
Name: ___________________________________Viewing Guide for Clash of the Gods: OdysseusDirections: Answer the following questions as you watch History Channel’s Clash of the Gods: Odysseus. The questions are in the order that they are answered in the show. Odysseus is on a mission to return home to his wife before she __________________________.Odysseus is the greatest mythical _____________ of all time.This show will tell the story of The _____________________ as it was originally told. Odysseus is not a ____________ with special super powers. He is just a regular man.According to custom, “He who wins the ________________ will win the crown,” so all of the men in Ithaca are trying to marry Odysseus’s wife, Penelope. For the ancient Greeks, stories like The Odyssey were a guidebook for living in a _______________ world.Early in the journey, whose son does Odysseus attack by stabbing him in the eye? ____________Circe invites Odysseus and his men into her palace to feast on food and ______________.What does Circe transform Odysseus’s men into? _____________________On his way to to confront Circe, Odysseus runs into __________________, who gives him a drug that will make him immune to Circe’s powers. Some believe that this drug inspired the phrase, “______________ Moley!” How long does Odysseus stay with Circe after she agrees not to turn him into a pig? __________Before Odysseus leaves, Circe warns him that he needs advice from a __________ prophet named Tiresias. In order to speak to Tiresias, Odysseus has to him seek out in the _______________________.Opposite of the view of the underworld as being a hot, fiery place, the ancient Greeks believed that it was dark and ____________, making it difficult to see.Tiresias’s advice to Odysseus is that he should not eat the _____________ belonging to the sun god Helios. Some scholars believe that Odysseus’s story is similar to stories in the ______________.The Sirens are creatures whose ____________ are so beautiful that they cause men to go off course and shipwreck.Odysseus had his men to put ____________________ in their ears so that they could steer the ship without hearing the Sirens.Odysseus had the men to ____________ him to the mast of the ship because he wanted to hear the Sirens’ song while they steered.After making it past the Sirens, Odysseus and his men must either sail among floating __________ that could damage his ship and cause it to sink or sail between Scylla and Charybdis.Scylla is a sea monster with _____________ heads.Charybdis is a ________________ that will suck a ship down into the sea. How many men did Scylla snatch from Odysseus’s ship? ______________Scholars believe that Scylla may have been based on sightings of giant ________________.After getting by Scylla and Charybdis, Odysseus agrees to stop for food and supplies. What does Odysseus recognize on the island that he had been warned not to eat? ____________________Disobeying orders, Odysseus’s crew butchers the cattle that belong to ______________.As a punishment for trespassing, Zeus sends a perfect _______________ that causes Odysseus to lose his ship and all of his men. (Odysseus survives because he did not eat the cattle.)Odysseus washes up on the island of _____________________.A nymph is a __________________ young girl with magical powers.Odysseus stays with Calypso for ____________ years.Calypso promises Odysseus ___________________ if he will stay with her instead of going home to Penelope. Odysseus must reject Calypso and leave in order to fulfill his ____________ as a man. How many suitors are living in Odysseus’s palace? _______________When he reaches Ithaca, he disguises himself as an old __________________ because he does not know if he will receive a warm welcome after being gone for twenty years. After resisting for many years, Penelope has given in to the suitors. She says that “whoever can string Odysseus’s bow and shoot an arrow through ______________ axes will win her hand in marriage.”Homer wrote that just before the contest the ____________ was blotted out of the sky, and some scientists believe that this could be a reference to a solar eclipse that happened in 1178 B.C.Still in disguise, Odysseus wins the contest; he also slaughters all of the _______________ because they do not acknowledge that he won fair and square.Odysseus passes Penelope’s test when she offers to have her bed moved outside, and he says that her bed can’t be moved because he built it around a _______________, and it is rooted into the ground.Odysseus’s name in Greek means “man of __________”Bonus: List 2 things Odysseus did that no other human has ever done and survived. Word Bank108beeswaxBeggarBibleBlindCalypsoCattle cattleDangerousFateFleshGodHeliosHermesHeroHolyImmortalitymanyMarries another manMistyOdysseyOne yearPainPigs or swinePoseidonPretty QueenrocksSevensixSongssquidStormSuitorsSuntieTreeTwelveUnderworld whirlpool ................

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