



September 17, 2011

Chairperson Greg Brown called the Annual Meeting to order at 10 AM in the Newport Recreation Center. Owners of Units 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 were present. Proxies for Quorum were received from Units 6, 7, 11, 18, 19, and 20. One proxy for voting purposes was identified. Board members present were Greg Brown, Chairperson; John Aylmer, Treasurer; and Susan Knowlton, Secretary. Introductions were made, and the proxies were placed into the minutes.


A motion was made by Sandy Overfield, seconded by Anne Sigleo to accept the 2010 Annual Meeting minutes, which were previously mailed to all owners. In addition, copies of these minutes were distributed to unit owners in attendance.

Susan requested that owners review and update the distributed HOA contact information sheet. Two corrections were made and an update of this sheet will be posted on the LaQuina Shores website.


John Aylmer distributed a four-page document consisting of the 2010-2011 Balance Sheet (as of 9-16-11); a Quarterly 2010-2011 Income/Expense Report (YTD); a Budget Comparison 2010-11 to 2011-12; and an Income and Expense Recap (as of 9-17-11). John mentioned the improved asset balance, now at $17,849.51 due mostly to savings on repairs. Next year’s budget again has $10,000 set aside for repairs, and a reserve fund of $12,000 for painting. Greg noted that our plan is, over the next four years, to get the paint fund up to at least $30,000. This amount should be half the cost of painting the buildings, thus reducing a special assessment for all owners. It is expected that painting will be required by 2015 or 2016 (units were last painted in 2008).

Owners were reminded that association dues more than 90 days in arrears will result in the filing of a lien. It is your responsibility to keep your dues up-to-date as no reminders are sent.

Sandy Overfield volunteered to audit the financial records on behalf of the HOA as required by our by-laws.


• Creation of LaQuina Shores website

o Using a free Wordpress template, Greg has created the LaQuina Shores home page. It may be accessed at laquinashores.. Greg noted that the password-protected section includes our financial reports and contact information. Please contact Greg if you have any problems accessing any portion of this website, also please feel free to suggest additional links or other information you think others would find useful.

• Sandy Wieneke was hired as new Landscape Maintenance contractor (Jan-Dec 2011)

o General consensus is that the new landscaper is working out well. Greg is the contact for Sandy; if you have specific needs in the area of landscaping please let Greg know and he will pass your request along.

• Letters were sent to Newport Development Department in objection to conditional use permits being approved at Meritage complex

o At least three letters have been sent in opposition to conditional use permits sought by owners at Meritage. So far none of the permits have been denied. The Board will continue to monitor, as these requests become known.

• Purchase of a leaf blower was approved to reduce landscaping expenses

o The leaf blower is housed in the shed at the end of building #4; it is available for owners to use.

• All walkways were treated for moss control

o Moss control was done twice last year and the plan is to continue with a twice-yearly attack. Several spots were mentioned as problematic and will be watched carefully to keep them under control.

• All walkways and carports were power washed

o Greg will continue to power wash as needed.

• Major tree trimming and removal was completed

o John and Greg were able to remove a number of tree limbs, shrubs and out-of-control growth around the property. This work included the entrance area, which had become quite dangerous from obstructed view lines, to limbs overhanging rooflines and general cleanup.

o We are still waiting for approval to cut trees on the park property across the street. A new supervisor, along with a new permit process has slowed progress. It is expected that an agreement will be reached shortly.

• Paint touch-up work was done throughout the complex

o Greg and John did touch-up painting on the exterior of the buildings, covering mostly rust spots, in hopes of keeping a full paint job another few years into the future.


• Replacement of carport and walkway posts

o There are three posts, which are in need of possible replacement at a cost of approximately $1,000 each. These three will be monitored and replaced as necessary. If an owner notices any other posts needing attention, please inform Greg.

• Repair or replacement of garden windows

o It was noted that brown frames for the garden windows may no longer be available. Several owners mentioned very good success having the window glass replaced and not the entire frame. They noted that air and water leakage issues were eliminated, that essentially the glass replacement created a “new” garden window.

• Review and update list of contractors used by HOA

o A list of currently used contractors was distributed and will be posted on the LaQuina Shores website. If an owner has positive or negative experience with any of these contractors, or wishes to make additions to this list, please contact Greg.


Bob Anthony asked if there was any further thought of replacing the gutters. Sally Ford noted that there were no gutters along the deck roof. No action was taken regarding gutters at this time.

Sandy Hope noted that there are currently two units for sale (Units 1 and 2) and that our by-laws state that only one “for sale” sign is allowed per unit. Each unit has two signs, but at this time no action will be taken. If additional signs are placed, then the owners will be notified of our rule.

A general discussion was held regarding “common elements” and the responsibility of the HOA specifically in regards to the replacement of windows. At the request of Rob Blickensderfer (Unit 7) the following was read into the minutes:


Those in attendance received a copy of LaQuina Shores HOA Declarations Recorded 8-11-1983, book 143, page 123, consisting of Section 5 - Common Elements; Section 6 - Limited Common Elements; and Section 18 - Maintenance (referenced by Rob above). Following further discussion and thoughtful consideration of Rob’s views, it became evident that the consensus of those present is for owners to be responsible for the replacement of window frames and glass, and that garden windows will continue to be required. Several owners have already replaced windows and frames at their own expense and thus felt it appropriate to maintain this definition of Common Elements. It was also noted that window framing MUST be brown, that any white frames MUST be painted to the approved color. It was also strongly suggested that owners replace the glass in their garden windows rather than purchasing an entire garden window unit. And to remind everyone -- window replacements that change the size of the window opening require HOA approval.

Susan had requested that the distribution of meeting notices, minutes, financial reports, etc. be done through our LaQuina Shores website. Greg noted that if you log onto the website and add your email address as an Email subscriber, then you will automatically be notified whenever there is a change to the website (i.e. minutes have been posted etc.). Susan will email notice of new postings until everyone has a chance to become an email subscriber to the website. She will also contact those without an email address to identify their preferred method of communication.


Three Board member positions expire this year. John Aylmer (Unit 12) has generously agreed to remain on the Board for another term. Nominations were made and seconded to elect Sandra Hope (Unit 5) and Sally Ford (Unit 14) as new Board members for the next two-year term. Bob Anthony closed the nominations, with Anne Siglao as second. A vote was taken and these nominations for the Board were approved unanimously.

The 2011 Annual Board Meeting was adjourned at 11 AM


September 17, 2011

The newly elected Board met immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Meeting. Those in attendance were Greg Brown, John Aylmer, Susan Knowlton, Sandra Hope and Sally Ford. Current officers have each agreed to continue in their positions for another term, Chairperson – Greg Brown, Treasurer – John Aylmer, and Secretary – Susan Knowlton. The next Quarterly Board Meeting was tentatively set for a yet-to-be-determined date in December 2011. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Knowlton



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