
RPOA Board Meeting

February 25, 2013

Lynch Residence

193 Cottonwood Creek Road

Durango, Colorado 81301


Members Present: Brad Gray, Carol Lewin, Barbara Lynch, Gay Robson (via phone), Sherry Taber, Scott Voss (via phone) & George Widmeyer.

Guest: Jim Whittier

1. Call To Order: President Brad Gray called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

2. Approval of the Minutes for Board meeting 1/21/2013 – Carol Lewin

Minutes for RPOA Board Meeting 1/21/2013 were previously submitted to the board members.

Scott Voss moved and George Widmeyer seconded that the minutes for the RPOA Board meeting on 1/21/2013 be approved as presented and the motion carried unanimously.

3. Reports of the Officers and Standing Committees

a. President – Brad Gray

Brad reported that the board is working on various projects in preparation for the annual meeting.

b. Secretary – Carol Lewin

No report at this time.

c. Treasurer – Scott Voss

Scott reported the following:

1.  Snow removal costs are, by far, the largest financial risk to our budget.  We spend over $1000/day even if we

have a light snow fall which requires plowing.


2.  We received a refund of $1,921 from Farmer's insurance due to the policy cancellation and switch to State Farm



3.  The Finance Committee, Bud Burgess, Jim Whittier and I met and discussed the Association Reserves

study.  We recommend approval of the study but might request a few minor changes following the next Board

meeting.  A summary of our recommendations are contained in a separate email sent to all Board members on

February 22, 2013.


4.  We need to have a clear understanding of next year's budget and our position on Reserve funding at the next

Board meeting on February 25, 2013  The annual assessment letter must sent by March 5, 2013. 

moved and George Widmeyer seconded that the January 2013 Treasurer's Report be approved as

presented and the motion carried unanimously.

d. Architectural – Gay Robson

Gay presented the following report:

Approved Projects:

Mary Nowotny – 20 River Run – Replace windows of master bedroom on south side with sliding glass patio doors, extend deck to adjoin patio doors, and place whimsical gate on SE corner of property. All materials will match existing colors and details of the house. (Approved 2/22/13)

Revision of Architectural Rules

Tim Flanagan of Flanagan Architecture is in the process of reviewing the RPOA Architectural Rules as to

compliance with state and county regulations and will make recommendations regarding construction materials, new building technologies, and other issues that should be addressed in the Rules. Mr. Flanagan has provided a draft of his summary to date. The final report will be reviewed by the Architectural Committee.

Covenant Violations:

One violation is still unresolved.

e. By-Laws – Sherry Taber

Sherry did not have anything to report.

f. Finance – Scott Voss

Scott presented his written report with discussion.

g. Maintenance – George Widmeyer

George presented the following report:

Work In Progress

There is no on-going work at this time.

Work Completed

Sherry and George met with Rose and Howard on February 6th to discuss both of their contracts. We exchanged information and came to a better understanding of the timing and scope of the work required. A separate report will be made to the board.

A street light bulb along the south side of the entrance was replaced.

The streets were snow plowed one time in the second half of January and one time, so far, in February.

Work Being Planned for Spring 2013

Previously mentioned items for the spring are (1) the Fawn Lake pump house piping and outlet problems, (2) inspection and possible replacement of some pump inlet grates, and (3) preemptive work on controlling the weeds and cattails in several of the ponds. We should add to these an inspection of the streetlights as a new work-being-planned item for the spring. Several light posts look rather poor and should, at least, be repainted.

We also need to solicit bids for patching and sealing all of the roads, not just those in Phase III that will be repaved in a few years. This item was suggested during the physical review part of the reserve study by the consultant.

h. Nominating – Barbara Lynch

Barbara reported that she had a meeting with the Nominating Committee to consider candidates for the three positions on the board as of June 2013.

4. Items Requiring Immediate Action

a. Final Version of the Budget – Scott Voss

Scott reported the following:

The budget for 2013-14 was discussed. Increases were proposed for legal expenses: $5,000, snow removal: $5,000, and an 11% increase in electricity costs to reflect the rate increase by La Plata Electric. The proposed budget is based on the same income as 2012-13.

The notice of RPOA Annual Assessment letter was discussed.

b. Setting the Annual Assessment - Brad Gray

c. Review of the Reserve Study - Scott Voss

d. Candidates for the Board - Barbara Lynch

Barbara presented the names of the following people who are running for the board positions: Bud Burgess,

Jeanie Emigh and Jim Whittier.

e. Changes to the Schedule of Milestones Leading to Annual Meeting - Brad Gray

February 25 – Board Decides (1) Final Budget, (2) Annual Assessment, And (3) At Least Three Candidates For Election To The Board.

March 6 – Mail Annual Assessment Letter With Invoice(s) And Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope.

1. Print invoices using name, address, and lot numbers (check with Betsy).

2. Use two sizes of envelopes so that the smaller can be inserted into the larger.

May 1 – Mail Annual Meeting Announcement Letter.

1. State that the meeting is at 2:00 PM on June 2, 2013 at the Grange.

2. Include a somewhat detailed budget, see last year’s letter for sample.

3. Include the biographies of the candidates for election to the board.

4. Include a proxy card for homeowners who cannot attend the meeting.

5. Include the revised Architectural Rules, if they are ready.

June 2 – Hold Annual Meeting.

RPOA has access to the Grange starting from 1:00 pm.

5. Additional Items Requiring Action

a. Reveiw of AREM Contract – Sherry Taber

Sherry reviewed her e-mail discussions with Sandra Tischaefer of AREM and the board discussed the items of concern to RPOA.

The board will create a statement of work specific to RPOA and present this to AREM.

b. Revision of Architectural Rules – Gay Robson

Gay included the status of this project in the Architectural Committee report.

c. Privacy Provisions of New HOA Law (Bill 1237) –

Gay volunteered to draft an RPOA directory owner consent form and send it to the RPOA attorney for review and approval.

d. Results of Initial Contractor Meetings - George Widmeyer

George reported the following:

A separate report will be made to the board.

6. New Business


7. Announcements

a. Next Meeting – Lewin residence on March 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm

8. Adjournment

George Widmeyer moved and Scott Voss seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 9:28 pm and the motion was carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted, Carol Lewin, RPOA Secretary


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