Caregiver Handbook - Home Care Agency | Senior Care | In ...

[Pages:15]This is your Homewatch Caregivers Employee Handbook. You, the caregiver, are responsible for reading and understanding the information in it. If you have any questions, please call the office to clarify.

Office information:

Homewatch Caregivers Northshore 900 N. Skokie Blvd. Suite 126 Northbrook IL 60062 847-480-5700--24 hour line Fax: 847-480-5720 caring@

Every Homewatch CareGivers employee is expected to help create a working and service environment in which the dignity of each individual is respected. This requirement entails more than just obeying the law; it requires that all employees conduct themselves with maturity and professionalism in all that they do at Homewatch CareGivers.

Caregiver Terms of Employment Homewatch CareGivers ? Northshore is an in-home care agency providing temporary employment to applicants seeking positions as caregivers, Home Health Aides, C.N.As, and office staff. Such employment is subject to the length and terms as determined by our clients and is not guaranteed by the company for any period of time.

Circumstances related to a discontinuance of service to a client and consequent discontinuance of employment or reduction of hours may include, but are not limited to, the following: recovery by a rehabilitating client; completion of client contract; death of client; transfer of client to a facility (hospital, nursing home, etc.); move of the client out of the service area; personality conflict between client and caregiver; lack of payment from client; client's change of service to another agency; or discontinuation of service

Upon completion/discontinuance of service with a client, every reasonable effort will be made to place the affected caregiver, provided they are in good standing with the company, with a new client. However, further employment is neither assured nor guaranteed. The applicant/employee acknowledges that the company cannot guarantee continuous employment.

Employment with Homewatch CareGivers is voluntarily entered into, and the employee is free to resign at will at any time, with or without cause. Similarly, Homewatch CareGivers may terminate the employment relationship at will at any time, with or without notice or cause, so long as there is no violation of applicable federal or state law.

In order to provide equal employment, employment will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. Homewatch CareGivers does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by the law. All such discrimination is unlawful and all persons involved in the operations of Homewatch CareGivers are prohibited from engaging in this type of conduct.

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Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in information contained in the employment application may result in Homewatch CareGivers' exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination of employment.

Non-Competition Agreement All employees of Homewatch Caregivers ? Northshore agree to refrain from direct or indirect solicitation of business, including providing caregiving services, from any known Homewatch Caregivers client, client family, or client representative for the employee's personal benefit or benefit of any other company during the employee's term of employment and for one year afterward.

If an employee makes a private arrangement to work for a Homewatch Caregivers client, Homewatch Caregivers can and will seek reimbursement from the employee and the client each in the amount of $9000.00 or the largest dollar amount billed to the client for Homewatch Caregivers services in any thirty day period, whichever is greater, as an employment placement fee. This is an enforceable state action and is valid for up to one year. This is also stated in the Homewatch Caregivers Client Service Agreement.

Introductory Period All new employees are employed on a trial basis for their first 90 days of work. During that time, the new caregiver's general performance is evaluated to determine whether the new employee has the basic qualifications and ability to perform assigned work efficiently and satisfactorily, and is suited for continued employment. This trial period also permits the employee to evaluate the work assignment and Homewatch CareGivers to determine whether continued employment is desirable. Either the employee or Homewatch CareGivers may end the employment relationship at will at any time during or after the introductory period, with or without cause or advance notice.

Termination Agreement During employment with Homewatch Caregivers ? Northshore, and upon termination of employment, whether voluntary or involuntary, the caregiver agrees to never approach a client unless so directed by the agency.

Upon termination of employment, whether voluntary or involuntary, the employee agrees to leave the office or client's premises immediately and agrees under no circumstances to further contact the client, client's family or representatives, neighbors, or other contacts. This includes contact in person, by phone, fax, email, or any other form of communication.

Attempts by terminated employees to contact Homewatch Caregivers ? Northshore clients shall be considered harassment and will be reported to the proper authorities.

If an employee's personal items are left in a client's home due to change of assignment or client/employee status, the employee shall make arrangements with the office to retrieve the items.

Caregiver Job Description Caregivers provide services to the agency's home care clients following the written Care Plan as established by the Homewatch CareGivers representative and the client and/or client's family/representative. Services the caregiver may be expected to perform include: comprehensive personal care; quality of life care; surgical recovery support; respite care; hospice care; and client transportation.

In fulfillment of these services, caregivers may perform any of the following: meal preparation (including specialty diets); medication reminding; transferring; assisting with personal care, grooming, and bathing; hair care; light housekeeping; laundry tasks; changing linens; grocery shopping; running errands; assisting with wheelchairs, walkers, and other equipment; accompanying clients to appointments, events and exercise

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sessions; assisting with letter?writing and other communications; local site-seeing trips; engaging in conversations; and providing genuine companionship.

Because the caregivers sees the client on a regular basis, the caregiver is in the position to notice changes in the senior's health, activity level, and mental state, and is responsible for reporting these observations to the office in a timely manner so that family members can be notified and appropriate action taken to keep the client safe.

Requirements: 1. Previous experience as a caregiver in a home care setting, assisted living, skilled nursing, or rehab facility, or hospital 2. Able to function independently, accepting personal responsibility for the client's well-being; call for medical emergency assistance if needed; and report any change in the client's status to the office 3. Able to accurately complete client Daily Activity Log 4. Provide Drivers License or State ID, Social Security Card, and current car insurance 5. Must pass background check as required by Illinois law 6. Able to lift 20-30 pounds 7. Familiar with common assistive devices such as walkers and wheelchairs 8. Able to communicate clearly both verbally and in writing 9. Completion of required annual training 10. When required by Illinois Department of Public Health or a facility in which a client resides, caregivers will be required to have an annual TB test. 11. Agrees to the Caregiver Employment Agreement and Guidelines and Policies

Responsibilities: 1. To follow company guidelines and policies 2. To record the hours worked with a client as instructed 3. To completely and accurately fill out the Daily Activity Log for the client and to turn it in to the office every week by email, fax, mail, or personal delivery 4. Because the caregivers sees the client on a regular basis, the caregiver is in the position to notice changes in the senior's health, activity level, and mental state, and is responsible for reporting these observations to the office in a timely manner so that family members can be notified and appropriate action taken to keep the client safe 5. To promptly inform the Homewatch CareGivers office of any and all schedule changes, whether initiated by the client or the caregiver 6. To promptly notify Homewatch CareGivers of any changes in personal data

Limitations: 1. Does not set up or administer client medications 2. Does not perform skilled services that fall under the responsibilities of registered nurses, physical therapists, or other licensed health care professional 3. Does not become or act as Power of Attorney for a client or become involved in any financial transactions for the client other than assistance with errands as specified in the written Care Plan; receipts and signed records will be kept for any such errands 4. Services which may not be performed include set up and/or administration of medications; cutting of client finger and/or toe nails; manipulating the client to facilitate physical therapy; or wound care. If there is any question whether a caregiver can perform a service, even if directed to do so by the client, client's family member, or a health care professional, the caregiver must contact the office for guidance.

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Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility As a representative of Homewatch CareGivers, I agree to conduct myself according to the following principles:

1. My first priority is the client and their family. 2. I will present our services in a truthful and honest manner, treating clients as if they were members of

my own family. 3. I will acknowledge the importance of the client, their family, or their advocate in the development of

the customized Care Plan. 4. I will, to the best of my ability, meet the needs of the client, as they define them, by listening and

responding appropriately. 5. I will keep all client information strictly confidential in accordance with HIPAA Regulations (Health

Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996). 6. I will care for clients with respect and dignity because I know my actions will have a positive impact,

helping them stay in their homes longer. 7. I will report any signs of neglect or abuse to my supervisor immediately. 8. I will conduct myself with the highest standards of integrity, compassion and responsibility because I

know my actions have far-reaching effects on Homewatch CareGivers. 9. I will make the "Golden Rule" my daily priority ? treating others as I would have them treat me. 10. I will be courteous and prompt in handling all questions and complaints, following Homewatch

CareGivers policies and procedures. 11. I will maintain my competency with continued education, improving my skills, knowledge,

commitment, and attitude, to provide the best possible care.

Caregiver Rules & Regulations Automated Clock-In/Out System: Homewatch CareGivers uses a call-in telephony system to verify the caregiver has arrived on shift. You will receive separate instructions for using it. Caregivers must use the client's home telephone to clock in when arriving at the client's home and to clock out when leaving. Falsifying time records, clocking in or out from the caregiver's cell phone, or consistently failing to record shift time will be cause for disciplinary action.

Employees should report to work no more than five minutes prior to their scheduled starting time and stay no more than five minutes after their scheduled stop time. Working past the scheduled ending time without prior authorization from their supervisor is not permitted. The caregiver must record the beginning and ending time of any split shift or departure from work for personal reasons. Overtime work must always be approved by a supervisor before it is performed.

If a client dismisses the caregiver before the end of the shift, the caregiver must report to the office before leaving the client.

Altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time on another employee's time record may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

It is the employee's responsibility to submit weekly Daily Activity Logs to certify the accuracy of all time recorded. The supervisor will review the time record before submitting it for payroll processing.

Attendance and Punctuality: To maintain a safe and productive work environment, Homewatch CareGivers expects employees to be reliable and punctual in reporting for scheduled work. In the rare instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or are unable to work as scheduled, they should notify their supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence.

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Tardiness: Allow extra time to arrive at the client's home, especially for the first visit. A caregiver who is late on the first visit immediately loses the client's confidence.

If a caregiver is going to be late for a shift, call the office so that the client can be notified The office will provide driving directions if requested in advance Excessive tardiness is cause for disciplinary action. There should be a maximum of 1 tardy per month.

Anything in excess of this will affect the number of hours a caregiver may be scheduled

Absenteeism: Accepting an assignment is a commitment. The office must be notified as soon as a caregiver realizes they will not be able to work a scheduled shift. A four hour minimum notice during business hours is required unless there are extenuating circumstances. If a pattern of absences develops, the employee may receive a written warning and/or be terminated. An employee should not accept an assignment if they do not believe they will be able to work the necessary hours. When a caregiver commits to a future job, they are expected to fulfill that commitment, regardless of other opportunities that may arise. NO CALL--NO SHOW will not be tolerated. A no call/no show assumes you are resigning from Homewatch CareGivers, effective immediately. You may also be reported to the State Board of Nursing or Adult Protective Services Absenteeism is considered excessive if more than once every three months

Continuing patterns of absences, early departures, or tardiness, regardless of the exact number of days, may also warrant disciplinary action.

Illness: If an employee is sick, the employee must report this illness to their immediate supervisor as soon as possible in order that a substitute caregiver can be found for the client. A supervisor may, at any time, request a doctor's note after an employee returns to work after an accident or illness. In the event of a contagious illness, the caregiver will not be permitted to work until such time that a physician has provided written clearance to return to work. All caregivers must take in consideration the potentially compromised immune systems of the people they come into contact with on a daily basis when working for Homewatch CareGivers. It is in the best interest of the clients and other caregivers that sick employees remain at home until they have been cleared to return to work.

Time Off Requests: Requests for unpaid time off must be made a minimum of seven days in advance. Requests for time off on holidays must be made 3 weeks in advance of the holiday.

Personal Appearance: Dress, grooming, and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of clients and employees, and affect the business image Homewatch CareGivers presents to customers and visitors. Employees are expected to dress in a manner conveying their professional status.

Scrubs are the preferred uniform. Homewatch CareGivers will provide a scrub top to employees who have satisfactorily worked a minimum of 90 days

Denim blue jeans are not permitted. Colored denim pants may be worn if neat and not tight Do not wear workout clothes, tight or suggestive clothes, sweatpants, clothes with holes or patches, or

t-shirts with logos or images that could distress a client Sandals or open-toe shoes are not allowed. Clean athletic shoes are acceptable Fingernails should be trimmed to avoid accidentally scratching a client Hair should be clean, combed, and neatly trimmed or arranged. Hair should be kept secured Sideburns, mustaches, and beards must be kept neatly trimmed Jewelry can be worn as long as there are no long necklaces, dangling earrings, or rings with stones that

stick up. Body piercing, other than ears, can be very offensive to some clients. Prominent body piercings other than earrings should be removed while with a client

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Tattoos should be covered while working with a client Because of the risk of client allergies, caregivers should not wear perfume or cologne to assignments

Employees who appear for work inappropriately dressed may be sent home and directed to return to work in proper attire. Under such circumstances, employees will not be compensated for the time away from work. Consult your supervisor if you have questions as to what constitutes appropriate attire.

Contact with the Office: It is the caregiver's responsibility to contact the office weekly for assignments. The caregiver is responsible for providing a functional phone number to the office and for making sure the voicemail system is able to accept messages. The caregiver is responsible for returning phone and text messages promptly. If the office attempts to contact a caregiver and the voicemail box is either full or not set up or there is no return call the same day, that employee may not be contacted for further assignments. Note that the Homewatch CareGivers office phone is staffed 24/7.

Client Care: You will receive a written Care Plan for each client. Read and follow the Care Plan. Inform the office if changes in the client's condition require a change in the Care Plan. Accurately and legibly complete the Daily Activity Log for the client and submit to the office weekly. Do not handle client medications. Caregivers may give medication reminders only. If the client is having difficulty keeping track of medications, inform the office so appropriate action may be taken. For a client medical emergency call 911 unless otherwise stated in the Care Plan for a hospice client. Always call the office after making an emergency call.

Many clients are hard of hearing, and when a caregiver speaks clearly it is very reassuring. When meeting a client for the first time, the caregiver should introduce themself with a smile and handshake and be prepared to give the client some information about their background, such as how long they have done caregiving work and why they enjoy doing it.

Transporting a Client in the Caregiver's Car: Make sure the vehicle is presentable and senior-friendly. The caregiver's car represents Homewatch CareGivers just as the caregiver does. Caregivers will be reimbursed for mileage incurred when transporting a client or while on an errands for the client only. Homewatch CareGivers will not reimburse employees for mileage to and from the job site. Mileage will be reimbursed at the current rate set by the United States Department of Revenue and must be reported on the automated clock-in/out system and on the Daily Activity Log to be reimbursed.

Employees who may be transporting clients are required to keep a clean and safe driving record. Change in license status must be reported to the office immediately. Employees must provide the office with a copy of their driver's license and auto insurance card and update it at each renewal.

Seatbelts must be worn by everyone in the car Do not talk on the phone while driving. Don't park too close to the curb, as that can make it harder for the client to get in and out of the car.

Likewise, watch for ice, piles of snow, etc. Caregivers may not accept gas money from the client. If an employee receive a moving violation while on company duty the office must be informed. The

employee is responsible for handling their own tickets. Any accident that happens while are on duty, regardless of how minor, must be reported to the office


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Telephone Use While on Duty: Caregivers should call the automated timekeeping system or the office from the client's phone. Caregivers may not use the client's telephone for personal calls.

Cell phones should not be used for personal calls while with a client. This includes text messaging. Cell phones should be kept on vibrate or silent mode while on duty. If the caregiver needs to return a call to the office while with a client, the client needs to be informed that an office call is being returned. Employees may be required to reimburse Homewatch CareGivers for any charges resulting from personal use of the client's telephone.

Personal cell phone usage, including texting, while on work hours is prohibited. Time with the client is paid work time and must be utilized as that. In the event of an emergency and/or a need for contact with an employee's family, an employee may briefly use their cell phone after informing their client of the need to use their phone.

Any employee found to be spending time on their cell phones while at work will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Client's Computer: Caregivers may not use a client's computer for their personal use.

Scheduling: All schedule changes must be reported to and approved by the office, whether the change comes from the client or the caregiver.

Daily Activity Logs: The State of Illinois requires a written record of all services provided by the caregiver every day. Blank logs are kept in the blue folder in each client's house and are to be filled out every day by the caregiver on that day. Additional blank copies are mailed with paycheck stubs and can be downloaded from the company website. The caregiver who is with the client on Sunday or the day closest to Sunday must fax, mail, email, or drop off the week's log at the office. Logs are due in the office each week by noon Tuesday. Failure to submit the client log on time may result in cancellation of the caregiver's direct deposit.

Meal and Rest Periods: All schedules are designed to allow built in rest and meal periods for caregivers. If a client requires services during a meal time, the caregiver is expected to bring a meal to eat at the same time as the client. This is to give the caregiver a meal break and also encourage the client to eat as most clients eat better when mealtime is a social affair. Rest periods are anytime the caregiver is not actually doing physical work for the client. For example: watching TV, providing companionship, or playing cards with a client at the client's request are considered rest periods.

Live-in caregivers who are staying with a client for 24 or more consecutive hours should sleep when the client does. It is expected that the caregiver may have to assist the client with toileting overnight. If the caregiver finds themselves unable to get adequate sleep due to a client's overnight activity, it should be documented on the client's Daily Activity Log and reported to the office so a safe solution can be worked out.

Emergencies: Homewatch Caregivers does not provide medical care. In any emergency the caregiver's first call should be to 911 except in hospice cases. (see note below)

The caregiver must use his/her best judgment to call 911 when the client is reluctant to seek help. If the emergency is not immediately life-threatening the caregiver may call the office to ask for direction.

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After a call to 911, the caregiver should notify the Homewatch office as soon as possible to get further instructions. When the emergency has been handled, the caregiver must complete a Critical Incident Report. Emergencies can include, but are not limited to:

Physical pain Falls Bleeding Breathing difficulty Unconsciousness One-sided body weakness Slurred speech or sudden mental confusion Fire

Hospice cases: The caregiver will be informed of the hospice number to call when the client's condition worsens.

It is the caregiver's responsibility to notify the office of any change in the client's condition or circumstances that could have a negative impact on the client.

Critical Incidents/Accidents: All client falls and other health issues, regardless of how insignificant, must be reported to the office immediately and a Critical Incident Report turned in. Caregiver injuries and household problems, such as an item breaking, must also be reported promptly. Failure of a caregiver to report an accident may result in dismissal.

Gifts or Gratuities: Employees may not accept gifts or gratuities from clients, vendors, suppliers, or other persons doing business with Homewatch CareGivers. Employees must report any offer of a gift or gratuity to the office. Employees must also refrain from the selling or purchasing of items to/from a client. This could lead to allegations of theft and/or inappropriate payment amounts for items. At no time should a caregiver offer to buy anything considered to have a monetary value from a client. Accepting gifts/gratuities without reporting them to the office is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees may not solicit or distribute literature in the workplace or a client's home at any time for any purpose.

Client Privacy under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): HIPAA covers any information about a person's physical or mental health; services rendered or payment for the services; and personal information that connects the person to the medical records, such as client name, address, social security number, other identification numbers, physician's notes, and billing information. Homewatch CareGivers employees are instructed to adhere to the regulations as follows: do not discus private information about the patient or family with others; keep written documentation private; take reasonable care to avoid being overheard when discussing a client with the agency; or do not discuss the client's case with anyone not connected with Homewatch CareGivers.

Personnel Data Changes: It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify Homewatch CareGivers of any changes in personal data. Personal mailing address, telephone numbers, email address, number and names of dependents, individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency, educational accomplishments, and other such status reports should be accurate and current at all times.

Visitors: Caregivers may not have visitors while on duty with a client.

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