Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual

Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual

Commissioner Manual



Your role as a commissioner....................................................3

Getting started.........................................................................4

Commissioner roles and responsibilities.................................5


The history of the Oregon Home Care Commission..............6

The creation of the Oregon Home Care Commission.................................7 The Commission's evolution............................................................................8

Commission meetings and committees..................................9

Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Committee.....................10 Homecare and Personal Support Worker Training Committee............... 11 Registry Committee.........................................................................................12 Registry Committee.........................................................................................12 Workforce Development Committee............................................................12

Oregon Home Care Commission programs......................... 13

The Registry......................................................................................................13 Employer Resource Connection....................................................................13 Workers' compensation...................................................................................14 Workforce development..................................................................................14 Homecare and personal support worker trainings.....................................15 OHCC certifications........................................................................................15 Certification rates............................................................................................. 17

Terms to know....................................................................... 18

Aging and People with Disabilities (APD)..................................................18 Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS)...........................20

Medicaid services and supports............................................22

K Plan services and supports.........................................................................23 Exceptions.........................................................................................................24

Other State Plan options.................................................................................25 Other in-home programs................................................................................26

Information about homecare and personal support workers.....................................................................27

Resources .............................................................................30

Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)....................................................................30 Oregon Administrative Rules........................................................................31 Helpful websites...............................................................................................34


Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual


Welcome to the Oregon Home Care Commission. This manual provides the information and resources you will need to be an effective, successful commissioner. Along with the manual, you will receive:

? Membership Handbook for Boards and Commissions ? Oregon Home Care Commission Bylaws ? Article XV, Section 11 of the Oregon Constitution ? OHCC phone list ? Travel matrix ? Examples of completed reimbursement forms.

Your role as a commissioner

Congratulations on the Governor's appointment and Senate's confirmation for you to serve as one of nine Oregon Home Care Commission commissioners. Your term is for three years and you may be reappointed to serve another three-year term. The maximum is three, threeyear terms.

As a commissioner, you will guide the work of the Commission to ensure the quality of Medicaid funded in-home services for older adults and people with disabilities, including individuals who may be experiencing an intellectual or developmental disability or a mental illness. You will make decisions about the Commission's:

? Priorities ? Strategic goals

? Registry ? Administrative rules

? Policies ? Training program ? Employer Resource Connection program

? Bylaws, and ? Reports.

Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual


You will have the opportunity to represent the Commission on various committees and workgroups that may affect consumers of Medicaid in-home services provided by homecare and personal support workers and the workers themselves. This may include making recommendations about:

? Services and supports available to older adults and people with disabilities ? Department of Human Services or Oregon Health Authority policies, procedures and

Oregon Administrative Rules that affect the quality of services and supports available to older adults and people with disabilities ? Homecare and personal support worker qualifications ? New programs ? Workforce development, and ? Collective bargaining issues.

Commission membership includes: ? Five individuals who receive in-home services. Individuals must be an older adult, person with a physical or intellectual/developmental disability, or a person experiencing a mental illness ? One representative from the Governor's Commission on Senior Services (GCSS) ? One representative from Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) ? One representative from the Oregon Disabilities Commission (ODC), and ? One representative from the Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (O4AD).

The Commission's leadership includes a chairperson selected by the Governor and a vicechairperson elected by the Commission.

An executive director appointed by the director of human services in consultation with the Governor leads the Commission's day-to-day operations and acts on behalf of commissioners.

Getting started

Once you begin your term, you must complete several tasks. You will need to:

? Read the Membership Handbook for Boards and Commissions published by the Governor's Office.

? Complete the online training for newly appointed members of boards and commissions. The Chief Human Resources Office will send you a link to the online version within the first two weeks of the month after you are appointed. The training covers the following topics:

? Overview of Oregon state government

? Overview of boards, commissions and small entities


Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual

? General activities of boards, commissions and small entities ? Operations and management of boards, commissions and small entities ? Introduction to diversity and inclusion ? Oregon state government ethics. ? Complete the mandatory DHS sexual harassment training. ? Become familiar with the Oregon Home Care Commission Bylaws. ? Become familiar with the Oregon Administrative Rules that govern the functions of the Oregon Home Care Commission -- chapter 418, division 20. ? Learn about the in-home services programs available to older adults and people with physical disabilities, children and adults experiencing intellectual or developmental disabilities, and adults experiencing mental illness. ? Learn about the homecare and personal support worker workforce.

Commissioner roles and responsibilities

? Review handouts & meeting minutes prior to meetings.

? Arrive on time.

Be prepared

Be engaged

? Ask questions. ? Participate in

discussions. ? Make

informed decisions.

? Come to meetings in person if possible.

? Be fully engaged. ? If you call in, stay

on the line.

Be present

Be informed

? Read the bylaws.

? Learn about programs.

Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual



As a commissioner, you may be entitled to reimbursement for official Commission business according to ORS 292.495. This includes time you spend in Commission meetings or committees. It can also include time you spend in other meetings or workgroups as a representative of the Oregon Home Care Commission. The current compensation rate is $30 per day while performing official duties as ac.

Reimbursable expenses include necessary travel, meals, lodging and actual expenses incurred while performing your official duties as a commissioner.

The reimbursement rates for travel expenses are on the "Travel Matrix and Information."

To receive compensation, you must fill out and submit a "Request for Commission Member Compensation" form and a "Travel and Expense Claim" form (MSC 1297) within 60 days or you may not be reimbursed. Commission staff will provide these forms to you.

Please make sure to keep receipts. You will need to attach them to a copy of the "Travel and Expense Claim" form.

Once you complete and sign your forms, the executive director will review, sign and send them to financial services for processing. You have the choice of receiving your compensation by direct deposit (preferred) or check.

The history of the Oregon Home Care Commission

? November 2000: Ballot Measure 99 passed to create the OHCC.

? 2003: OHCC ? 2010: HB 3816 passed and ? 2014: SB 1542 was

entered into the expanded the purview

passed that created

first homecare of OHCC to serve those the Home Care

worker collective experiencing intellectual or Choice Program.


developmental disabilities


or a mental illness.

? 2001: OHCC was included in the Oregon Constitution.

? 2007: OHCC's Registry was launched.

? 2011: HB 3650 passed to allow OHCC to train and certify homecare and personal support workers as community health workers and personal health navigators.

? 2018: SB 1534 passed that makes training mandatory for homecare and personal support workers.


Oregon Home Care Commission Commissioner Manual


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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