English III: British Literature

English III: British Literature

1984, by George Orwell

Part 1, Chapters 7-8 Comprehension Check

Chapter 7

1. Quote Winston’s thoughts on why the proles do not rebel against Ingsoc.

Winston says, ‘Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious” (70).

2. Tell how the Party views and treats the proles.

The Party views the proles as unintelligent beings who are left to take care of themselves. The proles are allowed to live with minimal government intervention. (71)

3. Describes how the Party uses history as propaganda.

The Party twists history so it fits the Party’s own purposes. By demonizing pre-Party life, the Party hopes to make itself look better. (72-73)

8. Assess how the Party manipulates history.

The Party has workers continually rewrite articles about history and destroy evidence that contradicts the Party’s official history. (79-80)

9. What is the Party’s essential command?

The Party commands citizens to reject the evidence they see and hear. (81)

10. Interpret Winston’s axiom, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”

This means that all freedom begins with the freedom to think independently about small and large matters and come to your own conclusions. (81)


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