
CHRISTMAS CARDS TO THE LATIN PATRIARCHATE OF JERUSALEMADDRESSES AND ADVICE FOR CHRISTMAS 2018'This is a beautiful act of solidarity.' Fr David Neuhaus SJINTRODUCTION: Thank you for your interest in sending Christmas cards to parishes in the Holy Land. This year we are encouraging cards to the most marginalized people, ie the West Bank and Gaza. If cards for Gaza arrive in Jerusalem by early December, the patriarch himself will take them to Gaza.We have also included parishes in Jordan, another place where people feel forgotten. PROCEDURE: We recommend posting parcels of cards to the Patriarch’s office rather than directly to the parishes. Cards should be addressed to your chosen church/churches and then sent as a package to the Latin Patriarchate’s office from where they will be delivered to the parishes. For each of the last eight years, the thousands of cards sent using this method have reached the parishes in Palestine. By contrast, one Christmas card sent by post to Gaza in December 2017 arrived in September 2018.IN BRIEF:Explain the system to your parishionersDistribute lists of addressesCollect cards and sort into churches4. Write a note to each receiving church for the parish priest to read out to his congregation. This will help them to understand where the cards have come from and why they have been sent.Post all the cards together to the Latin Patriarchate’s office in Jerusalem.ENDORSEMENT: “Thank you for your concern about the situation here. Believe me it is a really difficult situation. About the Christmas card I must to confess to you that it is a personal joy for me and for my parish to receive every year your cards. It is a joy to know that many people are concerning about our situation. So I advise, if it is possible, to continue to send the cards. But really if it is possible.” Fr Mario da Silva IVE, pp at Holy Family, Gaza.REMINDER: INCLUDE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ON THE CARDS4667250000SEND ALL CARDS AND LETTERS TO: Mr Sami El-Yousef Chief Executive, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Jaffa Gate – Old City, P.O.B. 14152 9114101 Jerusalem The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem was established in 1099, after the First Crusade. When the Holy City fell to Saladin in 1187, the Patriarchate was transferred to Acre, and Cyprus, and finally to Rome. After more than six centuries, in 1847, Pope Pius IX restored the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Today, the patriarchal diocese has about 70,000 members in four states: Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and Cyprus. (The full map is on the back page of this document behind the suggestions for the process of sending cards.)It covers a mosaic of cultures, languages, religions and traditions.PARISHES IN THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITYAboud: Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Parish Priest: Fr. Simon HijazinContact details: P.O.B. 3, Aboud E-mail: simon_higazeen@Ain Arik: The Annunciation Parish Priest: Rev Giovanni Cinti Contact details: P.O.B. 20776, JerusalemE-mail : fainarik@ Bethlehem has two parishes: Beit Jala: The Annunciation Parish Priest: Fr. Hanna SalemContact details: P.O.B. 3, Beit Jala E-mail: hannasalem@ Beit Sahour: Our Lady of FatimaParish Priest: Fr. Elias Tabban Contact details: P.O.B. 22, Beit Sahour E-mail: e.tabban@Bir Zeit: The Immaculate ConceptionParish Priest: Rev Abuna Louis HazbounContact details: P.O.B. 9, Bir ZeitE-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:abunalouis@.il" abunalouis@.il Gaza: Holy Family Parish Priest: Rev Mario de Silva I.V.E.Contact details: P.O.B. 149, Gaza Jenin: Holy Redeemer Parish Priest: R.P. Labib D’eibessContact details: P.O.B. 58, JénineJifna: Saint Joseph Parish Priest: R.P. Firas AridahContact details: P.O.B. 47, Jifna E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:Aridah11@" Aridah11@Rafidia: Saint JustinParish Priest: Fr Juan David Aragon Contact details: P.O.B. 21, Nablus 108E-mail: juandavid.aragon@yahoo.esRamallah: Holy FamilyParish Priest: Rev Jamal KhaderContact details: P.O.B. 47, RamallahE – mail: frjamalkh@Taybeh: Holy RedeemerParish Priest: Rev Johnny Abu KhalilContact details: P.O.B. 2, TaybehE-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:taybeh@" taybeh@ Zababdeh: The VisitationParish Priest: Rev Ibrahim NinoContact details: Latin Church, ZababdehE-mail: abounabarhoom@right317500SUGGESTIONS FOR SENDING CHRISTMAS CARDSTO PALESTINIAN PARISHES Provide cards and addresses.Ask your PP if you can explain the scheme to the parish. (Maybe arrange to have a writing session after Mass)Parishes in the Holy Land really appreciate receiving cards. One of their priests said: “This is a beautiful act of solidarity.”Choose a parish, or parishes, from the list. Write your cards. Write which parish you are from so that recipients know who has sent them a card.If you wish, include the greeting in Arabic and English. (Provided on separate sheet.)Ask for a donation to cover the cost of cards and postage.Place a small box at the back of church for people to leave cards for posting.Send all cards in a parcel to: Mr Sami El-Yousef Chief Executive, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Jaffa Gate – Old City, P.O.B. 14152 9114101 Jerusalem Delivery is not speedy. Parishes are glad to receive cards at any time but early posting gives them a better chance of arriving in time for Christmas.Currently, Post Office prices to Jerusalem are:1kg: ?13.302kg: ?18.25 The Post Office will help you weigh the parcels.LATIN PARISHES IN JORDAN CARDS TO JORDAN CAN BE SENT DIRECTLY TO THE PARISHESFr Issa ShomaliSt. Paul,P.O.B. 19AjlounJordanFr. Wisam MansourSt. JosephLatin Convent Jabal AmmanP.O.B. 210811181 Ammanwissamsm@Fr Hugo AlanizOur Lady of the VisitationP.O.B. 3526861 AnjaraJordanhugoalaniz@Fr. Ramez DeibesOur Lady “Stella Maris”Latin Convent77110 AqabaJordanramez_d_s@Fr. Imad TwalImmaculate Heart of MaryBalad P.O.B. 3319152 FuheisJordanfuheis@Fr. Firaz NasrawinThe Immaculate ConceptionP.O.B. 4621510 HossonJordanabouna_firas@Fr Suleiman ShobashSt. GeorgeP.O.B. 26821110 IrbedJordanhsleiman.lpj@Fr. Fares SyrianiOur Lady of the RosaryP.O.B. 661110 KerakJordanFr. Marwan HassanThe Beheading of St. John the BaptistP.O.B. 1917110 MadabaJordanfathermarwanhassan@Fr. Francis ShahinSt. JosephP.O.B. 46125110 MafraqJordanassisi@orange.joFr Athos RighiSt James the LessP.O.B. 917173 Ma’inJordanathos.righi@The Martyrs of JordanLatin Convent of Marj El HamamP.O.B. 24611732 Marj El HamamJordanFr Aldo TolottoSt. Theresa of the Child JesusLatin ConventP.O.B. 277Safoutatolotto@ Fr Ibrahim BatarsehThe Assumption of Our LadyP.O.B. 6819112 SaltJordanibra44@orange.joFr Tareq Abu HannaSt. MichaelLatin ConventSmakiehJordanFr. Ala’ MusharbashThe Sacred Heart of JesusLatin ChurchP.O.B. 44811953 AmmanJordanalajmsh@Fr Elie KurzumThe Twelve ApostlesP.O.B. 33713110 Zarqa NorthJordaneliekurzum@betharram.itFr Azzam JasserSt. Pius XP.O.B. 813110 Zarqa SouthJordanazz_jasser@Fr Shawki Baterian Our Lady of Peace Centre for disabled childrenP.O.B. 85137911185 Ammanshawkib@ The J&P office would be glad to know which parishes are taking part in the Greetings Card Campaign. Please send an email to s.atherton@rcaol.co.uk to say that you’ve taken part and roughly how many cards have been sent. ................

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