
 What is Holistic Medicine? In Holistic medicine, the basic idea is to look at the “whole” patient instead of focusing only on individual parts or systems. Integrated veterinary medicine strives to blend the best of both Western and Eastern medical philosophies, in an effort to develop a complementary system of therapies for each individual patient. Diagnosis and treatment is based on a combination of physical exam, standard lab work, in depth history, and response to therapies. We follow a holistic model of eliminating toxins and stressors, ensuring appropriate nutrition, detoxifying, and promoting cellular regeneration leading to the repair and restoration of the body. Integrated treatments often involve the administration of a specially selected combination of therapies. A therapy plan may include basic nutrition, special nutritional therapy, acupuncture, western medicines, herbs, physical therapy, behavioral training, spinal mobilization, manual therapies, homeopathy, surgery and/or other modalities of treatments – it all depends on what works best for that individual patient. Holistic therapies can be used to treat cancer, arthritis, allergies, autoimmune disease, respiratory conditions, gastrointestinal disease, ear problems, kidney disease, liver disease, urinary tract problems and a host of other diseases and injuries. How Does a Holistic Consultation Work? The initial Holistic Consultation involves an analysis of your pet’s health – starting with an in-depth review of history, medical records, test results, and radiographs. You will need to arrange to have these medical records sent from your regular veterinarian to drheather@ prior to your examination. During the appointment, we will discuss the history, do a comprehensive physical exam on your pet, and discuss both Eastern and Western treatment options with you. We will develop an individualized treatment plan for your pet which may include nutritional recommendations, supplements such as vitamins or enzymes, herbal medications, acupuncture treatments or massage or other manual therapy treatments. The goal is to support the physical and emotional well-being of your pet. Treatments will help to stimulate your pet’s healing abilities and promote balance of his or her physical and emotional energies. Initial consultations and follow-up consultations involve these processes: 1) Information gathering and assessment 2) Analysis of the problem(s) 3) Counseling and treatment 4) Recheck evaluations 6) Modification of the treatment plan based on response to therapy. Your Responsibility No two patients are exactly alike. It is important that you observe your pet closely and keep a record of your observations. The changes may be physical or behavioral, such as changes in energy level, appetite, stool characteristics, urination, etc. This information is used to determine how the treatment plan is working and when to modify the plan or adjust frequency or dosages. Begin writing down your observations even before treatments begin. Frequent follow-ups and/or phone consultations may be necessary at first (daily for acute cases, weekly for chronic cases). The duration of treatment depends on the age and vitality of the pet, the quality of nutrition, and the type of disease from which your pet is suffering. As a general rule of thumb, acute diseases are cleared quickly (days or weeks) and chronic cases take longer (months or years). Please be aware that vaccinations, corticosteroids, surgery, and other treatments can interfere with the healing process, so please alert us before using any of these therapies so we can work together with your regular veterinarian.Please have all medical records including lab work and x-rays as well as this completed questionnaire sent to the clinic prior to your scheduled appointment time. drheather@ Patient/Client InformationYour Name______________________________________________Spouse_________________Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________City______________________________________ State______________ Zip________________Primary Phone___________________________________________ ? Cell ? Home ? BusinessSecondary Phone_________________________________________? Cell ? Home ? BusinessEmail Address___________________________________________________________________Pet's Name __________________________________________ Date of Birth________________Species____________________________ Breed_______________________________________? Male ? Female ? Spayed ? Neutered ? UnalteredColor_____________May we have your permission to obtain your pet's records from your previous or referring veterinarian? ? Yes ? NoPrevious or Referring Veterinarian__________________________________________________Veterinarian's Phone Number______________________________________________________We want to work with your regular veterinarian as a team. As such, would you like us to send our records back to your regular veterinarian? ? Yes? NoMay we have your permission to release your pet's medical records to a veterinary specialist if needed? ? Yes? No For us to evaluate your pet properly, we need as much information as you can provide us about your pet’s history. Please complete and return this questionnaire before your scheduled appointment so the doctor has time to go over it thoroughly and prepare for your appointment. You may send this questionnaire and have your current medical records sent via email to drheather@. What are the main symptoms that concern you right now and when did you first notice them? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is this problem same, better or worse? ____________________________________________________Has this happened in the past? __________________________________________________________Are there any other medical issues or illness, and if so when? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current medications being administered?__________________________________________________Have you noticed any response or adverse effects? __________________________________________Current supplements, topicals, oils, or shampoos being administered? If so what dosage and frequency? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you feed your pet and how much? ________________________________________________What is your pet’s daily routine and lifestyle? Please include information about your schedule and availability as well. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What type and how much exercise does your pet get? ________________________________________What is the environment like? Do you have slippery floors, stairs, etc. . . . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you notice any temperature preference?? Prefers to be in the sun, near the heater, in front of the wood stove? Prefers to be in the shade, on cool floors? No temperature preference? Other – please describe _________________________________________________________Any unique traits or personality attributes you would like to share with us about your pet? - please describe _________________________________________________________How does your pet sleep? ? Curled up tightly in a ball? Stretched out? Variable or other – please describe ________________________________________________How does your pet drink water?? Large amounts few times a day? Small amounts frequently ? Average amounts, several times daily? Other – please describe _________________________________________________________How is your pet’s appetite?? Voracious and fast? In one setting but not scarfing? Nibbles throughout the dayWhat are your pet’s bowels like? ? Firm, dry, pelleted? Mucusy? Soft to watery? Normal Your pet’s symptoms are most severe (mark all that apply): ? Spring, Summer, Fall, Late Fall, Winter ? Morning, Noon, Evening, Night? Rain, Wind, Cold, Warm, Stormy, Humid ? Before meals, During meals, After meals, ? Before exercise, During exercise, After Exercise? Before resting, While resting, After restingHolistic therapy release: I consent to the use of holistic therapies for my animal. I understand that I may refuse or discontinue these treatments at any time. I acknowledge that although alternative and holistic therapies have a long history of practical use and have been used effectively for animals by both veterinary and human practitioners both here in the United States and elsewhere, the use of holistic or alternative therapies may not be considered “standard practice” in this country. Full payment is required at the time services are provided. A deposit is required to begin hospitalization or emergency treatment of your pet. We accept cash, check, Care Credit, and all major credit cards. We will provide an estimate of current and anticipated charges any time upon your request. ____________________________________________________________________________SignatureDate ................

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