
California Health Care, Public Health, and Social Services ExpendituresComparison to Other StatesPublic HealthCalifornia ranked 40 out of 50 states in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) per capita funding in 2015 at $19.39 per capita or a total of $759,094,480 compared to the U.S. total per capita funding of $21.31 and total of $6,849,551,642. For comparison, the highest-ranking states were: Alaska at $53.06 per capita ($39,177,518 total), Vermont at $40.47 per capita ($25,338,949 total), and Rhode Island at $39.22 per capita ($41,430,834 total). NOTEREF _Ref512007592 \f 1 California came in among the states to receive the lowest funding, per capita, from the CDC Prevention and Public Health Fund in 2015. NOTEREF _Ref512007592 \f 1 California was in the lowest quartile of states, receiving $1.08 per capita in funding in comparison to the highest quartile of states that received over $5.01 per capita funding. NOTEREF _Ref512007592 \f 1California ranked 29 out of 50 states in Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) per capita funding in 2015 at $26.79 per capita or a total of $1,048,556,760, compared to the U.S. total per capita funding of $27.03 and total of $8,687,179,089. NOTEREF _Ref512007592 \f 1 Key program areas included in the HRSA grant awards to California are: Primary Health Care ($591,614,266 total awarded to CA, the highest of all states with Texas and New York receiving the next highest awards at $256,2000,272 and $245,559,509 respectively); Maternal and Child Health (with California receiving the highest total award amount at $79,083,906 with New York and Texas receiving the second and third highest allocation at $68,556,605 and $62,526,290); HIV/AIDS (with California receiving the second highest overall funding at $283,785,337, behind New York at $327,276,875 and ahead of Florida at $226,080,901); and Health Professions. NOTEREF _Ref512007592 \f 1 HRSA grants to California for health professions totaled $85,482,904 in 2015 out of the U.S. total of $1,140,028,573. NOTEREF _Ref512007592 \f 1 In comparison, Michigan received the highest total funding for Health Professions at $226,823,153.California ranked 10 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia in state public health budget per capita at $56.20 in fiscal year 2014-2015, above the median of $35.77.1 Social ServicesCalifornia is in the highest quartile of state and local public welfare per capita spending for fiscal year 2015 at over $2,000. Other states in the highest quartile of per capita spending included New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Total per capita expenditure in California was $10,586 compared to $8,856 for the U.S. and $19,965 for Alaska, the highest spending state. Per capita expenditures included:$1,856 on elementary and secondary education in CA compared $1,904 for the U.S. NOTEREF _Ref512009800 \f 3$954 on higher education in CA compared to $854 for the U.S. NOTEREF _Ref512009800 \f 3$2,637 on public welfare in CA compared to $1,900 for the U.S. NOTEREF _Ref512009800 \f 3$1,124 for health and hospitals in CA compared to $825 for the U.S. NOTEREF _Ref512009800 \f 3$426 for police in CA compared to $328 for the U.S. NOTEREF _Ref512009800 \f 3Total public assistance expenditures in California were $10,300 million in 2016, accounting for 4.1% of total expenditures compared to 1.4% for all states.Medicaid*California’s Medicaid fee to Medicare fee ratio is 0.52 for all services compared to the U.S. ratio of 0.72. For primary care physicians, the ratio of California’s Medicaid fees to Medicare fees is 0.41 compared to 0.66 for the U.S. NOTEREF _Ref512010887 \f 5For primary care physicians, the ratio of California’s Medicaid fees to the national average is 0.66. NOTEREF _Ref512010887 \f 5*Note that these are fee-for-service fees, not capitation rates paid that Medicaid managed care plans pay to medical groups. This is a limitation of these data for California as the majority of Medicaid beneficiaries in California are enrolled in managed care plans. ................

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