Bodybuilding ab workout no equipment


Bodybuilding ab workout no equipment

When you are training for maximum muscle and strength building, there are plenty of factors that need juggling. Top of our list should be deciding on your workout routine split. Figuring out how to divide up your body and your week in order to hit the right body parts over the right time period will determine whether you can recover properly. And that will directly impact on your ability to grow new muscle and get stronger. In this article, we go in depth on a 4 day split workout plan What is a 4 Day Workout Split?A workout split refers to how you divide up your body parts during your training sessions. There are all sorts of ways you can do this from training the whole body every workout to working just one body part. This 4 day workout routine split is a medium option between these two extremes where you divide your body into four training days in a cycle. There are a couple of ways you can work your 4 day workout routine. First, you work your schedule around the traditional 7 days of your week. You train 4 days out of seven days per week, traditionally on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This would see you training each body part just once per week.For those who prefer training each muscle group more than once per week, your 4 days split can be done with continuous cycling where you train for 4 days straight, then take one day off, before repeating your split. On this routine, you would be training each body part once every 5 days. Our 4 Day Bodybuilding SplitOur bodybuilding workout split to build maximum muscle mass will follow the second of our 4 days routines outlined in our last section. That will mean that you are training each body part once every five days. Trial and error over 40 years in the trenches, along with studies suggest that this is your best choice for optimal training frequency for adding muscle and strength. [1] This split routine is also good when you are training for weight loss as well as muscle gain. Here is how we will divide the body parts over the four workout days of this bodybuilding split:Day OneChest + TricepsDay TwoQuads + HamstringsDay ThreeBack, Calves + AbsDay FourShoulders + BicepsThe Weekly 4 Day Workout SplitBecause you will be training over a 5 days cycle, rather than a conventional 7 day weekly cycle, each time that you train over the month will change. Here is how your workouts will pan out over the course of a month:Mon TuesWedThursFriSatSunChest + TricepsQuads + HamstringsBack, Calves + AbsShoulders + BicepsDay OffChest + TricepsQuads + HamstringsBack, Calves + AbsShoulders + BicepsDay OffChest + TricepsQuads + HamstringsBack, Calves + AbsShoulders + BicepsDay OffChest + TricepsQuads + HamstringsBack, Calves + AbsShoulders + BicepsDay OffChest + TricepsQuads + HamstringsBack, Calves + AbsShoulders + BicepsDay OffChest + TricepsQuads + HamstringsBack, Calves + AbsThe Daily WorkoutsOk, let's drill down on the details of your actual workouts on this 4 days split routine:Day One Workout: Chest + TricepsDumbbell Bench Press ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Cable Decline Press ? 4 x 30/ 15/ 10/ 10Flyes ? 3 x 12Push Ups ? 1 x failureSkull Crushers ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Triceps Pushdowns ? 3 x 12Day Two Workout: Quads + HamstringsSquats ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Leg Extensions ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Lunges ? 3 x 12Seated Leg Curls ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Day Three Workout: Back, Calves + AbsOne Arm Lat Pulldowns ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Shrugs (Dumbbell) ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Pull Ups ? 3 x failureLeg Press Machine Calf Raise ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Cable Abdominal Crunch ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Day Four Workout: Shoulders + BicepsDumbbell Shoulder Press ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Cable Side Lateral Raise ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Rear Delt Raise (Cable) ? 3 x 12Alternate Dumbbell Curl ? 5 x 20/ 15/ 10/ 8/ 6Close Grip Pull Up ? 3 x failureRep Range for Muscle BurnThis 4 days workout routine makes use of a range of reps, including very high (20) and very low (6). With each set, you increase the weight that accommodates your new rep range. This weight will see you challenged for the second half of your set, with a last couple of reps being close to your limit of what you can do without sacrificing exercise form.Training through a full range of repetitions has been shown to be a great way to completely work the muscles. Higher reps have been shown to rapidly deplete the glycogen stores in the muscle. This leads to post-workout glycogen replacement which stretches the muscle cells, leading to greater levels of hypertrophy. High rep training also boosts the muscle occlusion effect which has been shown to improve growth factor production and satellite cell fusion. [2] [3]Working down the rep range to a final very heavy set of six reps will ensure that you are getting maximum strength and muscle gains while also being thoroughly warmed up for your heavy training.Build Muscle Fast Using a 4-Day Workout Split For Strength TrainingThis 4-Day Workout Splits combines muscular-blasting intense workouts with optimal recovery periods to increase your muscle gain. Here is what the program looks like.Days 1 to 5: The first two days will feature intense workouts that burn a lot of calories and are targeted toward gaining mass quickly. This includes power lifting exercises such as squats, bench presses, shoulder press, and dead lifts. However, you should always work out with a spotter or a personal trainer to ensure that your body stays as safe as possible while building mass.Days 6 to 10: The second week of the four-day splits features slightly less intense workouts. You'll still focus on gaining lean mass, but you'll also work out to help your recovery process. You'll continue your high-intensity workouts, but they won't be nearly as intense as the previous weeks.Days 11 to 15: On days eleven to fifteen you can rest and relax, while the next four days of your plan are high-volume workouts. The workouts will be more intense, but they won't be as exhausting. These days will focus primarily on building mass, while the last two days focus on burning calories.Days 30 to 40: The final four days of the four-day splits are specifically designed to help you burn the most calories. They will feature very intense workouts but are low intensity enough not to make you feel tired or overwhelmed.You will have three more days at home before heading back to your gym, so you'll want to schedule your program ahead of time to maximize the results. You should also take the time to set up a proper nutrition plan as well, including a healthy breakfast.4 day splits routine for strength training:If you're looking to increase your workout and muscle size then you should consider trying a 4 day workout split for strength training. You will improve your workout effectiveness, get rid of boredom and burn the most calories during the week, and increase your muscle mass at the same time.Don't skimp on your health and get in the best shape of your life by skipping a workout, especially if you need to put on pounds or build muscle fast for a competition. This is the only way you can get the results you desire and avoid getting injured.When you get started it may seem overwhelming to get all of the gear and equipment you'll need, but you'll quickly find that a great workout is easy once you have it. The trick is to choose the right workout that's going to give you the results you want. Then stick with it for four days and make sure to adjust the intensity of your routine for each day.If you need to put on a lot of muscle and want to gain a large amount of lean mass then you should use a full-body workout. When building muscle, you're going to need to focus on a few different muscle groups each day to keep yourself from getting bored. On days one through four, just focus on working your chest and shoulders, triceps, and biceps.On days five through seven focus on your legs and thighs. Then, on day eight work your abdominals, quads, calves, calves, and calves again.Don't forget to eat on the days that you train because you will lose weight in these days. It's better to work harder but not burn as many calories than to eat too much and gain weight, too quickly.After four days, you'll need to eat right. Make sure to snack on the days you are eating properly to ensure you are getting the nutrients that you need.Final ThoughtsTraining according to 4 day training splits will provide you with an ideal structure to work the body optimally. A key to success on this program is to increase your intensity every workout. You can do this by increasing the weight slightly. Because this program involves a high training frequency, you need to be getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night and eating superfood to build muscles. Be sure to get 30-40 grams of quality protein into your body within an hour or so after your session. Follow this program for six weeks. Then take a week off before switching to a full-body lifting routine for a further six weeks. References:Professional trainer certified by International Sorts Sciences Association. For the past five years, he has been a full-time fitness writer. Steve specializes in Fitness, Nutrition, Strength & Conditioning.

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