
2831910252484798394-262443005205730-22225000Weimar and Nazi Germany key wordsThe Weimar Republic 1918-29ReichstagGovernment of Germany, elected every four years, could make lawsReichstratRepresentatives of Germany, could not make laws but approved laws put forward by the Reichstag and President.KaiserEmperor of Germany – Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated which led to creation of WeimarTreaty of VersaillesCrippled Germany: war guilt, 100,000 men, 6 battle ships, demilitarise the Rhineland, not allowed in the League of Nations, lost land, reparationsArmistaceEnding of hostilities in a warPresidentElected every 7 years, ran the countryChancellorChosen by the presidentWeimar constitutionFirst time Germany experienced democracy, created a republic in which members of the Reichstag were elected. Stab in the backGermans felt like they had been used as a scapegoat for WW1November CriminalsName used for the people that signed the TOV on Germany’s behalfFreikorpsGroups of soldiers that had fought in WW1, they wanted the Kaiser back.SpartacistsGroup of communists led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa LuxemburgCommunismall property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.CapitalismAn economic system in which production of goods relies on investment.Trade UnionA group that protects the rights of workersRuhrIndustrial area in Germany, invaded in 1923HyperinflationMoney inflating quickly happened because the government printed lots of money to pay strikers.Gustav StresemannChancellor of Germany 1923 helped Germany recover from the invasion of the Ruhr and hyperinflation.Dawes PlanStresemann organised new American loans to Germany to support paying reparations.RentenmarkNew currency introduced to replace the German mark in Nov 1923.Young PlanReduced reparations from ?6.6bn to ?1.85bnLocarno PactPromised to keep existing borders between Germany, France and Belgium. League of NationsEstablished to maintain peace after WW1 but Germany not allowed to join due to TOV, they were allowed to join in 1926.Kellogg-Briand PactPromised to solve conflict by ‘peaceful means’ 2790967-116006Hitler’s rise to power, 1919-33German Worker’s Party (DAP)Founded after WW1, precursor to the Nazi party, Hitler becomes a member 1919National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP)The Nazi party, founded on the twenty-five point programme in 1920. These ideas included, union of Greater Germany, get rid of TOV, purity of German blood, non-Germans to leave, strong government. Sturmabteilung (SA) 1921, led by Ernst Rohm, Hitler’s private army.AryanPurity of German race, blonde hair blue eyesMunich Putsch1923, Hitler planned to seize control of Bavaria and Berlin, 600 Nazis seized a beer hall in Munich, but plan falls apart. Leads to Hitler being imprisoned.Mein KampfHitler’s autobiography, written during his time in prison. LebensraumLiving space – All German-speaking people in one communityVolksgemeinshaftPeoples community – strongest races would dominate the weakest in Germany.FuhrerLeader (used after 1926)Bamberg Conference1926, Hitler strengthens position as leader, he wins over possible rivels and appoints new propaganda leader, he forced Rohm to resign and creates the SS and Hitler Youth. Schutzstaffel (SS)Served as Hitler’s bodyguard from 1926. The Lean YearsPeriod between 1924-28 in which the Nazis lost support but Hitler reorganised the party. Wall Street Crash1929 the stock market in USA crashed, leads to global depression. Josef GoebbelsMinister of Propaganda, organised rallies, posters, banners, he knew how to manipulate huge audiences and ensured simple messages were repeatedly heard. President HindenburgPresident 1925-34 he was an ex-army general which meant he was popular amongst Germans. Franz Von PapenChancellor 1932, Vice-Chancellor 1933. He convinced Hindenburg to elect Hitler as chancellor so he could be ‘easily controlled’. Kurt Von SchliecherHad advised Hindenburg from 1925, he was appointed as chancellor in 1932 but resigned 1933 so that Hitler could be put into this placed, he was murdered at the Night of the Long Knives. 3678072-1569490The creation of a dictatorship, 1933-34Reichstag FireMarinus van der Lubbe (a communist) accepted the blame, the Nazis used this as an advantage. Allowed Hitler to impose a state of emergency so the Reichstag could be surpassed. Enabling ActGave him full powers for four years, ended democracy. Gave the chancellor the same powers as the President. German Labour FrontSet up to replace trade unions in 1933. Outlawed strikes. Night of the Long KnivesPurging of political rivals and SA, Hitler worried they were getting too powerful, he did not want Rohm to become a figurehead.Oath of allegianceHitler made the army swear this after the Night of the Long Knives to say they gave him ‘unconditional obedience’. IndoctrinationTeaching a person to accept beliefs unconditionallyGestapoSecret state police set up in 1933 by Georing, imprisoned opposition to Nazis.Heinrich Himmler1929, leader of SS. 1936, head of all police agencies. Played a big part in Concentration and Death camps. Concentration CampFor political, racial and ideological opponents, here they would be re-educated. Sicherheitsdienst(SD) set up in 1931 as intelligence for the Nazis, run by Himmler and Heydrich. Ministry of Church Affairs 1935Set up to weaken the hold of the Catholic and Protestant churches had on the people. Martin NiemollerA pastor who organised resistance against the Nazis.4824484-40190Opposition, resistance and conformity in Nazi GermanyEdelweiss PiratesListened to swing music and produced anti-Nazi graffiti. Swing YouthMiddle class teenagers, seen as non-German as they grew their hair long and took part in frowned upon activities. Kinder, Kutsch, KircheChildren, Kitchen, Church, women should follow these three ideals.Hitler YouthCompulsory from 1936, prepared boys to be soldiers through activities like camping.Reich Labour Serivice1935 compulsory for all men 18-25 provided them with manual labour jobs but poor pay and had to do military drills whilst working. ConscriptionMeant that you were forced to become a soldier if you were over 25 and healthy.RearmamentBuilding an army up to be strong enough to protect in battle.Strength through JoyImproved the leisure time of German workers by sponsoring trips. All provided at low cost, things like concerts, trips, cruises. Beauty of LabourImproved working conditions, organised canteens, toilets, lighting to be improved. Anti-semitismThinking Jews are different from other religions and treating them differently.Nuremburg Laws1935, only those of German blood could be German citizens, lost their citizenship, right to vote and to hold government office. Kristallnacht 1938Night of the Broken Glass, Jewish businesses and properties were destroyed. EuthaniasiaThis campaign exterminated the mentally ill and disabled, seen as a threat.CensorshipControlling what is produced and suppressing anything against the state.Ghetto An area of a city set aside for a particular ethnic group eg. Jews ................

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