Mr. Fitton's Website

Quarter 2 History 12 - 1919-1990 Mr. Fitton

(The Most Important Course of Your Life)

Introduction: History 12 is a survey of the historical events that shaped the 20th century and molded our current political, social, economic, and military era. Benefits for Students taking History 12 include: Increased literacy, improved study habits, the development of critical thinking skills important for making sound judgments, the development of research and essay writing skills and enhancement of potential for post-secondary academic and career success. Last, in increasing understanding of the past, History 12 provides a basis for students to increase their global awareness and subsequently to contribute constructively to the management of key issues in the future.

Skills and Processes. Students will develop the ability to:

* Identify and use approaches from the social sciences and humanities.

* Think critically. * Research from appropriate sources.

* Assess the reliability of evidence * Express appropriate responses to issues.

Learning Outcomes (Students will be able to:)

*Demonstrate an ability to analyze historical evidence; Assess reliability; Distinguish between primary and

Sources; Identify bias and point of view; Corroborate evidence.

*Demonstrate ability to research from print and online resources.

*Develop an ability to understand the significance of cause and effect relationships.

*Develop and present logical arguments stemming from a basis of learned facts.

*Evaluate the significance of economic, social, political, military, cultural & geographic influences on history.

*Draw conclusions about the influence of individuals and mass movements on historical developments.

*Apply knowledge of history to current issues. (ISIS, RUSSIAN AGGRESSION, MIDDLE EAST)

*Read a historical novel to compliment the history studied in class through literature analysis

Assessment and Evaluation

-Conducted on an ongoing basis.

-Criterion referenced (students know in advance how they will be marked)

-Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Analysis of Material, Essays, Seminars, Simulations.

Mark Breakdown

100% of the Term Mark will be based on Assignments, Tests and other assessments. There will be lots

of opportunity for choice in most assignments.

Materials – Bring to EVERY class: Binder with dividers; Paper; Pencil/ Pen; Textbook.

Label Dividers: *Handouts *Notes *Assignments

Textbooks/Resources ( 1. Dimarco 2. Howarth 3. In class materials (no textbooks to take home)

Late Policy –Students who fail to submit an assignment will be sent to homework room immediately at lunch to complete missing work. I abide by the school’s “No Zero Policy.” You will not receive credit for the course until all assigned work is submitted. Skipping to avoid handing in work will result in a meeting.

Attendance: Regular attendance is the most important predictor of success in this course. Arrive on time and prepared. Lates will result in making up lost time after class or at lunch. Chronic lates will result in meeting with admin & phone calls home. See my website at: for missed handouts, updates, etc.

History 12 Commitment: Students who take History 12 are in for a significant challenge. The volume of

material to be digested is substantial. Essential keys to success are 1) developing good study habits; 2) extensive reading and note-taking outside of class time; 3) completion of homework assignments based upon readings;

4) practice of written questions and essay development; 5) preparation for seminar discussions and student-led presentations; and 6) continual regular review of content. Indeed, a thorough commitment to the course is needed; however, given the fascinating content and knowledge gained, this obligation is worth it!


The following contain all course topics, we may choose to focus on some and not others.

Unit 1: HISTORIOGRAPHY: THE STUDY OF HISTORY (how is history created?)

Historiography is “The writing of history based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of particulars from authentic materials, and the synthesis of those particulars into a narrative that will stand the test of critical methods.” Basically, a systematic study in order to get close to the truth.


For study: Shaping forces of the 20th Century (the “isms”); Review of WW1, Treaty of Versailles, Russian Revolution.

Global Forces: pp. 1-33, 36, 9, 68-83 Twentieth Century Hist pp. 13, 31-34, 37-50, 54-60 World This Century pp. 27-66, 104-11

Unit 3: PROMISE AND COLLAPSE: 1919 – 1933

For study: Search for peace; Social History of the 20s; Causes and Effects of the Great Depression.

Global Forces: pp. 34-35, 37, 39-49, 51-55, 83-89 Twentieth Century pp. 51-53, 58-67, 71-72, 81-127, 139-146 World This Century pp. 67-103

Unit 4: TURMOIL AND TRAGEDY: 1933-1945

For study: Hitler’s Germany; Stalin and the USSR; Militarism and Imperialism in Japan; Spanish Civil War; Middle East and India; WWII (Battles, Concepts, Technology, Moral Issues)

Global Forces: pp. 59-67: 93-146 Twentieth Century History pp. 147-205 The World This Century pp. 121-153


For study: Origins of the Cold War; U.S. and U.S.S.R. Perspectives; Role of the UN; Communism in China; Korean War; De-Stalinization; Sino-Soviet Split; Nuclear Weapons and the Space Race; Hungarian and Czechoslovakian Revolutions; Cuban Missile Crisis; European Economic Community

Global Forces: pp. 164, 170-193, 231 Twentieth Century pp. 206-224, 231-234, 240-243, 258-276 World This Century pp. 154-178, 196-199, 213-214, 223-228

Unit 6: PROGRESS AND UNCERTAINTY: 1963-1991 (We Didn’t Start the Fire)

For study: Middle East, Israel, Gulf War; Decolonization in India; Vietnam; China’s Econ Revolution; Collapse of Cold War

Global Forces: pp. 98, 194-316, 147-149, 318-322 20th Century Hist pp. 217-230, 235-239, 244-257, 277-280, 288-308 World This Century pp. 179-195, 204-211, 214-223, 242-252, 236-241


“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” ~ G. Santayana

Congratulations, you are now a Historian and a genius!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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