Internal Six Sigma Project Team

Meeting MinutesDate & Time:Tuesday, June 9, 2020Location:Colonial Oaks FirehouseFacilitator:Commissioner FenstermakerScribe:Linda NicholasMeeting Objective:Monthly MeetingAttendees:Status (Present / Absent)Commissioner Edward BownePresent (via telephone)Commissioner Thomas DuffyPresentCommissioner Ryan FenstermakerPresentCommissioner Scott MillerPresentCommissioner David WoodPresentMINUTES / NOTESMeeting called to order at 19:37 by Commissioner Fenstermaker.Pledge of Allegiance was recited by missioner Bowne read the Open Public Meeting Act as follows:THIS MEETING IS BEING HELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT (L.1975, C.231, S.3-D) AND PURSUANT THERETO, A SCHEDULE OF REGULAR MEETINGS WAS ADOPTED AT THE MEETING OF MARCH 10, 2020, WHICH SCHEDULE WAS FILED WITH THE MUNICIPAL CLERK, PROVIDED TO THE HOME NEWS TRIBUNE AND THE SENTINEL, AS WELL AS POSTED IN THE MUNICIPAL missioner ???? indicated where the emergency exits are located.Roll call was taken.CORRESPONDENCE (reported by Commissioner Duffy)Received a letter/gift of $100 in memory of Ken Skalla from Reverend Dr. Matt Murphy.Donation letter from Mrs. Skalla and daughter Lisa to St. Paul’s church in memory of Ken Skalla.Quarterly Minutes from the Fire District Association.INSURANCE (reported by Commissioner Duffy)All signed up and current.Ken Skalla’s widow received his check.Received an insured statement from MacNeil & Co.LOSAP - reported by Commissioner Miller and Commissioner FenstermakerJudy Skalla has asked if there are any benefits for Ken. Commissioner Fenstermaker said he wanted to make sure the most recent deposit went in about 2 weeks ago. It was approved at the last meeting. Commissioner Fenstermaker confirms he has the certificate and just has to ask Lincoln one question. Once he has that answer he will call Mrs. Skalla.PROFESSIONAL REPORTS – reported by Chief SeidlerThe Assistant Chief purchased a calibration kit to calibrate the gas meters in the amount of $246.00. Invoice was given to Christine.New gear is in that was purchased back in 2019.PUBLIC PORTIONCommissioner Wood said there has been a small gym put together in the back building of the firehouse. It was put together with donated equipment. The Commissioner requested if some funding from the Training Budget could be used to add to this gym. The treadmill has some issues that have to be fixed. The Home Gym is not safe. There is $8,000 budgeted for 2020. $2,000 has been used already. There is a little over $5,000 left. Commissioner Fenstermaker said as long as people will use it then he is OK with it. With the current pandemic public gyms will not be opening soon. Commissioner Wood would like to get some cardio equipment be purchased such as a rowing machine or a new treadmill, so folks don’t have to just use weights. Commissioner Festermaker requests that rules be followed to keep machines sanitary, only one person use the equipment at a time. The chief looked into a professional set and it would be in the area of $3,000.00. Commissioner Wood made a motion to purchase gym equipment not exceed $3,000 to purchase this new equipment. Commissioner Fenstermaker seconded that motion. All were in favor; it was so missioner Wood also said as the Safety Officer for Brookview Fire Company, he is looking for funding to stock pile stuff such as masks, cleaners such as alcohol sprays for radios, etc. He is requesting $300.00 to make these missioner Duffy made a motion for Commissioner Wood to receive $300.00 in order to purchase masks and cleaners for gear and equipment. Commissioner Fenstermaker seconded that motion. All were in favor; it was so moved.Collin Spezio, Engineer, stated that there are some issues with Engine #902. It is sitting at Campbell right now getting the AC replaced as well as the brake governor due to major air leaks. These items were somehow missed during the last Preventative Maintenance it just went through. Collin stated they are looking to move away from Fire & Safety because there has been too many issues with them and he feels the PMs are being half completed. They had an issue with the cab on #902 last week where it would not go up. They found the celluloid needs to be replaced but instead it looks like during the PM with Fire and Safety, they only cleaned the wiring out and it still will not go up. Fire and Safety also missed the major air leak on the governor brake. Colin reached out to Campbell and found out what their preventative maintenance would cost. They would come to the firehouse, they also offer road side service in case a vehicle should break down (24 hours/day). Pricing is definitely a lot cheaper with them and the PM is more thorough than Fire and Safety. Commissioner Wood stated we should give Campbell a shot at it. Collin got a hold of the receipts on the PMs for Engines #901 & #902 and found the total for one engine was $2,300 and Campbell says that the same work would be $900 with them. Commissioner Wood asked for him to get details on their pricing to confirm they are a better deal. Collin was also told that we would get a discount because they work with the other 2 fire houses in town. Collin said the truck should be back by Thursday.TREASURY REPORT (reported by Commissioner Wood) Commissioner Wood received something from the Local Finance Board. He will pass onto Christine Gerbereux to look into what it missioner Wood also stated that two payments have to be approved tonight to the township. The first is for Engine #904 payment of $168,800.00. The second is for the truck $125,218.00. They just have to be paid out. There is only one more payment due next year for the truck. Christine Gerbereux was absent this evening so there is not a ledger containing the invoices to be paid so Commissioner Wood stated new invoices that will be paid and what they were for and he will get together with Chris to pay them next missioner Wood sent an email out about blast masks for training in the amount of $1,463.70.Task Apparatus - $1,500.00American Tire & Auto (chief’s vehicle #908 – tire repair) for $35.81.MacNeil & Company - $6,662.00 Brookview Volunteer Fire Company – purchase of 200 masks received - $800.00Home News Tribune - Advertising for the budget - $113.69MacNeil & Company – Commercial Package we have a credit of $1,257.41.Umbrella - Commercial we have a credit of $35.93Commercial Package they charged us $7,059.00 for the new fiscal year.Inland Marine – we have a credit of $182.63Inland Marine Commercial – charge of $2,060.32Umbrella Commercial - $1,060.22 along with payment schedulesDesign Collaborative - $123.75Verizon – Chief iPad - $80.02Don Salesman & Co. – fix the rear tailboard rollup door and assembly, rewire lights, etc. $2,297.91Commissioner Miller made a motion to pay the bills. Commissioner Fenstermaker seconded the motion. All were in favor; it was so moved.OLD BUSINESS:Commissioner Miller would like to discuss the insulation situation with Riva Avenue. In regard to the email from Red Lion today, they are going to come in and remove the insulation to the roofline. Prior to that the communication from J&M was to remove all the insulation. Commissioner Miller asked Linda from Design Collaborative her thoughts on that and she stated that there is no evidence that it was installed improperly. Her thoughts are that we could have it privately tested to see if it meets all of the proper requirements. If we do test it, it would be at our expense. Commissioner Duffy added that he walked around and saw the texture on the ceiling versus what is on the wall it is totally different. It is consistent on the wall but not on the ceiling. Commissioner Duffy would have no problems with someone testing it. Commissioner Miller said that we are just the 1-year warranty, but it was caught right before the warranty. His point is if we don’t get is tested now, we may have missed an opportunity to get it fixed if there is an issue with it. Cost is yet unknown and tester is unknown as well. If it is not inspected the Commissioners feel it might be a gamble. Commissioner Duffy feels pictures should be taken now before the work is done by Red LionNEW BUSINESSNothing to report.Meeting adjourned at 20:14.#Action ItemLead ResourceTarget DatePriorityComments1Chief to look into Campbell to take the place of Fire & SafetyChief SeidlerNext meetingHigh2Riva Ave InsulationCommissioner DuffyHigh34Items / Issues to discuss at a future meeting (Parking Lot):#Description12Decisions / Agreements:#Description1Purchase gym equipment not to exceed $3,000.002Purchase masks and cleaning equipment not to exceed $300.003Pay bills ................

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