Mill Creek South Homeowners Association

Mill Creek South Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Board

Monthly Meeting, 7:00PM

August 12th, 2009

Walk Residence

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm. Board members Scott Walk, Michael Wheelwright, Jim Muehlberg and Ronda McCauley attended. Natalie Somer of the ARC was also present. Homeowner Brian McCauley attended and was unanimously appointed to the board as Secretary.

Treasurer's Report: $300 was approved to help replace tools stolen from the Mill Creek grounds crew while working at MCS. The board voted to ask our lawyers to return the balance remaining on our retainer to file suit against the homeowner of the burned home—Michael Wheelwright (next-door-neighbor) reports that construction is proceeding nicely. Mill Creek’s current HOA balance sheet indicates assets of $38,400.47

ARC Report: The ARC section of the MCS website is currently being revamped and will include a link to recommended home and yard contractors. Please be advised that the “Tree Scammers” are back in the neighborhood; please contact Michael Wheelwright if you are considering having tree work done. Rain Barrel/Shed/Paint information will be listed on the website but must still be approved by the ARC. The ARC reported one new application. Brian McCauley also agreed to join the ARC board.

Grounds Report: A decision to allow for natural succession of the slopes at the entrance to MCS was reached, as well as a decision to consider “renovation” of the bare patches created by poor mowing practices. The street sign on Avon was replaced.

Social Chair Report: The Neighborhood Social was a great success, seeing in excess of 80 adults and children. Thanks to Ronda McCauley and everyone who volunteered their time and effort. Michael Wheelwright recovered nicely from his fainting spell.

Website Chair Report: Digital versions of the Homeowner Packet (Bi-laws & Covenants), the new ARC Application, and our Association financial reports are all available now online for review.

General: The mailbox repair team has done one more mailbox repair.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.


• If you want to get e-mails about issues regarding the neighborhood, sign up on the website (). Your e-mail address is kept confidential.

• If you are selling your home and need a copy of the disclosure packet, contact Scott Walk. The cost is $25, payable to MCS HOA.

• Please remember that the speed limit in the neighborhood is 25 MPH. Many residents (including children and people with dogs) bike and walk on our streets, so please be cautious.

• All changes to your home exterior, including but not limited to sheds, windows, painting, mailbox replacements, tree removal and retaining walls need to be pre-approved by the ARC. Please contact Dell Erwin at 245-5891 for an application.

• The Board reminds homeowners that MCSHOA covenants prohibit all signs, including real estate, for sale, open house, political signs and any other notices in your yard or in windows.

• The Board reminds homeowners that MCSHOA covenants require our yards be maintained in a presentable appearance and with no storage of materials/household items visible from the roadways.

• Mailbox repair/replacement is available for $25/$100, respectively, payable to the MCSHOA. Contact Scott Walk. Paint specifically for the mailboxes (Duron’s Shore Beige) is FREE to all homeowners looking for the do-it-yourself method. Contact Dell Erwin at 245-5891.

The next MCS HOA Meeting will be Wednesday, September 9th at 7PM at Cale Elementary School. All homeowners are encouraged to attend and provide input.

Directors and ARCC: *=present

*Scott Walk President 977-8827

Allison Scholl Vice President 293-8814 allison.scholl@

*Jim Muehlberg Treasurer 293-3576 jim@

*Ronda McCauley Social 760-1718 ronda_rennick@

John McMullen Website 975-2821 johnmcmullen@

*Michael Wheelwright Grounds/Maintenance 296-6134 wogonjm@

*Brian McCauley Secretary 760-1718 mcaly_b@

Dell Erwin ARCC 245-5891 dellerwin@




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