

“Developing citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community”


CREDIT HOURS: 4 Elective credits for the entire year (must complete both semesters)

INSTRUCTOR’S NAME: Colonel Deon Ford, Master Sergeant Wendy Goetz


**No textbooks will be provided to students. All required text materials are located on the JHS AFJROTC website -

School-Issued IPad is required to be brought to class daily. Please ensure it is charged and ready for use at all times. Materials used will include:

**All materials will be accessed electronically on the JHS AFJROTC website, textbooks are not issued

- A Journey into Aviation History, 2007

- Leadership Education I: Traditions, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship 2015

- AF Manual 36-2203, Personnel Drill and Ceremonies, V-2627

- MN-941 Cadet Guide

Students are REQUIRED to wear the Air Force JROTC uniform (normally Thursday) and the issued fitness uniform (normally on Friday) weekly.

- Uniform wear requirements will be posted in the classroom every Monday


Monday/Tuesday - Aerospace Science lessons

Wednesday/Thursday - Leadership Education lessons

Friday - Wellness/Physical Fitness

(Subject to change to ensure proper 40/40/20 mix is achieved)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course consists of three components: Aerospace Science (40%), Leadership Education (40%), and Wellness/Physical Fitness (20%).

The Aerospace Science portion of this course is an aviation history course focusing on the development of flight throughout the centuries. It starts with ancient civilizations, then progresses through time to modern day. The emphasis is on civilian and military contributions to aviation; the development, modernization, and transformation of the Air Force; and a brief astronomical and space exploration history.

The Leadership Education portion of this course will introduce cadets to history, organization, mission, traditions, goals, and objectives of JROTC for all services. It introduces key military customs and courtesies, how to project a positive attitude, and exam the principles of ethical and moral behavior. It provides strategies for effective note taking and study skills for academic success. Lessons will cover how to be emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy. Avoiding and preventing violence in today’s society will also be covered. How to recognize types of bullying and how to advocate for prevention of this type of behavior. It will cover healthy living, physical fitness, and how to make safe, drug-free, and responsible decisions. This textbook will also examine the negative effects of air and water pollution, and how to help keep the environment safe. Cadets will be introduced to civics and our national government, including a historical understanding of the American flag and other important national symbols. The final chapter will also cover how the US Constitution protects

our rights and freedoms as American citizens.

The Wellness/Physical Fitness portion will incorporate an exercise program focused on individual base line improvements with the goal of achieving the Presidential Physical Fitness standard calculated with age and gender. The goal is to motivate JROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives.

Students WILL BE REQUIRED to wear the Air Force JROTC uniform weekly (Thursdays) and the issued PT uniform on Fridays. This is a large part of the Summative and Formative portions of the cadets’ AFJROTC quarterly grades.


A Journey into Aviation History:

1. Know the historical facts and impacts of the early attempts to fly.

2. Know the major historical contributors to the development of flight.

3. Know the contributions of the U.S. Air Force to modern aviation history.

4. Know the key events of space exploration history.

**Lessons Covered:

Semester 1: Chapter 1 Lessons 1-2, Chapter 2 Lessons 1-3, Chapter 3 Lessons 1-3

Semester 2: Chapter 4 Lessons 1-2, Chapter 5 Lessons 1-2, Chapter 6 Lessons 1-2

Leadership Education:

1. Analyze the heritage, organization, and tradition of service programs.

2. Analyze the benefits of positive personal behavior.

3. Evaluate healthy living through physical activity and good nutrition.

4. Apply safe, drug-free decisions.

5. Analyze the importance of citizenship in the United States.

**Lessons Covered:

Semester 1: Chapter 1 Lessons 1-6, Chapter 2 Lessons 3-5

Semester 2: Chapter 3 Lessons 1,3,5, Chapter 4 Lessons 2-3, Chapter 5 Lessons 1-5

Drill and Ceremonies:

1. Know the importance of drill and ceremonies.

2. Know basic commands and characteristics of the command voice.

3. Apply and execute the concepts and principles of basic drill positions and movements.

4. Know when and how to salute.

5. Apply the principles and procedures of drill movements used with smaller units to the movement of a squadron.

6. Know the function of the group and the wing.

7. Know how groups and wings are formed.

8. Know the purpose and definition of ceremonies and parades.

Wellness and Physical Fitness:

1. Motivate cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives.

2. Create an individualized training program based on national standards by age and gender.

3. Identify areas of improvements for each cadet.

4. Incorporate a physical training program to reach goals.


Grades will be determined according to the Johnson High School grading policy:

• Summative Assessments - 60%

o This includes wear of the uniform and exams

• Formative Assessments - 30%

o This includes participation in the wellness program, wear of fitness uniform, preparation points, weekly assignments and quizzes

• Participation - 10%

o Students who miss no more than 7 class sessions in a quarter will earn participation points amounting to 10% of their overall course grade total.


Grades will be computed in accordance with standard SPPS District grading policy.


A: 90 and above

B: 80 - 89

C: 70 - 79

D: 60 - 79

N: 59 and below

UNIFORM WEAR (Major Grade): Uniform wear is a large part of the Air Force JROTC program. ALL cadets are required to wear the appropriate uniform each Thursday, from the start of the school day until released. Make-up day for excused absences on uniform day is at discretion of SASI or ASI. There will be no uniform make-up for unexcused absences. Failing to wear the uniform all day will result in a “0” (zero) grade for that uniform day. Multiple failures to wear your uniform can lead to disenrollment from the course. Cadets are required to wear their issued Physical Fitness uniforms on Fridays unless otherwise directed. Failure to turn in uniforms by the end of the course/year will result in an overall “I” incomplete grade for the course and the Guidance Office will be notified. Additionally, the student will be placed on the “Obligations” list until the uniforms are returned.

EXAMS (Major Grade): Two types of major exams will be administered during the course: midterms and finals. Tests will be a comprehensive assessment of all material taught since the last test. These tests will cover the concepts taught in all portions (AS, LE, Wellness) of the AFJROTC curriculum.

CLASS ATTENDANCE, PREPARATION AND PARTICIPATION (Daily Grade): Today’s workforce does not earn a paycheck unless they show up ready for work. Cadets earn grades commensurate with their class participation and effort. Cadets who are not present or prepared cannot participate fully in class. This is especially key to drill and physical fitness. Class preparation includes bringing the school-issued IPad to class charged and ready for use, adherence to all school rules and coming to class on time daily.

CELL PHONE USE IS PROHIBITED: Cell phones will not be allowed to be used during class. They must be put away, stored in the cadet’s backpack for the duration of class. Cell phones will be confiscated and returned at the end of class if they are not stored properly.

QUIZZES (Daily Grade): Quizzes will be administered throughout the course. Quizzes will cover all material taught since the last quiz or test.

HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK (Daily Grade): Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period, unless otherwise directed or the cadet has an excused absence that day. For excused absences, the assignment will be due on the next class day that the cadet is present. Assignments not turned in on the due date because of an unexcused absence will receive a “0” (zero) grade for that assignment.

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Cadets will have multiple opportunities to perform Air Force JROTC sponsored community service during each semester both in and away from school. Community service will count as part of their participation grade.

CURRICULUM IN ACTION TRIPS (CIA)/FIELD TRIPS: Throughout the semester, the cadets will have opportunities to participate in school-sponsored activities that serve as an extension of the AFJROTC curriculum. Field trips are a privilege, not a right. Cadets must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to participate.

CLASS BEHAVIOR: The nature of the AFJROTC mission, as well as its high visibility within the school and community, requires it members to adhere to higher standards than might be found among the student population. Inappropriate behavior, in or out of uniform, is prohibited while participating in AFJROTC. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, stealing, consuming alcohol, drug abuse, tobacco use, horseplay, fighting, disparaging remarks, disrespect, verbal threats and physical attacks.


1. Follow the chain of command if you need assistance.

2. Always use the titles sir/ma’am when addressing AFJROTC staff and senior Cadet Officers.

3. Be on time. Don’t be late to class, scheduled events, practices, etc.

4. Always bring your required items to class (IPad, notebook, pen/pencil, textbook, etc).

5. Wear the correct uniform on the appropriate day.

6. Place personal belongings in the designated area.

7. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged; do not talk without permission.

8. Listen respectfully and attentively to the speaker/presenter or fellow cadets when they are speaking.

9. Treat others with mutual respect. Profanity, vulgar language, racial or ethnic slurs, derogatory comments, sexual harassment, or harassment of any fellow cadet or student will not be tolerated.

10. Remain in your seat unless given permission to move about the room.

11. Remain professional; do not sit on desks, tables, trash cans, etc.

12. Always use the trash can to dispose of trash. If you see trash on the floor, clean it up.

13. Maintain self-control and your self-respect at all times.


1. Enter the classroom and proceed directly to your desk.

2. Place books and backpacks in the designated area.

3. The flight commander/flight sergeant will prepare class for lesson.

4. The SASI/ASI will take roll then begin the lesson.

5. Approximately two minutes before the class dismissal bell rings, the Flight Commander will prepare the class for dismissal. Cadets will stop class work and put books and classroom materials away then clean up their desks, pick up any trash in the immediate vicinity of their desks, align their desks with others in their element, and prepare wait for bell to ring.

6. The Flight Commander/Sergeant will check that all trash is picked up and the desks are aligned. The SASI/ASI will “DISMISS” the flight. Cadets may then retrieve their personal belongings and depart the classroom.


If you have any questions or concerns or if at any time you feel like you need extra help please feel free to visit with one of the instructors. We want you to be successful in Air Force Junior ROTC as well as here at Johnson High School. We encourage parent involvement and feedback. Parents may reach us by phone at (651) 744-3606 or via email (see JHS website).


I have read the Air Force JROTC course syllabus and understand and agree to the expectations.

_________________ CIF #_____________________


_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Student Printed Name Student Signature

_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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