

Access 1

Basic competences


Foreign Languages



The Basic Competences

The Basic Competences are a combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes which are developed in a specific learning situation. The basic competences are those aptitudes which everyone needs in order to grow and fulfil themselves as people, be active and functioning members of society, and find and maintain gainful employment. These competences need to be acquired throughout pupils' formal education, and be kept in good order and up-to-date throughout one's life. There are eight different competences in total.

Each of these eight competences is developed in different contexts throughout both levels of Access. We will now briefly describe how Access helps to foster the development of these competences.

• Linguistic communicative competence (C1): Throughout the course, Access uses language as a means of oral and written communication, and as a way to promote learning and to foster harmonious behaviour and emotions. Access provides students with: the ability to understand spoken English in a wide variety of situations; the ability to start and maintain conversations on a range of topics; the ability to understand different types of written text; and the ability to write texts for diverse purposes. Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are studied to help students develop these abilities and not as ends in themselves.

• Mathematical competence (C2): Access uses certain mathematical concepts and tools in the process of teaching English as, for example, tables, figures, rates, percentages, measurements, etc. This helps students to learn more about quantitative and spatial descriptions of reality, and to solve problems connected with daily life and the modern world.

• Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the physical world (C3): Access deals with areas such as science, health, physical activity, consumption and technological processes, etc. This helps students interact with the both the natural and man-made physical environment.

• Data processing and digital competence (C4): Access makes use of the possibilities afforded by information and communications technology: it presents information in different formats which, in addition, foster interpersonal communication and teamwork (e-mail, blogs, etc.).

• Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5): Through the different types of activity which make up the course, Access develops a knowledge and understanding of the values which form the bedrock of democratic societies, codes of conduct, and the interplay of individual rights and responsibilities in society. Pair work and group activities help students to put themselves in the other person's shoes, to accept differences, to be tolerant, and to respect the values, beliefs, culture and personal and collective backgrounds of others.

• Cultural and artistic competence (C6): Throughout the course, Access includes texts and references to different cultural and artistic trends, both past and present-day. This helps students to understand the role which the arts have played, and continue to play, in people's lives. This in turn enables them to gain a better appreciation of the role which the arts can play in their own lives

• Learning to learn (C7): By means of a range of material (Progress Checks, Review Units, or the material included in the appendices to the Students’ Book and Workbook), Access helps students to autonomously monitor their own learning. The course also enables students to cope with uncertainty, to accept different answers to the same problem, and to take the initiative to look for different answers by trying out different approaches.

• Autonomy and personal initiative (C8): Through sections such as Self Study, or the annotated answers to the Progress Checks, Access enables students to independently make up their own minds and to take the necessary steps to see through the choices they have made and to take responsibility for them, whether in the personal, social or work-related domain. Furthermore, by putting together a portfolio of their own work, students will acquire qualities and abilities such as autonomy, self-esteem, perseverance, responsibility, self-appraisal, initiative, creativity, respect for others' ideas, openness to dialogue and teamwork, and project management skills.

Finally, we list a ninth competence included by the autonomous community of Castile La Mancha in its curriculum, and a description of how it is developed in Access:

• Emotional competence (C9): Access develops this competence through the pair work and group work activities which are included throughout both levels. These activities help students cope with stressful situations by improving their powers of self-control. The development of this competence will be evidenced by students' growing maturity, especially when they have to deal with situations which contain an element of conflict.




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 4–15 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 10, ex. 1; |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| |p. 11, exs. 2–4 | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |SB: pp. 12–13 |Students listen to and talk about free-time activities, including |Use new technologies to learn English. |

| | |the Internet (chat and Skype). |Take advantage of new technologies to revise and |

| |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital devices as part of their process of learning |consolidate what one has learnt in the unit. |

| |Digital Active Workbook |English. | |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: pp. 6–7 |Students consider graffiti as a contemporary form of artistic |Understand and critically evaluate cultural and |

| | |expression or as a criminal offence. |artistic trends. |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: pp. 4–5 |Students speak about physical activities and other hobbies related|Understand the health benefits of certain everyday |

|physical world (C3) | |to technology. |practices. |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 5, ex. 6; |Students work in pairs/groups and democratically respect their |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |p.13, exs. 7–8 |classmates' opinions. |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p.152, Unit 1 |Students practise accepting or rejecting invitations. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 4–15 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 1 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 15, exs. 5–7 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 1: Self Study + |work. They produce a description of a daily routine. To this end, |mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|they use tools which promote self-study and personal initiative in| |

| |Template |their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 5, ex. 6; p.13, |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |exs. 7–8; p. 15, ex. 8 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 16–27 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and |Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 22, ex. 1; p. 23, |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| |exs. 1 and 3 | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital devices as part of their process of learning |Take advantage of new technologies to revise and |

| |Digital Active Workbook |English. |consolidate what one has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: pp. 16–17; p. 18; pp. |Students speak about the iconic British pop, The Beatles; about |Show interest in landmark musical artists and in |

| |24–25 |John Lennon, and about their own tastes in music. |contemporary musicians. |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: p. 18 |Students focus on the reference to the National Trust which works |Show interest in non-profit-making organisations which |

|physical world (C3) | |towards the restoration and recovery of the natural and cultural |contribute to the preservation of the environment and |

| | |heritage. |of our natural heritage. |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 16, ex. 3; p. 25, exs.|Students work in pairs/groups and democratically respect their |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |4–5 |classmates' opinions. |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p.152, Unit 2 |Students practise different ways of keeping a conversation going. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 16–27 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 2 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 27, exs. 5–8 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 2: Self Study + |work. They produce a narrative text about an important event. To |mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|this end, they use tools which promote self-study and personal | |

| |Template |initiative in their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 16, ex. 3; p.25, exs. |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |4–5; p. 27, ex. 8 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 28–39 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 34, ex. 1; p. 35, |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| |ex. 3 | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |SB: p.30 |Students read a text about the use and abuse of TV (and Play |Understand that we need to judiciously evaluate each |

| | |station). |technological advance. |

| |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital devices as part of their process of learning |Take advantage of new technologies to revise and |

| |Digital Active Workbook |English |consolidate what one has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: pp. 36–37; p. 38 |Students speak about their reading preferences, and mention Agatha|Show interest in iconic historical literary figures and|

| | |Christie, Che Guevara, Roald Dahl or Nick Hornby. |in contemporary authors. |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: p. 18 |Students pay attention to the reference to National Geographic. |Show interest in those organisations and people who |

|physical world(C3) | | |strive to spread knowledge of the geography of the |

| | | |world. |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 29, ex. 6; p. 37, exs.|Students work in pairs/groups and democratically respect their |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |7–9 |classmates' opinions. |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p. 152, Unit 3 |Students express their preferences. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 28–39 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 3 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 39, exs. 5–8 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 3: Self Study + |work. They produce a review of a book or a film. To this end, they|mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|use tools which promote self-study and personal initiative in | |

| |Template |their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 29, ex. 6; p.37, exs. |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |7–9; p. 37, ex. 9 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 42–53 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 48, ex. 1; p. 52, |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| |ex. 3 | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital devices as part of the process of learning |Take advantage of new technologies to revise and |

| |Digital Active Workbook |English |consolidate what one has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: p. 44 |Students study the development of the desire to be tanned in |Understand and critically evaluate cultural tendencies |

| | |British society. |(fashion). |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: p. 42, exs. 1–2; |Students consider the elements which go to make up a healthy |Understand the health benefits of certain healthy |

|physical world (C3) |pp. 50–51 |lifestyle, including diet and physical exercise. |practises carried out on a daily basis. |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 42, ex. 2; p. 51, exs.|Students work in pairs/groups and democratically respect their |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |8–9; p. 43, exs. 4–5 |classmates' opinions. |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p. 152, Unit 4 |Students practise making suggestions. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 42–53 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 4 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 53, exs. 5–8 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 4: Self Study + |work. They write text in which they express arguments for and |mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|against a proposition. To this end, they use tools which promote | |

| |Template |self-study and personal initiative in their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 42, ex. 2; p. 51, exs.|Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |8–9; p. 53, ex. 8 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 54–65 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 63, ex. 3 |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| | | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |SB: pp. 62–63 |Students listen to ads on the radio for different holiday |Be aware of the importance of the influence of radio on|

| | |destinations, and make their own ad. |our lifestyle. |

| |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital platforms to help them learn languages. |Use new technologies to revise and consolidate what one|

| |Digital Active Workbook | |has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: p. 54, exs. 1–2; p. 56 |Students learn about British culture and customs. |Understand and critically evaluate cultural trends in |

| | | |other countries. |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: pp. 62–64 |Students listen to and read information about Scotland, Jamaica, |Show interest in different places around the world. |

|physical world (C3) | |Ireland and Iceland. | |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 54, ex. 2 |Students work in pairs/groups and respect their classmates' |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |SB: p. 153, Unit 5 |opinions. |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| | |Students practise how to make complaints and to apologise. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 54–65 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 5 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 63, exs. 4–5; |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |p. 65, exs. 4–6 |work. They write a radio ad for their country and a description of|mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |WB Unit 5: Self Study + |a place To this end, they use tools which promote self-study and | |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|personal initiative in their learning of English. | |

| |Template | | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 54, ex. 2; p. 63, ex. |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |9; p. 65, ex. 7 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 66–77 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 72, ex. 1; p. 73, |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| |ex. 3 | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital platforms to help them learn languages. |Use new technologies to revise and consolidate what one|

| |Digital Active Workbook | |has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: pp. 66–67; p. 68 |Students recognize various languages and the differences between |Show awareness of the cultural riches which languages |

| | |them. |bestow on society. |

| | |Students read a text about the danger of some languages becoming | |

| | |extinct. | |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: p. 67; p. 68 |Students examine differences between British and American English.|Show interest in, and respect for, languages spoken in |

|physical world (C3) | | |different parts of the world. |

| | |Students read a text which contains examples of countries with | |

| | |their own linguistic identity. | |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 66, ex. 2; p. 75, |Students work in pairs/groups and respect their classmates' |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |ex. 6 |opinions; students practise how to make complaints and to |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p. 153, Unit 6 |apologise. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 66–77 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 6 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 73, ex. 5; p. 77, exs.|Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |6–8. |work. They draw up a questionnaire about languages and write a |mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |WB Unit 6: Self Study + |text which examines arguments for and against a proposition. To | |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|this end, they use tools which promote self-study and personal | |

| |Template |initiative in their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 66, ex. 2; p. 75, |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |ex. 6; p. 77, ex. 9 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 80–91 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 86, ex. 1; p. 87, |Students understand and process information to complete a table. |Use mathematical forms of expression (tables) in the |

| |ex. 1 | |process of learning English. |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |SB: p. 91, ex. 4 |Students write a text about an invention with important social |Be aware of the inventions which have helped to improve|

| | |repercussions; students use digital platforms to help them learn |the quality of life over the course of history. Use new|

| |Digital Skills Trainer + |languages. |technologies to revise and consolidate what one has |

| |Digital Active Workbook | |learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) | | | |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: pp. 80–82; |Students talk about environmental problems and solutions; they |Show interest in, and respect for, the conservation of |

|physical world (C3) |pp. 88–89; p. 90 |read about climate change; they listen to a text about the need to|the environment; be aware of the urgent need to adopt |

| | |acquire environmentally friendly habits in daily life; they read |global measures aimed at sustainable development in |

| | |about Darwin's theory of evolution. |order to preserve the world. |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: pp. 80–81, exs. 2, 6; p. |Students work in pairs/groups and respect their classmates' |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| |89, ex. 4 |opinions. Students practise different ways of making themselves |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p. 153, Unit 7 |understood in English. |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 80–91 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 7 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 91, exs. 4–6 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 7: Self Study + |work. They write a text about an invention with important social |mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|repercussions. To this end, they use tools which promote | |

| |Template |self-study and personal initiative in their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: pp. 80–81, exs. 2, 6; p. |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |89, exs. 4, 7; p. 91, ex. 7 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 92–103 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) |SB: p. 94 |Students consider speed limits, and how to convert miles to |Use certain numerical expressions (miles/kilometres; |

| | |kilometres; students study road fatality figures in different |mortality rates) in English. |

| | |industrialized countries. | |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital platforms to help them learn languages. |Use new technologies to revise and consolidate what one|

| |Digital Active Workbook | |has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: pp. 92–93; p.94 |Compare aspects of the highway code across the EU, and read about |Show interest in, and respect for, aspects of British |

| | |a 19th century English cultural fact (‘The Red Flag Law’). |culture past and present. |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the |SB: pp. 92–93; |Students speak about traffic, road safety, and fatality rates on |Reflect on the visual impact of major roads on the |

|physical world (C3) |pp. 94–95; pp. 100–101 |the roads. |landscape; reflect on the social consequences of the |

| | |Students prepare descriptions of two urban scenes which include |high rate of fatalities on major roads. |

| | |roads and traffic. | |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: pp. 93, ex. 5 |Students work in pairs/groups and respect their classmates' |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| | |opinions. Students practise giving directions. |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| |SB: p. 153, Unit 8 | |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 92–103 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 8 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 103, exs. 5–7 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 8: Self Study + |work. They write an informal letter of thanks. To this end, they |mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|use tools which promote self-study and personal initiative in | |

| |Template |their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 93, ex. 5; p. 101, ex.|Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |8; p. 103, ex. 8 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |




|Linguistic communicative competence (C1) |SB: pp. 104–115 |All the activities in the unit use language as a means of oral and|Show interest and curiosity in the English language as |

| | |written communication. |such, and in cultural aspects associated with it. |

|Mathematical competence (C2) | | | |

|Data processing and digital competence (C4) |SB: pp. 114–115 |Students read and write an email |Be aware of the importance of new technologies in human|

| |Digital Skills Trainer + |Students use digital platforms to help them learn languages. |communication. |

| |Digital Active Workbook | |Use new technologies to revise and consolidate what one|

| | | |has learnt in the unit. |

|Cultural and artistic competence (C6) |SB: p. 105 |Students analyze different proverbs. |Show interest in popular wisdom and its effects on |

| | | |society. |


|Competence in knowledge of and interaction with the | | | |

|physical world C3) | | | |

|Interpersonal, social and civic competence (C5) |SB: p. 105, ex. 8; |Students work in pairs/groups and respect their classmates' |Be aware of the different thought processes of men and |

| |pp. 106–107 |opinions. |women, and the possibility of creating complementary |

| | |Students practise different ways of speculating and deducing. |synergies from them. |

| |SB: p. 153, Unit 9 | |Develop key communication skills, and take into account|

| | | |the interests of others as individuals and the |

| | | |interests of the group as a whole. |


|Learning to learn (C7) |SB: pp. 104–115 |Students do the activities in the unit and use good learning |Show interest in different learning strategies which |

| |WB: Progress Check Unit 9 |practices in class and at home (reading strategies, Noticing, |boost confidence when faced with new challenges in |

| | |translation, error correction, etc.). |one's studies. |

|Autonomy and personal initiative (C8) |SB: p. 115, exs. 5–7 |Students take responsibility for creating a portfolio of their own|Show initiative, be willing to cooperate, learn from |

| |WB Unit 9: Self Study + |work. They write an email expressing an apology. To this end, they|mistakes, and find solutions to problems. |

| |Progress Check (AK) + Writing|use tools which promote self-study and personal initiative in | |

| |Template |their learning of English. | |

|Emotional competence |SB: p. 105, ex. 8; p. 113, |Students work in pairs or groups and learn to take turns and |Show emotional balance and respect for others in the |

|(Castile La Mancha) (C9) |ex. 8; p. 115, ex. 8 |respect the opinions and work of others. |activities done in class. |


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