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Texas History - Spring Final Exam Review 2016Texas Revolution1. List the parts of the Treaties of Velasco both public & secret?2. Why the Battle of Gonzales is often called the “Lexington of Texas”?3. The Runaway Scrape was the -4. What were the leaders of Texas doing at the same time of the Battle of the Alamo?5. List the main reasons for Texas to separate from Mexico?6. Why did Houston want the Convention of 1836 to focus on forming a government?7. What impact did the massacre at Goliad have on Texas?8. List the significant events in 1836.9. The Battle of San Jacinto is significant because -10. What did Santa Anna do with his army the day of the battle before Houston attacked?11. The phrase “Come and Take It” reflects the Texans’ attitude-???????12. What did Travis mean when he wrote “VICTORY OR DEATH?”???????13. Compare the goals of both the American and Texas revolutions.14. Contrast the ways that the Texas Revolution differed from the American Revolution.Republic of TexasList in order the presidents of the Republic of Texas.16. List the things that Sam Houston was known for.???????????????????????????????????????????????????What was Lamar’s focus as president of the Republic of Texas?What did Lamar do to end the threats posed by Native Americans and Mexico?What major policies of Sam Houston did Mirabeau Lamar oppose?What are the reasons that Lamar wanted to annex Santa Fe?Why would the location of Austin draw criticism from Texans?What was Anson Jones goal as president of the republic?What were the reasons that the U.S. Senate opposed the annexation treaty of 1844?When did the U.S. annex Texas?Early Statehood26. List the parts of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo from the Mexican War.Between which rivers did both Mexico and the United States claim before the Mexican War?If Texans had been allowed to retain all the territory it originally had claimed, which city would have been part of Texas?What key political issue was raised due to new U.S. territory gained as a result of the war with Mexico?List the parts of the Compromise of 1850.List the early governors & their major achievements.Immigration & MigrationWhy did some eastern European immigrants come to Texas in the 1840s and 1850s?33. This present-day Oktoberfest celebration in Fredericksburg, Texas is evidence of the influence of ______________ settlement during the 1800s.The Irish leaving Ireland due to the Potato Famine is an example of what?A Pull Factor or Push factorWhat was the main reason there was immigration to Texas during the mid-1800s?Civil War & Reconstruction36. Sam Houston gave up his position as the Governor of Texas because -37. What were the goals of?the Freedmen’s Bureau?38. At the start of the Civil War, the decision as to whether or not Texas would secede from the Union was determined by who & what?39. Before the Civil War, southern states objected to high tariffs because the tariffs led to what?40. List the 4 main causes of the Civil War.41. Juneteenth is a celebration celebrating which event?42. Why did Texas joined the Confederacy?43. What event led many Southern states to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy?44. What contributed to sectionalism between the North and South?45. Laws passed in the Southern states during Reconstruction that severely limited the rights of freed slaves were called what?46. Who was the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War?47. President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declared what?48.What were the advantages for the North before the Civil War?49. What effect did the Union blockade have on Texas industry during the Civil War?50. Why was the Confederate recapture of Galveston during the Civil War important to the Texas economy?51. General Magruder was able to protect the Confederate ships during the Battle of Galveston using what?52. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution does what?53. Why was the Battle of Palmito Ranch fought after the Confederacy surrendered?Government & Citizenship54. What are the responsibilities of Texas citizens?55. Give 1 example for each branch of a check & balance on it.56. The national and state governments sharing power reflects the constitutional principle of what?57. The U.S. and Texas Constitutions maintain a republicanism system of government through the —58. Popular sovereignty is the belief that the people —59. If a person believes his trial was not held in a fair manner, the case may eventually be reviewed by the –60. List the main rights of the Bill of Rights.61. Who is in charge of the Executive Branch in a State government?62. The first ten Amendments in the US Constitution are called63. List the similarities between the US Constitution and the Texas Constitution. 64. Which official is the top law enforcement officer in a county?65. Give an example of the legislature's power over the executive branch.66. How many Constitutions has Texas had?67. Texas has a(n)-limited government or unlimited government68. How many members sit in the Texas State House and State Senate?69. The governor's power to reject some parts of a budget bill and accept others is called the -70. Compare the Texas Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights the Texas Bill of Rights.71. The current Texas Constitution was written in which year?72. Which kind of law involves property rights, family matters or personal injuries?73. What are the goals of the Preamble to the US Constitution?74. Cities in Texas are led by a -75. What are the 3 branches of government?77. List the civic responsibilities of a citizen of the U.S.Farming, Ranching & Frontier79. What were the benefits to the expansion of railroads changed Texa?80. The cowboy tradition, tools, and even clothing originated with the –81. What problems of the 1880's and 1890's caused many Texas farmers to lose their farms?82. What were the reasons that cotton became the major crop of Texas in the late 1800's?83. How did barbed wire impact the cattle industry?84. Why did the U.S. government support the slaughter of buffalo?85. True or False Many cowboys were Mexican American or African American.86. Why did the practice of cattle drives begin in Texas?87. Describe Texas longhorn cattle.88. How did railroad monopolies hurt farmers?89. Who were the Buffalo Soldiers?90. What happened after the Big Die-Up?91. Why did Quanah Parker’s and Lone Wolf’s followers refuse to move onto reservations? Modern Texas92. How did the discovery of the oil at Spindletop in 1901 impact economic growth in Texas?93. Put these eras in sequence:Oil Industry, Civil War, Republic of Texas, Reconstruction94. How did the growth of the oil industry in the 1900s impact Texas?95. Houston became an important shipping center due to the construction of what?96. ?List all of the major results of the Galveston Hurricane of 1900>97. What new form of government was used to organize the reconstruction of Galveston after 1900?98. What town grew rapidly as a result of the gusher at Spindletop?99. What are the disadvantages of oil-related industries in Texas? ................

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