C-FAR BOOKLIST(August, 2012)Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform? P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3.Ph: (905) 274- 566-4455: FAX (905) 566-4820? G.S.T. Reg #R100977222CANADIAN ISSUES SERIES - Published by C-FAR?? I In the Cause of the West: Thoughts on the Past, PrPesent and Future of a Threatened Civilization by KKenneth Hilborn. Hard hitting. His best! NEW. $7.00?Nightmares and a Dream: A Story of Future Threats to Western Liberty & How Liberty Might Win by Kenneth H.W. Hilborn, D.Phil. A powerful and imaginative new work on the mortal threats to our civilization & how we might meet them. $7.00?Fighting Bad Ideas: Fools, Fanatics, Conspirators & Spies by Kenneth H.W. Hilborn, D.Phil. Personal experiences confronting socialists, fanatics and censors on campus over four decades. $7.00?Harry Stevens: Immigration Reformer, Reconstructionist, Canada Firster? by Robert Jarvis. Fascinating story of an unsung Canadian MP and populist hero??? $6.00.?? ?The Quest for "Equality": From Robespierre to Rae and Beyond - How an? Unattainable Ideal Has Threatened Freedom by Prof. Kenneth H. Hilborn. ? How fanatics try to remake human nature, from the guillotine to employment???equity.$6.00?? ?The Cult of the Victim: Leftist Ideology in the 90s by Kenneth H. W.? Hilborn. How various groups use "victimhood" to extort advantage and? preference. $5.00.?? ?Immigration: Parliament Versus the People by Doug Collins, revised and updated. The West Coast scourge of pompous politicians shows how Canada's? immigration policy threatens our heritage and flies in the face of the will of??? the majority of Canadians. $3.00 BANNED by Customs?Liberty Under Attack: Crimes, Follies & Lunacies That Threaten Our Freedoms by Kenneth H.W. Hilborn. The attack on free speech in Canada today. . $6.00?? ?Immigration: Where Canada's Forefathers Stood by Alex Greer, B.A.?? Conclusively disproves the myth that Canada is a "multicultural" country.? Canada's founding peoples, regardless of their economic differences, saw this??? country as a European nation. A valuable antidote to multicultural propaganda.??? $4.00.?? ?The Sins of the "Liberal" Left: Myths, Misdeeds, and Misconceptions by Prof. Kenneth H. W. Hilborn. Theresblood on their hands as ideological bias??? has blinded liberals to tyrant after tyrant. A masterpiece .$6.00?? ?GOOD BOOKS?? White Apocalypse by Kyle Bristow. A novel about a conspiracy to suppress the knowledge what Whites arrived in North America 17,000 years ago and were genocided by late arrival Indians. Paperback. $20.00.?Helpless: Caledonia’s Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy and How the Law Failed All of Us by Christie Blatchford. How the Ontario Provincial Police and gov’t abandoned Whites to Indian thugs. Hardcover. $33.00?New World Order Assassins, Politics by murder. Shocking, Paperback, Hardcover. $30.?Canada's Immigration Policy: The Need for Major Reform. by Martin Collacott. Former Canadian ambassador demonstrates the failures of our present immigration policy. Paperback. $7.00? ?Race, Genetics & Society: Scientific and Social Policy Implications of Racial Differences by Glayde Whitney Ph.D. Sensible politics must take account of racial differences. Paperback. $20.00Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive Until 2025” by Patrick J. Buchanan. Explores the destruction of White America. The book that got him fired from MSNBC, Paperback. $20Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State, 2011 by Herbert Grubel and Patrick Grady. The economics are in. This study finds recent immigration costs us $25-billion a year. Devastating. Soft cover. $10.00 The High Priests of War by Michael Collins Piper. How the neo-cons hijacked U.S. foreign policy for Israel. Paperback. $10.00Impeachment of Man by Savitri Devi.. A clarion call for a new social order based on eternal life-affirming truths. A classic. Paperback. $15.00Arminius: The Liberator – Great German hero. Courage, betrayal, love, honour. Beautiful illustrations. Great Christmas gift. $50.00.?Immigration and the Welfare State in Canada: Growing Conflicts, Constructive Solutions by Dr. Herbert Grubel. Fraser Institute. A devastating exposes of the current costs of immigration. NEW. $10.00?The WASP Question: An Essay on the Biocultural Evolution, Present Predicament and Future Prospects of the Invisible Race by Prof. Andrew Fraser. NEW. Powerful book on Anglo-Saxon identity and achievements. Paperback, $25.00Usury by Hilaire Belloc. Aclassic.??? Paperback. $5.00.The Effects of Mass Migration on Canadian Living Standards & Society, ed. Herbert Grubel. Devastating! Paperback. $20.00?Fire and Fury: The Allied Bombing of Germany, 1942-45? by Randall Hansen. The bombing not only failed to win the war; it probably prolonged it.” Hard cover.. $20.00.?? ?The Trail of the Fox: The Search for the True Field Marshall Rommel by David Irving. Paperback. $30.00?Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden by David Irving. The Allies’ war crime. Hardcover. $40.00?The Historical Atlas of the Celtic World by Dr. Ian Barnes. Beautitfully illustrated, Paperback. $25.00?The Damned: The Canadians at the Cattle of Hong Kong and the POW Experience, 1941-45. by Nathan N.? Grrenfield. Heartbreaking little known story of our heroes. Hardcover. $35?What is Truth: Homosexuality and the Christian Church by Ron Leitch, J.D. Former head of the Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada takes on the same-sex marriage issue. Paperback. $5.00?Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost the Empire and the West lost the World by Patrick J. Buchanan. The genocidal folly of two world wars. Who was to blame? $35.00The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail. ? New introduction and criticisms. A??? masterpiece. Predicted the Third world invasion of the West. Demonstrates the? pitiful weakness of the West in the face of a "peaceful" invasion. Prophetic.. Paperback.??? $16.00.?? ?They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of White in Early America by Michael A. Hoffman. Great antidote to White guilt. Paperback. $15.00 Race and the American Prospect: Essays on the Racial Realities by Samuel Francis. (his last book). Hardback $25.00? Paperback. $12.00? Germanic Mythology by Jakob Grimm. The beliefs, the characters, the??? philosophy of German folk culture. Paperback. $15.00. ?The Druids by Peter Beresford Ellis. Fascinating discussion and history of a key group in our cultural history. Paperback. $15.00??Immigration and the End of Self-Government by Louis Tuttle March. The dire consequences of the invasion of North America. Paperback. $6.00?The Nordic Face by J. W. Jamieson. Inspirational booklet about our?? northern European ancestors. $4.00Breach of Faith: The American Churches & the Immigration Crisis by James Russell, Ph.D. How the churches betray the Majority. Paperback. $20?The Truth About Immigration: Exposing the Economic and Humanitarian? Myths by Mike Taylor. "The best Canadian book on immigration in 20 years."??? P. Fromm. Softcover. $20.00 NEW?? ?Cross-Examination: Christianity on Trial by Malcolm Ross. A stirring? account with copious material from the transcripts. How the courts & a??? human rights tribunal persecuted a believing Christian. Paperback.??? $25.00. ? ?In Defence of Freedom:? Marc Lemire vs. Human Rights Enforcers by Marc Lemire. The story thus far of this brave man's battle against Richard Warman and the human rights Internet censors. $10?Hate Laws Debunked:? Exposing the Junk Science Behind Canada's"Hate"? Legislation? Marc Lemire Editor. Scientific testimony at the Lemire hearing exposes the bogus science the Supreme Court bought in 1990 to uphold "hate" legislation in Canada. $10??Ottawa: The Golden Years -- A Victorian Album by Ian Macdonald. Celebrates British, traditional Canada. Magnificent coffee table book and gift. Hardcover. Beautiful photos. $75.00Race, Evolution and Behavior by J. Philippe Rushton. Why are races??? different? How different are they? The book the censors want to stop. . Softcover. 63 illustrations. $30.00. Abridged edition $6.?? ?The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme – Inside the Rothschild Empire by Michael Collins Piper. Paperback. $25.00Heredity and Humanity: Race, Eugenics and Modern Science by? Dr. Roger? Pearson. Intellectual giants for 100 years favoured measures to improve??? Western man. Shows how disastrously wrong current social policy is. Paperback.??? $15.00 Banned by Customs. ?Life in the Third Reich: The Political Situation in the World at That Time and Today by Friedrich Kurreck. Paperback. $6.00?Who Were the Celts? Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Celts 1000BC to the Present by Kevin Duffy. Hardcover. $18.00The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in 20th Century Intellectual and Political Movements by Kevin MacDonald.? Dynamite. Paperback. $30.00.Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State, 2011 by Herbert Grubel and Patrick Grady, Devastating! The poorly screened immigration of the past 30 years costs us $25-billion a year! Paperback. NEW. $10.?? GREAT SPEAKERS -- AUDIO & CDSFraser Institute Study Sinks the Immigration Ship by Paul Fromm. Present cohort costs Canada $25-billion annually. Hamilton, July 23, 2011. $6.00The Rape of the Sudetenland: Eyewitness – Crimes Against German People, 1945 – Gretel Hines. Toronto, May 18, 2011. $6.00Who is Kennewick Man & Why Does He Matter by Stephen McNallen,?? Toronto, February 27, 1999. The talk the ARA terrorists tried to stop.??? $6.00?? The Canadian Human Rights Mafia vs Marc Lemire: Attacking the Internet -- Marc Lemire. Toronto,? Feb. 22,. 2006.. $6.00.?? ?I Wrote Letters to MPs & Ended Up In Jail by Brad Love (political prisoner). Toronto, July 22, 2004. $6.00Selling Justice: The Corruption of the Canadian Legal System? by David-Kevin Lindsay, legal representative. Toronto, July 11, 2005About My Film -- Turnspeak: Israel in Flagrante & My Visit to Ernst Zundel's Trial -- by Lady Michele Renouf. Vancouver. Nov. 18, 2005. $6.00?Who Invented “Political Correctness” & How We Can Use Pride & Facts to Defeat It – Paul Fromm. Ottawa, Jan. 15, 2010.. $6.00?The trials of a Canadian Anti-Zionist – Ian V. Macdonald. diplomat, author, airman, presented with CAF? free speech award. Toronto, Jan 13, 2010. $6.00Canada’s Failed Third World Immigration Policy by Paul Fromm. Edmonton, Dec. 14, 2009. $6.00. Internet Censorship: One Tentacle of the Monster has been Hacked Off: Victories and New Challenges in the Battle for Our Right to Speak – Paul Fromm, London, July 29, 2012. $6.00The Meaning & History of the Red Ensign, Canada's Real Flag by? James??? Alcock. Toronto. Feb. 17, 2001. $6.00.? ? ?Jailing Opinions by Lady Michele Renouf. Toronto, September 7, 2006. $6.00?Sam Francis “How Whites Respond to Racial Realism” (his last speech) & Paul Fromm “Free Speech in Peril in Canada”. AMREN Conference, 2004. DVD. $25America Under Attack: The Subversive Frankfurt School -- attack on the family, patriotism, DVD. $12.00?America Under Attack: The Subversive Frankfurt School -- attack on the family, patriotism,. From Marx to Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama. Speech by Paul Fromm,. London: January 21, 2007. $6.00. ?Rise to the Challenge: White Pride World Wide by Heritage Connections. Songs by? Charity & Shelby Pendergraft, Identity Christian singing sensations. CD. $20.00?The Forgotten Genocide – the Expulsion of Murder of the Danube Schwabians. DVD $30.00?Victories on the Free Speech Front: Censorship Beast Tranquilized but not yet Dead- Paul Fromm, Hamilton, July 17, 2010. $6.00?Recording the Stories of the German Expellees– Ann Morrison. Telling the stories of 16-million Germans ethnically cleansed after WW 11. Toronto, June 25, 2010. $6.00?Abuse BY Process: I Spoke My Mind on the Internet & Have Been Dragged Through SIX Years of Court & Tribunal Hearings, With No End in Sight by Terry Tremaine. Victoria, August 24, 2011. $6.00NEWSLETTERSCanadian Immigration Hotline (monthly). A well-documented commentary on??? Canadian immigration policies. Includes very popular "Crime Watch".??? $30.00.?? ??Free Speech Monitor (10 times a year). Published by the Canadian??? Association for Free Expression. This timely newsletter deals with threats to? freedom of expression in Canada, thought crime trials, the depredations of the??? politically correct, and the activities of minority censors. $15.00. ? Name:_____________________________Address:_______________________________________________________________Phone:_____________________________Books and Tapes _____ + _______ (postage)Add $7.00 for orders under $50.00; add $10.00 for orders over $50.00Here's my donation to help C-FARs work. $_______ (make cheques payable to?? C-FAR.)?? Total Enclosed $____________________?? Charge My VISA #____________________________?? Expiration date: _______ Signature____________________________ ................

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