(Excluding radio journalism.)

Where items are retrievable electronically this is indicated in blue linking to the database in question, valid at the time of revisions to this document.

1958a ‘Pictorial Erotica: An Analysis’, Clare Market Review, Michaelmas 1958/Lent 1959, Vol. LIV, pp. 19-22.

1958b ‘In Memoriam Wittgensteinii’, (review of N. Malcolm, Wittgenstein, A Memoir), Clare Market Review, Michaelmas 1958/Lent 1959, Vol. LIV, pp. 42-3. 

1959a ‘Reply to Taylor’, Universities and Left Review, 7, p. 57

1959b ‘Spring in London’, Film Journal (Melbourne), No. 13, June, pp. 3-5.

1959c ‘Notes on the Films of Ingmar Bergman’, Film Journal (Melbourne), No. 14, November, pp. 9-17. (See 1961d and 1963d).

1959d ‘Ashes and Diamonds’, Film Journal (Melbourne), No. 14, November, pp. 5-6. 

1960a ‘One Man, One Vote’, Crossbow, New Year, pp. 34-8 and 49. Reprinted in Vol. 55, Clare Market Review, Spring, pp. 14-19. 

1960b ‘Films of the Quarter – Nazarin and La Tete Contre les Murs’, Film Journal (Melbourne), No. 15, March, pp. 51-53

1960c ‘Ginsberg and Ethics’, Enquiry (Nottingham), Vol. 2, June, pp. 19-27.

1960d ‘Professor Passmore on the Objectivity of History’, Philosophy, Vol. 35, October, pp. 355-6.

1960e ‘Preface to Film Criticism’, Film, No. 25, Sept.-Oct., pp. 11-14.

1960f ‘Beat, Square and Cool’, Film, No. 25, Sept.-Oct., pp. 15-17. 

1961a ‘Sociology and the Film Critics’, Film Journal, No. 17, April, pp. 101-2.

1961b ‘Films of the Quarter – Les Cousins’, Film Journal, No. 17, April, pp. 119-20.

1961c ‘An Old Problem Still Unresolved’ (review of A. Munn, Free Will and Determinism), New Scientist, Vol. 10, May, pp. 269-70. 

1961d ‘Towards an Objective Film Criticism’, Film Quarterly, Vol. 14, Spring, pp. 19-23.

1961e ‘Notas Sobre los Films de Ingmar Bergman’, Film Ideal (Madrid), No. 68, Spring, pp. 18-25 (Spanish translation of 1959). 

1961f ‘Love Death and Destruction: Antonioni and L’Avventura’, Motion (London), Summer, pp. 7-10.

1961g ‘Nadel on the Aims and Methods of Social Anthropology’, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 12, No. 1, May, pp. 1-24. JSTOR

1961h Review of Peter Winch, The Idea of a Social Science, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 12, No. 1, May, pp. 73-77. JSTOR

1961i Review of Quentin Gibson, The Logic of Social Enquiry, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 12, No. 1, May, pp. 77-79. JSTOR

1961j ‘Hysteria and Authoritarianism in the Films of Robert Aldrich’, Film Culture, No. 22-23, Summer, pp. 95-111. 

1961k ‘Comeback’, Film, No. 28, March-April, p. 18.

1961l ‘Short Rant’, Film, No. 29, Summer, p. 9.

1961m ‘Fanny’, Film, No. 30, Winter, p. 15.

1962a ‘East Africa’, chapter 4, of The New Africa, London: The Bow Group, pp. 35-40.

1962b ‘London Letter’, Film Journal, No. 20, August, pp. 85.

1962c ‘Hong Kong Dialogue’, Crossbow, October, pp. 49-50.

1963a Review of D.F. Pocock, Social Anthropology, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 13, No. 4, February, pp. 327-29. JSTOR

1963b ‘Production in Hong Kong’, Film Journal, No. 21, April, p. 112.

1963c ‘Theories of Cargo Cults: A Critical Analysis, Parts I and II’, Oceania, Vol. 34, September, December, pp. 1-31 and 108-36. JSTOR

1963d ‘Recent Films of Ingmar Bergman’, Film Journal, No. 22, October, pp. 14-18.

1963e ‘The Status of the Arts Subjects in Hong Kong’, South China Morning Post October 2, p. 10.

1963f ‘Author with no Axe to Grind’, review of John Plamenatz, Man and Society, vols. I & 2, South China Morning Post November 28, p. 13.

1964a ‘Hong Kong Notes’, Sight and Sound, Vol. 33, Winter, p. 22. 

1964b ‘The Celluloid Revolution’, The Bulletin, (Sydney), February, pp. 41-2.

1964c ‘Key Problems of Sociological Theory’ (Review of John Rex, Key Problems of Sociological Theory), in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 14, No. 4, February, pp. 352-55. JSTOR

1964d The Revolution in Anthropology, London: Routledge; New York: Humanities.  Reprinted in 1967; paperback Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969, pp. xxii + 256. 

1964e ‘Second Hong Kong Dialogue’, Crossbow, Vol. 7, April, pp. 47-50.

1964f ‘Explanation in Social Science’ (article-review of Robert Brown, Explanation in Social Science), in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 15, No. 1, May, pp. 62-72.  JSTOR

1964g ‘Face and Facade in Hong Kong’, New Society, Vol. 3, No. 91, June, pp. 13-15. 

1964h Review of Helmut Schoek and J. Wiggins, eds., Scientism and the Study of Man, and Relativism and Values, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 15, No. 2, August, pp. 151-8. JSTOR

1964i Review of J. Passmore, Philosophical Reasoning, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, November, pp. 264-66. JSTOR

1964j Review of I.L. Horowitz, Philosophy, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 15, No. 3, November, pp. 266-68. (See 1965c). JSTOR

1964k ‘Hurray for Cinema’, Film, No. 41, pp. 16-17, 19,20,25,27,28,29. 

1965a ‘Limits to Functionalism and Alternatives to it in Anthropology’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Monograph 5, Functionalism in the Social Sciences, ed., D. Martindale, Philadelphia, February, pp. 17-34. Reprinted in R.O. Masters and D. Kaplan, eds., Theory in Anthropology: A Source Book, Chicago: Aldine, 1968, pp. 196-203.

1965b ‘Far East: Backing the Americans’, Crossbow, April-June, pp. 37-8.

1965c ‘Under the Rug’, review of M. G. Whisson, Under the Rug: The Drug Problem in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: HK Council of Social Services, in Hongkong Tiger Standard, Thursday, August 26th, p. 8.

1965d ‘Reply to Professor Horowitz’, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, November, pp. 241-2. JSTOR

1965e ‘In Praise of Romantic Comedy’, Film, No. 42, pp. 39-41.

1966a ‘The Language of the Screen’, (Review of R. Schickel, The Movies) in The Bulletin, March.

1966b ‘Academic Fashions and Grandfather-killing: In Defense of Frazer’, Encounter, Vol. 26, April, pp. 53-55.  Reprinted in Current Anthropology, Vol. 7, December 1966, pp. 568-9. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1966c ‘The Social Character of Technological Problems’, Technology and Culture, Vol. 7, July, pp. 384-90.  Reprinted in Carl Mitcham and Robert Mackey, eds., Philosophy and Technology, New York: Free Press, 1972, pp. 50-53; also in F. Rapp, ed., Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology: Studies in the Structure of Thinking in the Technological Sciences (Theory and Decision Library 5), Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1974, pp. 86-92.

1966d ‘On the Explanation of Cargo Cults’, Archives Européennes de Sociologie, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 299-312.

1966e ‘Onibaba’, Film, No. 47, Winter, pp. 22-3.

1967a ‘Is Technology Unnatural?’, The Listener, Vol. 77, March 9th, pp. 322-23 and 333.

1967b (with Joseph Agassi) ‘The Problem of the Rationality of Magic’, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 18, March, pp. 55-74 JSTOR ; reprinted in B. Wilson, ed., Rationality, Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1970, pp. 172-193.  (See 1978d).

1967c Review of W. Goldschmidt, Comparative Functionalism: An Essay in Anthropological Theory, in Man (N.S.), Vol. 2, March, p. 139. 

1967d The Revolution in Anthropology, reprinted with a new appendix, London: Routledge; New York: Humanities.

1967e ‘The Objectivity of Criticism of the Arts’, Ratio (English), Vol. 9, June, pp. 67-83. 

1967f ‘Die Objektivität der Kunst Kritik’, Ratio (German), Vol. 9, June, pp. 63-78 (German translation of 1967e). 

1967g ‘Technology and the Structure of Knowledge’, the banquet lecture to the annual conference of educators in technology, delivered at, and printed by, the Division of Industrial Engineering and Technology, State University College, Oswego, New York.  Reprinted in Carl Mitcham and Robert Mackey, Philosophy and Technology, New York: Free Press, 1972, pp. 54-61; and in David Boersema, ed., Philosophy of Science, London: Pearson/Longman, pp.

1967h ‘On Theories of Fieldwork and the Scientific Character of Social Anthropology’, Philosophy of Science, Vol. 34, September, pp. 223-242. JSTOR

1967i Review of R. Rudner, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, in American Anthropologist, Vol. 69, December, pp. 782-3. JSTOR

1968a ‘Utopian Thinking and the Architect’ in Stanford Anderson, ed., Planning for Diversity and Choice, Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 8-31, discussion pp. 31-41. 

1968b ‘The Emergence of Social Anthropology from Philosophy’, (article-review of J. Burrow, Evolution and Society), The Philosophical Forum, Vol. 1, Fall, pp. 73-84. 

1969a (with Joseph Agassi) ‘A Study in Westernization’, in 1969c, pp. 129-163. 

1969b ‘A Postscript on Riots and the Future of Hong Kong’, in 1969c, pp. 361-69. 

1969c Hong Kong: A Society in Transition, edited with an Introduction, London: Routledge; New York: Praeger. Pp. xxix + 378. 

1969d Review of C.W. Churchman, The Systems Approach in Science, Vol. 163, March 21st, p. 1315. 

1969e ‘Media and Manners’, Film Quarterly, Vol. 22, Spring, pp. 11-17. 

1969f ‘On the Relevance of the Philosophy of the Social Sciences’, (Review Symposium on M. Brodbeck, Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, with Percy Cohen and Alasdair MacIntyre), British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 20, June, pp. 220-3. JSTOR

1969g ‘The Problem of Ethical Integrity in Participant Observation’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 10, No. 5, December 1969, pp. 505-8.  (See 1971c, 1973b, 1982b). CHICAGO JOURNALS

1969h ‘Evans-Pritchard on the Anthropology of Religion’, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Vol. X, Nos. 3-4, pp. 91. 

1969i Review of Bertrand Russell, Autobiography 1914-1944, Clare Market Review, Vol. 65, Nos. 1 and 2, pp. 30-33. 

1969j ‘Film and the Communication of Values’, Archives Européennes de Sociologie, Vol. X, No. 2, pp. 205-19; reprinted as an appendix to 1970c and f. 

1969-1970a (ed.), ‘Myths and Mass Media’, papers by Jarvie (1969j), Thelma McCormack, Michael Burrage, A.J. Brodbeck, Eliska Freiova, Paul Filmer, Judith Agassi, Roger Pincott, over two issues of European Journal of Sociology (Archives Européennes de Sociologie), Vols. X-XI, Nos. 2 and 1. 

1970b ‘Cargo Cults’, in Man, Myth and Magic (part-Encyclopedia), British Publishing Corporation, London, No. 15, pp. 409-12. 

1970c Towards a Sociology of the Cinema, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.  Pp. xix + 394.  (See 1970f, 1974f, 1974h, 1977f). 

1970d ‘On Explaining Cargo Cults’ and ‘The Problem of the Rationality of Magic’ (with J. Agassi), in Bryan Wilson (ed.), Key Concepts in the Social Sciences: Rationality, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 50-61 and 172-93.  (Reprint of part of chapter 4 of 1964d and of all of 1967b). 

1970e ‘Understanding and Explanation in Sociology and Social Anthropology’, and ‘Reply’, (to Peter Winch) in Robert Borger and Frank Cioffi (eds.), Explanation in the Behavioural Sciences, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 231-45 and 260-9. Reprinted in Fred R. Dallmayr and Thomas A. McCarthy, eds., Understanding and Social Inquiry, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1977, pp. 189-206.  (See 1978c). 

1970f Movies and Society, New York: Basic Books. Pp. xix + 394. (American edition of 1970c). 

1971a (with J. Agassi and T. Settle) ‘The Grounds of Reason’, Philosophy, Vol. XLVI, January, pp. 43-50. 

1971b Review of Richard Hughes, Hong Kong - Borrowed Place, Borrowed Time, in Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. VI, No. 1, January, pp. 56-7. 

1971c ‘Reply to Fabian’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 12, No. 2, April, pp. 231-2. 

1971d ‘McLuhan, System-Study, and Technological Determinism’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, September, pp. 245-51. 

1972a The Story of Social Anthropology, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. xii + 131. 

1972b Concepts and Society, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. xvi + 214. (See 1974e). 

1972c Review of W.G. Runciman, Sociology in Its Place, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, September, pp. 271-4. 

1972d ‘The Social Character of Technological Problems’ and ‘Technology and the Structure of Knowledge’ in Carol Mitcham and Robert Mackey (eds.), Philosophy and Technology, Readings in the Philosophical Problems of Technology, New York: Free Press, pp. 50-61.  (Reprint of 1966c and 1967g). 

1972e ‘Cargo Cults’ in Encyclopedia of Papua and New Guinea, Melbourne University Press, Vol. I, pp. 133-7. 

1973a Functionalism, Minneapolis: Burgess. Pp. 39. 

1973b ‘More on Positivism and Professional Ethics - Reply’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 14, No. 3, June, pp. 321-2. 

1973c ‘America’s Sociological Movies’, Arts in Society, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer-Fall, pp. 171-80. 

1973d Review of S. Andreski, Social Sciences as Sorcery, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 24, No. 2, June, pp. 193-9. JSTOR

1973e Review of K. Hopkins (ed.), Hong Kong: The Industrial Colony, in Sociology, Vol. 7, No. 2, May, pp. 300-2. 

1973f (with J. Agassi), Preface to and editing of, Cause and Meaning in the Social Sciences by E. Gellner, London and Boston: Routledge. Pp. xi + 228. 

1973g Review of R. Nisbet (ed.), Social Change, in Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 54, No. 3, December, pp. 669. 

1973h (with J. Agassi) ‘Magic and Rationality Again’, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 24, No. 2, June, pp. 236-45. JSTOR

1973i ‘Recent Films About Marriage’, Journal of Popular Film, Vol. 2, Summer, pp. 278-299.  IIPA

1973j ‘Comment on Blok’, Human Organization, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 95-107. 

1974a (with J. Agassi), Preface to and editing of, Contemporary Thought and Politics by E. Gellner, London and Boston: Routledge. Pp. xi + 207. 

1974b ‘Foreword’ to P.M. Yap, Comparative Psychiatry, a theoretical framework.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. xiii-xv. 

1974c (with T. Settle and J. Agassi), ‘Towards a Theory of Openness to Criticism’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 1, March, pp. 83-90. 

1974d ‘On the Objectivity of Anthropology’, in R.J. Seeger and R.S. Cohen (eds.), Philosophical Foundations of Science, (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. XI), Dordrecht: D. Reidel, pp. 317-24. 

1974e Die Logik der Gesellschaft, München: Paul List Verlag. Pp. 314. (German translation by Wilhelm Hock of 1972b). 

1974f Film und Gesellschaft, Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag. Pp. xv + 362. (German translation by Modeste zur Nedden Pferdekamp of 1970c). 

1974g Review of W.W. Bartley III, Wittgenstein, in British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 25, No. 2, June, pp. 195-8. JSTOR

1974h (with J. Agassi), preface to and editing of, The Devil in Modern Philosophy by E. Gellner, London and Boston: Routledge. Pp. x - 262. 

1974i Review of Adam Kuper, Anthropologists and Anthropology, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 4, Nos. 2-3, June-September, pp. 302-5.  SAGE

1974j ‘Recent Books on Chinese Films’ (Review of Jay Leyda, Dianying, Alex Ben Block, The Legend of Bruce Lee, Wolfram Eberhard, The Chinese Silver Screen), in Journal of Popular Film, Vol. 3, No. 4, Fall, pp. 351-55.  IIPA

1974k Sociologia del cine (Spanish translation of 1970c by Joaquin Fernandez), Madrid: Ediciones Guadarrama.  Pp. 351. 

1975a Review of S. Toulmin, Human Understanding, Vol. 1, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1, March, pp. 91-4. SAGE

1975b Review of Frank Cunningham, Objectivity in Social Science, in Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 5, No. 1, March, pp. 91-4. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1975c Review of Andrew Tudor, Image and Influence, Studies in the Sociology of Film, in Times Higher Education Supplement, April 11, no. 182, p. 21. 

1975d ‘Epistle to the Anthropologists’, American Anthropologist, Vol. 77, No. 2, June, 253-66. (See 1976c).  JSTOR

1975e Review of F. Henriques, Miscegenation, in West Indies Chronicle, Vol. 90, No. 1527, May/June, pp. 63-5. 

1975f Review of Verina Glaessner, Kung Fu. Cinema of Vengeance and Linda Lee, Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew, in Journal of Popular Film, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 270-1.  IIPA

1975g ‘Cultural Relativism Again’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 3, September, pp. 343-53.  SAGE

1976a ‘Comment on Prattis’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 1976, p. 101-2. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1976b ‘Comment on Berger’, American Anthropologist, Vol. 17, No. 2, June, p. 297. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1976c ‘Reply to Fabian’, American Anthropologist, Vol. 78, June, p. 345.  JSTOR

1976d Review of Garth Jowett, Film: The Democratic Art, in Journal of Popular Film, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 76-8. IIPA

1976e ‘Toulmin and the Rationality of Science’, in R.S. Cohen, P.K. Feyerabend and M.W. Wartofsky, eds., Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos, Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 311-333. 

1976f ‘On the Limits of Symbolic Interpretation in Anthropology’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 4, December, pp. 687-91, and 700-1. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1976g ‘Comment on Rosengren’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 4, December, pp. 677-8. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1976h ‘Nationalism and the Social Sciences’, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 1, No. 4, 515-28. JSTOR

1977a ‘Understanding and Explaining in Sociology and Social Anthropology’, in Fred R. Dallmayr and Thomas A. McCarthy, eds., Understanding and Social Inquiry, University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 189-206 (Cf. 1970e). 

1977b Window on Hong Kong: A Sociological Study of the Hong Kong Film Industry and Its Audience, Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, pp. 223. 

1977c ‘Comment on Dutton’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 18, No. 3, September, pp. 398-9. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1977d ‘More on Symbolic Interpretation’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 18, No. 3, September, pp. 546-7. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1977e ‘The Present Structure of Capitalist Production’, in John Tulloch, ed., Conflict and Control in the Cinema, Macmillan (Australia), pp. 177-94. (Extract from 1970c). 

1977f Una Sociologia del Cinema, Milan: Franco Angeli Editore, pp. 306. (Italian translation by Vito Messana of 1970c). 

1978a Review of Nanook of the North, American Anthropologist, Vol. 80, No. 1, March, pp. 196-7. JSTOR

1978b Movies as Social Criticism. Aspects of their Social Psychology. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.  Pp. 225. 

1978c ‘Verstehen and Erklären in Soziologie and Sozialanthropologie’, in Karl Acham, ed., Methodologische Probleme der Sozialwissenschaften, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, pp. 224-252.  (German translation by Wolfram K. Koch of 1970e). 

1978d (with J. Agassi), ‘Das Problem der Rationalität von Magie’, in Hans G. Kippenberg and Brigitte Luchesi, eds., Magie, Die Sozialwissenschaftliche Kontroverse über das Verstehen fremden Denkens, Frankfurt: Sührkamp, 1978, pp. 120-49 (German translation of 1967b). 

1978e ‘Seeing Through Movies’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 8, 1978, No. 4, December, pp. 374-97.  SAGE

1979a Review of The Explanation of Social Behaviour by G. Studdert-Kennedy and Social Theory as Science by R. Keat and J. Urry, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 30, No. 1, March, 100-4. JSTOR

1979b (with J. Agassi), ‘The Rationality of Dogmatism’, in Th. Geraets, ed., Rationality Today, Ottawa University Press, pp. 353-62. 

1979c Review of Martin Hollis, Models of Man, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer, 325-8. JSTOR

1979d Review of Cantonese Cinema Retrospective (1950-1959), Journal of Popular Film and Television, Vol. VII, No. 3, 326-9. IIPA

1979e ‘The Social and Cultural Significance of the Decline of the Cantonese Movie’, Journal of Asian Affairs (SUNY Buffalo), Vol. III, No. 2, Fall, 40-50. 

1979f ‘Laudan’s Problematic Progress and the Social Sciences’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 4, December, 484-97. SAGE

1979g edited (with J. Agassi), Spectacles and Predicaments, Essays on Social Theory, by Ernest Gellner, with a preface by the editors, Cambridge Unniversity Press.  Pp. 385. 

1980a Comment on Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Current Anthropology, Vol. 21, No. 1, February, p. 56. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1980b ‘The Notion of a Social Science’, in H.K. Betz, ed., Recent Approaches to the Social Sciences, University of Calgary Press, pp. 76-88, 93-5. 

1980c ‘The City and the Camera’, in Nelson Wiseman, ed., The City and the Camera, Urban Studies Programme, York University, Toronto, pp. 39-41. 

1980d Comment on Guthrie, Current Anthropology, Vol. 21, No. 2, April, pp. 196-7. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1980e (with J. Agassi), ‘The Rationality of Irrationalism’, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 11, No. 2, April, pp. 127-33. 

1980f ‘On the History of Science’ (review of Thomas Kuhn, The Essential Tension and Gerald Holton, The Scientific Imagination), Queen’s Quarterly, Vol. 87, No. 1, Spring, pp. 65-8. 

1980g ‘Commentary, Can There Be Absolute Values?’, in The Responsibility of the Academic Community in the Search for Absolute Values, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, New York: ICF Press, Vol. I, pp. 61-5. 

1980h Review of Philip Pettit and Christopher Hookway, eds., Action and Interpretation, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 31, No. 4, December, pp. 396-401. JSTOR

1980i Review of S. Benn and G. Mortimore, Rationality in the Social Sciences, International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XII, No. 1, pp. 99-101. 

1980j Foreword to David Anthony Daly, A Comparison of Exhibition and Distribution Patterns in Three Recent Motion Pictures, New York: Arno Press, pp. vii-x. 

1981a ‘Multi-Volume History of the American Movies Project Meeting - Carbondale, Illinois, 16-20 November, 1980’, IAMHIST Newsletter; No. 10, Winter 1980-1, pp. 15-18. 

1981b Edited and indexed Muslim Society, by Ernest Gellner, Cambridge University Press.  Pp. x + 264. 

1981c ‘Fanning the Flames: Anti-Americanism and Objective Burma’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 1, No. 2, October, 117-37. T&FONLINE

1981d ‘Die Anthropologen und das irrationale’, in Hans Peter Duerr, ed., Der Wissenschaftler und das Irrationale, Vol. 1, Frankfurt: Syndikat, pp. 213-44. 

1981e ‘Social Perception and Social Change’, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, Vol. 11, No. 3, October, pp. 223-240. WILEY

1981f ‘The Rationality of Creativity’, in Denis Dutton and Michael Krausz, eds., The Concept of Creativity in Science and Art, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 109-28. 

1981g Articles on Karl Barth, William Beveridge, Noam Chomsky, Ronald Fisher, F.A. Hayek, J.M. Keynes, C. Levi-Strauss, Bertrand Russell, J-P Sartre, S. and B. Webb, Max Weber and L. Wittgenstein, in Lord Bullock, ed., Makers of the Twentieth Century, London, Weidenfeld. 

1982a ‘Cinema Histories, Cinema Practices at Asilomar’, IAMHIST Newsletter, No. 12, Winter 1981/82, pp. 14-18. 

1982b ‘The Problem of Ethical Integrity in Participant Observation’, in Robert G. Burgess (ed.), Field Research: A Sourcebook and Field Manual, London: George Allen and Unwin, pp. 68-72. (Reprint of 1969g). 

1982c Review of Tino Balio, United Artists, IAMHIST Newsletter, No. 13, Summer, pp. 45-7. 

1982d Review of Hilary Putnam, Meaning and the Moral Sciences, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 13, No. 2, April, pp. 161-4. 

1982e Review of David Thomas, Naturalism and Social Science, American Anthropologist, Vol. 84, No. 2, June, pp. 418-9. JSTOR

1982f ‘The Social Experience of Movies’, in Sari Thomas, ed., Film/Culture, Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, July, pp. 247-68. 

1982g Review of A Study of the Hong Kong Swordplay Film, Journal of Popular Film and Television, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer, pp. 89-90. IIPA

1982h ‘Popper on the Difference Between the Natural and the Social Sciences’, in Paul Levinson, ed., In Pursuit of Truth, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities, November pp. 83-107.

1982i Comment on Winckelman, ‘Magic: A Reassessment’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 48-9. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1983a ‘Realism and the Supposed Poverty of Sociological Theories’, in R.S. Cohen and M.W. Wartofsky, eds., Epistemology, Methodology, and the Social Sciences, Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 107-21. 

1983b Review of L. Wittgenstein, Remarks on Frazer’s Golden Bough, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 117-18. SAGE

1983c ‘Rationality and Relativism’, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 34, No. 1, March, pp. 44-60. JSTOR

1983d Review of J. Krige, Science, Revolution and Discontinuity, Canadian Philosophical Reviews, Vol. III, 132-6. 

1983e ‘The Problem of the Ethnographic Real’, with Comments and Reply, Current Anthropology, Vol. 24, No. 2, June, pp. 313-25. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1983f ‘International Film Trade: Hollywood and the British Market, 1945’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 3, No. 2, October, pp. 161-69. T&FONLINE

1983g Movies and Society. Reprint of 1970c by Garland Publishing Co. 

1983h Review of Mark Blaug, The Methodology of Economics, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 34, No. 3, September, pp. 289-95. JSTOR

1984a Review of D.B. Jones, Movies and Memoranda, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 4, No. 1, March, pp. 105-6. T&FONLINE

1984b ‘Freeman on Mead’, Canberra Anthropology, 6, No. 1, pp. 80-85 (dated 1983, published 1984). 

1984c Rationality and Relativism, In Search of a Philosophy and History of Anthropology, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, May. Pp. 157. 

1984d Reply to Paddock et al, Current Anthropology, Vol. 25, June, pp. 356. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1984e ‘A Plague on Both Your Houses’, in J.R. Brown, ed., Scientific Rationality: The Sociological Turn, Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 165-82.

1984f Review of Arnold Hauser, The Sociology of Art, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 4, No. 2, October, pp. 229-30. T&FONLINE

1984g Review of Bernard Williams, Obscenity and Film Censorship, Quarterly Review of Film Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring, 156-7. 

1984h ‘Handlungstheorie in der Sicht der Anthropologie und Ethnographie’, in Hans Lenk, ed., Handlungstheorien interdisciplinar III, Vol. II, Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, pp. 980-1002. 

1984i Review of Raymond Boudon, The Unintended Consequences of Social Action, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. XXXV, No. 3, December, pp. 625-6. JSTOR

1985a ‘Suppressing Controversial Films: From Objective Burma to Monty Python’s Life of Brian’, in Bruce Austin, ed., Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics and Law, Ablex, pp. 181-96.

1985b Edited and Introduced (with J. Agassi), Relativism and the Social Sciences by Ernest Gellner. Cambridge University Press. Pp. x + 200. 

1985c ‘Visible Fictions’ (review of John Ellis), Millennium Film Journal, Nos. 14/15, Fall/Winter 1984-1985, pp. 57-60.

1985d ‘Comments on Taylor’, Current Anthropology, Vol. 26, No.2, April, p. 176. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1985e ‘Philosophy of the Social Sciences’, in Adam and Jessica Kuper, eds., The Social Science Encyclopedia, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 588-93.

1985f Review of Walter L. Wallace, Principles of Scientific Sociology, in Philosophy of Science, Vol. 52, No. 3, September, pp. 489-91. JSTOR

1986a Thinking About Society: Theory and Practice, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, No. 93, Dordrecht: D. Reidel. Pp. xix + 519.

1986b ‘British Trade Policy versus Hollywood, 1947-1948: food before flicks?’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 6, 19-41. T&FONLINE

1986c Review of Charles Affron, Cinema and Sentiment, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 265-7. SAGE

1986d (with J. Agassi), ‘Indexes, Footnotes and Problems’, review of M. Hollis and S. Lukes, eds., Rationality and Relativism, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 367-74. SAGE

1986e ‘Anthropology as Science and the Anthropology of Science and of Anthropology’, in Peter D. Asquith and Philip Kitcher, eds., PSA 1984, Volume Two, pp. 745-63.

1986f ‘Philosophic Dialogue on Film’, A Screen Treatment’, Post Script, Vol. 6, No. 1, Fall, pp. 5-31.

1986g ‘Explorations in the Social Career of Movies: Business and Religion’, in 1986a, pp. 368-89.

1986h ‘Methodological and Conceptual Problems in the Study of Pornography and Violence’, in 1986a, pp. 390-475.

1987a ‘The Very Idea of a Philosophy of the Film: Casablanca’, African Philosophical Inquiry, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 53-70.

1987b ‘Epistle to the Anthropologists’, in Herbert Applebaum, ed., Perspectives in Cultural Anthropology, Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 527-34 (reprint of 1975d).

1987c Review of Kristin Thompson, Exporting Entertainment, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 7, pp. 88-9. T&FONLINE

1987d Review of David Bordwell, Narration in the Fiction Film, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 7, pp. 94-6. T&FONLINE

1987e Edited, with J. Agassi, Culture, Identity and Politics, by Ernest Gellner, Cambridge: CUP, pp. viii + 189.

1987f Edited, with J. Agassi, Rationality: The Critical Approach, The Hague: Nijhoff. Pp. 477.

1987g ‘Comment on Strathern’, Current Anthropology, vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 272-3. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1987h ‘Philosophy of the Social Sciences’, in Jessica Kuper, ed., Methods, Ethics and Modes, London: Routledge, pp. xi-xxiv (reprint of 1985e).

1987i ‘The Sociology of the Pornography Debate’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 17, June, pp. 257-75. SAGE

1987j Philosophy of the Film: Epistemology, Ontology, Aesthetics, London: Routledge. Pp. xvi + 392.

1987k ‘Philosophers at the Movies: Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Popularization’, Persistence of Vision, No. 5, Spring, pp. 74-112.

1987l Review of Tadeusz Pawlowski, Concept Formation in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. XIX, no. 1, p. 99.

1987m ‘The Objectivity of Criticism of the Arts’, in 1987f, pp. 201-16. (Edited version of 1967e.)

1987n ‘Utopia and the Architect’, in 1987f, pp. 227-43. (Edited version of 1968a.)

1987o with J. Agassi, ‘The Problem of the Rationality of Magic’, in 1987f, pp. 363-83. (Expanded version of 1967b.)

1987p with J. Agassi, ‘A Study in Westernization’, in 1987f, pp. 395-421. (Edited version of 1969a.)

1988a ‘Evolutionary Epistemology’, Critical Review, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 92-102.

1988b ‘The Burma Campaign on Film: Objective Burma (1945), The Stilwell Road (1945) and Burma Victory (1945)’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 8, Number 1, pp. 56-73. T&FONLINE

1988c ‘Comment on Sangren’, Current Anthropology, June, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 427-9. CHICAGO JOURNALS

1988d ‘Dollars and Ideology: Will Hays’ Economic Foreign Policy 1922-1945’, Film and History, vol. 2, no. 3, Sept/Oct., pp. 207-221.

1988e ‘Religion as a Sociological Category’, Oceania, vol. 59, pp. 29-39. JSTOR

1988f ‘Interdisziplinares Gesprach zum Generalthema’, in O. Molden, ed., Krise der Moderne? Veranderungen in Kultur, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vienna: Austrian College, pp. 202-205.

1988g ‘Alpbacher Portraits, Sir Karl Popper’, (as above), pp. 417-427.

1988h ‘Pornography and/as Degradation’, in Augustine Brannigan, ed., Pornography, Social Science and the Common Law, Calgary: research Unit for Sociolegal Studies, pp. 51-76. See 1991a.

1988i ‘Explanation, Reduction and the Sociological Turn in the Philosophy of Science: Kuhn as Ideologue for Merton’s Theory of Science’, in G. Radnitzky, ed., Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, New York: Paragon Press, pp. 299-320.

1988j Review of Clifford Geertz, Local Knowledge, Further Essays in Interpretative Anthropology, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 133-135.

1988k ‘Objective versus Mentalist Conceptions of Social Class: Some Second Thoughts’, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, vol. 13, Dimensions of the Historical Process, pp. 52-61.

1989a ‘Martial Arts Films’, in Erik Barnouw, ed., International Encyclopaedia of Communications, vol. 2, pp. 472-475.

1989b Edited with Fred D’Agostino, Freedom and Rationality. Essays in Honour of John Watkins, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 117, Dordrecht: Kluwer. Pp. xii+388.

1989c Review of Dana Polan, Power and Paranoia: History, narrative and the cinema, 1940-1950, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 218-220.

1989d ‘Recent Work in the History of Anthropology and Its Historiographic Problems’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 19, no.3, pp. 345-375.

1989e Review of Richard A. Schweder and Robert A. LeVine, eds., Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self and Emotion, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 21, no.3, pp. 147-48.

1989f Review of Robert Ackerman, J.G. Frazer: His Life and Work, Man, vol. 24, September, pp. 530-1.

1989g Edited (with N. Pronay), ‘John Grierson: A Critical Retrospective’, special issue of the Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 9, no. 3, November.

1989h (with Robert Macmillan) ‘Grierson on Hollywood’s Success’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 9, pp. 309-26.

1990a ‘Media Representations and Philosophical Representations of Science’, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 7, pp. 72-79.

1990b Review of John Izod, Hollywood and the Box Office 1895-1986, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 328-9.

1990c with Joseph Agassi, ‘Il problema della razionalita della magia’, in Fabio Dei and Alessandro Simonicca, eds., Ragione e Forme di Vita, Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 189-212. (Italian translation of 1967b.)

1990d ‘The Post War Economic Foreign Policy of the American Film Industry: Europe 1945-1950’, Film History, vol. 4, no. 4, 277-88. (Published late in October 1991.)

1991a ‘Pornography and/as Degradation’, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 13-27.

1991b ‘The Canadian Film Market as Part of the United States Domestic Market Between the Wars’, in Bruce Austin, ed., Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics and Law, Volume 5, Norwood: Ablex, pp. 147-60.

1991c Review of Noel Carroll, Philosophical Problems of Classical Film Theory, in Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 90-91.

1991d ‘Stars and Ethnicity: Hollywood and the United States, 1932-1951’, in Lester D. Friedman, ed., Unspeakable Images: Ethnicity and the American Cinema, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 82-111.

1991e Review of Karl R. Popper, A World of Propensities, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 21, no. 3, September, pp. 407-9.

1991f Edited with John A. Hall, Transition to Modernity, Essays on Power, Wealth and Belief, Cambridge: Cambridge University press, pp. xiv+383.

1991g ‘Gellner’s Positivism’, in 1991f, pp. 243-57.

1992a ‘Child Pornography and Prostitution’, in William O’Donohue and James H. Geer, eds., The Sexual Abuse of Children: Theory and Research, Volume 1, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 307-28.

1992b Hollywood’s Overseas Campaign: The North Atlantic Movie Trade, 1920-1950, New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xviii+473.

1992c Comment on H.M. Glancy, ‘MGM Film Grosses, 1924-1948: The Eddie Mannix ledger’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 143-44.

1992d Review of John A. Lent, The Asian Film Industry, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol 12, no. 2, pp. 192-93.

1992e ‘The Will H. Hays Papers: A Second Report’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 276-78.

1992f ‘Shakai-kagaku niokeru Rikai to Setsumei’, Japanese translation of chapter 2 of 1972b by Hideaki Ishikawa, Ugaku-Ronnshu, A Transaction of Kagoshima University, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 165-202.

1993a Review of Racism and Antiracism in American Popular Culture, The Colour Black, and Questions of Third Cinema, in Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 16, no.1, January, pp. 169-71.

1993b Obituary of J.O.Wisdom, The Independent, 4 March.

1993c Review of Neil de Marchi and Mark Blaug, eds., The Lakatosian Heritage in Economics, in Economics and Philosophy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 313-18.

1993d Tribute to and Bibliography of J.O. Wisdom, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 23, no. 3, September, pp. 285-97.

1993e ‘Relativism Yet Again’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 23, no. 4, December, pp. 537-47.

1993f Review of David Hillel Ruben Explaining Explanation, Dialogue, vol. 32, pp. 831-33.

1994a Review of Douglas Gomery, Shared Pleasures, Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television, vol 14, no. 1, pp. 93-94.

1994b ‘The Postwar Economic Foreign Policy of the American Film Industry: Europe 1945-1950’ in David Ellwood and Rob Kroes eds., Hollywood in Europe, Experiences of Cultural Hegemony, Amsterdam: VU University Press, pp. 154-75. (An up-dated version of 1990d.)

1994c Japanese translation of ‘Knowledge and Existence’, chapter 1 of 1987j, Popper Letters, vol. 6, no. 1, June.

1994d Review of Ted Magder, Canada’s Hollywood, The Canadian State and Feature Films, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 14, number 4, pp. 483-84.

1994e Review of Robert J. Thornton and Peter Skalnik, Malinowski’s Early Writings, Man, vol. 29, no. 4, December, pp. 1023-24.

1994f Reflections on the Passing of Sir Karl Popper, Japan Popper Letters, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 6-8.

1995a Edited, with N. Laor, Critical Rationalism, Metaphysics and Science: Essays for Joseph Agassi, Volume I, and Critical Rationalism, the Social Sciences and the Humanities: Essays for Joseph Agassi, Volume II, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vols. 161 and 162, Dordrecht: Kluwer. Pp. xii + 256 and pp. xvii + 278.

1995b With N. Laor, ‘Introduction: The Philosopher as All-Rounder I and II’ to 1995a, vol. I, pp. xi-xxii and vol. II ix-xvii.

1995c ‘The Place of the Sciences and of the Fine Arts in the Intellectual Scheme of Things’, in 1995a, vol. II, pp. 203-19.

1995d ‘Bibliography of Joseph Agassi to 1993’, in 1995a, vol. II, pp. 235-62.

1995e Review of Paul Messaris, Visual Literacy, Image, Mind and reality, Communication Theory, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 89-92.

1995f ‘Popper’s Republic of Science’, Japan Popper Letters, vol. 7, no. 1, June, pp. 3-16. (Also in Japanese translation by Kiichi Tachibana, in vol. 7, no. 2, December, pp. 3-18.)

1995g ‘Sir Karl Popper (1902-1994): essentialism and historicism in film methodology’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 301-305.

1995h Review of James F. Harris, Against Relativism, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 116-18.

1995i ‘The Justificationist Roots of Relativism’, and ‘Reply’ in Charles M. Lewis, ed., Relativism and Religion, London: Macmillan, pp. 52-70 and 125-28.

1996a ‘Introduction’, Chapter 3 ‘Aftermath: The Publication and Receptions of the Payne Fund Studies’, indexes, and joint editing work on Garth S. Jowett, Ian C. Jarvie and Kathryn H. Fuller, eds., Children and the Movies: Media Influences and the Payne Fund Controversy, New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xxiv + 414.

1996b ‘Peter Munz and the Scourge of Relativism’ in Miles Fairbairn and Bill Oliver, eds., The Certainty of Doubt. Tributes to Peter Munz. Wellington, NZ: Victoria University Press, pp. 304-15.

1996c (with Jeremy Shearmur) ‘Introduction’ to two special issues of Philosophy of the Social Sciences devoted to the 50th anniversary of the publication of Popper’s The Open Society and Its Enemies, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 26, no. 4, December, pp. 445-51.

1996d With John A. Hall, editing and Introduction to The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner, Amsterdam: Rodopi.

1996e ‘Gellner’s Positivism’ in John A. Hall and I.C. Jarvie, eds., The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner, Amsterdam: Rodopi. (Reprint of 1991g.)

1996f ‘Complete Bibliography of Ernest Gellner’, in Hall and Jarvie, 1996d.

1996g ‘Qual é o problema de teoria do cinema?’ In Joao Mário Grilo and Paulo Filipe Monteiro, eds., Revista de Comunicaçao e Linguagens, no. 23, pp 9-20, abstract p. 251. Portuguese translation by Jorge M. Rosa and Paulo Filipe Monteiro of ‘What is the problem of film theory?’, not previously published.

1996h ‘Philosophy of the Social Sciences’, in Adam and Jessica Kuper, eds., The Social Science Encyclopedia, London: Routledge, pp. 604-09 (second edition of 1985e).

1996i (with Joseph Agassi) ‘Rationality’, in Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer, eds., Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, London: Routledge, pp. 467-470.

1997a Review of Gregory Currie, Image and Mind in Metaphor and Symbol, Vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 287-90.

1997b ‘El desarrollo de la concepcion de lo social en Popper’ (Spanish translation of ‘The Development of Popper’s Conception of the Social’), in Enrique Suarez-Iniguez, editor, El Poder de los Argumentos, Mexico City: Coordinacion de Humanidades de las UNAM y Grupo Editorial Miguel Angel Porrua, pp. 21-39. In English at 2007b.

1998a Review of Ruth Vasey, The World According to Hollywood 1918-1939, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 18, no. 2, June, pp. 302-04.

1998b ‘Popper, Sir Karl’, in Edward Craig, ed., The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London: Routledge, Volume 7, pp. 533-40.

1998c ‘Free Trade as Cultural Threat: American film and tv exports in the post-war period’, in Geoffrey Nowell-Smith and Steven Ricci, eds., Hollywood and Europe. Economics, Culture, National Identity 1948-95, London: BFI, pp. 34-46.

1998d ‘Situational Logic and Its Reception’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 28, no. 3, September, pp. 365-80.

1998e ‘Explaining Creativity’, in Michael J. Kelly, ed., Encyclopedia of Aeshetics, New York: Oxford University Press, Volume I, pp. 456-59.

1998f Review of Marshall Sahlins, How ‘Natives’ Think, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, volume 28, number 4, pp. 567-70.

1999a Edited, with Sandra Pralong, Popper’s Open Society after 50 Years. London: Routledge. Pp. x+217.

1999b with Sandra Pralong, ‘Introduction’ to the above, pp. 3-16.

1999c ‘Popper’s Ideal Types: Open and Closed, Abstract and Concrete Societies’, in Ian Jarvie and Sandra Pralong, eds., Popper’s Open Society After 50 Years, London: Routledge, pp. 71-82.

1999d Review of Gunnar Andersson, Kuhn’s, Feyerabend’s and Lakatos’ s Criticisms of Critical Rationalism, International Studies in Philosophy, vol. 31, number 2, pp. 117-18.

1999e ‘Is Analytic Philosophy the Cure for Film Theory?’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29(3):416-40.

2000a ‘The Philosophical Deficit in Randall Collins’ Sociology of Philosophies’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 30(2):274-83.

2000b ‘National Cinema: A Theoretical Assessment’, in Mette Hjort and Scott Mackenzie, eds., Cinema and Nation, London: Routledge, pp. 75-87.

2000c Review of Adam Kuper, Culture, the Anthropologist’s Account, Philosophy of Science, 67(3):540-46. JSTOR

2000d Popper e La Società Aperta 50 anni Dopo, Italian translation, by Dario Antiseri and Massimi Baldini of 1999a, Rome: Armando.

2001a Review of ‘The Nazis. A Warning from History’ television series, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 21, no. 1, March 97-99.

2001b ‘The Emergence of British Social Anthropology According to George Stocking’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 31, no. 2, June, pp. 267-74.

2001c The Republic of Science. The Emergence of Popper’s Social View of Science, 1935-1945. Amsterdam: Rodopi. June. Pp. 263.

2001d ‘Freeman on Mead Again’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 31, no. 4, December, 557-62.

2001e ‘Science in a Democratic Society’, Philosophy of Science, vol. 68, December, pp. 545-64. JSTOR

2001f Review of Cynthia Freeland, The Naked and the Undead, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 59(4): 433-34.

2002a Revew of Jens Ulff-Møller, Hollywood’s Film Wars with France: film-trade diplomacy and the emergence of the French film quota policy, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 22(1):94-96.

2002b Lo sviluppo della concezione popperiana del sociale, Nuova Civilita delle Macchine, vol. XX, no. 2, pp. 46-60 (English abstract, p. 160). (Special issue, Karl R. Popper, 1902-2002: ripensando il razionalismo critico, edited by Stefano Gattei.) In Spanish as 1997b, in English as 2007b.

2003a Preface, ‘Popper Today’ to the paperback edition of 1999a, pp. xi-xx.

2003b Review of David Edmonds and John Eidinow, Wittgenstein’s Poker, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 39(2):205-06.

2003c ‘Fuller on Science’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 33(2): 261-85

2003d Review of Marvin Harris,Theories of Culture in Postmodern Times, International Studies in Philosophy, 35(2):144-45.

2003e ‘Fuller on Science’, Social Epistemology 17(2&3):177-85. (A modified extract from 2000c.)

2003f ‘Ambivalence Towards History in the Social Sciences’, Svensk Neuropsykologi, 15(3-4):14-15.

2004a ‘Stars and ethnicity. Hollywood and the United States, 1932-1951’, in Lucy Fisher and Marcia Landy, eds., Stars. The Film Reader, New York and London: Routledge, pp. 167-80. Reprint of 1991d.

2004b ‘The present state of the philosophy of film’, Film and Philosophy, vol. 8, 142-45.

2004c ‘Arguing interpretation: the pragmatic optimism of Woody Allen’. In Mark T. Conard and Aeon J. Skoble, eds., Woody Allen and Philosophy. You Mean My Whole Fallacy is Wrong? Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court, pp. 48-65.

2004d Review of Ivo Blom, Jean Desmet and the Early Dutch Film Trade, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 24(4):659-60.

2004e Review of Mariano Artigas, The Ethical Nature of Karl Popper’s Theory of Knowledge. International Studies in Philosophy 35(4):144-45.(Published in 2005.)

2004f ‘Philosophy of the Social Sciences’. In Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper, eds., The Social Science Encyclopedia, 3rd edition. London: Routledge, pp. 723-729. (A revision and updating of 1985e.)

2005a ‘Workshop Rationality, Dogmatism, and Models of the Mind’, in David M. Johnson and Christina E. Erneling, eds., The Mind as a Scientific Object, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 471-86.

2005b ‘Preface’ to the Routledge Classics Edition of Ernest Gellner’s Words and Things, London: Routledge, pp. xv-xxiv.

2005c ‘Assessing the Impact of Science on Thought and Society – Reflections on Popperian Themes’, in Erhard Busek, ed., Grenzen und Überschreitungen. Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2004, Vienna: Verlag Österreich, pp. 282-91.

2006a ‘Knowledge, Morality, and Tragedy in The Killers and Out of the Past’, in Mark T. Conard, ed., The Philosophy of Film Noir, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, pp. 163-185.

2006b ‘Contributions to the Social and Economic History of British Cinema’, review essay on John Sedgwick, Popular Filmgoing in 1930s Britain. A Choice of Pleasures and Vincent Porter and Sue Harper, British Films of the 1950s. The Decline of Deference. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol 26, no. 1, March, 111-120.

2006c ‘The Socially Deconstructed Sociology and The Proliferation of Inter-disciplinary Studies – The Future of Sociology’ [in Chinese]. Social Science Journal, no. 3, May, pp. 55-58.

2006d (with imprint 2007) ‘Relativism and Historicism’, in Stephen Turner and Mark Risjord, eds., Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. Volume 15. Handbook of Philosophy of Anthropology and Sociology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 553-589.

2006e Edited, with David Miller and Karl Milford, Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, Aldershot: Ashgate, 3 volumes.

2007a Contribution to Jan-Kyrre Berg Olsen and Evan Selinger, eds., Philosophy of Technology 5 Questions. New York: Automatic Press. Pp. 117-123.

2007b ‘The Development of Popper’s Conception of the Social’, in Enrique Suarez-Iniguez, ed., The Power of Argumentation (Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 93), Amsterdam/New York, Rodopi 2007, pp. 15-29. The English original of 1997b.

2007c ‘The Democratic Deficit of Science and its Possible Remedies’ in Jene Porter and Alexis Dahl, eds., Public Science in Liberal Democracry: The Challenge to Science and Democracy, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 135-48.

2008a with Joseph Agassi, A Critical Rationalist Aesthetics, Amsterdam: Rodopi. March. Pp. x + 192.

2008b ‘Boudon’s Diagnosis of and Prophylactic Against Relativism’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38(2; June):279-92.

2008c ‘Two Books on the Cold War and the Movie Industry’, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 28(2; June):241-47.

2008d Review of Hösle, Woody Allen: An Essay on the Nature of the Comical, Philosophy in Review 28(1):27-28.

2008e (In Spanish) ‘Rationality and Situational Logic in Popper’s Scientific Work’, in Angeles J. Perona, ed., Contrastando a Popper, Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, pp. 63-85.

2009a ‘The Rationality of Creativity’ in Michael Krausz, Denis Dutton and Karen Bardsley, eds., The Idea of Creativity, The Hague: E. J. Brill, pp. 43-61. Reprint of 1981f.

2009b2’Popper’s Continuing Relevance’, in Z. Parusnikova and R. S. Cohen, eds., Rethinking Popper, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 272, New York: Springer, pp. 217-235.

2009c ‘Films’, in Richard Schweder, editor, The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 360-362.

2010a Review of Ernest Gellner and Contemporary Social Thought, edited by Sinisa Malesevic and Mark Haugaard, Contemporary Sociology 39(1: January):60-62.

2010b ‘Dissent About Descent: Evolution, Design, and Education’, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40(3):467-478.

2010c Review of Lawrence Napper, British Cinema and Middlebrow Culture in the Interwar Years, Film History 22(3):274-278.

pringer, pp. 217-245.1f05-934-8797


2011a ‘Philosophical Problems of the Social Sciences: Paradigms, Methodology and Ontology’ in Jesus Zamora Bonilla and Ian Jarvie, eds., The Sage Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Sciences, London: Sage, pp. 1-36.

2011b editing, with Jesus Zamora Bonilla, The Sage Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Sciences, London: Sage. Pp. 749.

2011c with Joseph Agassi, ‘Towards a General Sociology of Science’, in Portugese as ‘Por uma sociologia crítica da ciência’, Sociologias 13(26):44-83.

2011d Filosfía del Cine. Epistemología, ontología y estética. Translation, by Carmen Ors, of 1987j, Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. Pp. 464.

2013a “Popper’s Philosophy of Science” and “Situational Logic” in Byron Kaldis, ed., Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, London: Sage, vol. 2, pp. 736-740 and 874-876.

2013b “The Freeman-Mead Controversy Revisited: Or, the Attempted Trashing of Derek Freeman”, review essay on Paul Shankman, The Trashing of Margaret Mead, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43(4;December):531-541.

2014 “Explaining Creativity” in Michael Kelly, ed., Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, second edition, Oxford University Press. Updated version of 1998e

2015a “Pornography Stumps Analytic Philosophers of Art”, review essay on Hans Maes and Jerrold Levinson, eds., Art and Pornography, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45(1;January):122-140

2015b “Noble Savages. Ignoble Colleagues”, review essay on Napoleon Chagnon, Noble Savages, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45(2;March):273-282..

2015c Review of Michael Billig, Learning to Write Badly. How to Succeed in the Social Sciences Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (3;June):385-404.

2015d With Joseph Agassi, “Rationality” in Wordbook for the Study of Religion edited by Robert Segal and Kocku von Stuckrad, Leiden: Brill, vol. 3, pp 188-195.

2016a Edited, with David Miller and Karl Milford, Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, London: College Publications, 3 volumes. ISBN 978-1-84890-190-2. Reprint of 2006e with a small number of corrections.

2016b Review of Mark Risjord, Philosophy of Social Science, Metascience, DOI 10.1007/s11016-016-0095-4

2016c “Mead and the Trajectory of Anthropology in the United States”, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, DOI: 10.1177/0048393116654860

2016d ‘Popper’s Philosophy and Methodology of Social Science’ in Geoffrey Stokes and Jeremy Shearmur, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Popper, Cambridge University Press, pp.




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