A4 MSGF Leaflet 2019 - New York University


Master of Science in


Best of Both Worlds

HKUST Business School

Established in 1991, the HKUST Business School has risen to international prominence in a remarkably short period of time, achieving widespread global recognition and a variety of prestigious academic rankings, including both the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program and the HKUST MBA Program being ranked No. 1 in the world and in Asia, respectively, by the Financial Times. The Department of Finance has been consistently ranked No. 1 in research in the Asia-Paci c region.

The HKUST Business School was the rst business school in the region accredited by both the US-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) and the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). The School is always at the forefront of educational development and business thinking, and strives for excellence in research and teaching.

Our unique Asian and global perspectives are made possible by our international faculty members. Our graduates strive to make a positive impact on both the business world and wider society.


New York University Stern School of Business

Located in New York City, New York University's Stern School of Business is both a top-rated business school and one of the world's leading research institutions. A proud part of Stern's heritage is its consistently top-ranked nance department and faculty.

Stern faculty members are well known for their mastery of subject matter, their contributions to original research in their respective elds, and for their ability to convey complex material in clear, relevant and interesting ways. Students also bene t from unparalleled access to Wall Street and the world's leading practitioners who are adjunct faculty and guest speakers in their classes.


Program Highlights


? One-year program with 7 intensive modules

? Modular class format ideal for working executives


? Comprehensive and in-depth curriculum in global nance

? Hot topics such as FinTech and Behavioral Finance


? Diverse cohort representing 15+ nationalities

? Experienced nance executives with an average of 12 years of work experience


? One single degree jointly conferred by HKUST and NYU Stern

? Earn credentials from the best of both worlds in one program


? Classes held in Hong Kong, New York and Shanghai

? Exposure to the 3 world nancial centers


? Participants form project team to work on real-life nance issues

? Integrate all knowledge learned from the program into practical experience


? Classes taught by world-class faculty from both HKUST and NYU Stern

? Interactive case-based teaching enhances learning experience


? Graduates become alumni of both HKUST and NYU

? Dual alumni networks of 140,000+ members in 130+ global locations

Program Schedule








Module 1 (8 days)

? Global Macro and Asian Markets

? Foundations of Corporate Finance

Module 2 (5 days)

? Foundations of Investments

? Asset Allocation

Module 3 (7 days)

? Derivatives Markets

? Fixed Income Instruments and Markets

Module 4 (5 days)

? Applied Corporate Finance and Valuation

? Behavioral Finance

Module 5 (4 days)

? Financial Markets and Corporate Finance in China

Module 6 (10 days)

? Risk Management in Financial Institutions

? FinTech

? Topics in Financial Markets and Governance

Module 7 (2 days)

? Integrative Project Group Presentation

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

New York

Hong Kong


New York

Hong Kong

Alumni Testimonial

Patrick Dlamini (Class of 2016)

Chief Executive O cer and Managing Director, Development Bank of Southern Africa Nationality: South Africa Work Location: South Africa

" As South Africa is an emerging economy, we need to understand the dynamics taking place in our trading partners to stay on top of the game. This program came very handy in making me understand and integrate global nance and economic issues, and thus deal better with industry dynamic."

Chaitali Dutta (Class of 2018)

Owner & Founder, Azuke Personal Finance Advisory; Chief of Operations, Serengeti Ventures Pvt Ltd. Nationality: India Work Location: Hong Kong

" MSGF has been a life-changing journey. It provided me a diverse range of nance topics which is relevant to the times. It enabled me to give advisory service to my clients that is more relevant and focused in nance. I have also found lifelong friends in my classmates of this cohort and other cohorts."

Stan Moss (Class of 2016)

CEO, Polen Capital Management Nationality: United States Work Location: United States

"The caliber and experience of the professors is very impressive. The individual who wrote the book walks in to teach your class. With so many notable and veteran professors, class sometimes actually felt like a Finance Greatest Hits album."

Michelle Tang (Class of 2018)

APAC Risk & Control Manager, Natixis IM Nationality: Hong Kong Work Location: Hong Kong

" We have faculty members from both HKUST and NYU offering perspectives from the East to the West. The program is also perfect for nance executives based in Asia to learn from the insiders and market players to understand the nancial markets in Asia and China."

Andries Terblanche (Class of 2011)

KPMG Global Lead for Dynamic Risk Assessment, KPMG UK Nationality: Australia Work Location: United Kingdom

" Our class encompassed a diverse range of businesses and demographics. On its own it added much to discussions and analyses in the classroom. My classmates were smart, competitive, eager to learn, ambitious, and at the same time approachable and cordial. It made for an extremely productive learning environment."

Yeon Ho Woo (Class of 2018)

Partner, Eagle Capital Nationality: Korea Work Location: Brazil

" The nancial knowledge I have acquired about the US and Asian nancial markets and its recent developments, including FinTech, and the overview of the various nancial instruments gave me the birds eye view of the markets which allowed me to better identify synergies, opportunities and niche markets. It was really an enriching experience for me."

Alumni Profile


Average age


Average years of work experience

~30% Female

Canada U.S.A.


United Kingdom France Spain





Switzerland Romania Greece

United Arab Emirates Nepal

Mongolia South Korea



Hong Kong



Costa Rica Venezuela

Saudi Arabia Nigeria

India Thailand Malaysia Singapore

Vietnam Philippines






South Africa




Work locations


Non-Hong Kong residents


Admission Requirements

Applicants are expected to meet the following requirements to be considered for admission:

? have a bachelor's degree with strong GPA;

? have at least ve years of full-time, post-degree work experience; and

? a satisfactory TOEFL / IELTS-score report for applicants whose rst language is not English, and whose bachelor's degree or equivalent quali cation was awarded by an institution where the medium of instruction was not English

Program Fee

Program fee for Class of 2020 is USD 76,080 (HKD 593,424).

The program fee covers tuition, books, course materials, lunches for all modules, as well as accommodation for Module 1 and Module 7 in Hong Kong. The program fee does not include accommodation for Modules 2-6 in addition to travel expenses for all modules.


HKUST Program Of ce Tel: (852) 2358 5028 | Email: msgf@ust.hk

NYU Stern Program Of ce Tel: (1) 212 998 0442 | Email: msgf@stern.nyu.edu



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