5. Time Allotment: One hour How to do the Hokey Pokey

Lesson Plan for Teaching Algorithms

How to do the Hokey Pokey


1. Subject(s): Computer Science 2. Topic or Unit of Study: Algorithms 3. Grade/Level: 3rd 4. Objective: Teach students how to create an algorithm 5. Time Allotment: One hour


Learning Context

Students will have learned the basic terms of computer science by this lesson. In the lesson algorithms will first be introduced in this activity. Students will learn how algorithms surround them everyday, and how it goes unnoticed. This lesson will help prepare them for the following lesson on Scratch.


a. Show students Youtube video of father acting out his childrens steps to make a PB&J sandwich. a.

b. Give a presentation on what an algorithm is, to give students a basic understanding. Explain the activity within powerpoint.

c. Students create their own "algorithm" on how to do the hokey pokey. d. Have students get a partner and act out each other's steps. If wrong, must start over to fix

their mistake to make it seamless. e. Closing. Talk to students about what they learned, and how this can be used everyday.


Differentiated Instruction

Reading Rainbow Tip: Try to keep in mind that children learn in many different ways. By consciously thinking about this, you'll be able to use different teaching techniques to reach as many children as possible in your classroom!

a. Visual Learners a. Visual learners will be targeted when the Youtube video plays.

b. Auditory Learners a. Auditory learners will be targeted during the powerpoint.

c. Kinesthetic Learners a. Kinesthetic learners will be targeted when they act out their step by step dance with a partner.

d. At-risk Students a. At-risk students will be targeted by encouraging student to student relationships in the activity.

Materials & Resources

a. Instructional Materials: Notebook paper, pencils, space to dance! b. Resources: Youtube, Google Slides



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