
Parent InformationSeptember 2020Updated 1st September2020 (pages 8-10)Parent Information for September 2020Arrangements for the first two weeks returning to schoolCurrentlyMoving toButterflySquirrelHoneybeesFoxSquirrelsBarn OwlFoxHedgehogBarn OwlTigerHedgehogKangarooTigerWolfKangarooOtterOtterJaguarWolfChimpsJaguarGorillaChimpsHummingbirdThe children will return to their old class on Thursday 3rd September. The following week they will also remain in their old class and will follow your assigned times for coming into school, so if they are a Hedgehog this academic year they will look for the start and end times of Hedgehogs and also where they need to line-up. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children (Years 1 and 2) will enter school through the Manor Drive entrance and can be escorted by an adult to their allocated lining-up place where they will be picked up by their teacher and taken through the playground to their class. No adults will be allowed onto the playground or classrooms. If you are too early for your start you will be asked by a member of staff, who will be on duty at the gate, to safely wait on the paved areas until it is your time to come on site. We also have a holding area on the grass, just inside the grounds where you may be asked to wait to alleviate congestion at the gate.Children who are in Years 3 to 6 will enter school through the Dorothy Avenue gate, again at their allocated times and will be asked to safely wait outside the gate until it is their slot. There will be other adults to help direct the children to their outdoor classroom door. To reduce the amount of people on site we have decided that children in Key stage 2 know school well enough to be left at the gate so no parents or other adults will be allowed on site unless they are moving to KS1 to drop off a sibling and then they will be asked to follow the signs.The same applies to parents using the Manor Drive entrance to drop off FS or KS1 children, older siblings can be directed through to their class in KS2 using the signs. If you think you may have an issue with dropping off and picking up arrangements please contact the office by phone or email, though the timings should be such that children shouldn’t be hanging around for long if one child has an earlier time than another, it has worked well for children who have been in school this Summer Term.The week commencing Monday 14th September will be the true start to our academic year and this is where you will now need to look at the start and end time for your new class on the next page - please note those children who have been in our Year 2 classes moving in to Year 3 will now need to use the Dorothy Avenue gate.Drop-off and Pick-up TimesFoundation Stage Honeybees and ButterflyEnter via Manor Drive gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaThe gate to KS1 playgroundStart Time 9.00 - 9.10End Time3.20Year 1 Squirrels and FoxEnter via Manor Drive gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaThe gate to KS1 playgroundStart Time 8.40 - 8.50End Time3.10Year 2 Barn Owl and HedgehogEnter via Manor Drive gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaOutside Y2 gate Start Time 8.50 - 9.00End Time3.15Year 3 Tiger and Tree KangarooEnter via Dorothy Ave. gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaDorothy Ave. gate children to enter by the outside class door.Start Time 9.00 - 9.10End Time3.25Year 4 Otter and WolfEnter via Dorothy Ave. gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaDorothy Ave. gate children to enter by the outside class door.Start Time 8.50 - 9.00End Time3.20Year 5 Chimps and JaguarEnter via Dorothy Ave. gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaDorothy Ave. gate children to enter by the outside class door.Start Time 8.40 - 8.50End Time3.10Year 6 Gorilla and HummingbirdEnter via Dorothy Ave. gate.Drop-off and Pick-up areaDorothy Ave. gate children to enter by the outside class door.Start Time 8.35 - 8.45End Time3.15Safe ParkingWe have a request to all parents who drive their children to school to observe the timings and yellow Zig Zags outside the school. We fully understand the hectic routines of mornings but if you could allow yourselves the extra time to perhaps park away from the school and walk to the gates this would help greatly with the safety of our children. ’Just Dropping off’ doesn’t mean that Zig Zags can be ignored, as having had the opportunity to stand at the gate every morning this term we can see the near misses. Those that park alongside the pavement on the Zig Zags, block the view of oncoming traffic and also make it extremely difficult for parents to cross over the road opposite the gate with people swinging into the cross-hatched area to allow for passing cars. We hope you can see the need for these simple safety measures as there will be more people around the gate in September so we need to mitigate any unnecessary risk. Let’s work together and be considerate to the safety of all including our neighbours who live down Manor Drive and also on Dorothy Avenue.We will be contacting the Pre-school to help get the message out to ‘No STOPPING ON THE ZIG ZAGS’Transition DaysWe have arranged for children to have two transition days to their new class and new teacher on Weds 9th and Thurs 10th September. The children will still go to what has become their usual drop-off and pick-up point and their new teacher will come and take them to their new class and will also bring them back to be picked-up at the end of the day. You have previously been informed of the day and time you can come and meet the new teacher but you may be asked to wait outside as we are limiting one child and their adult and would ask where possible to make alternative arrangements so that younger siblings are not part of the visit and prams will not be allowed in rooms. Friday 11th will be the last farewell and hopefully will help in bringing closure to a very confusing and uncertain phase for your child. Unfortunately we will not have Miss Margarson in school for the current Chimps Class but Mrs Kiddle and Mrs Machon will be there to offer support.UniformsOur school uniform will be worn at all times and can be ordered from School Trends online at: type in our school name and all the uniform and PE kit that are available to buy will show. Please note that bookbags may still be bought from school in September by ringing Reception to arrange purchase. Children will need to have their PE Kit in school which should have plimsolls for indoor use and trainers for outside games and a warmer kit when then the weather turns cooler such as a tracksuit.All items should be clearly named and checked regularly after washing to ensure the name is still visible.Around School and Daily School LifeOur aim is to keep each class as separate from one another as much as possible within the building but to allow a year group to play outdoors together and if they are having hot lunches, to be able to sit together. Packed Lunches will be eaten in their individual classrooms.PE and games will still take place with the outdoors being used as much as possible. You will be informed of your PE slot via the school website once your child has moved to their new class.Outdoor sinks have been provided around school to further encourage regular hand washing and mobile stations for hand sanitising will be in place.Assemblies will not take place in the hall but the use of video calling will be used to ensure the children feel a part of the school family and to learn what each other are doing.There will be a cleaner in school throughout the day to ensure that surfaces and toilets are cleaned regularly.We will continue to have professionals in school to meet the individual needs of our children who will follow our school’s guidance on working with our students.Currently those children who will be in Y6 and who have passed their bikeability can cycle to school but they must wear a helmet. They will dismount their bike on entering school and walk it to the bike shed. This is also the same for children on scooters - they should only be walked through once on the school site.Children in Year 5 will take part in Bikeability in October and further information will be given in September.Swimming in Year 4. We are currently waiting to hear from our lesson provider to see how and when we can start in light of the new announcement about swimming pools being open.We would ask that if you are thinking of ear piercing for your child if it could be done at the beginning of the Summer holidays to allow for healing as earrings have to be removed for lessons.Before and After school ActivitiesWe are currently working with the providers of our clubs to see how we can safely facilitate them following the current guidance.Educational day trips can still go ahead but where possible we will look to bring enrichment activities into school especially in the first term. Current guidance recommends that schools do not do residential trips and we will adhere to this however, we will still contact venues to register our interest; these usually happen in the summer term and if it is safe to do so, we will still try our utmost to make these happen.ClassroomsClassrooms will look slightly different when the children return, following the latest Government Guidance, the main one being that desks will be in rows rather than in groups with any unnecessary soft furnishings and furniture removed to allow for better movement for the teacher and children. Each child will have their own individual bag of equipment for essential items including an individual pack of tissues. We would ask that unnecessary items are not brought into school. These are the items we would expect:Water bottleLunch bag if having packed lunchesSchool bag or bookbag (the new Foundation Stage can buy bookbags from school in September) to transfer essential items such as reading books and recordsPE kit to remain in schoolHats and coats Each classroom will have a designated station of essential cleaning supplies, hand sanitiser as well as use of the classroom sink and toilet sinks for handwashing. The children will haveassigned toilets to use and times to use them to ensure classes stay apart. Children will still be able to use the toilet when they need to but will be supervised. Lower down in school where tactile resources are needed for learning, these will be cleaned where possible throughout the day or at the end of each day. It is important that young children have every opportunity to develop their social skills and independence and we will, as safely as possible, enable this.AttendanceIt will be mandatory for all children to be in school when we start in September and the rules we will follow are:parents’ duty to ensure their child attends regularly at school where the child is a registered pupil at school and the compulsory school age; school’s responsibilities to record attendance and follow-up absence availability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct We will have the excellent services of Attendance Matters as our Educational Welfare Officer and those parents who have worked with them will know how supportive they are in working to get your child into school whatever the problem.Shielding advice for adults and children will pause on 1st of August, subject to a continued decline in the rates of community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) . This means that even the small number of pupils who remain on the shielded patient list can also return to school, as can those who have family members who are shielding. Please read the current advice on shielding. We fully appreciate the anxieties that you may have with your child returning to school so please do contact us if you have any further questions.If your child will not be in school for whatever reason, you will need to phone in to school giving your child’s name and class and the reason for non-attendance between 8.15 and 9.00amIllnessIf your child is unwell please do not send them to school. If someone in the household is showing symptoms of the CoronaVirus follow the guidance below.If anyone in the school becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), they must be sent home and advised to follow ‘stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection’, which sets out that they must self-isolate for at least 7 days and should arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19). Other members of their household (including any siblings) should self-isolate for 14 days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.If a child displays symptoms within school they will be removed to a designated room.An adult on our contact list will be asked to come and collect their child as quickly and safely as possible.Any members of staff who have helped someone with symptoms and any pupils who have been in close contact with them do not need to go home to self-isolate unless they develop symptoms themselves (in which case, they should arrange a test) or if the symptomatic person subsequently tests positive (see below) or they have been requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace.If we have a child sent home we will text parents in the same class so that they can be vigilant to symptoms in their own child Below is printed some advice about what to do if you think your child or adult in your home may be displaying symptoms of the CoronaVirus.A person with symptoms ................

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