All Pest

177800000 ALL PEST INC. 18383 N. Harbor Road Adams Center, NY 13606 (315)788-PEST, (315) 482-PEST, (315) 298-4882, 1-800-577-PESTWindow Cleaning TipsFor All Pest ClientsWhen your All Pest technician makes an exterior application to your home or other structures, he will do his best to minimize overspray on your windows. However, some overspray is inevitable, especially second or third story windows.All Pest technicians use the very latest in pesticide technology. The product we most often use for exterior applications has a proprietary polymer ingredient that protects the active ingredient from sunlight, rain, dust, and pollen, thus increasing the active ingredient’s useful life. The polymer does stick to surfaces very well, which makes window cleaning somewhat more difficult in some cases. Here are some important tips to help you get your windows sparkling again with the least amount of time and effort:Wear rubber gloves to protect yourself from cleaning solution and pesticide residues.Wash your windows soon after the application. The cleaning process will be easier then because the polymer ingredient tends to harden with time.Use an ammonia-based cleaning solution, such as Windex?, or the homemade cleaning solution (recipe below). We have found the homemade solution is better and cheaper than commercially available solutions.Use plenty of cleaning solution, and let it soak into the deposits on the window for a moment or two before rubbing.If the deposits do not come up easily with a rag, use a non-scratching cleaning pad to scrub the deposits off. If you use plenty of cleaning solution and let it soak into the deposits for a moment or two, it will require just a little effort to scrub the deposits off. A cleaning pad designed to clean non-stick cookware, such as a Scotchbrite? Dobie?, works very well.Once the deposits have been removed from the window, polish with a dry rag or newspaper. This will make your windows sparkle!Window cleaning solution recipe: ? cup ammonia1 cup 70% isopropyl (rubbing) alcoholA few drops of dish washing liquidMix all ingredients and add enough water to make ? gallon of solution ................

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