off the court. In keeping with this concept there are guidelines set for coaches, players and parents. The following rules are the team rules for the parents and player to sign and turn into the coach. All forms must be turned into the coach by the second practice.


Each coach is expected to make a commitment to the Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA organization and teams. These commitments include:

• Being available for all practices

• Showing respect for players, officials and other coaches at all times

• Modeling integrity, sportsmanship and fair play

• Establishing player safety and welfare as the highest priority

• Using discretion when providing constructive criticism and reprimanding players

• Refraining from the use of alcohol and tobacco products in the presence of players at all times

• Emphasizing academics as the priority for student athletes

• Communicating with parents regarding the following:

1. Coaching Philosophy

2. Player Expectations and rules

3. Parent Expectations

4. Locations and times of all practices and tournament game schedules

5. Team requirements

6. Injury incidents occurring during practices and tournament games

7. Disciplinary actions resulting in denied participation of a player

8. Practice and tournament game participation

• Setting expectations and requiring all players to abide by the team rules


Disruptive and disrespectful behavior will NOT be tolerated at any times. Any athlete that becomes a negative influence on the team through their behavior will be dealt with in the following manner:

1. All players will conduct themselves in a sportsmanship like manner on and off the court as part of the AAU/YBOA creed.

2. All players will respect their fellow teammates, coaches, opposing teams, referees, and the opposing team’s gymnasium.

3. No Player will ever back talk their coach or the opposite teams coach.

4. All players will shake the opposing teams hand in victory or defeat.

5. After each game and practice each player is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and their teammates.

6. All players are expected to be on time for practice and games.

7. The teams’ success depends on the commitment of each player. You must inform your coach in advance (5 day minimum) of your intent to miss practice. Two (2) infractions on this rule will result in your being cut from the team. The Warrenton Wizards knows emergencies occur and they will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

8. Each player will be accountable for their actions at all times. Players are to be focused on drills, plays, and the coach’s instructions. Players who fail to maintain focus by talking, dancing, and horse play will face disciplinary action deemed appropriate by the coaching staff.

9. While at practice, sitting will not be permitted unless a player is injured or the coaching staff has instructed the player to do so.

10. When traveling, the team will have a set curfew to ensure that each player gets enough rest for the next day’s games.

11. When traveling and the parent’s are unable to attend a tournament each family will be responsible for paying half of the hotel room cost for their player and for their player to have some spending money.

12. Each player will be required to turn in a copy of his or her report card to the coaching staff. If school grades are not maintained the player will be denied the privilege of participation on the team until their academics have been improved. (A minimum grade average shall be “C”)

Verbal warnings will be given to athletes asking for improvements in their behavior. No explanations are necessary. Discussions about the incident are most appropriately addressed one-on-one with the coaching staff after practice or tournament.

Athletes will be given a separate activity (like extra conditioning) for inappropriate behavior. Athletes will not be allowed to re-enter the original activity until approval by the coaching staff.

Conferences will be held with the athlete, coaching staff, parents, and others as needed to evaluate problems as well as the athlete's future role with the team.

13. Athletes can be suspended from the team for an indefinite period of time for inappropriate behavior. Length of suspension will be at the coach's discretion. *** Each incident will be handled on an individual basis and will not be subject to public discussion! ***


Parent support is essential to the success of Warrenton Wizards basketball organization. Parents are expected to support not only their child but also other team members and team coaches. Some of the ways that parents are expected to achieve this is as follows:

• Treat all coaches, players and officials with respect at all times

• Ensure that their player abides by the Warrenton Wizards team rules

• Take the opportunity to participate in the team activities

• Avoid public display of criticism toward players, coaches and officials

• Provide time for post-game team meetings and discussions

• Provide suitable arrangements for transportation of their player to all practices and tournaments

• Provide suitable arrangements for lodging and meals for any out-of-town tournaments

• Support coaching decisions and direction

• Communicate with coaches regarding the following:

1. Physical issues that will affect player abilities

2. Ways to help their player improve

3. Schedule conflicts

• Respect the discretion of the coaches and refrain from discussion regarding the following:

1. Playing time

2. Team strategy

3. Play calling

4. Other athletes


Parents are encouraged to actively participate with the Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA teams. Some of the opportunities for contribution are listed below. Please contact your teams head coach if you would like to contribute in one of the following capacities.

Travel Manager: We will schedule some tournaments that will be considered “Overnight” tournaments. These tournaments will be two day tournaments, held at locations some distance from Fauquier County. For these tournaments, we will need a parent willing to make group hotel reservations, group dinner reservations and plans for any other activities.

Statisticians: During each game, each participating team is required to provide either a stats keeper or timekeeper.

Team Nurse: Although our goal is to promote the safety and well-being of our players at all times, there is a risk of injury in any sport. We would prefer to have an adult with experience available to triage any of our players immediately following an incident.

Fund Raising Committee: Without fundraising and the support of our sponsors the cost of participation for our teams would be prohibitive. In an effort to maintain or even reduce costs to our team families, we need creative people to take on the role of carrying out current fund-raising plans and coming up with new ideas for obtaining funds for the team.



1. Water or sports drinks (GYM PERMITTED)

2. Small towel/washcloth (if desired) for drying off

3. Label all appropriate equipment & bags with name of player

4. Be mentally and physically prepared to contribute at your own highest level of ability

5. If running late do warm-up and stretches beforehand



1. Players must wear the team uniform for games.

2. Remove all jewelry, watches, earrings, chains.

3. Bring water jug and equipment bag (see above).

4. Parents are asked to assist with between the game snacks.

• Suggested snacks are fruits (such as grapes, bananas and orange slices), and snack bars.


1. Please pick up players promptly. Coaches must stay at courts until all players are picked up.

2. Please advise coaches of any carpool arrangements, so that we can contact the appropriate person if problems arise during practice.

3. If weather conditions are questionable for practice, please call coaches cell phone number or check the website for weather bulletins.


I am making the following commitment to my coach and to my other team-mates as a part of my participation on the Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA basketball organization.

1. I have read the Team Rules, and I will do my best to follow them.

2. I will work hard at practice, and to follow the instructions of my coaches.

3. I will notify my coach (5 day minimum) of my intent to miss practice or a game. Two (2) infraction rule applies.

4. I will call my coach promptly with questions or problems relating to the team.

5. Failure to follow Team Rules, and abide by the Player Agreement, may result in appropriate discipline (including reduced playing time).

6. In the unlikely event of uncorrected problems a player may be cut from the team. Any fees paid to the Warrenton Wizards AAU/YBOA organization will NOT be refunded.

Parent or Guardians signature:_________________________________________

Players signature:___________________________________________________


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