Understanding the Holocaust – A WEBQUEST

List your Group Members here:

Your task is to learn about the Holocaust. Discover its history. Discover bystanders, perpetrators, victims, and rescuers. Learn about places and people and important events. Discover how the Holocaust started and what happened during the Holocaust from the rise of the Nazis to Kristallnacht to Life in the Ghetto to the Camps to Liberation. Learn about Liberators and WWII in general. Discover some information on Judaism. Become educated about an important part of history and the literature written about it.


1. Within your group, decide on and divide the questions and group of terms that each person will research.

2. Research, and take notes.

3. Do NOT copy and paste your answers. This is cheating, illegal, and just wrong. Read the information, and put it in your own words. (Obviously, you will record dates, events, etc., but write the summary of the content in your own words.)

4. After you research your questions, you will write your answers.

5. Lastly, you will present the information to the rest of your group – since you will be the ‘expert’ on your questions and terms, be prepared to answer your group’s questions.

[pic]EACH person will select a group of words to research:

A) Fuhrer B)The Final Solution C)D-Day D) Gestapo

Mein Kampf Genocide 3rd Reich The Occupation of Poland

Aryan Race Auschwitz Holocaust Todt workers

Swastika Anti-Semitism Crematorium Ghetto

1) Who was targeted during the Holocaust? Why do you think that those groups

were targeted? (Your answer must be 2-3 paragraphs long) 

*Use the following site for both questions:

2) Who was Hitler?

*Use one of the following sites:

3) Describe Kristallnacht and the Nuremburg laws.

(Answer the questions on the slide show.)

4) Describe a Jewish ghetto. What was the significance of the Warsaw ghetto?

*Use the following site:

5) Describe the life of a person that was contained in one of these concentration camps. Using detail, describe what daily life was like for them. 

*Click on the Survivors link at:

NOTE: To find the answer, go to the left side of the screen. Go to “Survivors” and scroll down.

6) State the position of the United States during the Holocaust. Why do you think they took this position? 

 *Use the following site:

7) List and describe the 3 most repulsive events that went on in the Forced Labor article:

8) Explain and summarize what EINSATZGRUPPEN were.

*Use the following site:

9) Explore any other Holocaust website (Not Wikipedia) and report what you learned.

10) Pick one of the survivors and sum up their story in 2 paragraphs.

(A paragraph is 7 or more sentences!)

*Use the following site:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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