HIST 4291 U

HIST 3080 20th Century Presidential Elections

Constitutional Convention

Electoral College


Nominating Conventions

Presidential Preferential Primaries

Presidential Succession Act of 1792

Presidential Succession Act of 1886


Election of 1896

McKinley (R) 271 7,035,-

Bryan (D) 176 6,467,-

Mark Hanna

“Cross of Gold” Speech

Populist Party

Political buttons

Dingley Tariff (1897)

Spanish-American War/Imperialism

Election of 1898

Theodore Roosevelt

Gold Standard Act (1900)

Election of 1900

McKinley (R) 292 7,219,-

Bryan (D) 155 6,358,-

Debs (S) 86,-

Leon Czolgosz

Theodore Roosevelt

Square Deal

“Trust Busting”

“Rule of Reason”

Coal Strike of 1902

Panama Canal

Booker T. Washington

Election of 1904

Roosevelt (R) 336 7,628,-

Parker (D) 140 5,084,-

Debs (S) 402,-


Meat Inspection Act/Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)

Hepburn Act (1906)


Gifford Pinchot

“Big Stick”

Roosevelt Corollary (1904)

Treaty of Portsmouth (1905)

Great White Fleet

Election of 1908

Taft (R) 321 7,679,-

Bryan (D) 162 6,409,-

Debs (S) 420,-

Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909)

Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy

Progressives/Old Guard

Election of 1910

National Progressive Republican League

Woodrow Wilson

Champ Clark

Robert LaFollette

“Wisconsin Idea”

Election of 1912

Wilson (D) 435 6,286,-

Roosevelt (P) 88 4,126,-

Taft (R) 8 3,483,-

Debs (S) 901,-

“Bull Moose”

John Schrank

16th Amendment (1913)

17th Amendment (1913)

Underwood Tariff (1913)

Federal Reserve Act (1913)

Clayton Act (1914)

World War I

Adamson Act (1916)

Election of 1916

Wilson (D) 277 9,129,-

Hughes (R) 254 8,538,-

Benson (S) 589,-

Hiram Johnson

Election of 1918

18th Amendment (1919)

Volstead Act (1919)

19th Amendment (1920)

League of Women Voters

Equal Rights Amendment

Election of 1920

Harding (R) 404 16,152,-

Cox (D) 127 9,147,-

Debs (S) 915,-

“Ohio Gang”

Emergency Tariff Act (1921)

Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922)

Teapot Dome

Albert Fall

Harry Sinclair

Charles Forbes

Calvin Coolidge

Election of 1924

Coolidge (R) 382 15,725,-

Davis (D) 136 8,385,-

LaFollette (P) 13 4,822,-

Progressive Party

Farm Bloc

McNary-Haugen Bill (1927)

Election of 1928

Hoover (R) 444 21,392,-

Smith (D) 87 15,016,-

Stock Market Crash

Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930)

Great Depression

Election of 1930

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Bonus Army


Election of 1932

Roosevelt (D) 472 22,821,-

Hoover (R) 59 15,761,-

Brain Trust

20th Amendment (1933)

Joseph Zangara

“Fear Itself”

New Deal

Emergency Banking Act

Fireside Chat

Beer-Wine Revenue Act

21st Amendment (1933)

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Civilian Conservation Corps

National Industrial Recovery Act

Huey Long

Father Charles Coughlin

Francis Townsend

Upton Sinclair

Liberty League

Election of 1934

Second New Deal

Wagner Act

Social Security Act

Election of 1936

Roosevelt (D) 523 27,751,-

Landon (R) 8 16,679,-

Lemke (U) 892,-

Literary Digest

Court Packing

Election of 1938

World War II

Neutrality Acts

isolation vs. intervention

Committee to Defend America

America First Committee


Selective Service Act of 1940

Election of 1940

Roosevelt (D) 449 27,243,-

Willkie (R) 82 22,304,-

Pearl Harbor


Alien Registration Act of 1940

Executive Order 9066 (1942)

Election of 1942

Election of 1944

Roosevelt (D) 432 25,602,-

Dewey (R) 99 22,006,-

Warm Springs

Harry S Truman

Election of 1946

“Had Enough?”

80th Congress

22nd Amendment (1951)

Presidential Succession Act of 1947

Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

National Security Act of 1947

Executive Order 9981 (1948)

Cold War

Truman Doctrine


HUAC/Alger Hiss/Richard Nixon

Election of 1948

Truman (D) 303 24,105,-

Dewey (R) 189 21,970,-

Thurmond (S-R) 39 1,169,-

Wallace (P) 1,157,-

States’ Rights Party (“Dixiecrats”)

“Fair Deal”

Election of 1950

Korean War

Second Red Scare

Joseph McCarthy

Army-McCarthy Hearings

Election of 1952

Eisenhower (R) 442 33,936,-

Stevenson (D) 89 27,314,-

“Treaty of Morningside Heights”

Checkers Speech

Brown Decision

Brown II

Election of 1954

Geneva Conference (1955)

Election of 1956

Eisenhower (R) 457 35,590,-

Stevenson (D) 73 26,031,-

Eisenhower Doctrine

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Election of 1958

Nelson Rockefeller/Barry Goldwater

Sherman Adams





Election of 1960

Kennedy (D) 303 34,227,-

Nixon (R) 219 34,108,-

Television Debates

Martin Luther King, Jr.



New Frontier

Civil rights

Dallas/Lee Harvey Oswald

Warren Commission

Lyndon B. Johnson

War on Poverty

Economic Opportunity Act (1964)

Civil Rights Act of 1964

24th Amendment (1964)

Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964)

Election of 1964

Johnson (D) 486 43,126,-

Goldwater (R) 52 27,176,-

Great Society


Voting Rights Act of 1965

Election of 1966

25th Amendment (1967)

Tet Offensive (1968)

Election of 1968

Nixon (R) 301 31,785,-

Humphrey (D) 191 31,275,-

Wallace (AI) 46 9,906,-

Robert F. Kennedy

“law and order”

“southern strategy”


China/Russia visits

26th Amendment (1971)

Election of 1972

Nixon (R) 520 47,165,-

McGovern (D) 17 29,168,-

Thomas Eagleton/Sargent Shriver

Pentagon Papers/Daniel Ellsberg




John Mitchell

E. Howard Hunt

G. Gordon Liddy

Operation Gemstone

James McCord

Bob Woodward/Carl Bernstein

“Deep Throat”

H.R. Haldeman

John Ehrlichman

John Dean

Bob Woodward/Carl Bernstein

Senate Watergate Committee/Sam Ervin

Archibald Cox

Alexander Butterfield

Spiro Agnew

“Saturday Night Massacre”

Leon Jaworski

U.S. v. Nixon (1974)

Peter Rodino

Gerald Ford

Nixon pardon

Election of 1976

Carter (D) 297 40,825,-

Ford (R) 240 39,147,-



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