Homemade carpet cleaner solution bissell proheat


Homemade carpet cleaner solution bissell proheat

We purchased the Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro Carpet Cleaner so our reviewer could test it out on a variety of set-in stains. Keep reading for our full product review. Carpet cleaners like the Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro are a great way to elevate your cleaning routine, as they help get more dirt and grime out of your carpets and furniture than possible by vacuuming alone. They're super useful for removing odors and stains, and as an added bonus, having your own carpet cleaner can save you money on renting one or hiring professionals. The Bissell Pet Pro claims to be designed with pet owners in mind, which is a really appealing concept, as many other carpet cleaners don't handle pet hair and odors well. To see if it delivers on its claims, I put it to the test on my long-haired dog's favorite sleeping spot, as well as a variety of common household stains. Here's what I found. The Spruce / Camryn Rabideau The base of the Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution comes all in one piece, but I did have to attach a number of additional parts before I could get the carpet cleaner up and running. In particular, I had to screw on the regular handle and clip on the small "carry handle" that allows you to pick up the machine--seemingly straightforward tasks, yet I found them to be confusing. The process wasn't intuitive, in my opinion, so I found myself referring back to the instructions several times. The Spruce / Camryn Rabideau Once I had it assembled, the Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro looks like an oversized upright vacuum, and it has a number of useful features that make it incredibly versatile and easy to use. For instance, you can choose between the new Max Clean (labeled as Deep Clean on the machine itself) or Express Clean modes. The latter uses less water and soap so carpets will dry faster--usually in about 30 minutes, according to the brand. There's also a CleanShot Pretreater pedal that, when pumped by foot, squirts extra soap from the front of the brush head to help break down tough stains. This carpet cleaner is easy to maneuver, and its soap and water trigger is conveniently located inside the handle. The clean water tank is easy to fill with one of the included cleaning solution samples--Bissell's Professional Pet Urine Eliminator + Oxy and the Pet Stain & Odor + Antibacterial Carpet Formula. If you're using an Easy Fill soap, which the included Antibacterial Carpet Formula happens to be, you can just pour until it reaches the line on the tank. However, not all Bissell soaps are Easy Fill--for instance, the Pet Urine Eliminator isn't--so make sure to double check before you pour it in. If it's not an Easy Fill formula, you have to measure it out in the bottle's cap. In the process of washing one medium-sized rug, I had to refill it once and empty the dirty water tank twice. Another big plus is the 2-in-1 Pet Upholstery tool, which has both wet and dry modes. It features rubber bristles to more efficiently collect pet hair, and it even has a small dustbin attached that collects hair and dirt for easy disposal. In addition to this attachment, you also get a 3-inch hand tool that's designed to help scrub out stains. Need a vacuum that can tackle pet hair, too? Check out reviews for the best vacuums for pet hair. The Spruce / Camryn Rabideau I tested this carpet cleaner on one of my dog's favorite rugs, and I was blown away by the results. I choose the deep cleaning mode, and starting from the first pass, the Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro began pulling up lots of dirt! In fact, the water was so dirty I figured I should go over the rug again to be safe. However, on my second pass, the water was clean as could be. The takeaway here is that you really only need to go over your carpets once with this tool. It also managed to remove the dog odor from the fabric. I tested this carpet cleaner on one of my dog's favorite rugs, and I was blown away by the results. The Bissell carpet cleaner has a 1-gallon clean water tank, but if you're on the deep-clean mode, it won't last you very long. In the process of washing one medium-sized rug, I had to refill it once and empty the dirty water tank twice. The annoying part about the dirty tank is that while it looks pretty big, the "full" line is about halfway up the tank. However, I did find it convenient that this carpet cleaner automatically shuts off when the dirty tank is full, saving me from having to check to see if it needs emptying. The one letdown was that despite its name being the Bissell ProHeat, this carpet cleaner doesn't actually heat up the water it uses to clean floors. Instead, like with many other similar tools, I had to fill the water tank with hot tap water before use. Is it a big deal? Not really. But you might be a little disappointed if you expect this tool to heat up its own water. Despite its name being the Bissell ProHeat, this carpet cleaner doesn't actually heat up the water it uses to clean your floors. Want to keep your home from smelling like your animals? Check out the best air purifiers for pets. The Spruce / Camryn Rabideau If you have pets, chances are you're no stranger to stains, whether is dirt, urine, vomit, or something else. The Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro claims to remove deep stains from carpets; to see if this was true, I stained an old rug with mustard, chocolate, salad dressing, coffee, wine, dirt, and permanent marker. After letting the stains dry, I put the carpet cleaner to the test. I used the hand tool to scrub each stain twice, and it got the majority of the chocolate, salad dressing, coffee, and dirt out. The wine and mustard stains were still visible, and the permanent marker barely budged. Keep in mind that none of these stains were pretreated, and you would likely be able to get them fully out with a spot treatment. Want to take a look at some other options? See our guide to the best carpet cleaner solutions for pets. In my experience, many carpet cleaners have highly touted features that fall a bit flat in terms of performance. However, this model actually delivers with genuinely useful features for pet owners. For instance, the Express Clean mode is ideal if I want a quick clean before guests arrive and need my carpets to dry fast. The rug dried significantly faster with this mode, but it was still close to an hour before it was dry to the touch--not the 30 minutes the brand claims. I found the pretreatment feature easy to use: It delivers a targeted burst of formula onto stains to help break them up. Then there's the dual-function upholstery tool, which I thought was unbeatable at sucking up pet hair and allowed me to both vacuum and wash the furniture. This model actually delivers with genuinely useful features for pet owners. Additionally, customers can buy a bare floor tool (not included) to use with this machine, enabling them to clean their floors without breaking out the mop. The Spruce / Camryn Rabideau The Bissell Pet Pro is roughly the size of an upright vacuum cleaner, and unfortunately, it doesn't fold up for easy storage. This means you'll need a fairly large space to store it in. The good news is that this machine is easy to clean after use--important if you're going to be sucking up pet hair left and right. I love that the brush head comes off easily, allowing me to rinse off the clear cover. There's even a nozzle cleaning tool that you can use to scrape out any lingering hair or dirt. It's an incredibly well-thought-out design that's far superior to many of its competitors. Once you're finished cleaning the machine, there's a drawstring bag where you can store all the accessories--a seemingly small detail that actually makes a big difference in terms of convenience. I know I'm guilty of losing vacuum accessories if they don't have a designated storage space, so being able to hang the bag right on the carpet cleaner is ideal. The Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro retails for around $270--this is on the more expensive side as home carpet cleaners go, but this machine's ease of use, top-notch performance, and versatility make it worth the additional cost. After all, wouldn't you rather pay a little more for a machine that gets the job right the first time? In terms of size and design, the Bissell Pet Pro and Hoover Power Scrub Deluxe appear to be quite similar. They both resemble upright vacuums and include a storage bag where you can stash all their accessories. However, the Hoover Carpet Washer, which I also tested, is significantly less expensive, and its lower price is reflected in its performance. The Hoover has separate compartments for clean water and soap, which is convenient, but several of its tanks and connections are prone to leaking. It has separate wash and rinse modes, and overall, it does an OK job cleaning rugs. However, it simply can't match the performance and versatility of the Bissell. Bottom line? If you're looking for a straightforward, no-frills carpet cleaner, you might be happy with the Hoover Power Scrub Deluxe. However, those who own pets and want a more superior clean should spend the extra money for the Bissell Pet Pro. Final Verdict Don't wait--buy this carpet cleaner.If you're a pet owner looking for a carpet cleaner, you probably won't find one better than the Bissell ProHeat 2X Revolution Pet Pro. While it is on the pricey side, it delivers unbeatable results, even on stained, smelly carpets, and it comes with a variety of useful features that will make it a tool you reach for on the regular.

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