Sec. 25.1 KEY CONCEPT All vertebrates share common ...

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Identify and give examples of the three groups of organisms in the phylum Chordata. (25.1) Describe the characteristics and origins of vertebrates. (25.1) Identify the characteristics of the two classes of jawed fish. (25.2) Describe the evolution and advantage of jaws. (25.2) *25.1-25.2 Notes* *25.1-25.2 Study Guide WS*

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Sec. 25.1 KEY CONCEPT All vertebrates share common characteristics.

The phylum Chordata contains all vertebrates and some invertebrates.

? Chordates share four features at some stage of


? notochord ? hollow nerve cord ? pharyngeal slits ? tail ? Most chordates lose some or all of these

characteristics in adulthood.

All vertebrates share common features.

? An endoskeleton allows vertebrates to grow to large


? internal

? made of bone or cartilage

? An endoskeleton can be divided into four parts.

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 1: Vertebrate Origins

? braincase (cranium) ? vertebrae ? bones ? gill arches (in fish and some amphibians) ? There are seven classes of vertebrates. ? Agnatha are jawless fish. ? Cartilaginous and bony fish are characterized by

the presence of jaws.

? Amphibians are characterized by the presence of

four limbs.

? Reptiles, birds, and mammals are characterized

by the presence of an amnion.

? Birds are characterized by the presence of


? Mammals are characterized by the presence of


Fossil evidence sheds light on the origins of vertebrates.

? Tunicates may be the closest relatives to vertebrates. ? The first recognizable vertebrates were jawless fish. ? Two groups of jawless fish still exist today.

? lampreys ? hagfish

Sec. 25.2 KEY CONCEPT The dominant aquatic vertebrates are fish.

Fish are vertebrates with gills and paired fins.

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 1: Vertebrate Origins

? Fish use specialized organs called gills to breathe


? sheets of thick, frilly tissue filled with capillaries ? take in dissolved oxygen from water, release

carbon dioxide

? Countercurrent flow is the opposite movement of

water against the flow of blood in the fish's gills.

? Fins are surfaces that project from a fish's body. ? keep fish stable ? redirect water around fish as it swims ? help fish maneuver in water

Jaws evolved from gill supports.

? Jaws developed from gill arches located around the


? Jaws gave vertebrates a huge advantage as


Only two groups of jawed fish still exist.

? Cartilaginous fish and bony fish are still in existence. ? Cartilaginous fish have skeletons made of cartilage. ? Cartilaginous fish include the Holocephali and


? Holocephali include ratfish, a small group of deep-

sea fish.

? Elasmobranchs include sharks, rays, and skates. ? All fish have a lateral line system.

? sensory system ? sensitive to small changes in water movement

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 1: Vertebrate Origins

? Bony fish have skeletons made of bone. ? operculum protects a bony fish's gills ? movements of operculum help bony fish move

water over gills

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 1: Vertebrate Origins

Section 25.1: Vertebrate Origins

Study Guide

MAIN IDEA: The phylum Chordata contains all vertebrates and some invertebrates.

1. Circle the letters for the three groups that make up the phylum Chordata. a. arachnids b. crustaceans c. lancelets d. trilobites e. tunicates f. vertebrates

Choose the correct term from the box below to fit the description.


hollow nerve cord pharyngeal slits tail

____________________ 2. extends beyond the anal opening, and contains segments of muscle tissue used for movement

____________________ 3. runs along the animal's back, forms from a section of ectoderm

____________________ 4. slits through the body wall in the pharynx

____________________ 5. flexible skeletal support rod embedded in the animal's back

Circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement. 6. An endoskeleton is an external / internal skeleton built of bone or cartilage.

7. The growth of an animal differs depending on the type of skeleton it has. An endoskeleton / exoskeleton can grow as the animal grows, but an endoskeleton / exoskeleton must be shed in order for the animal to grow.

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 1: Vertebrate Origins

Study Guide A continued

Write the letter of the description that completes the chart for each vertebrate class.

a. able to live on land and in water b. bony fish (skeletons made of bone) c. can retain moisture; live mainly on land d. cartilaginous fish (skeletons made of cartilage) e. have feathers f. have hair, mammary glands, and three middle ear bones g. jawless fish


8. Agnatha 9. Chondrichthyes 10. Osteichthyes 11. Amphibia

12. Reptilia

13. Aves 14. Mammalia






frog, salamander, caecilian lizard, crocodile, turtle, alligator raven tiger

Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

15. Most of the early vertebrate fossil evidence has been found in the _____________________ in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

16. _____________ are the animals recognized as the first vertebrates.

17. The two groups of jawless fish that still exist today are the ________________ and the ____________________.

18. The prefix endo- means "inside," while the prefix exo- means "outside." Therefore, an ______skeleton is on the inside of an animal's body, and an ______skeleton is on the outside of an animal's body.

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 1: Vertebrate Origins

Section 25.2: Fish Diversity

Study Guide

MAIN IDEA: Fish are vertebrates with gills and paired fins. Use words from the box below to complete the sentence.

blood capillaries



countercurrent flow opposite


1. Fish use specialized organs called ___________ to take in oxygen dissolved in water. Gills are large sheets of frilly _____________ filled with __________________.

2. Fish ______________________ systems pump blood in a single loop through a heart with two main chambers.

3. _______________________________ is the ________________ movement of water against the flow of _________________ in the fish's gills.

Circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement.

4. Countercurrent flow works because carbon dioxide / oxygen dissolved in the water is at a greater concentration than in the fish's blood. Therefore, countercurrent flow maximizes the amount of oxygen the fish can pull from the water by diffusion. Blood is always passing by water that contains more / less oxygen than found in the blood.


5. Draw a simple sketch of a fish and label the five main types of fins on its body: dorsal, pelvic, pectoral, anal, and caudal.

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 2: Fish Diversity

Study Guide A continued

MAIN IDEA: JAWS EVOLVED FROM GILL SUPPORTS. Circle the word or phrase that best completse the statement.

6. Gill arches are structures made of bone or cartilage that function as a pump / support for a fish's gills. Jaws developed from gill arches located near the mouth.

7. An animal with / without jaws is a less effective predator than an animal with / without jaws. Therefore, it is an advantage to have jaws.

MAIN IDEA: Only two groups of jawed fish still exist. Use the words in the box below to complete the sentence.

cartilage chimeras Elasmobranchs

electroreceptive Holocephali internal

lateral line muscular rays

sensory sharks skates

8. Members of phylum Chondrichthyes have skeletons made of ___________________.

9. The two groups within phylum Chondrichthyes are the _________________ and the ______________. The Holocephali include ________________, also called ratfish. The Elasmobranchs include _____________, ______________, and _________________.

10. While the cartilaginous fish as a group may be ancient, they have many advanced features. They have _______________ fertilization, and many species give birth to live young.

11. Fish can sense their prey's movements at a distance with a sensory system called the _____________________.

12. Many fish also have _____________ organs that detect the electrical currents made by ________________ contractions in other animals. These sensory organs are called _________________________ cells because they receive electrical signals.

VOCABULARY CHECK Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

13. The term operculum comes from a Latin word which means "to cover." An operculum is a bony cover over a fish's ______________.

? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Holt McDougal Biology


Study Guide A

Vertebrate Diversity Section 2: Fish Diversity


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