
| |Wichita falls ISD | |

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| |Practical Writing |Lesson Planner |

|Unit 1: Literary Terms and Poetry |Time Frame: 2 Weeks |

|Objectives | | |

|Skills: The student will be able to… |TEKS |

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|Lesson Information | |

|Activities |Unit Vocabulary |

|Weeks 1-2: |Literary Terms |Academic Vocabulary |

|Review literary terms with Flocabulary video: |Fiction |Connotation |

|Students fill in Terms Lyrics sheet as they watch |Context |Denotation |

|Have students complete Terms Foldable while watching Terms in Pop Culture |Figurative language |Prefix |

|Video: |Foreshadowing/Prediction |Suffix |

| |Allusion |Root word |

|Assign Literary Terms Notecard Project |Symbolism |Inference |

|Begin Figurative Language Warmups, #1, #2, #3 |Tone | |

|Read and Chunk “John Henry” |Points of view (1st, 3rd limited, 3rd | |

|Read and analyze Chameleon Schlemieleon, using attached pre- and post-reading|omniscient) / Narration |Grammar Terms |

|activities |Archetype |Active verb |

|Students attempt pages 149-153 “Elements of Poetry Review” (Answer Key), then|Plot structure |Passive verb |

|analyze as a class. |Moral Dilemma |Adjectives |

|Complete pages 154-160 of Elements of Poetry Review above. This also includes|Syntax |Adverbs |

|revising practice. |Diction |Gerunds |

|Assess terms using Flocabulary Terms Assessment or using this Term Clips |Imagery |Infinitives |

|video: |Voice |Participle (past and present) |

| |Theme | |

| |Characterization | |

| | | |

|Additional Information | |

| Materials/Resources |Notes from Council |

|Dictionaries |Teachers will use a composition notebook for daily activities. |

|Composition Notebooks | |

|Parent Resources |

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|[pic] |Wichita falls ISD | |

| |Practical Writing |Lesson Planner |

|Unit 2: Non-fiction Texts and Persuasive Writing |Time Frame: 3 Weeks |

|Objectives | | |

|Skills: The student will be able to… |TEKS |

|Students will… |tttt |

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|Lesson Information | |

|Activities |Vocabulary |

|Weeks 1-2: | | |

|Begin daily Sentence Combining Warmups (10 warmups) | | |

|Review elements of non-fiction texts | | |

|Following “Tableau” activity instructions, have students create a list of| | |

|classroom blunders. Complete Activity using class-made list. Here is the | | |

|Iwo Jima Photo for the demonstration | | |

|Read “Living With the Look” and complete questions below | | |

|View this clip of Jimmy Fallon’s #hashtag creations (*not all #hashtag | | |

|videos will be appropriate! If you pick another, screen it first!): | | |

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|Complete the Hashtag Activity, having students create Tweets based off of| | |

|pre-made #hashtags from “Living With the Look” | | |

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|Read and chunk another Non-Fiction piece: | | |

|“Fish Dinner“ | | |

|Complete “Silent Annotation” activity in groups | | |

|Review elements of Persuasive Essay, outline and prompt. Plan one of | | |

|these Prompts | | |

|Read Persuasive piece, emphasizing persuasive elements (Reverse onto | | |

|preferred Blank Graphic Organizer) | | |

|Teacher model using preferred BGO | | |

|**Pre-write and Write persuasive essay; select a prompt from Prompts | | |

|slides, above, or select one of these: 4 Persuasive Prompts | | |

|**There are 8 prompts in the 2 files above. Use them to have students | | |

|write about every 2 weeks | | |

|Additional Information | |

|Materials/Resources |Notes from Council |

|Holt McDougal Literature Book or Holt McDougal Literature Interactive |Teachers will use a composition notebook for daily activities. |

|Reader | |

|Dictionaries | |

|Composition Notebooks | |

|Holt McDougal Vocabulary Practice and Tests | |

|**All Holt McDougal resources are available online at | |

|Parent Resources |

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| |Wichita falls ISD | |

|[pic] | | |

| |Practical Writing |Lesson Planner |

|Unit 3: Drama and Fiction |Time Frame: 2 Weeks |

|Objectives | | |

|Skills: The student will be able to… |TEKS |

|Oooooo |tttt |

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|Lesson Information | |

|Activities |Unit Vocabulary |

|Weeks 1-2: | | |

|Begin daily Editing Warmups, (10 days) | | |

|Review literary terms | | |

|Complete “Quotation Mingle” activity, using Teen Drivers article | | |

|Chunking Drama Piece, “Trifles” | | |

|**Write persuasive essay using Prompts from last unit | | |

|Additional Information | |

| Materials/Resources |Notes from Council |

|Dictionaries |Teachers will use a composition notebook for daily activities. |

|Composition Notebooks | |

|Parent Resources |

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