Hy bro,

Popularizing Historical Knowledge: Practice, Prospects, and Perils

Columbia, SC, Thursday, May 31st - Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Presentation Title: A Brazilian Model of Scientific Spreading

Presenter: Luciano Figueiredo

Career highlights:

Editor in chief – Our History Magazine (Revista Nossa Historia), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003 – 2005)

Editor in chief - National Library History Magazine (Revista de Historia da Biblioteca Nacional), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2005- 2012)

Associate Professor at Federal Fluminense University (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Curator of the first Brazilian History Festival (FHIST), Minas Gerais, Brazil (2011)


About 10 years ago, Brazil witnessed a cultural phenomenon when five new monthly magazines disseminating the rich Brazilian history appeared nationally when previously there was none.

In this presentation we follow the journey of one of those national magazines’ editor who created the magazine and pioneered the model for popularizing Brazilian history.

One of the first national magazines publishing Brazilian history was the monthly magazine Our History (Nossa História) which started in 2003 and ended in 2005. Most of the staff, including the editor in chief, migrated to the newly created National Library History Magazine (Revista de Historia da Biblioteca Nacional - RHBN) also based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Since its inception, RHBN was closely associated with the National Library (Biblioteca Nacional) with its rich collection of rare books and manuscripts from the Royal Portuguese Library (Biblioteca Real de Portugal) and established in Rio de Janeiro since 1808. That institution enriched the magazine’s publication material with its iconography, assets, document preservation and cultural activities.

The contributors are usually scholars from various Brazilian universities and research centers. The magazine is produced under the supervision of an Editorial Board which participates in each of the editorial steps to ensure the quality and plain English contents of the final product can attract and be understood by the reader.

Popular magazines and newspapers are mainly sold at unique newsstands usually set up at street corners throughout Brazil. Due to the understandable gap between the rich academic material and the audience (the common reader), the magazine adopted a unique and pioneer editing method where journalists and academics work together to review and publish the articles.

This new exchange of History information created a double effect where the average reader started to enjoy and understand the articles prepared by cutting edge history researchers while the scholars preparing those articles enjoyed, maybe for the first time, reaching a wider audience.

This new access, and more importantly understanding of this previously inaccessible information, created an exponential popularization of Humanities previously stagnant in Brazil.

No one expected that, from its humble beginnings and fierce competition, the RHBN would become in just 5 years, the leader in the field and one of the largest history magazines in the world with over 160.000 monthly circulation reaching not all the street newsstands but all the public schools in Brazil.


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