

We’ve Sponsored The

Metcalf Avenue of Flags for 40 years! |October, 2006

The Lions’ Roar

Overland Park Host Lions Club

Overland Park, Kansas

Lionism’s 90th Year 2006-2007 Our 50th Year |[pic]


One More Flag Day This Year. . .

Help Fly the Colors Again On Metcalf

Flags go up and down again on Saturday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. We need all the help we can get for Flag raising (and lowering). Family members or friends who can help are welcome. Because this is a regular-meeting date, it’s a great opportunity to invite friends to the meeting, as guests and prospective members. (Tell them they’ll be our guests for breakfast..) Young people who need some community service hours for school credit might respond to a request for help, especially on a Saturday when they don’t have to get to school!

Busy, Busy, Busy . . .

October Candy Days To Be On 27th, 28th

Lion Janet Sanders-Reh has scheduled a Candy Day week-end at the Wal-Mart store near 119th and Metcalf Avenue. Sign-up sheets will be available at the club meeting on October 14.

Need Halloween “Trick or Treat” candies? Buy some rolls of mints from Lion Janet and give them to the little ghosts and goblins who come to the door. If your church or neighborhood school has a “Halloween alternative” program, why not buy a few containers of mints and donate them! This helps increase Candy Day funds, but it is also a good way to advertise a Lions Fund-Raising Activity.

WE SERVE—In Many Ways . . .

Successful September 23 Blood-Collection Effort!

Lion Ed Schulteis reports a successful blood-collection operation after the September 23 regular meeting.

The Wyndham Garden Hotel donated space that the Community Blood Bank used for collecting the blood.

A total of 15 units (pints) was collected, although the Blood Bank had hoped to collect 20 units. The good news, says Lion Ed, is that twelve Overland Park Host Lions—or more than 20% of our membership—donated units of blood. Four of these were first-time donors.

You are never too old to give blood, he added

Nationally, , only 7% of the members of groups that sponsor or organize such drives donate blood. And of the entire population, just 1% donate blood with any regularity.

Three members of the Shawnee Lions Club (or 18% of their membership) also donated.

Lion Ed said that Community Blood Bank personnel have expressed interest in working with our club for future blood drives, possibly on a quarterly basis.

Researchers who ask people why they don’t donate blood find that the most common response is, “Nobody asked me.”

“Nobody asked me” is also a very common response when people are asked why they don’t belong to service organizations such as a local Lions Club. There is a lesson in that answer for those who will heed it: whether it’s a blood drive or Lions membership growth.

Brats, Hot Dogs, Soda Pop, Water, Popcorn (even coffee!)

Over $3100 Earned From Food Sales At

Overland Park Arts and Crafts Fair!


This was a typical scene on September 30 at the Arts and Crafts Fair. Above, Lion Merlyn Albaugh tries to figure out how much change to return to a customer, while Lion Grant Rogers explains Lions projects to a visitor. It is not true that we had a public-address system set up for the booth—it was only Lion Grant’s acting as a megaphone during his shift!

Our booth at the Overland Park Arts and Crafts Festival was a real success again this year. Profit (before sales taxes are paid) was $3,105.64. (After-tax profit will be approximately $2900, equaling last year’s efforts.) All earnings go to the Service Account and will help fund many of our budgeted (as well as unexpected) charity efforts.

Lion Chuck Olsen, project chairman, expressed his thanks to all who worked at the booth. “It was a beautiful day,” said Lion Chuck, and I’m sure all members had a great time helping out. Thanks again for your support!”

Our booth was located on “prime real estate” again this year. As the Arts and Crafts Festival grows, more displays are set up on the east side of Overland Park Drive. People using the crosswalk and walkway leading back to the main part of the Commons had to pass right by us. This increased foot traffic helped our sales.

Another feature of our booth this year was a membership-information table next to the popcorn machine. Pictures and brochures about our club and Lions Clubs International in general were displayed. Several passers-by stopped and inquired about us and what we do. This part of our booth might be expanded next year to become a stronger membership-recruiting tool.

October Program Schedule

October 14: District Governor Lion David Hentges (Turner Lions Club) will make his official visit for this year to our club.

October 28: Lion Edson Parker has arranged for speakers to discuss the proposed soccer complex for Overland Park.

“Pasta Princesses” Cook Up Meatballs and Sauce For Saturday’s Supper and Silent Auction Fund-Raiser


Host Lions Club’s own “Pasta Princesses” prepare meatballs and sauce from an old and authentic Italian recipe for Saturday’s Pasta Supper and Silent Auction. From left, Lions Mae Claxton, Beverly Nichols, Carole Collyard, and Dottie Bloome. (Photograph by Lion Roger Claxton.)

Another fund raiser for the 50th anniversary—Saturday’s Pasta Supper and Silent Auction—promises to be a lot of fun and will be a good time to spend with family, friends, and neighbors—invite them all.

Lions Dottie Bloome, Mae Claxton, Carole Collyard, and Beverly Nichols spent Sunday afternoon in the Claxtons’ kitchen cooking up homemade meatballs and sauce for the spaghetti and rigatoni that they’ll be serving. Tickets for the Pasta Supper are $5 for adults and $3 for children aged 3 through 12. Desserts will be sold separately at $1.50 each. Each ticket is numbered; the ticket holder will use that number when bidding on items during the silent auction time.

Bidding will close at 7:30. Items will be awarded to high bidders between 7:45 and 8 p.m. An important note: High bidders should be present to claim and pay for their items, or have someone responsible for making payment on their behalf. If a high bidder is not present to claim and item, it will go to the next higher bidder.

Over 100 items for the auction have been donated, including several paintings and scenic photographs, a silver bowl, hand-made Lion pillows. There will be at least one basketball, soccer ball and football for the kids to bid on.

A table especially for children will be set up with suitable items for them to bid on.

Lion Carole Collyard says, “Our thanks go out to Lion Chuck Olsen for arranging to have the pasta supper at his church. This is our first Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction, but we are certainly hopeful it won’t be the last!”

Bits and Pieces

Membership Chairman Lion Darrell Stone asks that we all bring our extra or duplicate copies of The Lion magazine to the next meeting. He will attach cards to them and deliver them to doctors’ and dentists’ offices for membership possibilities.

Still Another Chance to Serve . . .

Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead

Needs Help for Pumpkin Hollow Fund-Raiser

Lion Art Meganck has announced that the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead has requested our help on Friday, October 20, at their annual “Pumpkin Hollow” fundraiser. Volunteers are need to help work with and guide small children through the various events.

There are two shifts, 9:30 to 1:00 and 12:30 to 3:30. Of course, you can volunteer for both.

“This is an excellent way to show our support for our community and be recognized again for the service we render,” said Lion Art.

Please contact him by phone (913-648-0765) or by e-mail to ameganck@.

Reminders of Future Program Assignments

October 14 District Governor David Hentges Visit

October 28 Edson Parker and Jerry Schmitz

November 11 Janette Sanders-Reh and Dale Warden

November 25 Larry Martindale and Dick Ferguson

December 9 Kraig Hickey and Jack Brown

December 23 Ken Collyard and Ron Bloome

Team members should keep each other informed about progress; one Lion should be responsible for “hosting” and introducing the program.

Programs should be 20-25 minutes in length. Time for a short question-and-answer time should be allowed. NOTE: speakers appear at their own expense, without remuneration of any kind, including travel. They are, however, the club’s guests for breakfast. They should not solicit contributions, donations, or political affiliation or support, nor should they offer products for sale as part of any program.

Plan programs as far in advance as possible (a minimum of six weeks is ideal). Until a permanent newsletter editor takes over, give details about your program—including speaker’s name, position, and program topic—to Lion Neal Nichols (913-642-7520) or e-mail to taximath@.

Don’t Forget Heart to Heart Care-Kit Project

Assignment for October: bring a bar of soap (new, in original wrapper) on October 14 or 28. Tail Twister Lion Ron Bloome will gently remind you, should you forget.

We’re gathering materials to make disaster-relief packages—“Care Kits”—to donate to Heart to Heart International (which is headquartered right here in Johnson County.) It isn’t too late to make up for July, August and September meetings. Bring or send two 1-gallon ZipLoc bags (for July), a new wash cloth (for August), and a new hand towel (for September)

The year-long project will include the following additional items:

November: one plastic travel size soap dish.

December: ten Band-Aids (3/4” width).

January: one wide-tooth comb.

February: one small bottle of shampoo.

March: one new, individually wrapped toothbrush.

April: one travel-size tube of toothpaste

May: one crisp new one-dollar bill (to offset shipping costs).

A “work party” will be scheduled for June, at which time the bags will be assembled for sending to the Heart to Heart warehouse in Kansas City, Kansas.

Lion Beverly Nichols Named As 3rd Vice President

Lion Beverly Nichols was appointed to the fill the vacant position of Third Vice President by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October 7. She replaces Lion John Watson who had resigned as both Third Vice President and Program Chairman. He stepped down for personal reasons and family obligations.

Lion Beverly serves at the district level as editor of District Governor David Hentges monthly newsletter. She also is accompanist at the keyboard during singing time at our regular club meetings. She was a member of the former Overland Park Host Lioness Club and served as President in 1984-85 and was Secretary from 1989-1991.

The Third Vice President serves on the Board of Directors, which meets every first Saturday.

Endowment Fund By-Laws Changes Approved;

Current Financial Condition, Grants Announced

The structure of the Board of Trustees of the Overland Park Host Lions Club Endowment Fund (OPHLCEF) has changed. Two offices, Secretary and Treasurer, will replace the former Secretary-Treasurer.

The Fund’s fiscal year will begin on January 1 rather than July 1. This will make it easier to meet legal requirements for filing IRS and Kansas tax reports.

These changes were created by amendments to the Fund’s By-Laws approved by the general membership on September 23, 2006.

The OPHLCEF was incorporated in 1998 as a tax-exempt entity under IRS 501(C) 3 provisions.

Earnings on the Fund’s corpus have enabled it to make two grants, each for $500, to the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). The grants helped provide relief for victims of the Southeast Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.

The condition of the Endowment Fund as of September 9, 2006 is shown in the table below. Figures were provided by Lion Grant Rogers, Fund treasurer.


2005 YTD 2006 to Date

Income and Expenses

Contributions $ 81.00 $ 64.00 $ 577.00

Corpus Contributions 3161.50 1,927.00 22,758.11

Corpus Earnings 651.66 314.96 2,495.51

Expenses: Donations ($1000.00) 0 ($1000.00)

Operations Income $ 450.00 0 $ 1,300.00

Operations Expenses ($222.98) (87.54) ($1,204.54)

Endowment Fund Accounts


Valley View Bank Money Markets $ 1149.21

Valley View Bank Certificate of Deposit 500.00

A G Edwards Mutual Funds 17,995.56

Community America Certificate of Deposits 5,000.00


Community America Checking $ 354.65

The OPHLC Endowment Fund is administered by a Board of Trustees elected by the club’s general membership. Board members are Lion Edson Parker, President; Lion Grant Rogers, Treasurer; Lion Larry Lavely, Secretary; and Lions Ken Collyard, Mae Claxton, Harold (Bud) Turntine, and Ed Schulteis, Trustees.

Metcalf Avenue of Flags Schedule

May, 2006 through July 4, 2007

Saturday, May 20 Armed Forces Day. Done. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 14 Flag Day. Done. Thank you!

Monday, May 29 Memorial Day. Done. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 4 Independence Day. Done. Thank you!

Monday, September 4 Labor Day. Done. Thank you!

Monday, September 11 Patriot Day. Done. Thank you!

Monday, October 9 Columbus Day. Done. Thank you!

Saturday, November 11 Veterans Day

Saturday, May 19, 2007 Armed Forces Day

Monday, May 28, 2007 Memorial Day

Thursday, June 14, 2007 Flag Day

Wednesday, July 4, 2007 Independence Day

Flags go up at 6:00 a.m., come down at 4:30 p.m.

Meet at Newcomer’s Chapel garage (the “Body Shop”), 82nd and Metcalf.

A special note to other club Presidents and Secretaries who read this newsletter:

District Governor David Hentges’ Awards Program for 2006-2007 includes credit for participating in another club’s projects.

Here’s your chance to earn that credit! Pass the word on to your members. By helping Overland Park Host raise (and lower) the Flags, they will honor our Country, beautify our city, and raise funds for sight-conservation projects—and have a lot of fun doing it with other Lions!!

Special Notice . . . Three Major Lions Events


(1) Kansas MD17 State Council Meeting, Emporia, November 3-5 TraveLodge (formerly Ramada Inn). Hotel Reservations due by October 20; registration and meal reservations due by October 27. See flyer on inside back page. Here’s a great chance to see your state leadership at work and to sit in on training workshops, committee meetings, and business session of the State Council and various foundations (Band, Sight, etc.).

(2) K7 District Cabinet meeting, Lawrence, November 11 (run over there after Flags and our regular meeting that morning). See registration form elsewhere in this newsletter for details.

(3) Region 4 Combined Zone Meeting,Tuesday, November 20, 2006. The Olathe Lions Club will host this meeting, which will be held at Olathe Holiday Inn, 151st Street and I-35.

Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., and the meeting will begin at 6:30. Dinner cost is $11 per person. Call Lion Dan Hamblin at (913) 764-2365 to make reservations or send him an e-mail at dan.hamblin@.

A Zone Meeting—especially a combined meeting that brings together all 12 clubs in the region—is an excellent opportunity to meet and fellowship with other Lions and to get new ideas about projects, fund-raising efforts, and general club news around the district..

RSVP right away to Lion Hamblin.


Stark(s) Reality

by Lion Ben Starks

In light of the recent uproar brought about by ill-advised comments of the Pope that inflamed much of the Middle East, I got to thinking about the power of words and the perhaps-unaccounted “cost” of “free” speech.

Words can soothe or sear, stir or depress. For example, the word “Harpo” conjures up the image of a mute clown, whereas the reverse—“Oprah”—depicts a world-wise purveyor of inspiring and uplifting words, a wordsmith, if you will.

Take the word “words” itself—rearrange the letters and it can become “sword,” something that can pierce and behead, as we have so recently seen.

How about the word “time”? It can become “emit,” “mite,” or “item.”—each with an entirely different meaning

What should be the limits of free speech? We do we draw the line, or should we draw one? After all, they are just words. In my youth, there was an adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Whoever came up with that farce has never been crushed by the weight of gossip or stung by unfair criticism. Seems I vaguely remember something from Shakespeare’s King Lear, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth. . . . ”

Maybe it would be wise, before we let ourselves be victimized by words, for us to consider the source and the intent and then to carefully weigh our own reactions, or perhaps, overreaction. After all, “words” don’t really draw blood, but taking up the “sword” does.

Have we made so little progress that the Pope can’t quote want an ancient emperor said centuries ago without zealots crying “Crucify him”? Hasn’t that been done enough

Let free speech remain truly free!!

A message from our Past President . . . Worth Repeating!

2nd Garage Sale Planned for Saturday, October 21

Hey, Fellow Lions! The 50th Anniversary Planning Team (and I’m on that committee) really appreciates the turn-out in July for our first garage sale. We earned $1331!! Unfortunately, because it was so hot we had several boxes of fall and winter kids’ clothing left over, along with several other items.

So . . . we thought we would try it again on Saturday, October 21 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. It will be at the same place, 10404 Nieman Road. Please bring any additional items for sale to regular club meetings or call Big Lion Ken Collyard or me for large-item pick-up if needed. Sign-up sheets for work times will be available at the next three club sessions and at the October board meeting.

I hope I’ll see you there!

—Lion Mae Claxton

Immediate Past President

Missouri 26G Lions, Kansas K7 Lions,

Lenscrafters, and Salvation Army To Sponsor Children’s Eye Care Program, November 13-17

Kansas and Missouri Lions, along with Lenscrafters and the Salvation Army will provide a program of eye screening for 500 Kansas City area children each day during the week of November 13-17. Two work shifts each day are scheduled—8:30 a.m. – noon and noon to 4 p.m. Lions’ responsibilities will include supervision of children while they wait for their screening appointments and to get them to the appointments on time.

Big Lion Ken Collyard will have more information about how to sign up for this co-operative work program.

Comments from Ye Olde Interim Editor

Neal Nichols

You all know I wear several “hats” this year: interim editor of the Roar, chair of the 50th-Anniversary Celebration Planning Team, K7 Vice District Governor, and above all, a Host Lions Club member.

As editor, I worry about how much publicity to give myself. Another editor could make these decisions and “ego” would not be an issue at all. Some activities, however, are newsworthy enough that they’d be included by that editor anyway. So at the risk of “blowing my own horn,” from time to time I’ll include them.

Last winter, I received an invitation to prepare and deliver a major seminar presentation for the 30th Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Columbus, Ohio this fall. PID Gene Vogel (Turner Lions Club) recommended me, I’m sure, and I thank him for his confidence.

I was surprised, honored and flattered by the invitation—all at the same time. First, only about 70 or so seminars are scheduled, and many of these are led by top International officers and directors. Thus, only a “handful” of other Lions from Canada and the United States are asked to lead the rest. Second, I had attended only one previous Forum. At that time I saw first hand the quality of the speakers and seminar leaders there. Knowing they are touted as some of the “finest speakers and Lions leaders anywhere,” I was definitely humbled by the responsibilities assigned to me. I really did not think that I belonged in such august company.

Nonetheless, I do think I did a credible job and that Overland Park Host Lions would not have been ashamed of or embarrassed by my efforts. The evaluations on my performance were for the most part favorable. Approximately 275 Lions attended the Friday afternoon session (and most of them stayed awake throughout, even after a great lunch! About 65 attended on Saturday morning (8 o’clock is not the most ideal time to hold a seminar!).

As Vice District Governor, I will soon announce a visitation schedule. I hope you will help me on these trips—not only to support my VDG role, but to help advertise our 50th Anniversary to other clubs and sell raffle tickets for the great prizes we’re offering.


Lion Nichols getting feedback from an unidentified Lion and from K7 District Governor David Hentges (right) after “Public Speaking for Effective Leadership” presentation at the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Columbus, Ohio on September 16.

See what other Lions around the world are doing to serve humanity.

Go to and click on LQ--Lions Quarterly, the new Lions International video magazine.

The Overland Park Host Almanac . . .

(More than you ever wanted to know about anything!)

2006-2007 Officers and Board of Directors

Overland Park Host Lions Club

Ken Collyard President

Mae Claxton Immediate Past President

Merlyn Albaugh 1st Vice President

Ed Schulteis, 2nd Vice President

Beverly Nichols 3rd Vice President

Carole Collyard Secretary

Roger Claxton Treasurer

Pat Gray Lion Tamer

Ron Bloome Tail Twister

Dick Ferguson Director, 2004-2007

Grant Rogers Director, 2004-2007

Jack McLain Director, 2005-2008

Art Meganck Director, 2005-2008

Paul Roemerman Director, 2006-2009

Chuck Olsen Director, 2006-2009

Darrel Stone Membership Committee Chair

Dottie Bloome Membership Committee Vice-Chair

Bob Larson Membership Committee Member

District K-7 Officers

David Hentges (Turner) District Governor

Neal Nichols (Overland Park Host) Vice Dist. Governor

Richard Barnes (Shawnee) Secretary

Rick Dodson (Lansing) Treasurer

Bernard Lee (Scranton) Immediate Past District Governor

Condensed Treasurer’s Reports

(September, 2006)

General Operating Account


50th Anniversary Account (all sources) $ 309.25

Meals 292.00

Membership dues 505.00

Total Income $ 1106.25


Supplies/Miscellaneous $ 38.60

Meeting room/meals 692.58

Care-Kit expenses (Tail Twister supplies) 9.76

Total expenses $ 740.94

Net Income $ 365.31

Service Account


Flag sponsors $ 5863.00

Hy-Vee Coupon Books 25.00

Total Income $ 5888.00


Candy Day $ 225.00

Supplies/printing. postage 61.44

Overland Park Arts and Crafts Festival* 921.77

Total Expenses $ 1208.21

Net income $ 4679.79

*Expense inflated by $600 (cash advance for change box; adjustment will show in October’s reports.)

Wear Your Pin With Pride!


Submit all information for publication in The Roar no later than Tuesday after the first Saturday of each month. Submit by e-mail to taximath@ and put “OPHLC Newsletter info” on the subject line. If you don’t have Internet access, send by US Mail and then call (913) 642-7520 and leave word that you’ve sent some material.

For your calendar . . .

Sat., Oct. 14 Regular Meeting, Wyndham Garden, 7:00 a.m.

District Governor David Hentges’ Official Visit

Pasta Supper and Silent Auction, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.

(Fund-raising effort for Fiftieth Anniversary celebration.)

Sat., Oct. 28 Regular Meeting, Wyndham Garden, 7:00 a.m.

Program to be on proposed soccer complex for Overland Park

Sat., Nov. 4 Directors Meeting, Mimi’s 7:00 a.m.

November 3-5 KS Lions State Council meeting, Emporia

Sat., November 11 Metcalf Avenue of Flags up, 6:00 a.m.

Regular meeting, Wyndham Garden, 7:00 a.m.

Metcalf Avenue of Flags down, 4:30 p.m.

District K-7 Cabinet meeting, Lawrence, 9:00 a.m.

Monday, November 20 Zone Meeting, Olathe, 6:00 p.m.

Holiday Inn, see details on page 3 of this issue.

And later on . . .

January 12-14 Kansas Lions Mid-Winter Rally, Salina

We will have a hospitality room at the Salina Holidome to sell raffle tickets for our 50th Anniversary. Plan to attend and help out! Anyone for a fried-chicken Sunday dinner at Brookville Hotel (now in Abilene) on the way home?

March 2-3, 2007 K-7 District Convention, Kansas City, KS

May 4, 2007 Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet

Overland Park Convention Center

June 1-3, 2007 Kansas Lions State Convention, Hutchinson

International President Jimmy Ross will speak—in person!

July 2-6, 2007 Lions International Convention, Chicago

Join the 90th Anniversary Celebration in the Windy City!

Visitations to Other Clubs . . .

None currently scheduled, but keep checking your e-mail!

The Fiftieth Anniversary Planning Team contemplates producing a special souvenir program booklet to be distributed at the banquet. Advertising opportunities will be available if these plans are feasible. Watch later issues of the Roar for details.


The 2007 Forum will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan in September. Plan now to attend. Early registration means a better chance to get assigned to the hotel of your choice. The Forum is a tremendous opportunity to enhance your skills as a Lions leader—present or future! Kansas’ own Past International Director Ed McCormick is general chairman for 2007.

(This page is intentionally left blank.)


Second Kansas MD17 State Council Meeting, Emporia, November 3-5


_____ reservations for Friday dinner @ 13.50 each

_____ reservations for Saturday dinner. @ 13.50 each

_____ reservations for Sunday breakfast & devotional service @ $7.50 each

(Note: Meal prices include tax and gratuity.)


Name (s)



Return this part of page to: Linda McCormick, State Secretary

231 South Tyler

Wichita, KS 67209

Phone: 316-773-2100

E-MAIL: KansasLions@

Please make checks payable to: KANSAS LIONS

(Reserve hotel rooms by October 20 directly with Emporia TraveLodge. (Call 620-343-2200, ask for “Lions Reservations.”)

(Cut here) (Cut here)


Second District K-7 Cabinet Meeting, Lawrence, Saturday, November 11


_____ reservations for lunch @ $10.00 each

(Note: Any excess over actual cost will go to our Habitat for Humanity house-building project.)


Name (s)



Office (s) held

Return this part of page to: Rev. Don Dunn

First Church of the Nazarene

1470 North 1000 Road

Lawrence, KS 66046

E-MAIL: ddunn@

Please make checks payable to: Lawrence Lions Club

Directions to church, coming from the east: Highway K-10 into Lawrence to Haskell Avenue (E 1500 Road). Turn left or south to the 2nd stop sign. Turn right (or west); go 1/4 mile on North 1000 Road to our driveway.

Directions to church, coming from the west, north, or south: Coming into Lawrence, take US 59 Highway to North 1000 Road (flashing lights before intersection); turn east on North 1000 Road and go 1-3/4 miles to our driveway.





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